

1357 Uppsatser om Professional educator - Sida 4 av 91

Yrkeskunnandets styrka och skörhet : En essä om erfarenheter inom vården

In this thesis the core of the nursing professional skill will be portrayed through the opportunities of the essay writing. Thus the tacit knowledge, which is at the verge of erosion in a zeitgeist where medical care shall be cost-efficient and where development is mainly based on scientific research, will be articulated. Scientific articulation of knowledge has gained increasing importance on the expense of the practical knowledge. Healthcare professional skill requires a refind ability of judgment, which absorbs its nourishment from both scientific knowledge and the proven proficiency expertise.Professional skill expresses itselfs through action, especially through the acting in unexpected incident. Experience is developed into knowledge through reflection.

Den självständige specialisten : En studie av personligstyper hos dagens kommunikatörer

AbstractAuthor: Sofie JakobssonCourse: Media and Communication Studies CUniversity: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPeriod: Spring 2012Key words: Job ads, Professional Communicator, Public Relations Officer, Trait Theory, Five Factor Theory, Big Five, personal traits, work tasks.Title: The Independent Specialist. A study of requested personal types in Professional Communicators.Number of pages: 35Purpose/ Aim: The study aims to evaluate what kind of personality type that would make a good fit for a Professional Communicator. The study examines personal traits and work tasks that are presented in job ads for Professional Communicators in Sweden today. From this material the author wants to calculate what kind of personal type that characterize the profession with the help of the Big Five theory.Material/ Method: Quantitative research method based on job ads.Main results: The study shows that personal traits that employers look for in Professional Communicators today are mainly traits from the Conscientiousness group with characteristics such as independent, structured and planning. The second biggest personality group is Extraversion where personal traits like driving, outgoing and social were put.

En kartläggning av målvakters tränings- och matchmiljö inom Svensk elitfotboll

Purpose: The purposes of the current study were to investigate whether there were any differences in the perceptual ability between professional and non-professional ice-hockey players and whether professional players are better at distinguishing, paying attention to and concentrating on what is important during intense physical activity. Method: Twenty male ice-hockey players (10 from both the Swedish first and third divisions) participated in the study. Wingate test were used for physiological measurements while three psychological tests were presented in front of the participants. Stroop, Flanker and Fast counting tests were used to measure perceptual and coping abilities during intense physical activity and the differences between the two groups. Results: Fast counting and Flanker word 2 tests showed a significant difference between the two groups, whereby the professional groups was faster and more accurate than the non-professional group in answering.

Miljöarbete på bibliotek: En komparativ studie av tre folkbiblioteks yttre miljöarbete

A trend since the early 90?s has been that some public libraries offer a special shelf containing environmental information to the community, but it seems as though the subject has been overlooked by the literature and the science community. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to study how three independent public libraries work with environmental information that is made available to the community. The following questions were addressed: 1) Which arguments can be found as to why the libraries offer this activity? 2) How does the environmental work at the public libraries look and what does it contain of? 3) Are there any similarities or differences in this work between the three libraries?To answer these questions interviews with librarians were carried out; observations were made to complement the interviews.

Makten över kommunikationen : en kvalitativ studie av kommunikatörens yrkesroll

The communicator has a professional role which is relatively unspecified and hard to define. To work with communication can mean several different tasks, who also might vary between different types of organizations. The purpose with our study is to clarify the professional title communicator and its meaning. By applying a power perspective on the communicators experienced professional role in meaning to find out who has the power over the communication.     Our study is made of qualitative interviews with four professional communicators working in private organizations. We have used semi structured interviews in our study which means that we before we went through with the interviews defined themes which the interviews were built upon.

I spänningsfältet mellan kontroll och stöd : en kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare kan uppleva sin yrkesroll

This is a qualitative study based on two focus group interviews with a total of six social workers who work with assessing financial aid in two municipalities. The study aims to examine how the social workers experience and handle their ambiguous professional role, on the basis that they are expected to support and control the client. The theoretical framework is the theory about discretion and role theory. The results show that social workers find it difficult to combine these different approaches. Two different groups of strategies that social workers use to manage their professional role have been distinguished, the first is used to combine the different approaches (combination strategies), which are: empathy, to be distinct and to "blame" the organization.

Folkbibliotekariens yrkesidentitet : vad den består av och hur den formas

This master's thesis reports on our investigation of how the public librarian's professional identity is formed and what it is formed of. We have considered factors such as: education, competence and daily tasks. In order to fulfil this aim we have used a literature study on concepts such as competence, education, professional identity and profession. We have also carried out an empirical study where we have interviewed nine librarians on public libraries. The method of analysis is qualitative.

Etik på bibliotek : en kvalitativ studie av ett antal folkbibliotekaries yrkesetiska tankar och erfarenheter

The theme of this thesis is the professional ethics of public librarians. Qualitative interviews have been conducted with fourteen public librarians, with the aim to investigate their thoughts·and opinions concerning professional ethics and their experiences of ethical dilemmas in professional situations.The result shows that the majority of the librarians often discuss problems concerning what's right or wrong but that the discussions are conducted on the basis of practical situations and not in terms of professional ethics. The majority have vague ideas of how the term professional ethics should be applied on the work of public librarians, though all the interviewees consider the professional ethical discussion to be important.We examine the librarians opinions and experiences of ethical dilemmas conceming four subject areas: the principle of the librarian as a neutral and nonrestricting information intermediary, the principle of equal treatment of all the library visitors, difficulties. concerning media selection and the problems based upon the librarians flexibility towards the intemal rules of the library. The librarians experienced the behaviour towards the visitors as the greatest problem.

Skolperspektiv på jämställdhet : En studie av grundskollärarens sätt att tala om jämställdhet i relation till flickor och pojkars resultat.

AbstractThe school today has an assignment to offset traditional gender patterns as well as to create opportunities for all pupils to achieve the same good results in school regardless of sex, ethnicity and conditions. The educator?s assignment is determined by governing documents, and the educator plays a role in helping the pupil find their equal role in society. This means that the educator needs to work in a way that offsets traditional gender patterns and require approaches that would benefit equal opportunities for both boys and girls to achieve good results.The purpose of the study was, through interviews, to get an idea of how primary school teachers from a gender equal perspective perceive how they see them relate to boys and girls in their teachings. The study is based on the presumptions that the pupils have but focusing on the relationship between school achievements and equality.The study brings up concepts like gender theories, equality, the biological sexes, the history of the schools development and changes in acceptance of boys and girls and the role of the governing documents to reach acceptable achievements.

Från hemförlossning till barnbördshus. Läkare och barnmorskors syn på förlossningsvårdens hospitalisering vid sekelskiftet.

The hospitalization of childbirth and maternal care in Sweden is from an international perspective quite unique. It was implemented already in the beginning of the 20th century and fully mainstreamed by the 1960?s. This essay examines the professional discussions of midwives and doctors as depicted in their union?s membership papers, during the hospitalization period.

Gymnasiebibliotekariens yrkesroll En fenomenografisk undersökning.

Although school librarians have an important role to play in high schools helping teachers and students during their education, Swedish school librarians are often considered to end up left out by teachers and head principals due to school librarians vague and unclear professional role in the school. The aim of this thesis is to attempt to study school librarians own apprehensions of their particular professional role in a high school context, and how their professional role is believed to be apprehended by teachers and head principals. The results are based on interviews made with eight school librarians working in different high school libraries in Gothenburg during April 2002. By using phenomenographic method various existing apprehensions of the specific phenomena that the professional role of the school librarian constitutes of are made clear. The aim of the method is not to study what the profession constitutes of, but rather how it is apprehended by the school librarians themselves.

Samarbete mellan bibliotek och skola - om skolbibliotekariens läsfrämjande arbete i skolan

The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how librarians andteachers work together and with the help of other researchtry to understand what influences this cooperation. The studyis based on the following questions:1. These two professional groups have differentprofessional identities and work in two differentprofessional cultures. How does this affect theircooperation?2.

Skillnaden i perception mellan hockeyspelare på professionell kontra icke professionell nivå

Purpose: The purposes of the current study were to investigate whether there were any differences in the perceptual ability between professional and non-professional ice-hockey players and whether professional players are better at distinguishing, paying attention to and concentrating on what is important during intense physical activity. Method: Twenty male ice-hockey players (10 from both the Swedish first and third divisions) participated in the study. Wingate test were used for physiological measurements while three psychological tests were presented in front of the participants. Stroop, Flanker and Fast counting tests were used to measure perceptual and coping abilities during intense physical activity and the differences between the two groups. Results: Fast counting and Flanker word 2 tests showed a significant difference between the two groups, whereby the professional groups was faster and more accurate than the non-professional group in answering.

Yrkeslärares erfarenheter - styrkor och svagheter : En studie om identitetsskapande inom tre olika arenor

The focus of this study is to identify important factors affect, how teachers' professional identity and role are shaped and changed during and after teacher training. Study's focus is to identify important factors bearing on how teachers' professional identity and role are shaped and changed during and after a teacher training. Respondents included in study are all teachers in vocational subject in upper secondary school. They also have experience from at practical profession before they began to work as teachers and started the teacher training. Method used in this study is the life stories of narrative nature.

Bibliotekarie 2.0: Minabibliotek.se och bibliotekarierollen - en fallstudie på Umeå stadsbibliotek

Library 2.0 is a term which emerged a few years ago and is frequently discussed. There is no uniform definition of the term but the central aspect of the concept is to encourage increased participation from library users.The aim of this Master's thesis is to investigate if and if so, how the professional role of the librarian is affected by Library 2.0. To do that, we have conducted a case study at the public library in Umeå. Their homepage minabibliotek.se is a practical example of Library 2.0. The homepage is based on interactivity and the library users can participate in various ways.We thougt that qualitive interviews was the best way to gain an understanding for how the librarians at the public library in Umeå experience how the work with minabibliotek.se affect their professional role.

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