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Salmonellosis in Peruvian guinea pig production : a study to evaluate the prevalence of salmonella spp and importance of the disease

In Peru guinea pigs are raised for meat production and salmonellosis is considered as a major problem. Studies have detected salmonella in animals with enteritis and pneumonia. Salmonellosis exists both in an acute and a chronic form. In the rural areas the diagnosis is made according to clinical signs and macro pathological findings at autopsy. The major systems applied for the guinea pig production are often classified as family, family-commercial and commercial. These systems differ in number of animals and how industrialised they are.

Informationslogistik : en materialplanerares dagliga arbete

Denna uppsats, som behandlar ämnet informationslogistik, är ett arbete utfört av två studenter vid Södertörns högskola vårterminen och höstterminen 2008. Information och flödet av denna är centrala bitar i företags verksamheter, att utveckla hanteringen av information är ett sätt att effektivisera funktioner och att bli mer produktiv. Den centrala frågeställningen och syftet med uppsatsen är att kartlägga arbetet samt informationsflödet på Scania AB:s materialplaneringsavdelning MSLA, på chassiverkstaden i Södertälje. Vidare är syftet att undersöka informationssystemens användbarhet utifrån materialplanerarnas perspektiv samt ta reda på om MSLA arbetar efter lean production-synsättet och i så fall hur. Insamlingen av empiriskt material har skett genom att en fallstudie har utförts.

Analys av massapumps- och mixerarbete vid Metsä Board Sverige AB, Husums Fabriker : Energibesparingsåtgärder vid blekeri 4 & 5 med jämförelse mot ny utrustning

Husums plant has a selection of different pulp pumps at bleaching plant 4 and 5. The displacement- (HC-pump, Sund Defibrator PTD-60) and centrifugalpumps (MC-pump, MCA 42-200, MCP 30/20) are of interest in this report. The centrifugal pumps are controlled by throttle valves, which result in an energy loss. Chemical mixers are used to mix ClO2 into the pulp before proceeding into a holding tower where the bleaching process occurs.The energy demand of the different positions has been measured or calculated to be used in comparisons against new equipment. Quotations were requested and delivered from Valmet and Sulzer.

Effekter av nya PBL : En studie av processen från handläggning av bygglovsansökan till slutbesked

It has now passed two years since the new site- and construction law, PBL, went into force. It replaced the previous PBL applicable since 1987, and it involves relatively large changes in many different areas of the construction sector. The ambitions of the new law are for instance to simplify and clarify the legal text, increase efficiency in the permitting processes and improve the quality of construction. To achieve this, a variety of changes was made. Some of the most important are: inserted deadline in the processing of building applications, extended assessment of building applications, revised rules about controlplan and quality manager, a certificate is required to start and end the project, an additional meeting is inserted and the construction management of the municipalities will have to do a mandatory visit at the work scene.

Korsförlamning : etiologier, diagnostik och terapi.

This report is a literature review that aims to describe marketing contexts for mango production in Kenya. The institutional conditions in the country are not well developed for marketing purposes, which causes many difficulties and problems for the society. In Kenya most mango producers are poor small-scale farmers with limited resources. Mango is a perishable commodity and to keep its value and quality it is essential to have the opportunity to sell the mangos in the right time. Inefficient and undeveloped infrastructure and marketing systems hinders the mangos to reach the market in time though, which causes large losses of produce.The Kenyan mango production has increased during the last decade but due to market losses for the producer, the small-scale farmers? profits have not improved.

Fri utfodring av halm som strategi för att förhindra stereotypier hos uppbundna kvigor :

At present indoor tethering of dairy cows is still common but is not predicted to take part of modern dairy production. When conducting scientific studies of cattle it is generally necessary to tether the animals to maintain a controlled environment. Studies confirm that tethering and confinements of cattle severely affects the development of stereotypies in cattle. The feeding regime and feeding level have an immense affect on the stereotypi level in cattle. The aim of this experiment was to study dairy heifers that had never been tethered before the start of the experiment, to evaluate the affect of tethering on the development of stereotypies and the impact of the feeding regime on the behavior of the animals. Sixteen dairy heifers were tethered in a tie stall and divided in two groups with different treatments. Heifers in treatment E were fed restrictedly with silage and treatment EH was fed with the same amount of silage but also straw ad libitum.

Besparingsmodell för produktivitetshöjande arbete inom skärande bearbetningsteknik

The market is developing and a growing competition increases pressure on companies to maintain their competitive advantage. Working with cost savings is a way to enhance earnings in a short term but also in a longer perspective. Volvo Powertrain Production Köping has an overall goal; to reduce costs by nine percentages in three years. To achieve the goal, Volvo Powertrain Production Köping works with World Class Manufacturing where the Department of Processing Technology constitutes an important part.Volvo Powertrain Production Köping lacks a standard for how savings within the metal cutting tool area are to be calculated. This makes it difficult to control and monitor their business outcome but it also causes difficulties in controlling the tool suppliers? outcome.

Ombyggnation av ett stall för bundna mjölkkor till boxsystem för rekryteringskvigor

To reconstruct a building is a long-term investment for farmers and it is important that people with different qualifications are involved at an early stage for making the system adapted to the animals as well the animal keeper. Therefore, ethologists who can contribute with their expertise are needed to design the system and get it to function well for the animals.A Swedish farmer who planned to rebuild her stall for tied dairy cattle to a loose-housing system for recruitment heifers for milk production asked me as an ethologist to find a system which can be fit to her existing tie-stall barn for 30 dairy cows, considering the animal needs in terms of movement, social interactions and play behaviors, and to theoretically compare the system with other systems with respect to the behaviors mentioned.The theoretical comparison between different systems was made through a scientific literature review.In agreement with the animal keeper I set out to fit a system with feeding cubicles, a system with cubicles and a system with deep straw bedding to the barn. After measurements were taken and preliminary drawings were outlined it was found that only the feeding cubicle system was possible to fit to the barn.The space provided will limit the animals to perform some playing behaviors. To decrease aggressive interactions between animals even thought a limiting area it is possible to provide partitions between resources animals compete around to prevent that more than one animal can get success to the resource at a particular place at one time. To increase the animal movement in the system the water trays were moved to the outer wall instead of kept in contact with the stalls.Although this report provides guidelines for rebuilding, other competences regarding building construction and a pre-test of the suggested building solution according to Swedish legislation are needed before the rebuilding can start.The results are directed mainly to the owner of the barn, but the literature review can be used by other cattle farmers and might bring increased understanding of the possible effects of different building solution on the animals..

Projektering av en etanolfermenteringsanläggning i pilotskala med Biostilteknologi

AbstractThis degree thesis was made in cooperation with Chematur Engineering in Karlskoga.Many of the environmental issues of today are a result of the motor traffic. Consumption of fossil fuels harms our environmental through formation of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. To get under control with our environmental issues it?s important to find substitutes for oil that are both cheap and environmentally friendly. Ethanol has a long history as a motor fuel and is both enviromentally friendly has a high efficiency.According to the EU commissions directives for motor fuels, 5, 75 % of all the fuels in Sweden should be renewable in 2010.

Design av en användarvänlig Androidapplikation för trådlös kommunikation med Electronic Control Unit för bil eller testmiljö

Det här examensarbetet har utförts inom programmet högskoleingenjör datateknik vid Linköpings Universitet under våren 2015 och utförts på begäran av ArcCore i Linköping. Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att skapa och designa en användarvänlig Androidapplikation som trådlöst kan kommunicera med electronic control units i bil eller testmiljö.Androidapplikationen består av fem huvudskärmar, fyra vars uppgift är att skriva ut informationen som åker över CAN bussen. De fem skärmarna är start, felkoder, sensorer, ECU extract och overview. Start tar dig vidare till de andra skärmarna, felkoder skriver ut alla felkoder, sensorer skriver ut alla sensorvärden, ECU extract skriver ut all information och overview visar en virtuell instrumentbräda. Användarutvärderingar har utförts för att ta fram både designen och layouten på applikationen.

När det omöjliga blir möjligt, Visuella Effekter

Abstrakt Detta kandidatarbete handlar om visuella effekter inom film och dess utveckling genom åren. Visuella effekter har öppnat en ny värld för filmskapandet då man kan skapa i princip vad som helst vilket gör att det omöjliga helt plötsligt blir möjligt, på filmduken. Kandidatarbetets syfte är att titta på utvecklingen av visuella effekter och hur man kan använda de kunskaper i en mindre filmproduktion. Vår problemformulerings frågeställning är ?Hur har utvecklingen inom visuella effekter sett ut och hur kan man implementera dessa kunskaper i en mindre filmproduktion??. I undersökningen analyserar vi hur man skapat scener i olika hollywoodfilmer som vi tagit inspiration av i vår produktion.

Turordningsreglerna : En studie avturordningsreglerna vid en verksamhetsövergång i Karlstad

Metso Paper in Karlstad is acquiring Kvaerner Pulping and Kvaerner Kamfab, also located in Karlstad. Following this acquisition, there are going to be changes in the organizational structure and some employees might even loose their jobs. There are guidelines from the European Union how to handle situations like this, the purpose of these are to protect the employees. There are also Swedish laws that regulate the protection of the employees when a company is acquired, who is going to keep their job and who is to be made redundant.The transaction between the companies is large why they need an approval from the European Union. The European Union has certain demands for the approval.

Framtidens elnät : Hur elbilar och solceller påverkar på det lokala elnätet

The purpose of the project is to determine the impact of solar cells and electrical vehicles on the future electricity grid and distribution network. Future electricity grids will be affected differently than it does today. Therefore, it is important to determine the impacts so that the current electricity distribution system can be developed and redesign to achieve the future demand. In Sweden, government has changed rules and laws in order to make it easier for private sector to invest in renewable energy sources. Our project focused on the impact of the solar cells and electric vehicles on the low voltage electricity distribution.

Det tror jag är väldigt stort och viktigt - praktiken... : En kvalitativ undersökning där tre omsorgsassistenter får beskriva sina uppfattningar från omvårdnadsutbildningen och deras första år i yrket.

AbstractThis essay is an investigation where I try to gain an increased knowledge of the three assistants? (in the mentally disability profession) opinion about their education and their first years in their profession. I have also tried to answer the questions whether the course mentally disability/functional gives the students a good start in their profession, if there are any flaws or if something is missing in the course or if they can think of any improvements to make the course better.This investigation is performed as a qualitative interview study where three women were interviewed about their education and their first years as assistants? (in the mentally disability profession). All the interviewed women have been working in the care activity for two or three years since they graduated.

Hantering av småskalig elproduktion : Utveckling av modell för dokumentation och elkvalitetsberäkningar

The interest in small-scale electricity in Sweden has increased strongly in recent years. The interest is noticeable both among politicians to increase the share of renewables in the energy mix, and among electricity consumers to partially replace purchased electricity with self-produced. This has resulted in a significant increase of electricity production in low voltage grids in recent years, and the trend appears to continue in the coming years. The majority of the new production plants are solar cells, followed by wind turbines, and it is also in these the greatest efforts are made in this paper.Distributed generation is often seen as something positive since it will contribute to reduced transmission losses and reduced voltage drop in the networks, and that it increases the share of electricity from renewable sources. In cases where the grids are not strong enough, or in other ways not adapted to manage the installed production, power quality may be adversely affected.

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