

1357 Uppsatser om Professional educator - Sida 8 av 91

Nyutexaminerade socionomers uppfattningar om relevansen av sina professionella kunskaper som de fått under utbildningen efter inträdet i arbetslivet : En kvalitativ studie

The aim of this study was to examine how newly qualified social workers from Linnaeus University in Kalmar feel that the school has prepared them with the professional skills to meet the demands that exist within social work. Social work education is a generalist training that will result in a professional qualification. With a qualitative approach eight newly qualified social workers were interviewed.We used the sociology of knowledge as an overall theoretical approach. We also used experience- based knowledge as a theoretical approach. One of the study's conclusion was that the graduates had difficulty linking theory to practice.

Musikjournalisternas roll i samhället : En studie om ett yrke i en modern tid

This paper examines the professional role of the music journalist and how it has been affected by the expansion of the Internet. The study aims to examine  the profession's outlook and how professional music journalists are working to reach the public with interesting information, despite the fact that the audience of today often can be first to deliver the news. Through qualitative research interviews with three current music journalists the professional role and its development is examined. Based on theories and previous research on journalism, how the media communicates and its importance to society, what it is to be a music journalist and the spread of digitization and the impact of file sharing the results are analyzed. The conclusions of the study are that it isn?t a profession that is disappearing but rather a profession that is working towards a new future.

Svenska statens inköp av finansiell rådgivning: Ramavtalsupphandlingen för finansiell rådgivning avseende statligt ägda bolag 2004

This study finds that the Swedish Government has a process for purchasing financial advisory services that is more transaction-oriented than the corresponding process at a Swedish private equity firm. The conclusion is supported by previous research comparing public and private sector purchasing processes. However, the differences between the two purchasing processes are not as significant as one might believe given the fact that the Government, unlike the private equity firm, has to operate under the Public Procurement Act (LOU). The tendency of the Swedish Government to apply a more relationoriented purchasing approach than expected is most likely driven by the fact that this represents the established professional norm for purchasing of professional services in the private sector. As LOU and the professional norm impose contradictory influences on the Swedish Government?s purchasing of financial advisory services, the final outcome depends on which of the two forces that dominate..

?Är man inte trovärdig när man pratar om sex och samlevnad så blir man kapad vid knäna" En kvalitativ studie om lärares förutsättningar och tillvägagångssätt i sex och samlevnadsundervisningen

Abstract: Introduction: Even though that it is mandatory by law since 1955 in Sweden, teachers stilldon?t get any education courses in sex education. There has been almost no research on whateffects the sex education has had on the general population in Sweden. Aim: The aim for thisstudy has been to look at middle school teacher?s ways of conducting and there conditions insex education.

Yrkeskompetens inom offentlig- och privat sektor

Title:Professional skills in public and private sectors Date:2011-05-18 Authors:Zinajda Avdic & Binasa Jasarevic Tutor:Viktorija Kalonaityte Examiner:Richard Nakamura Key words:Competence, professional, public sector and private sector. Thesis purpose:To find out what factors are behind the company and the authority identifies  their training needs, what methods they use in the evaluation of outcomes can be integrated into the organization.Method:A qualitative study with a hermeneutic approach and an abduction approach. Theory:The theory depends substances skills, skills needs and skills assessment. Empirical data:Data collected through two interview people on the two public sectors authorities, and two companies in the private sector.Conclusion:We found that organizations put a lot of time and resources to develop, identify and plan professional skills through internal and external courses. The differences between them are determined not by the fact that they are in the public sector or the private, but from organization to organization.

Interaktiv hemsida med PHP och MySQL

This degree project is made for Cervera in Norrköping and Linköping. The task was to create a professional interactive homepage for the company where the company's range of products can be presented. Besides a homepage aimed towards potential customers, an online Internet-application where the company's employees can update, erase, and create posts that are stored in the database was created. The main programming languages have been PHP and HTML in combination with databases in MySQL. The final result was a functional, professional and informative homepage with a simple and pedagogical application for the employees.

Att leda som man lär : Införandet av en ledarfilosofi i en professionell organisation

Since a lot of the power in a professional bureaucracy lays within the operative profession with its strong corporate culture and strong co-workers the executive occupy a weak position. Their power comes from the complexity of the operative professionals work and the difficulties to supervise that work. To avoid conflicts it?s important to make all expectations on the executive equivalent. This can be done by defining the roles of the executives in a philosophy.

Professionellas perspektiv på anorexia nervousa bland unga flickor

AbstractThe aim of this study is to highlight the professional?s perspectives and work with young girls who have eating disorder anorexia nervousa. We assume a social constructivist perspective where the professional?s interpretations and perspectives on the issue anorexia considered. The study is based on a qualitative analysis of interviews with seven professionals in the areas of work, social services, school counselor, school nurse, anorexia unit and child and adolescent psychiatry (BUP).From a thematic analysis of the interviews, three themes emerged.

Att lyckas med "det svåra" : En kvalitativ studie om att återetablera sin karriär med framgång i ett nytt land

The study has examined how some immigrants have managed to reestablish their professional careers in Sweden. Through in-depth-interviewing with six immigrant informants representing different genders, age and professional experience the process of successfully reestablishing a career within the same professional area in Sweden as in their native country is examined.The study looked at structural and individual possibilities and obstacles which affected the individual. In addition the study looked at the personal characteristics and strategies used by the informants to overcome and succeed in adapting and reestablishing their working life.  The study has drawn on human capital and social capital theory for a basic understanding of how education and skills affect. In addition the informants have surpassed structural barriers affecting many other immigrants.

"De är ett väldigt nyfiket släkte, barnbibliotekarierna". En kvalitativ undersökning av hur 1990-talets samhällsförändringar påverkat barnbibliotekariernas arbetsuppgifter, kvalifikations- och fortbildningsbehov

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate what the work situation of children's librarians looks like in the year 2000, after the changes in society which took place since the 1980's. Did the tasks of children's librarians change during the nineties, and if so, in what way and why have they changed? Which new knowledge needs emerged for children's librarians during the nineties, and what was the cause of these new needs? Finally I want to know which needs for professional development arose, and how these needs are fulfilled. The thesis is based on qualitative interviews with children's librarians, library managers, library consultants, one representative of the Swedish school of Library and Information Studies and one member of SAB's children and youth committee. The study reveals that the identity of children's librarianship is strongly associated with the stimulation of language and reading.

Information som inspiration : en studie av yrkesverksamma konstnärers behov och användning av information

The main purpose of this essay is to investigate professional artists experience of the need and use of information in their creative work. I have collected the material through qualitative interviews with four professional artist working with different materials and techniques. One of the results of the study is that the artists first of all used information as a source of inspiration in their creative work. They gathered their information from various scources, for example; pictures, exhibitions, visual arts, books and novells, depending on what project they are working with. Other important information scources were colleges, especially for the technical information need.


The objectives of this study was to (1) examine Swedish professional bowlers understanding of imagery (2) their experience in imagery (3) see if there was interest in improved use of imagery within bowling. Twelve professional bowling players (M = 30.42), all male, took part in the study. Six of the players were ranked among the best in the world. The instrument that was used was The Individual Profile of Imagery Experiences in Sport (IPIES, Weibull 2008). The result showed that eleven of twelve use imagery within bowling.

Från Novis till Mästare : En berättelse om socialarbetares yrkeskunnande

To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the worldThese words sum up my account of social worker expertise. How does one become skillful?a master?in the profession? I answer this question by exploring how social worker proficiency can be developed and grow with the help and support of supervisors, clients and colleagues. Development through professional supervision and in the encounter with clients is an essential part of the work. I also discuss what it means to be new in the field (a novice) in relation to being experienced (a master).

Skolkuratorers kunskap och erfarenhet om tics och Tourette syndrom : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

The aim of this study was to examine the knowledge and the experience that school counsellors have about tics and Tourette syndrome. This study is based on a qualitative research which we conducted with semi-structured interviews. We have done five interviews with different school counsellors in a small municipality in southern Sweden. The theoretical approach that was used in this study was theory of knowledge as a comprehensive theory and professional competence which includes formal knowledge and tacit knowledge. Some of the study?s conclusions are that the School Counsellors had different professional competence about tics and Tourette syndrome.

"Det är ju inte förvaring" : en jämförande studie om socialarbetares inställning till institutions- och familjehemsvård för barn och unga i Belgien och Sverige

The purpose of this essay was to examine and compare what attitudes Swedish and Belgian social workers may have towards residential care and foster care for children and young people. To answer the purpose eight qualitative interviews with four Swedish and four Belgian social workers were made. The results were analyzed by theory of organization and professional acting space. The results of the study show that the social workers in both countries preferred foster care, especially for small children, and that the Swedish social workers had a more negative attitude towards residential care than the Belgian social workers. Even though the Belgian social workers preferred foster care, they found themselves forced to choose residential care due to lack of available foster care facilities, something that did not seem to affect the Swedish social workers.

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