

268 Uppsatser om Professions and professionalization - Sida 2 av 18

"Att tända gnistan och få den att flamma upp" : Samverkan mellan lärare och skolbibliotekarier på låg-och mellanstadiet

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine the collaboration between school librarians and teachers in primary school, in order to illustrate how the two professions can work together, how they see their own roles and how they look at the other professionals´ roles. We also discuss earlier studies in LIS concerning collaboration between teachers and librarians. The method of investigation is qualitative interviews with practicing school librarians and teachers, we interviewed three school librarians and three teachers from three different schools in the same county.  As a basis of the discussion and analysis Andrew Abbott's theory of professions is used. The thesis shows that collaboration differs between the schools.

"Det finns ingen tydlighet i exakt vad vi ska göra..." : Skolkuratorers erfarenheter av samverkan med andra professioner inom elevhälsan

The purpose of this study has been to examine and analyze school counselors? experience of collaboration with other professions in the student health team and the preconditions for their work. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with six elementary-, and two high school student counselors in a medium-sized town in Sweden. The theoretical approach being used is: role theory, theory of professions and theory about collaboration. The study´s result shows that the school counselors? experience an unclarity in their job assignments and their role is often described as diffuse and vauge.

En kvalitativ studie om frivilligorganisationens samverkan med myndigheter kring hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

The purpose of this study has been to examine and analyze school counselors? experience of collaboration with other professions in the student health team and the preconditions for their work. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with six elementary-, and two high school student counselors in a medium-sized town in Sweden. The theoretical approach being used is: role theory, theory of professions and theory about collaboration. The study´s result shows that the school counselors? experience an unclarity in their job assignments and their role is often described as diffuse and vauge.

Från yrkesvalslärare till karriärvägledare : Studie- och yrkesvägledaryrket i ett professionaliseringsperspektiv

I Sverige finns det idag ett stort antal yrken och en del av dessa är i en professionaliseringsprocess. Studie- och yrkesvägledaryrket är ett exempel på ett yrke i denna process. Syftet är att beskriva utvalda aktörers syn på studie- och yrkesvägledaryrkets avgränsningar, kompetens samt eventuella auktorisation i ett professionaliseringsperspektiv. En kvalitativ metod har använts och fem elitintervjuer har genomförts med representanter från Lärarförbundet, Lärarnas Riksförbund, Sveriges vägledarförening, Högskoleverket samt Skolverket. Samtliga respondenter ansåg att det finns specifika kompetenser som endast studie- och yrkesvägledare besitter men åsikten om vilka kompetenser detta är, gick isär.

Lärarlegitimationen : En studie kring lärarlegitimationen och dess betydelse för läraryrkets status

The aim with this study was to gain an understanding for teaching as an profession, and get a bigger knowledge about the certification of teaching and what it means for the teaching occupations status. To get an answer for this study two methods were used. The first method was a survey with questions that were sent out to working high school teachers in the North of Sweden. The second method was a document analysis of articales from three Swedish dailynewspapers. To analyse the results from this study a theory about professions is used troughout the whole paper.This studies resluts shows that profession as an definition is hard to undestand.

HÖGSKOLEBIBLIOTEKARIER OCH ÄMNESKOMPETENS : En undersökning av ämneskompetensens betydelse för högskolebibliotekarier i Skåne

The aim of this Master's thesis is to investigate the importance of subject expertise for academic librarians in Skåne. Virtually all librarians in Sweden have studied other subjects besides library and information science (LIS) before becoming librarians, and in this thesis we ask what happens to this expertise. How many librarians can be said to have a good background in the subjects they are working with? Do academic librarians use their subject knowledge on the job? Does it make a difference what subject one has studied when it comes to job opportunities? What do librarians themselves think of the importance of subject expertise? We are also interested in finding out how subject expertise fits in with the growing professionalization of librarianship.A quantitative questionnaire was sent to 195 academic librarians at four different institutes of higher education in Skåne. A total of 107 librarians answered questions about their LIS education, subject background and current job as well questions on how important they perceived a subject background to be for themselves and for academic librarians in general.

Godtrosförvärvslagens krav på besittning

Abstract Many researchers in social work believe that in today's society require the interaction between organisations takes place on social problems. This study examined the interaction between the police, social services and schools.The purpose of this study are as follows; the aim is to investigate the interaction between social services, the police and schools about young people aged 12-18 years who are at risk for abuse and crime.My questions are: How do the different professions interact regarding young people at risk for abuse and crime? How do they meet young people in their daily work? What obstacles can the different professions see in interaction? What effects do the different professions see in interaction?The study is a qualitative study conducted with semi-structured interviews. Respondents have been two from each organisation.The theory used in the analysis of empirical data is new-institutionalismen. New-institutionalism is a theory developed from organizational theories.

Ett livsfarligt yrke: En studie om motivation inom yrken med risk för hot och våld

The purpose of this study is to examine what factors that motivate people to work in professions with an explicit and inherent risk of threats and violence. By using a qualitative study and conducting in-depth interviews with eight security guards and doormen with experience from working at restaurants and nightclubs, the study could conclude that the interviewed security guards and doormen were motivated mainly by economic incentives and the social interaction that the profession entails. Status and riskiness of the profession did also, to a certain extent, contribute to the motivation. The professions' lack of advancement opportunities were frequently mentioned as the main reason to why one chose to leave the position, or consider the time in the profession as limited..

?Alla blir inte fotografer?: En studie av bildjournalistiken på Sydsvenska Dagbladet Snällposten och Skånska Dagbladet

Genom vår forskning ville vi ta reda på om, och i så fall hur den pågående deprofessionaliseringen av bildjournalistiken kan ha någon påverkan på den tekniska kvaliteten på bilderna som publiceras i Skånska Dagbladet och Sydsvenska Dagbladet Snällposten. Forskningen grundar sig i Gunnar Nygrens (2008b) teorier om professionalisering och deprofessionalisering. För att kunna få svar på våra frågeställningar genomfördes en metodutveckling ta fram ett systematiskt tillvägagångssätt som vi kunde använda för att dels analysera upphovsmakare och storlek på bilderna, men också kategorisera den tekniska kvaliteten på bilderna utifrån exponering, vitbalans och skärpa. Detta kompletterades med intervjuer med beslutsfattare på de båda tidningarna.I den kvantitativa undersökningen visade det sig att Skånska Dagbladets bilder till en högre grad var avvikande på någon eller flera av de punkter som undersöktes för att fastställa kvaliteten på bilderna. Den tekniska kvaliteten var också något som diskuterades i våra intervjuer.

"Det är så tabu" : Att utreda föräldraförmågan hos personer med utvecklingsstörning

The purpose of this essay is to describe and analyse the dilemmas within assessments to establish the parenting ability of mentally handicapped parents, and furthermore to see how these assessments are carried out.To achieve this purpose we have interviewed eight professionals from three different professions who comes into contact with mentally handicapped parents throughout these assessments. These professions we have interviewed people from, are employees from social services, employees from assessment homes and lawyers.We have summarized the results of our interviews into three main themes. The first is focusing on which method/model employees from social services and assessment homes use to help establish the parenting ability of mentally handicapped parents. The second theme describes different dilemmas that can arise in these assessments and the last theme describes the knowledge that people we interviewed have regarding mentally handicapped parents.Professions which carry out assessments of mentally handicapped parents often come across a variety of different dilemmas, one of the clearest is how to enable these parents to understand the necessity behind the assessment and to give them an understanding of what kind of help and support they need in order to give their children a "good enough" childhood..

Bestämmelsen om utvidgat förverkande och dess gränser

Abstract Many researchers in social work believe that in today's society require the interaction between organisations takes place on social problems. This study examined the interaction between the police, social services and schools.The purpose of this study are as follows; the aim is to investigate the interaction between social services, the police and schools about young people aged 12-18 years who are at risk for abuse and crime.My questions are: How do the different professions interact regarding young people at risk for abuse and crime? How do they meet young people in their daily work? What obstacles can the different professions see in interaction? What effects do the different professions see in interaction?The study is a qualitative study conducted with semi-structured interviews. Respondents have been two from each organisation.The theory used in the analysis of empirical data is new-institutionalismen. New-institutionalism is a theory developed from organizational theories.

I mötet mellan två världar: En studie om förändrade chefsroller i sjukvården

Swedish healthcare has experienced increased economic pressure during the last decades and organizations have faced many changes. Managers and their roles in organizations have also been affected by the changes. Traditionally, managers in the healthcare sector are highly specialized doctors with a strong medical background. In the thesis, we study a big private healthcare company with an ambition to lead the development in the sector. In order to accomplish its goal, the company is trying to change the organization of managers.

Representeras ditt yrke? : - en kvantitativ studie om vilka yrken som representeras mest respektive minst i facktidskriften DIK-forum

The aim of our study has been to see how DIK-forum represents the occupational groups that are represented in the frames of the trade journal. We have, to find out the phenomenon, done a content analysis by looking into 18 numbers of DIK-forum from year 2006 and 2007. The 18 strategically chosen journals was enough to give us a statistic result that we later on could generalize over those two years of DIK-forum. Totally there were 818 articles, news items and vacant advertisements that made the central point of this study. By these materials have we studied the representation of the occupational groups to find out if there were any over- and/or under represented groups, and also if the publications of the material were directed to the students or to the occupational groups in these trade journals.In our study the results shows that the trade journal DIK-forum does not represent all the occupational groups at the same level.

?Jag är spindeln i nätet? : En intervjustudie om förstelärares tankar kring deras bidrag till professions- och verksamhetsutveckling.

Syftet med studien är att lyfta vad förstelärare kan bidra med när det gäller professions- och verksamhetsutvecklingen. Studien baseras på en kvalitativ undersökning i form av sex stycken intervjuer utav förstelärare. Förstelärarens grundläggande arbetsuppgift är att öka måluppfyllnaden i den svenska skolverksamheten. Resultatet visar på att förstelärarna fokuserar främst på lärarna och deras utveckling. Detta genom handledning, kollegialt samarbete och förmedling av aktuell forskning.

Att delta eller inte delta? : Kulturparken Småland AB och synen på deltagarperspektivet

The purpose of this essay is to illustrate how an organisation with several different cultural activities, such as a regional museum, works with anemphasis on participation. The essay focuses on Kulturparken Småland AB, which encourages the public to be more involved in its activities. Aqualitative approach is used, including nine interviews with employees at theorganisation. A number of theories form the basis of this study: institutionaltheory, which focuses on the context of the organisation, Bourdieu?s theoriesof different capital and Abbott?s theory regarding professionals.

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