

3809 Uppsatser om Production start - Sida 25 av 254

En förstudie för bioetanol produktion i Borås

AbstractThe purpose of project is to study the possibility for Borås Energy & Environment to build and run a commercial ethanol production facility in Borås. The project also studies the technology for the production of ethanol using renewable energy, e.g. lignocelluloses with focus on two processes, svag-syra hydrolyse and enzymatic hydrolyse. The technology of the process is based of hydrolysation of biomass (hemicelluloses and cellulose) to sugar and extract it to ethanol. These two techniques will compare with each other to determine which of them that it?s more suitable for ethanol production.

Skattning av fordonsmassa med driftstatistik

In the automatic manual transmission system, Opticruise, the choice of gear is based on several parameters such as road incline, driving resistance and vehicle mass. Many different mass estimations are made during driving. A final vehicle mass is then used to determine the current gear. Construction vehicles are often not equipped with air suspension and can therefore not estimate the vehicle mass when standing still. If that sort of vehicle is reloaded while standing still an incorrect mass estimation will be used and as an effect of that also a wrong gear.

Musik som kommunikation

Music affects us humans. Marketing has long made use of music as a means to enable customers to identify with a brand, and thus increase sales. The Influence of music is obvious, but can you use this on students, and how effective is it to use in a classroom?I will answer the question: how does soft music provide reassurance/create a harmoniums learning environment at the beginning of a lesson?By observing how students react and behave to the playing of soft music. My aim is to create different strategies that teachers can effectively use to get students to ?jump in? to their lessons without wasting 5-15 minutes of class time.Professor Lennart Grosin conducts research into what is in Sweden called PESKO.

Problemanalys vid Aros Quality Group Enclosure Systems AB

The aim of this report is to increase the knowledge and understanding of the problems within the production at AQ Enclosure systems, and thereby achieve a more stable flow throughout the whole process, a better working environment and better competition advantages. The internal flow along with the external cooperation is very important for the company, because it views flexibility and short leadtime as it is the most important competitive means. The part of AQ production that?s been investigated is the manufacturing of ATM-machines, where the costumer is Banqit. This company is a rater small company with about 4 % of the world market of ATM-machines.In order to achieve the aim of the report extensive interviews have been carried out with employees at AQ.

Undersökning av solcellspotentialen för golfverksamheter i Sverige

Photovoltaic Systems in Sweden has longbeen heavily dependent on subsidies and grants to bring in a profit for the investor. Production of excess electricity is a major reason for this as the compensation for excess electricity today is low. However, there are businesses that have an electricityneed that are particularly suitable for solar electricity. These businesses have an electricity demand when the sun shines the brightest and if the Photovoltaic System is properly scaled, the excess electricity can be minimized. A golf club is that kind of a business and this thesis aims to examinate the solar power potential for golf businesses in Sweden.Nine golf clubs was selected from different locations in Sweden.

Dokumentärfilmproduktion ur ett ljudtekniskt experimentellt perspektiv

This paper is a study of documentary film production with focus on the filmmakers choice and usage of sound equipment. Using professional articles and literature have first of all helped us determine a standard for the conventional use of sound equipment in documentary film. Afterwards, by analyzing our own interviews we?ve received answers on how filmmakers relate to the conventional usage and why they select equipment as they do. Thereafter, we describe a technical method which helps a filmmaker to be able to record sound for documentary film on his/her own, using simple measures without reducing quality.

Inskolning av de yngsta barnen i förskolan : Viktiga aspekter för en god start för barn och föräldrar

Syftet med min rapport var att belysa vad som verkligen är viktigt att tänka på för att kunna uppfylla läroplanens krav om att erbjuda barn och föräldrar en god introduktion i förskolan.För att få de små barnens perspektiv tog jag del av forskning om hur små barn samspelar med andra människor.Genom intervjuer fick jag veta hur föräldrar och personal tänker. Jag tittade dessuton på forskning om hur den pedagogiska miljön kan påverka inskolningen.Arbetet resulterade i att jag kompletterade min långa erfarenhet av praktiskt arbete med de yngsta barnen i förskolan med teoretiska kunskaper om små barns samspelsutveckling. Barn har från ettårsåldern förmåga att samspela och att inleda nya nära relationer. Men de har behov av och rätt till att möta vuxna i förskolan som har kunskap, intresse och engagemang. Jag insåg vid mina intervjuer hur viktigt det är med tydlig och riklig information till föräldrarna om hur förskolans verksamhet fungerar och om vad som förväntas av dem i samband med inskolningen.Beaktar man dessa aspekter ger man bra förutsättningar för en god start för såväl barn som föräldrar..

Jordbruk och mjölkproduktion med kor i Etiopien :

Ethiopia is the country with most livestock per capita on the continent of Africa. There are 34.5 million cattle that are used for drought, meat- and milkproduction and 85% of the population rely on agriculture for their survival in some way. Milk is produced in four main systems, through pastoralism in the lowlands, in mixed crop-livestock systems in the highlands, in and near big cities with only one or two cows, and in intensive farming systems. There are 17 cattle breeds in Ethiopia and some of them are more suitable for milk production than others. Several environmental and economic problems arise from livestock holding in the country, for example overgrazing, low production due to feed shortage, low quality of the avaible feed and non-existing breeding programs.

Det första uppdraget : om studenten som företagare

This is a 20 points graduation thesis, performed at the Department of Urban and Rural Development at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala. The main aim of this thesis is to examine what it is like to combine studying with working and starting your own company. Furthermore, I want to be able to convey this knowledge to others. An important part of being a landscape architect is informing people, and making rather abstract issues tangible. The word 'entrepreneur' is originally French. Today, we think of entrepreneurs, or contractors, as energetic people, who dare to try new ideas. There are many reasons why people start their own company, but the most common ones are the wish to fulfil oneself and to be able to plan one's own time.

Användbarheten av två modeller i två olika företag, en studie av lean production : Fallstudier vid SKF Couplings systems och AQ Parkoprint

This study is about to see whether the two models representing the strategies of lean production is to use and apply in different companies. The models are structured in two different ways in which one of them is checking the softer elements of lean production in the form of leadership and strategies. This model is called Lesat and is based on interviewquestions. The second model, called "learning to see" is about identifying flows. This, together shall then give an idea of how mature companies are when it comes to a whole in the concept of lean production, and susceptibility to use these models to their respective companies. The study is conducted in two companies, SKF couplings systems and AQ parkoprint.

Livesändningar på webben : Interaktion mellan produktion och tittare

Viewer interaction is a common part of live broadcasts on the web and enables production and viewer to communicate with each other. The possibilities in viewer interaction make it easier for productions to create viewer engagement by involving them in the live broadcast through chats and social media. In creating a bond between production and viewer the interaction must be carefully managed to suit both the shows and the viewer?s needs.  A qualitative study has been used to analyze the viewer interaction in two Swedish live broadcasts on the web.

Grundvattenavsänkning vid tunnelbyggnad ? tillämpning Förbifart Stockholm.

Phosphate is a used as a surface treatment method which is used for various purposes in the industry. In this case, phosphate coated wire is used in the processes to achieve a desirable outcome. The reason to why phosphate coated wire is used in the production process is because phosphate acts as an accumulator, where it stabilizes the lubricant on the surface of the wire. Lubrication is important because it plays a major role in the roll quality and characterizes important benefits regarding the outcome.Currently, SKF has to wash away all phosphates residues after extrusion process in an operation called tumbling. The main reason for this is simply because the surface has to be completely free from lubricants and coatings till the next step of process.

Västlänken Analys ur ett tekniskt och ekonomiskt perspektiv.

Phosphate is a used as a surface treatment method which is used for various purposes in the industry. In this case, phosphate coated wire is used in the processes to achieve a desirable outcome. The reason to why phosphate coated wire is used in the production process is because phosphate acts as an accumulator, where it stabilizes the lubricant on the surface of the wire. Lubrication is important because it plays a major role in the roll quality and characterizes important benefits regarding the outcome.Currently, SKF has to wash away all phosphates residues after extrusion process in an operation called tumbling. The main reason for this is simply because the surface has to be completely free from lubricants and coatings till the next step of process.

Lärares första tid i yrket : En intervjustudie om lärares upplevelser av första tiden i yrket

Studiens syfte var att undersöka vad några lärare hade för förväntningar inför sin första tid som lärare samt hur de upplevde sin start i yrket. Som metod i denna kvalitativa studie har intervjuer genomförts där åtta lärare har deltagit. I resultatet kunde vi se att många av lärarna minns att de var förväntansfulla inför att komma ut i arbetslivet då de hade förhoppningar om att det skulle bli roligt men de hade också några farhågor, dels i hur de skulle bemötas av vårdnadshavare och dels hur vårdnadshavarna skulle se på deras kunskapskompetens då de var nya i yrket. I resultatet framkom det också att arbetslaget hade en central roll i början för en ny lärare. Ett mönster vi kunde se i vår studie var att om den nya läraren upplevde att bemötandet av kollegorna blev negativt blev det en negativ start men om läraren istället kände att den fick ett positivt bemötande upplevdes starten positiv..

Bartóks violakonsert : studier av olika utgåvor

This master thesis is about the production of the record ?Brutus? with the band ?Trilobit?. Trilobit consists of the three musicians, myself, Stina Hellberg Agback on pedal harp, Simon Sva?rd on guitar and Karl Jansson on drums.During the production, I have analyzed different aspects of my own musicality and also the role of the pedal harp in jazz. I have found techniques that have simplified chromatic movements on the pedal harp, and also techniques that has developed the rhythmical aspect of my improvisation.I have also looked into my process in improvising and composing and developed new aspects, many thanks to the close collaboration with Simon Sva?rd..

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