

1298 Uppsatser om Professional athlete - Sida 55 av 87

Instagram - En kvantitativ jämförelse mellan två kommunikationsstrategier, Mika Nordin & Flora Berglund

Social media today is a current topic, it has developed fast and continues to spread in a fast moving pace. Recent trends states that social media becomes more integrated into peoples personal lives. This essay deals with the subject area social media, focusing on the channel Instagram. The topic is chosen because of it´s popularity in today's digital communications landscape, and also keeping in mind that there is a great lack of previous studies on the subject. The purpose of this paper is to provide insights into how companies should handle images on the social media channel Instagram by testing two different strategies against each other.

Den obeorende revisionen och god revisorssed enligt revisorslagen

Several industrial scandals, especially those about Enron and WorldCom, have lead to an intense debate about the independent audit and the independent auditor. A substantial part of the auditor?s income originates from counselling, and therefore the role of the auditor may be seen as double, and the auditor?s objectivity may be questioned. In the year of 2002, a new Auditors Act was legislated in Sweden. In the 21 § of the act, a model based on principles was introduced, to test the auditor independence in every single case.

Omval på gymnasiet

Genom praktiska och teoretiska studier på studie- och yrkesvägledarprogrammet har vi kunnat se en ökning av de elever som gör ett omval efter ett år på gymnasiet. Syftet med undersökningen var att se bidragande orsaker till att ett eventuellt omval sker. En kvalitativ studie har gjorts genom intervjuer med fem elever som gått ett år på sitt omvalda gymnasieprogram. Detta resultat har ställts i relation till Linda. S Gottfredsons teori kring begreppen begränsningar och kompromisser i studievalet samt SCCT-teorin där fokus ligger på självskattning.

Kuratorns position i sjukhushierarkin: en studie av professioners kamp om revir, makt och positioner i vårdteamet

Previous reaserch has indicated that the almoners position in the somatic hospital hierarchy is poor. The purpose of this study was to investigate the position of the almoner in the hospital hierarch today, together with what this position is based upon.The questions at issue were:- Has the almoners position in the hospital hierarchy changed, or is it still poor?- In what way can the almoners position in the hospital hierarchy be explained?In order to get answers to our questions at issue, we interviewed totally 13 persons from the three chosen professional categories, i e four almoners, five doctors and four nurses. Two of the doctors worked at care centres and the other doctors worked in hospitals within the Region Skåne. The interview material was analysed from the concepts of Pierre Bourdieus; field and symbolic capital and by means of ideas from the closing theory.

Landskapsarkitektens potentiella roll i arbetet med återuppbyggnad av katastrofdrabbade områden ? samlade synpunkter

Förekomsten av naturkatastrofer runt om i världen tycks intensifieras och drabba allt fler människor. Människor som plötsligt står utan mat, vatten, tak över huvudet och med bristande energiförsörjning. Till synes som en reaktion på detta, växer det runt om i världen upp nationella och internationella organisationer i arkitektvärlden som vill utgöra en roll i återuppbyggnadsarbetet efter dessa katastrofer. Det verkar finnas ett stort engagemang bland både yrkesverksamma och studenter ? en vilja att vara en del av en världsförbättrande verksamhet.

Upplevelsen av den goda vårdrelationen mellan vårdare och personer med demens : En litteraturstudie

Demenssjukdomen tillhör en av våra stora folksjukdomar och är ett samlingsnamn på sjukdomar som i första hand angriper centrala nervsystemet. Symtom som minnesförlust, agnosi, apraxi och dysfasi är övergripande för demenssjukdomar. Vårdrelationen mellan vårdare och personer med demens är därför komplicerad. Denna studie syftade till att belysa vad som kännetecknar en god vårdrelation mellan vårdare och personer med demenssjukdom på vårdboende. Metoden som använts var en litteraturstudie där kvalitativa studier sammanställts.

Manliga sjuksköterskans upplevelser av sin yrkesroll

Syftet med litteraturstudien var att ur ett genusperspektiv undersöka manliga sjuksköterskors upplevelser av sin yrkesroll. Arbetet skulle belysa den manliga sjuksköteskans interaktion med såväl patienter som kollegor. Metoden var litteraturstudie. En artikelsökning i databaser samt manuell sökning genomfördes. Sökningen var avsedd att omfatta såväl nationella som internationella artiklar från 2000 och framåt.

Att förebygga hot och våld mot socialsekreterare

The aim of the study was to examine if and how the social service and the social welfare secretary provides against threat and violence in the encounter with clients. The study is qualitative and carried out with six semi-structured interviews with social welfare secretaries and participation observations at the social welfare offices in three municipalities. The theoretical starting points used were symbolic interactionism and strange loops. The result shows that social service and social welfare secretaries both use measures to prevent threat and violence to occur. The precautionary measures mainly used by social services are ; looked doors, alarm device, loose objects removes and interview rooms are furnish in purpose for the social welfare secretary to flee the room at urgent need.

Metauppsats : studenter och lärares syn på uppsatsskrivande i idrottslärarutbildningen

The aim of this study is to examine physical education teachers? and students? views on the thesis and its part in the physical teacher education program at The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences.Does the view on the thesis differ between techers/students and the program with its curriculum and other policy documents?What does students/teachers value in a thesis?Does teachers/students have a mutual habitus concerning the thesis in the form of essay writing and how is this expressed?The study is based on a qualitative survey in which the respondents mainly answered open-ended questions with written answers. These answers have been categorized and analyzed with the aims of the study and the previous research in mind. The views on the purpose of the thesis differ, both within the group teachers/students and to a certain degree in relation to policy documents. The value of the thesis differs within the group.

Design- och marknadsundersökning av en applikation för smartphone

?Medicines are available in different forms and often have different types of compound components. More and more drugs are found on the market. This means that professionals who handle different medicines must have access to more and more information.The information available includes information about side effects, active substances, interactions and pill identification. You may want to access different information, depending on your profession.

Oxytocin-Ett risktagande eller en tillförlitlig behandling vid långdraget förlossningsförlopp hos förstföderskor

Background: Breastfeeding frequency decrease in Sweden and infants born preterm is a particularly vulnerable group to not be breastfed according to current recommendations. Mothers of preterm infants have an extra need of support from the health care system. Mothers' self-efficacy in breastfeeding affects the outcome of breastfeeding. Health professionals' attitudes to breastfeeding have an impact on the breast feeding support they provide to the mothers.Aim: To investigate whether an intervention could strengthen self-efficacy in breastfeeding among mothers of premature babies. A further aim was to investigate whether the intervention influenced health professionals' attitudes to breastfeeding.Method/Design: An experimental study with quantitative approach in the form of questionnaire survey was conducted.

Samverkan mellan socialtjänst och polis, när ett barn misstänks för ett brott : - En kvalitativ studie, ur ett myndighetsperspektiv

The purpose of our study is to see how the interaction between the social services and police work when a child under 15 years is suspected of crimes.What happens to the child from an agency perspective? How is the experience for the child and how do they get their voices heard? How is the professional perspective for a child when a child is suspected of a crime? What do the various authorities for short-term and long-term measures for the child?We have chosen to do a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews. The study includes six interviews with two police officers, three field secretaries and a social worker in two different municipalities. A medium sized municipality, and a larger community.The people we interviewed think differently about collaboration. The municipality have different workforms.

Kunskapen, professionen och makten ? En kvalitativ studie om socionomens villkor och förutsättningar

My main purpose with this study is to investigate how the social worker relates to knowledge, power and profession. From this purpose has also the concept ?to be a social worker? emerged.The study is based on a qualitative study and consists of semi-structured interviews with seven social workers from different fields of expertise.The result of the study shows that the knowledge is dependent of different fields of expertise. But in the contact with the client, regardless of field of expertise, the knowledge is gathered through a reflective pattern. Through theoretical attempts and earlier experience from social workers, this is brought to life in this unique meeting.

"Var är Emma!?" : En essä om integrering av barn med problematik i skolan

This essay contains two stories that reflect the reality I face as an educator, as well as a reflective discussion about my self-perceived dilemma. The dilemma reflects a classroom situation where I as an educator have trouble dividing my focus, my focus is either put on entire the class or on the child with special needs. Through this self-perceived situation I have started to question how children with special needs find their place in the school today. I discuss how I can handle and look at the unique situation that occurs when meeting this child.Terms like integration, inclusion, segregation, social rights and the expression "a school for everyone" will be discussed in this text, as well as how we can connect these terms and expressions to the problems I find in the school system?s way of handling children with special needs.I also highlight my dilemma from different ethical perspective.

Den fördelade makten i vardagsrummet: : En kritisk diskursanalys av PR-konsulters tal om sociala medier som kommunikationskanal.

The purpose of this study was set against the background that social media today are used as an platform for companies to communicate with their customers, as well as communicate their brand. Therefore it was interesting to examine this phenomenenon through a critical point of view and try to put light on the different forms of power that is produced on this arena.The overall aim of this study was to examine how PR-consultants talk about social media as a communication channel. The empirical data consisted of five interviews with PR-consultants on five different PR-agencies. The theoretical framework was based on a social constructional perspective and Foucault?s theory of power.

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