

1562 Uppsatser om Professional orientation - Sida 3 av 105

Kompetensuvecklingssituationen för lärare i Idrott och hälsa

This study aim to investigate the conditions framing the professional development situation for physical education teachers (PE) in a small municipality in the south of Sweden. The Swedish National Agency for Education declare that "focus must be directed towards strengthening the teachers' profession", and that "schools need well-trained teachers and good teaching to help students achieve good results". The study focuses both the schools? contribution and the way in which the teachers take own initiative and are motivated to develop their professional skills. The investigation is all based on teachers' perspectives.

Det professionella samtalet : en studie av kommunikation under föräldramöten

The aim of this paper is to define and analyze how the teacher and parents communicate during a parent conference, to acquire knowledge about how the professional conversation can be used during a parent conference. Our study has focused on the teacher?s professional skills during the parent conference. Parent conference has traditional been a time for teachers to inform the parents about the classroom work. It has always been a one- way communication (Alfakir, 2004), but the curriculum stats that parents should have more influence and be a part of the school.

?De handlar inte alltid om att vinna? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om handikappidrott utifrån ledarnas perspektiv

This study aim to investigate the conditions framing the professional development situation for physical education teachers (PE) in a small municipality in the south of Sweden. The Swedish National Agency for Education declare that "focus must be directed towards strengthening the teachers' profession", and that "schools need well-trained teachers and good teaching to help students achieve good results". The study focuses both the schools? contribution and the way in which the teachers take own initiative and are motivated to develop their professional skills. The investigation is all based on teachers' perspectives.

? Ibland ka?nner jag mig o?vergiven da?rfo?r att personalen har sa? mycket andra ma?nniskor att ta hand om?.  : - En kvalitativ intervjustudie som presenterar na?gra a?ldres a?sikter om hur relationen till va?rdare kan pa?verka a?ldre i deras var

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the relationship between the elderly at a retirement home and their professional caretakers with focus on the perspective of the elderly. Chosen method, a qualitative interview analysis has been conducted to describe how the relationship affects the elderly in their everyday lives. The total amount of interviews were four. The relationship between the elderly and their professional caretakers has rarely been examined in previous research from an elder?s perspective.The results indicate that the elderly often are satisfied with the way the professional caretakers treat them.

?De förväntar sig nog inte att jag ska kunna så mycket som jag kan? : en studie om unga nyutexaminerade socionomers yrkesroll

The purpose of this study was to examine and increase the knowledge about the way young, newly graduated social workers view their professional role considering their age and professional experience, how they experience the relation to their clients and colleagues and how these experiences all together affect the way the young social workers handle their professional role. Seven social workers in the ages between 23 and 25, who graduated from Socialhögskolan, Stockholm University, in January 2007, where interviewed. They also answered a questionnaire covering the similar questions as the interview. Little research had previously been made in this particular area, why the triangulation of methods was helpful in analyzing the results, with ata coming from two different resources. To analyze the data a multidimensional theory was used, containing coping theory, an experiential perspective, Antonovskys theory a sense of coherence, cognitive theory and role theory.

Officersutbildningens akademisering : En studie av yrkesidentitet i förändring

Department of Education, University of Stockholm. Second year research project, autumn term 2009. The transformation of Swedish officer´s training into an academic professional education ? a study of professional identity in alteration. The study is a part of the Research Project; Discussion for collaboration - from vocational training to academic professional education.By Michael LarmThe purpose of this study is to analyse in what way the process of transforming Swedish officer´s training into an academic professional education are perceived in terms of professional identity, alteration and synergies.

Du ser inte ut som en bibliotekarie! ? Kläder och identitet i bibliotekarieyrket

The aim of this study is to examine whether the image of the stereotype librarian has created conflict in young librarians´ personal identity and/or professional identity and if this has shown in their choice of clothes? Our purpose was to find out, with the help of their choice of clothes, the young librarians view of themselves as individuals and professional librarians. We have searched for the answers to the following questions: - Do young librarians experience that clothing at their workplace has any significance and if so, what do they want to signal with their clothing? - Do they experience that clothing and appearance has any impact on their personal and professional identity? - How do they relate, by their choice of clothes, to the stereotype images of the librarian? We have performed qualitative interviews with eleven young female librarians. As a theoretical framework we have used ideas and concepts from different areas of research; semiotics, social psychology, business administration and ethnology.

Socialarbetare : professionell medmänniska eller byråkrat?

The purpose of this study was to examine how social work professionals view their professional role and how they think about the concept of social work. I also wanted to investigate what they believe characterize a professional social work. For the purposes of this study, I chose a qualitative approach in which I interviewed five people linked to the social work. The theories which I have assumed in the analysis of the results are power theory, organization theory and professional theory. The results of this study show that the respondents believe that a professional social work is performed by someone who has training and experience in the field.

SFINX ett integrationsprojekt : ur deltagarnas perspektiv

 Abstract This paper is to examine a specific integration projects by the name of SFINX, the participants' perspective. We chose to highlight three themes that concern the analysis what the participants thought about the content / efficacy, effectiveness and efficiency analysis, which means what the participants thought could be improved in the project. What emerged in our study is that research shows that Swedish education with Professional orientation and integrated practice is a key factor for migrants to get into the Swedish labor market. And that Sfx teaching has been implemented in several places with good results. SFINX is also a Sfx project but is addressed to engineers.

Att skapa ett hem för ensamkommande barn : Boendepersonals upplevelser av sin yrkesroll

The aim of this study was to understand how staff at residential homes for unaccompanied children experiences their professional role. The main focus of the study was on how the staff defines their professional role and how they handle the situation to be close and at the same time keep a distance towards the children in care. Five women and two men were interviewed at five different residential homes for unaccompanied children. By symbolic interactionism we are able to see that the professional roles are shaped through interaction with the children in care as well as in relation to colleagues. The main role for the staff is to build up a relationship with the children.

Från ett tunt lager av modernitet till ett sekulärt socialt etos - Akademiska berättelser om sekularism och modernitet i Turkiet mellan 1980 och 2007

This study analyzes academic narratives about modernity and secularism in Turkey between 1980 and 2007 using the concepts historical orientation, narratives of modernity and landscape of modernity formulated by the German theoretician Jörn Rüsen and developed by Swedish historian Martin Wiklund..

Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap i praktiken? En studie av nio bibliotekariers förhållande till fackinformation

This Master thesis aims to illuminate nine librarians relation to professional information. This is accomplished by focusing on five questions: How do they communicate and acquire professional information, and how do they evaluate its relevance? What are their experiences of continuing professional education? What are their opinions on the academicalisation of the education? Is it possible to perceive something of the librarians professional project in the informants statements? What is their relation to the academic subject of library and information science and the research on the area? The analysis is based upon the interviews with nine librarians and carried out with profession theory in order to study the role of theoretic knowledge in our participants professionalisation processes. We also use different context oriented theories to study the contextual dimension of information need and seeking. The conclusions of this Master thesis reveal that the communication between the theory of library and information science and the practice need to be improved if we want to see more of an evidence-based librarianship.

Färgen och landskapsarkitekturen : färgsättningens betydelse för den gestaltande landskapsarkitekten

I gained my interest for color during my years at the landscape architect program. I felt that you as a student in design courses constantly were faced with the problems of coloration. A subject that I perceived to be difficult, especially for us students that lacked the experiences from how a project on the drawing board turns out when it finally is built. As a professional landscape architect you there have a greater experience but I wondered how much awareness about color you actually have as a professional. How does one think about coloration and how can you use color as a formative tool? And how does color truly affect us humans? Does color have significance for the experience of landscape architecture? The object with this project is to illustrate color and it?s place in landscape architecture.

Motiverande samtal Inom Kriminalvården MIK : En kvalitativ studie om frivårdsinspektörers upplevelser av MIK

The purpose of this essay is to describe how probation service officers regard their professional role and their liberty of action within the motivational treatment program, MIK, and the probation organization. To answer the purpose three questions were formulated: 1) Does the probation service organization affect the individual discretion for the probation service officers, and in that case how? 2) Does the motivational treatment program, MIK, influence the probation officers? professionalism and their professional role? 3) What advantages and disadvantages do the probation service officers consider MIK being related to? The method conducted in the study was interviews with five probation service officers in Stockholm. The interviews were combined with a theoretical framework based on themes as organization, professional role, professionalism and motivation. The result showed that probation officers consider themselves to have a relatively high discretion within their work.

Det synliga och det osynliga : en studie av fritidsledarens yrkesroll

Recreation leaders on youth recreation centres is a professional category, mostly mentioned in the public conversation when it comes to taxes and youth problems. But what do they really do, what outlook do they have to their task, and finally, how are their daily lives like at work? The stories of twelve people represent the basis of this essay which itself consists of two separate studies. Six professional recreation leaders speak about their view of their own work, based on background, mission, education, ethics and position. The recreation leaders´stories reflect a worksituation with meetings of great significance andimportant standpoints.

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