

1549 Uppsatser om Professional encounter - Sida 11 av 104

Djurägarens upplevelse av djursjukskötarens bemötande vid besöket på kliniken

Veterinary medicine is not merely an area of occupation but also an area of business. In a business the customer service is its identity and brand and more importantly what makes the client choose and recommend the clinic to other potential customers. The licensed veterinary nurse is habitually the one who first meets the clients at the clinic. Therefore it is particularly important for the licensed veterinary nurse at the clinic to offer high-quality customer service. The object of this study was to understand and elucidate how the pet owners experience the encounter with the licensed veterinary nurse at different stages in their contact with the clinic.

Från önskemål till bedömda behov inom äldreomsorgen

AbstractThe purpose with this essay has been to gain a greater understanding and clarify how an arena can create value within place marketing and development of a place brand. This will be achieved through a description of which values an arena causes in the surrounding areas and an understanding of how these values can be interpreted through the place brand. We decided to base our study according to the following two questions:1. What are the underlying reasons why there has been such a big trend with arena project?2.

Faderskap i ett nytt land. En kvalitativ studie om förändrade förutsättningar för faderskap.

This thesis focuses on immigrant fathers and the specific situation they face arriving in Sweden. The purpose of this study is to examine various systemic obstacles and eventual possibilities these fathers may encounter in the new country and how they affect their fatherhood. The paper is based on four interviews, with three men and one woman, who work with immigrant fathers partly in parenting educational programs. The informants? professional background varies.

AP7 och fyra storbankers Sverige- och Östeuropafonder  : En riskjusterad utvärdering  2003-2009

AbstractThe purpose with this essay has been to gain a greater understanding and clarify how an arena can create value within place marketing and development of a place brand. This will be achieved through a description of which values an arena causes in the surrounding areas and an understanding of how these values can be interpreted through the place brand. We decided to base our study according to the following two questions:1. What are the underlying reasons why there has been such a big trend with arena project?2.

Bibliotekariers uppfattningar om Bibliotek 2.0 ? En fenomenografisk undersökning

In the library community there is a continuous discussion about enhancing user interactivity on library websites, according to the principles of Web 2.0, called Library 2.0. The purpose of this thesis is to study how librarians conceive Library 2.0. The focus is on the study of the librarians? conceptions of user interactivity on the website, and if the librarians conceive that their professional role is affected by Library 2.0. The study is implemented methodologically by interviewing six librarians and using phenomenography as an approach.

"Jag Liksom står väl på mig" : - en studie om sex personer med funktionsnedsättningar och deras upplevelser av bemötande i kontakten med handläggaren inom den offentliga sektorn.

Treatment is both about the actual encounter and how individuals interact as well as the behaviour among the counterparts. Previous research shows that a person?s experience of how he/she is being treated is formed by conditions created by external factors, in literature known as the general view on treatment. The purpose of the study is to show how people with a physical disability experience the treatment from their Social Security Agency administrators. We have compared the empirical material with theories on treatment and power and analysed how this affect the interaction between the administrator and the disabled person.

Sexköp(are) : - En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares syn på och arbete med män som köper sexuella tjänster.

The aim of this study was to shed light on the phenomenon of sex purchase amongst men from the perspective of professionals working at KAST*. Our main research questions concerned who the sex-purchasing men are, what their incentives are and furthermore how the professionals depict their work with these clients. In order to examine this we conducted three qualitative research interviews. The theoretical framework used to examine our results consisted of social constructivism and professional acting space. Main results show, contrary to research, that the ?typical? sex buyer does not exist, nor do specific motives.

Det ligger en heteronormativ bok i din säng mamma! En intervjustudie av hur några kvinnor i samkönade relationer upplever informationssituationen rörande graviditet och föräldraskap.

Studies of the information needs of library patrons are necessary in order for the library to serve the community. Alas, studies of non-heterosexual persons are rare in the field of Library and Information Science in Sweden. This study aims at examining the information situation of women in same-sexed parenthood by means of analysing their situation as norm-breaking. The study is done through examining the specific information needs of this group, how they seek and receive information, what barriers they encounter and what function the library has in this information situation. A queer theoretical approach to heteronormativity in combination with McKenzie?s two-dimensional model of information seeking is used to perform a qualitative analysis of the material.

Anpassningar vid etablering för snabbmatskedjor i Saudiarabien? : Svenska Max till den arabiska halvön

Our increasingly globalized world has contributed to that more Swedish companies has expanded their business to more distant areas. One of these Swedish companies that now stands before their first international expansion is the Swedish fast-food chain Max AB. Max has chosen to start their expansion in Saudi Arabia, a country far away from Sweden, not only in terms of geographical distance but also in cultural. The cultural differences that Max will encounter may affect the business and result in to various adaptations that must be done in order to establish successfully. The thesis investigates the existing circumstances for the fastfood business in Saudi Arabia and shows which adaptations international fast-food chains should or must do as a result of the cultural distances they encounter.

Sömn, måltider och fysisk aktivitet hos yrkesförare under dygn med arbete och ledighet.

Karin Holmkvist (2014) Sleep, meals and physical activity among professional drivers during the day with work and spare time. Master?s thesis in health at work. University of Gävle. Night work and irregular work hours affects social and biological rhythms in activity, eating, sleep and metabolism. Researchshows how theworking conditions andworking hours affect professional drivers´ lifestyle and there is a negative impact on their health.

Verka utan att synas - eller bara osynlig? Kommunikatörens roll i den svenska a-kassan.

The purpose of the essay was to examine the role of the professional communicator in the Swedish Unemployment Funds. Focus was on measures carried out by the communicator to enhance and streamline communication and how the communicator supports their coworkers in their own communication role. In order to fulfill the purpose, two main questions were asked;? How do the communicators support and develop their coworkers communication role?? What to the communicators identify as challenges in their work in doing this?The theoretical base of the essay was Heide and Simonssons (2011) challenges for the professional communicator. The theory states that organizations communication processes are the foundation to its existence and development and that the professional communicator therefore needs a solid base with the possibility to monitor the whole organization.A questionnaire was sent to communicators in all Swedish Unemployment Funds and even though the non-response was rather considerable, the answers received was assessed sufficient to make an analysis.

Mixed martial arts och boxning i Sverige

In 1970 professional boxing became illegal in Sweden and in 2009 the prohibition was removed.Just before both of these changes in the law there were debates in media where people argued forand against ilegalization. In the later debate the focus has shifted from professional boxing toinclude Mixed Martial Arts(MMA) as well. MMA was governed and bound by the same law asprofessional boxing.This purpose of this paper is to compare the debate in 1968-1969 with the debate in 2006. The twodebates resulted in two different outcomes, ilegalization of professional boxing in 1970 and thenlegalization of it 2009. Are there any reason for these differences? What is the reasoning behindthis? By using hegemonic masculinity as a guidance when examining the debates this paper istrying to understand how the discourse have changed over time.

Ensamkommande barn : En studie om samverkan samt professionellas syn på barnets bästa

The aim of the study was to examine collaboration and professional perspectives on the best interest of the child in regards to working with unaccompanied asylum seeking children. Firstly, our result show that counselling is available for the unaccompanied children from case workers, staff, school counsellors and emergency psychiatric care. All of the participants in this study describe the need for long-term counselling for unaccompanied children, however, providing the long-term counselling is not the primary purpose of the organisations in question. Therefore an additional service-provider working with counselling is a necessity. Secondly, the study explores the participants? professional perspectives on the best interest of the child.

Utveckling av Steghållare : För yrkesmän med skåpbil

Uppgiften som detta examensarbete går ut på är att utveckla en ny steghållare som ska ingå i Thules produktserie Professional. Det är önskvärt att kunna lasta stegen bakifrån och möjliggöra lastning från marken även på högre skåpbilar. Steghållaren ska framförallt vara anpassad till yrkesmän, såsom hantverkare, målare, etc. Därför söker Thule en robust, säker och lättmanövrerad steghållare med attraktivt utseende. Steghållaren ska minska den tid det tar att lasta på och av stegen.

Biblioteksassistent: En yrkesroll i förändring

Little attention has been paid in the literature to libraryassistants in Swedish public libraries. In this bachelor thesis,the professional role, work duties, career prospects and statusof library assistants are examined at two public libraries.Because of a scarcity of published information on thedevelopment of this profession in Swedish public libraries,retired library assistants, as well as currently employedlibrary assistants, librarians and a library head wereinterviewed.Since the ?80s, work duties of library assistants havechanged, with a reduction in some of the more manualaspects of library work, the development of new duties and,overall, an increasing similarity in the duties performed bylibrary assistants and librarians.Additionally, the public perception of library assistants as acategory distinct from librarians was investigated bydistributing questionnaires to library patrons. Contrary toexpectations prompted by statements in the literature, asubstantial portion of visitors was found to be aware of thetwo separate categories.Library assistants at Swedish libraries have no careerprospects, unless they undertake studies in their own freetime and at their own cost, and obtain a librarian degree. Adifference between the situation of library assistants inSweden and corresponding professional categories in a fewother countries is that, at present and for several years, noformal education for library assistants has been available inSweden.

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