

927 Uppsatser om Produce (fruits and vegetables) - Sida 55 av 62

Additiv tillverkning : Ett nytt alternativ inom tillverkningsteknik

GE Healthcare wants to investigate whether additive manufacturing would be an alternative method in their workshops in the Umea? plant. Additive manufacturing is called 3D printing in everyday language and manufactures details by building them up layer by layer in an automated machine. The purpose of this work is therefore to investigate how mature additive manufacturing methods are and how they could be used at GE.The work has been divided into three parts. The first section investigates how additive manufacturing would work in the production workshop at GE.

Gränsfall : en undersökning om skillnader mellan inomhus- och utomhusaktiviteter i förskolan

Fusarium head blight is a large problem world wide which reduces the yields and the quality of small grains. Shrunken kernels with decreased thousand kernel weight as an effect and pro-duction of mycotoxins are some of the problems caused by infection of Fusarium spp. To avoid toxin contaminated bulks to enter the food and feed chain it is important to have tools for prediction and analysis of the fungi and toxins. Good prediction methods are also impor-tant in the breeding industry since early identification in trials of lines with high resistance or susceptibility simplify the work. To compare different techniques for these objectives this project was initiated.

Den internationella kontextens påverkan över en nations demokratiseringsprocess under transitionen från ett auktoritärt styre till ett demokratiskt  -  En analytisk kategorisering

AbstractBachelor thesis in political science by Alexander Hassan, autumn 2008, ?Effects of external factors on a nations democratisation process during the transition from authoritarian to electoral democratic rule ? A categorical analysis?Supervisor: Tomas SedeliusIn recent years globalization has become a hot topic in understanding the world we live in today. Globalization has indeed had a great impact on international relations and with it a great influence on the domestic conditions that determine a nation?s possibilities. It is therefore rational to hold true that this also would apply to a nation?s democratic process.

Dokumentationskrav vid internprissättning : En analys av lagförslagen till svenska dokumentationsregler i propositionen 2005/06:169

According to the arm?s length principle, transactions between associated multinational en-terprises (MNE) shall be based on the same conditions as transactions between unrelated parties. This means that intra-group prices on cross-boarding transactions must be at arm?s length range and consistent with conditions in the open market. The arm?s length principle is expressed in article 9.1 of the OECD Model Tax Convention and Chapter 14 section 19 of the Swedish Income Tax Act.When transfer pricing between associated MNEs is not reflecting the arm?s length princi-ple, states face the possibility of losing tax revenue.

Bioelectromagnetics for improved crop productivity : an introductory review with pilot study of pre-sowing treatment of tomato

Various electromagnetic (EM) treatments has been investigated for their potential in improving crop productivity over the past century. There is today an increasing amount of scientists advocating EM treatments as an organically compatible method for improving plant growth and yield. However, failure to produce repeatable effects and defining causal mechanisms has made it a study of much controversy and debate. The subject requires indepth interdisciplinary knowledge, making it inaccessible for the majority of biologists, horticulturists and growers. In this combined literature review and pilot study, these issues are addressed by providing a comprehensive introductory review of the topic plant bioelectromagnetics and its potential horticultural usability.

Kan intag av mejeriprodukter med låg fetthalt sänka blodtrycket?

Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: Does low fat dairy products reduce blood pressure?Author: Emma Bergman and Naman LimaniSupervisor: Lena HulthénExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: May 26, 2014Background: It is estimated that at least a third of the population in Sweden have a high blood pressure with genetics, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity as the main contributing causes. High blood pressure is one of the greatest risk factors to develop cardiovascular diseases, which is the leading cause of death worldwide. Milk is a nutritional food product and previous research suggests that low fat dairy products may have blood pressure lowering effect.Objective: The aim was to examine the scientific basis of how low fat dairy products affect blood pressure.Search strategy: Twelve searches were conducted on PubMed and Scopus, where the chosen search terms were combined to produce a broad search as possible in the particular area. The search terms used were dairy, dairy products, milk, blood pressure and hypertension.Selection criteria: Studies on normotensive or hypertensive individuals who received low fat dairy products were included.

Direktmarknadsföringens alternativ : En fallstudie för Logosol AB

Logosol is a company that produce small-scale wood processing products. To be able to expand the business Logosol have decided to increase exports, their target markets are the US, Russia, Germany and Norway. The expansion has mainly been through subsidiaries situated on the abroad markets. The subsidiaries have done poor results and that has influenced the whole company. CEO Bengt-Olov Byström made a decision to sell out the units to the people who worked in the business.

Pilotstudie för att utvärdera effekten av L-Mesitran : honungsbaserad sårsalva : vid behandling av yt-pyodermi hos hund.

Green manuring is a way of creating an organic fertilizer by growing a crop that is mowed down. Besides the fertilizing effect this method has been shown to have a positive influ-ence on soil organic matter as well as weed flora, and green manure is an important me-thod of weed control in organic farming in parts of Sweden. However, the release of nu-trients from the green manure varies and can therefore be difficult to control. Risks for losses of nutrients are also present. Although the area of organic farmland is increasing in Sweden, the use of green manure is decreasing.This report contains a literature study which compiles research on the functions of green manure in a cropping system and also how the crop can be used if harvested, for example to produce biogas.

What to expect ? A qualitative study of roles in Retail Marketing

Thesis purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the expectations of roles between supplier sales representatives and retailer store personnel in relation to in-store campaigns, this in order to enhance effectiveness of these functions creating an increase in consumer response. Methodology: The researchers believe that social phenomenon and their meanings are continually being accomplished by social actors, hence a study of individuals? expectations must have a point of departure in these people?s social reality. Store personnel and supplier sales representatives are to a certain degree affected by the structural power relationships within the organizational network, thus the researchers combine an interpretative and radical structuralist paradigm. Theoretical perspective: The researchers investigate expectations of roles through examining interaction between parties involved.

Mångbruksplan Äspinge 2:2

This plan of multiple-use is made on the private owned forestproperty Äspinge 2:2 in the middle of Skåne. The term ?multiple-use? came to Sweden in the beginning of the twentieth century and has slowly grown until about 30 years ago when the laws of nature conservation and sustainability was written into the forest law. The so called ecoturism got more and more popular and people began to seek space and silence in difference to the life in the highly populated areas. This also encouraged foreign tourists to come to Sweden. Mostly danish, german, and dutch people.

Modellering av fukt i en yttervägg på ett fritidshus

Detta är ett examensarbete utfört på Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) i Norrköping som är en del av Linköpings Universitet i samarbete med Peab som intressent.Historiskt sett har byggbranschens intresse för logistik varit svalt vilket har lett till att logistiken inom denna bransch har halkat efter i förhållande till övriga branscher. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utifrån ett logistiskt synsätt tillhandahålla anpassningsförslag till SCOR-processerna ?Make? och ?Return? så att dessa stämmer bättre överens med byggbranschen i allmänhet samt finna förbättringsförslag kopplade till byggprocessen och returflöden av material hos Peab utifrån ett logistiskt hänsynstagande.För att kunna göra detta kommer examensarbetet avhandla hur byggbranschen passar in i SCOR-modellen i dagsläget med avseende på Make och Return. Därefter kommer exjobbet att komma med olika anpassningsförslag som framkommit längs med arbetets gång. Ett sådant förslag är att införa en nivå 4 i SCOR för Produce and Test (sM3.4) som ska gå in lite djupare i detalj på hur de olika byggnationsmomenten går till och vad som ingår i dessa.

Interaktion med surfplatta och traditionella leksaker inom förskolan : En studie av likheter och skillnader ur ett socialt- och lärandeperspektiv

The main purpose of this study is to examine differences and similarities concerning teamwork and interactive skills among preschool children while they interact with an Ipad respective a number of selected traditional artifacts. The traditional artifacts chosen for this study are small Lego blocks, JovoToys (click and construct system) and large puzzles. The study takes its starting point on the basis of both a social- and a learning perspective when different groups of preschool children in the ages from three to five years interact in fellowship groups with respective artifact. Primarily the main focus is to examine differences and similarities that appear from without the social perspective.The overall objective is to identify what eventual differences and similarities can be found purposely on both what is happening in the social interaction between the preschool children themselves but also what is taking place in the interaction between the children and each artifact. This study will also via theoretical frameworks create an understanding why eventual differences and similarities exist.The results are based on both a literature review and a field study.

Vulkaners betydelse för utvinning av geotermisk energi, Krafla och Hengill, Island

Island har perfekta förutsättningar för att utvinna geotermisk energi. Det är beläget på den mittatlantiskaryggen mellan två aktiva plattor som interagerar med den hotspot som ligger under Island. Formandet av jordskorpan i området är komplex, hotspoten och manteln produce- rar tillsammans stora mängder magma som har gjort att jordskorpan har blivit mer mäktig oceanskorpan. Dessa parametrar gör Island till ett land med unika dynamiska system som ger de bästa förutsättning- arna för att kunna utvinna samt förse sin befolkning med geotermisk energi.  I denna studie är det främst två vulkaner som undersöks, Krafla och Hengill som ligger på norra respektive sydvästra Island.

Tillämpning av GIS-analyser i MKB

The reason for performing an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is to incorporate environmental concern in different kinds of plans and projects. The purpose of such an assessment is to identify and describe direct, indirect and cumulative environmental impacts.Geographical Information System (GIS) is a tool that can be used to combine spatial extension of both sensitive areas and different environmental impacts in a quick and easy way. Because of that, descriptions of environmental impacts and motivation of different standpoints on a specific issue can be more correct and easier to make if GIS is used as a tool.Hence, GIS can contribute to improve the quality of Environmental Impact Assessments. If the benefits of using GIS are to out weight the costs, geographical information of satisfactory detail, actuality and accuracy need to be available at reasonable prices.In this paper, case studies are carried out for three different geographical analyses to investigate the use of GIS as a tool in EIA. From these case studies, more general conclusions about the benefits and limitations of using GIS for Environmental Impact Assessments are also drawn.

Leder kastrering av hanhundar till bättre djurvälfärd?

Castration of dogs holds many reasons and opinions, therefore methods, traditions and rea-sons vary. The approaches have during time changed from mostly surgical castrations to also including hormonal treatments. Castration is used to control the dog's reproductive abilities, for medical reasons and to possibly rectify problems of behavioral nature. How common a particular method of castration is in a country is highly dependent on the country's traditions. In Sweden it is most common with castration for medical reasons, such as possible elimina-tion of diseases, for example, benign colorectal tumors.

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