

1564 Uppsatser om Professional orientation - Sida 6 av 105

I ETT ANNAT UNIVERSUM - Efterlikning och förändring i alternativt universum-fan fiction baserad på Twilight-sagan

The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how librarians andteachers work together and with the help of other researchtry to understand what influences this cooperation. The studyis based on the following questions:1. These two professional groups have differentprofessional identities and work in two differentprofessional cultures. How does this affect theircooperation?2.

Expertis, service och autonomi : Analys av professionalisering och professionalism i bibliotekarieyrket

The purpose of this study is to examine and compare librarian profession with different professional theories. The intention is to describe how the librarian profession meets the different professional criteria and to what extent the librarian profession can be said to be professional in expertise, service and autonomy. Nolin?s modern theory provides an opportunity to analyze occupational groups based on professionalized basic concepts. The analysis of relevant material showed that the librarian is a service profession with high skills, but does not hold a high degree of autonomy.

Styrelseproffs - Finns de?

During the past two decades a new expression has emerged in Swedish business linguistics: Styrelseproffs (appr. Board Professional). The aim of this paper is to study whether a board member legitimately can be considered a professional. This is investigated through the eyes of the theoretical framework of professionalization. The empirical data is collected through interviews and presents the perspective of people considered to be Board Professionals.

Asyl och rätten att definiera sexualitet

The purpose of this paper is to examine the constructions of sexuality, which are produced when judgments concerning asylum are made, based on an asylum seeker?s sexual orientation. The question formulations are the following: Which constructions of sexuality are produced when necessary condition, fear of persecution due to sexual orientation, is applied in judgments regarding refugee status? Furthermore, how constructions of sexuality differ in the judgments where the asylum seeker has been consented and rejected is investigated. The empirical material consists of 13 judgments, which were announced between the years 2009-2013 by the Migration court.

Miljöbilens framtid : De alternativa drivmedlens påverkan och konsekvenser på regional och global nivå

Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate future marketing channels from the perspective of professional marketers.Material/Method: The study is based upon interviews with six professional marketers.Main results: Traditional marketing is not being put aside but needs to be combined with new methods. There are several new and exciting ways to gain attention from the audience, all depending on the purpose of the campaign. Mobile technology is considered upcoming and target group defining is a key issue..

Försörja sig på hästar? En studie av hur värde konstrueras i hästverksamheter

This study aims to investigate how value is constructed in horse business, in order to increase knowledge and contribute to development of theory in this field. This is important since the horse plays a significant role in the rural development in Sweden. The study assumes that value is something created through relationships in the social network. Therefore theories of sensemaking are combined with a discourse analytic method. By interviewing customers to two companies, one with orientation on trotting horses and one with orientation on showjumping horses, it was found that value is constructed through retrospective stories.

Etik för revisorer : Den etiska resonemangsförmågan hos studenter

In recent years the interest for ethics has increased exponentially. It has become more and more common with the ethic rules and guiding of principles within the business world, both in companies and in different professional groups. Auditors face difficulties and have to deal with different ethical problems where ethics and morality is taken up. It is important that accountants can react in a legal and correct manner. To become an accountant a person should have gone through college or university where the schools have some responsibility to provide the student with basic ethics course for a accounting education.The main aim with our paper is based on the theories of Lawrence Kohlberg about ethical development investigation potential differences in the ethical reasoning among student who are in first or last year of the studies with orientation in accounting.

The Impact of Customer Orientation on the Business Strategies: the Customisation Case of Nestlé on French and Chinese Dairy Markets

Background: As Porter?s diamond (1990) suggested, the business environment highly influences firms? strategies. Today, most of the companies have to decide their strategy depending from a worldwide business environment. Yet, strategy researches and the growing importance of marketing for business success also show that customer dimension must be taken into consideration. On some markets and in certain industries, the offer is much higher than the demand and then, companies need to attract customers.

Bibliotekariers yrkesroll på integrerade bibliotek: undersökning av bibliotekariers uppfattningar inom integrerade folk- och skolbibliotek

This master thesis deals with the problem of integrated libraries. The number of integrated public and school libraries has significantly increased over time. These libraries are integrated for different reasons, most often because of economic considerations. The goal of the thesis is to investigate librarians´ understanding and perceptions of the professional role in this type of integrated libraries. I have investigated how librarians see and interpret their own professional role, and what factors influence their perceptions in an integrated library.The three main questions are: How do the librarians explain their professional role in an integrated library? How does their professional role change because of the fact that they work in an integrated environment? What factors, according to the librarians, influence and/or change the professional role mostly? The data has been collected through interviews with eight librarians at integrated libraries.

Svenska i enlighet med skolans värdegrund?

This study aimed at supplementing the Swedish National Agency for Education?s (Skolverket) study (2006) I enlighet med skolans värdegrund? which investigated whether textbooks in various school subjects went against the fundamental values in the curricula Lpf94 and Lpo 94. Due to this study?s supplementing intention, this study uses a similar title as Skolverket. By adding a new subject (Swedish) to Skolverket?s study, this study also strived to show how discrimination might be present in other subjects than the ones Skolverket involved in their study.

Biblioteket är till för användarna. En studie av folkbibliotekariers syn på bibliotekarieetik

The main purpose of this master thesis is to explore a selection of Swedish librarians view of professional ethics. The latest master thesis written on the subject was published in 1997, which concluded that the Swedish public librarians had a poor awareness concerning professional ethics. We wanted to investigate if something had changed. We interviewed six librarians from five public libraries, asking them questions concerning ethical guidelines, responsibility, censorship and selection, pressure from lobbyists, and ethical problems relating to Internet. The answers we got gave the impression of a divided profession, and the librarian?s awareness of professional ethics can hardly be said to have been improved since 1997.

?En ja?vla freakshow? : Representationer av maskulinitet i svensk wrestling

The aim of this thesis is to examine representations of masculinity in the activities of a local professional wrestling promotion. After briefly outlining what professional wrestling is, the study draws on a body on feminist and intersectional theory which critiques the notion of gender as a binary and essential category. The material comprises 10 recorded shows and oth- er material published on Sthlm Wrestling?s website between 2010 and 2013, and is analyzed using a qualitative methodology derived from cultural studies. The thesis argues that there are many different types of masculinities in the narrative, which are constructed in relation to different power hierarchies such as ethnicity, class, sex and sexuality.

Revisorn 3.0 - identitetskrisen som inte finns

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att utforska hur revisorns egenskaper och uppfattningar om en god revisor påverkar den professionella och organisatoriska identiteten.Metod: Genom att använda oss av ett positivistiskt synsätt i kombination med en deduktiv ansats och en kvantitativ metod har vi erhållit vårt empiriska material.Teoretiskt perspektiv: Studien utgår från litteratur gällande revisorns traditionella och nya roll. Vidare har teori om professionell och organisatorisk identitet använts samt andra teorier inom vårt ämnesområde.Empirisk metod: SPSS har använts för att analysera vår empiri som erhållits genom en kvantitativ metod, enkäter. Empirin har analyserats genom multipel regressionsanalys samt faktoranalys.Resultat: Vårt resultat visar på att organisatorisk och professionell identitet lever i symbios och kan numera betraktas som en totalidentitet för revisorn. .

Media om Wikipedia: en diskursanalys av nationella facktidskrifter

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how librarians, information specialists and teachers discuss Wikipedia within national (Swedish) professional journals. Questions asked in the study are: How is Wikipedia perceived in the professional journals? What different positions do writers and commentators take in relation to Wikipedia? 133 articles from 31 different professional journals in the period from 2001 to the middle of 2010 were analysed. The theory and method used is Laclau?s and Mouffe?s discourse theory from which we created our own model with sex different steps.

Rätt kvalitet? -En nulägesanalys av byggbranschen

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to study how university teachers look upon information literacy, what they consider the professional role of the academic librarian and how they value cooperation between the two professions. The methodology is based on qualitative interviews and is inspired by phenomenography. A limited number of qualitative interviews has been carried out in order to describe the attitudes and opinions of the university teachers related to my issue. I have also used the results of two theoreticians, Monica Hansen and Berth Danermark, who have studied cooperation between different professional groups.

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