

3809 Uppsatser om Production start - Sida 15 av 254

Fallstudie av 10 skånska gårdar för en lönsam stutproduktion :

During the summer of 2005 a number of steer producers in Skåne, Sweden, found that their animals graded less favourable according to the EUROP carcass grading system when slaughtered, than ordinary. The aim with this project was to determine factors that affects the production result in steer production and to find the reason to the lower classification. The project was initiated by Anita Persson, LRF, Skåne and was preformed with supervision from Ingemar Olsson, SLU, and Jens Fjelkner, Skånesemin. Ten producers of dairy steers located in Skåne was chosen for this study. The producers were interviewed to collect information about their steer production with respect to their planning and results.

Majs till mogen skörd :

Corn is an important food and feed crop in the world, in Sweden it?s up till now grown on limited acreages mainly for silage. But I think it can get more important if you can grow it also for grain, because it?s a good animal feed for example, for life stock-, pigsand poultry. On of corns advantage is that it can produce the same amount of dry matter as for example wheat, barley and rise but with 25% less water. I will examine if it possible to grow corn for grain production in the south of Sweden.

Om barnböcker som material i undervisning om främlingsfientlighet : Kan berättelserna skapa eller förebygga främlingsfientlighet?

AbstractToday?s society is multicultural which can lead to racism and prejudices. Racism is created by prejudices and values. These values and prejudices are passed on to the children through media parents and/or society. The children then make these values to their own.

Dans på distans: en studie i Telepresence production

Telepresence production handlar om att kommunicera med video och audiobaserad teknologi i realtid över distans och att generera en känsla av närvaro fastän man fysiskt är på olika platser. Forskningsområdet är ett tvärvetenskapligt ämnesområde som innehåller datalogi, socialpsykologi, kognitiv psykologi och perception så väl som konst och storytelling. Den här uppsatsen behandlar främst den process som utformning av ett videomedierat möte innebär. Det finns olika variabler som sägs påverkar upplevd närvaro, men då människors upplevelser är subjektiva är det en stor utmaning att söka generella slutsatser. Uppsatsen är avgränsat till att endast behandla yttre faktorer.

Standardisering av funktionsblock for PLC

Automationscenter & Bråvalla Elteknik AB is a company that offers the market completed total solutions where the customer can operate and monitor their production from the terminal. In these total solutions they lack standard circuit which are developed by the company and which could manoeuvre/control/monitor controlled process objects. This report defines the work of developing the most common standard circuits.The report is initiated by a short theoretical part about PLC and the PLC system, with a connected terminal, which has been used. Thereafter, the turnout of the demands of specification is reported, after discussing with the supervisor in the course of the project. The report concludes with a disclosure of how the programming, the documentation and the testing have proceeded and a final discussion concerning the project and proposals on continuation.The result is a CD with the documentation of standard circuits and how they are implemented in a new project.

Indexering av skönlitteratur: En undersökning av folkbibliotek som inte köper indexerade poster från Bibliotekstjänst

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the indexing of fiction for adults looks like in the public libraries that don?t buy indexed records for fiction from Bibliotekstjänst (BTJ). The questions that I want these libraries to answer is: - Public libraries that index fiction for adults themselves: 1. What tools do they use when indexing?, 2.

Beslutsmodell för inköp och lagerhållning av motorer i ett produktionssystem : En fallstudie på Sandvik

AbstractIt is important to choose which spare parts to keep in stock. With the right spareparts in stock the costs for inventory and production loss will decrease. Cavalieri et al. (2008) highlights that the balance between inventory cost and production loss is underestimated.  It affects the company and must be considered before decision on purchase.The problem with spare engines is that they are all more or less critical for the production. That can be a reason for why no previous research targeting engines and classification of with engine should be kept in stock has been found.

Fallstudie på växtodlingsgård :

This report will point out the income for a scania plant production farm, this has been estimated through a case study. The outcome of this report will later be used to calculate a reasonable leasehold charge. This case study is solitary based upon this particular studied farm, at this very point, and can therefore not be used as a general guide. The reason why this particular scania plant production farm has been selected, is because the author is born and raised at the farm and has the intention to run the farm in the future. The chosen farm for this report is based in the southwest of scania and cover 300 hectare of plant production. The crop rotation consists of autumn wheat, sugar beats, spring wheat, spring barely, winter rape and fallow. The farm owns all machinery required.

Dried distiller?s grains with solubles and Swedish grown soya beans as protein feeds for dairy bull calves

The cattle production in the world has been questioned in Sweden due to its negative impacts on the environment. The use of imported soya bean meal as a protein feed for Swedish cattle results in the cutting of rainforest and an extensive use of pesticides in the countries were the soya beans are produced. As a consequence, the environmental impacts caused by cattle production increases. A production of protein feeds in Sweden would decrease the transportations and the cutting of rainforest. For organic beef producers the possibility to produce home-grown protein feeds is important since organic protein feeds can be difficult to obtain in another way.

Improvement in agricultural production in a rural area of Cambodia between 2004 and 2011 - with an emphasis on small scale cattle production

Cambodia is located in Southeast Asia with a tropical monsoon climate and distinctive wet and dry seasons. Poverty is a widespread problem in Cambodia and 30 percent of the population were classified as poor in 2009. About 80 percent of the populations live in rural areas where poverty is an even greater problem. In agriculture, rice cultivation is dominating and the crop is cultivated on 85 percent of the arable land. Livestock keeping is also a traditional part of Cambodian agriculture.

Reducering av kassationer på Cloetta Fazer AB

This master?s thesis was performed during the fall of 2006 at Cloetta Fazer AB in Ljungsbro. Cloetta Fazer is the market leader in Scandinavia of manufacturing confectionary and chocolates. The purpose of the project has been to identify causes that impact the quantity of waste in production as well as a cost/benefit analysis of the solutions that can reduce the problem of production waste.The work includes four production lines that are individually designed depending on what kind of product that are produced on the line. By using qualitative and quantitative methods such as focus groups, interviews and observations data has been collected.

Automatiserad mätning av kvalité : Varför är inte all mätningautomatiserad?

AbstractThis bachelor?s thesis at the Department of Production Engineering at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm deals with the subject of automated metrology. The degree of automation of tasks within production has been a growing trend but the measurement of quality has not followed the same trend. The main thesis follows:What incentives are there to automate the measurement of quality in production?What factors are crucial and why are not all metrology automated?The thesis comes along with a number of sub-queries and delimitations.The working method includes both theoretical and empirical studies.

Projektering av fårstall :

The purpose of this work was to see if it was possible to rebuild an old dairy house into a house fore sheep production. The goals fore the work was to see witch kind of production model was suitable, how the actual drawing would look like and witch kind of interior was needed. The building was built in the beginning of 1900. It is located on the mountain Kinnekulle in Sweden. It was a big production fore its time and hade about 60 dairy cows. It was a lot of hard work because the floor was built by big stone blocks and it was very hard to rebuild when some more automatic solutions came fore handling all the manure. The idea of remaking the building came when we rebuilt the roof fore 5 years ago.

Ställtidsreduktion i montering av kopplingar

VBG Produkter AB is a process-orientated company that develops, manufactures and markets trailer couplings with belonging coupling equipment, protection equipment against skidding and stands for wagon-bridge for heavy vehicles. The company feels that their set-up time in production for couplings is not at an acceptable level. Due to high demands of customer oriented production the intermediate stock level of included products within the assembly of couplings has gradually increased which has resulted in high inventory holding costs. VBG Produkter applies Kanban in their production, therefore it is important to produce exactly the necessary amount and avoid overproduction. The objective of this project is to suggest appropriate solutions so that VBG Produkter is able to reduce their set-up time in assembly of couplings, by identifying internal and external set-up time for the chosen process bushing cell.

Hållbar och funktionell utemiljö för järnvägsstationer

In a time when milk producing farm businesses face decline in profitability it is of great importance to examine how the situation can be improved. This thesis is a study off efficiency in milk producing farm businesses represented by Swedish, Dutch and German farms. The aim of this study is to investigate whether any differences exist between companies in these countries. Moreover, the study includes a mapping of a number of factors that determine how efficient milk production can be managed. This mapping is based on a literature review on prior efficiency studies followed by qualitative interviews with milk production advisors as well as a questionnaire sent out to dairy farmers in Sweden.

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