

927 Uppsatser om Produce (fruits and vegetables) - Sida 48 av 62

Lysande rör, rörligt ideal : belysningsbranschens introducerande av lysröret i Sverige

During the 1930´s the hot potato for the Swedish lighting associations were how to create the most suitable light for every situation, either for industries, offices or homes. The light bulb were the most frequently used source of light but due to limitied luminous intensity, big halls sometimes required up to hundreds of light bulbs to produce the right amount of light. Two kinds of different lights, by different reasons, can be titled the predecessors of the fluorescent lighting during the 1930´s: The volfram-filament tube light due to its estetic similarities and the electric discharge (mercury- and sodium-) lamps due to its technical resemblance. Even though they came in quite wide use (the volfram tube in public halls (e. g.

?Det här är ett plagiat? En studie av Sportbladets rewrites och hur de förhåller sig till upphovsrättslagen

Authors: Malin Andersson & Mattias ÅsénTitel: ?Det här är ett plagiat?Level: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 44 (without appendix)Sportbladet is Sweden?s biggest sports newspaper online. Their audience, as for all online newspaper?s audience, has big expectations of a steady flow of news. The economic conditions of journalism, together with the interests from the owners, may force newspapers to produce large quantities of news for cheap costs.

Förbättrad vakuumtätning mot kabeln under plastextruderingsprocessen

This thesis is about developing a design that provides improved vacuum seal between a lead coating and a plastic coating during plastic extrusion processes of cables. This report is a part of the course MSGC 17 for Bachelor Engineers in mechanical engineering.The work is performed at Nexans Norway AS in Halden where they have a production of high voltage cables for sea-, and offshore industry. A problem they face is that they do not get enough good seal at the attachment to the plastic extrusion machine. They want to achieve a vacuum between a lead coating on the cable and a plastic coating of the cable for plastic extrusion, which is something they do not achieve today. The thesis is thus to come up with a design that provides better sealing against the cable.The work involves a construction part with the phases of product development processes.

Potatis, marknad och konsumtion i dagens Malmö :

I want to find the meaning of food ?potato in today?s society. How about marketing and how does potato consumes? What can be done to achieve better competitiveness towards other products now and in the future? I will build this project on a statistic ground ?now and then? as well as a study to people outside various food- markets. The consumers answers will state my foundation in this project.

Chassiintegrerade lastceller : Installation i fjädersäte på Scania tandemboggibakaxlar

The thesis presented in this report has been made on behalf of Scania and their basic frame design department with the subject to solve an implementation of a weight sensing system in the chassis. The system is supposed to be implemented in the seat springs, and the reason for this is that all the force will have to go through the weight sensing transducers. With all the force going through the transducers the weight sensing system will not be sensitive for the differences in tolerances from manufacturing. The transducers could be pre-calibrated to avoid a calibration of the whole vehicle after it?s completed from the manufacturing line.Weight sensing systems is today a reality in trucks with air springs.

Kandidatuppsats om bibehållande av kunder genom lojalitetsskapande aktiviteter

Companies of today are facing a development where it is more significant to focus on existing customers since the approach constitute a more cost reducing way, compared to finding new customers. During the last decades the marketing has therefore moved towards a relationship based marketing. Companies emphasize creating long-term relationships with customers, instead of consider the sale as a non-recurrent phenomenon. To engender customer loyalty has been an essential objective in the creation of long-term relationships.In this essay the authors have chosen to do a study which enlighten how companies in the ready-made apparel business produce added value to their brand and through this generate customer loyalty. Through a case study we analyze how Filippa K, Tiger of Sweden and Gant do to maintain value in their brand, in both a business- and customer perspective.

Kaliumgödsling på torvmark - effekt på tillväxten hos planterade granar (Picea abies)

Peat  lands  are  a  great  potential  resource  for  increased  forest  growth  in  Sweden, there  are  approximately  6.5  million  hectares  of  peat  lands,  whereof  around  70% produce less wood than one m3sk/ha and year and are therefore classed as forest waste  land.  There  are  over  200  000  hectares  of  peat  land  that  is  already  drained and  wooded,  and  that may  be  suitable  for  fertilization.  Forest  production  on  peat soils  usually  requires  drainage  and  fertilization.  Dewatering  requires  ditching  the area, so that the roots can have access to oxygen. Nitrogen is often abundant in the peat but other nutrients; especially potassium is in short supply. The  purpose  of  this  work  was  to examine  the effects  of  potassium  fertilization  on the  growth  of  spruces  that  were  planted  on  drained  peat  land  and  how  different amount of fertilizers affects the growth. Potassium deficiency is strongly growth inhibiting, since potassium is important for substance  transport  in  the  tree.  Potassium  is  also  important  for  the  carbohydrate formation, and because increasing the sugar content of the cells constitutes a lower freezing temperature does potassium availability in the soil play a major role in the winter  resistance  of  many  species.  Potassium  is  not  found  in  any  organic compounds in the tree, but is present in cell and tissue fluids. A fertilization trial was started in 1978 in Siljansfors Experimental Forest. The plots in the experiment were fertilized with different amounts of potassium and one plot was  left  without  fertilization.  All  plots  that  were  fertilized  with  potassium  grew considerably better than the unfertilized plot. The difference in production between the unfertilized plot and the plot that received the most potassium was 7.2 m3sk/ha and year. The unfertilized plot can still be classified as waste land. The theoretical production capacity was estimated using a Swedish system for site quality  estimation  of  wetlands  after  ditching  (dikningsbonitering).  The  plot  with most  potassium  produced  after  fertilizationaproximately  in  level  with  theoretical estimations.  Key  words:  Peat  land,  Fertilization,  Ditching,  Growth,  site  quality..

SPICA - ARISTO JÄMFÖRELSE studie av analysprogram med avseende på spånningskollaps i elektriska kraftsystem

Safe operation of a large synchronous power system as Nordel is not an easy task.There are several aspects to take into consideration. This thesis focuses on the problems due to voltage collapses in a transmission system.The ability to foresee an upcoming collapse is vital to maintain stable operation of the grid. The grid operator at Svenska Kraftnät (SvK) uses the computer program SPICA to predict the maximum transfer limit at specified transfer sections. SPICA uses actual states from the grid to predict the transfer limitation, and a quarter later a renewed estimate is produced and so on. This means that the operator can se his transfer limits vary every fifteen minutes.Our task in this project is to validate the accuracy of the limitations obtained by SPICA.

Välkommen till en minnesvärd upplevelse : En studie om Event Marketing

The society of today is overflowed with information and commercials. There is a thick media noise that the marketers finds hard to penetrate. Bearing this in mind, we can see that Event Marketing, witch is marketing through events, has grown to be a popular form of communication as it has an ability to work its way through the existing media noise. Through events a company can strengthen its brand and image as well as form a lasting relationship with its consumers. What other functions does Event Marketing possess? In what context is Event Marketing an appropriate marketing strategy to use? These are two questions that we aim to answer through this essay.To be able to answer these questions we interviewed the marketing manager of two different companies, L´oréal and TeliaSonera.

Att synas i butikshyllan -  En fallstudie om varumärkesexponering i butikshyllan för Brunneby Musteri och deras konkurrenter

This report aims to examine how Brunneby Musteri is to update the brand attention for Brunneby Musteri at retail stores. Brunneby wish to assure their brand will catch the customers? eye in the store and therefore get assistance to discover what to improve. The family business Brunneby Musteri (Brunneby) was founded in 1941 and is located nearby Göta Kanal in the county of Östergötland. Brunneby produce products such as lemonade, jam, jelly, marmelade, cider and vinegar.

Inga miljövinster med ekologisk produktion? : Lägesrapport över den svenska jordbruksdebatten

Organic agriculture is financially promoted in Sweden by special environmental support and as consumers we are all encouraged to buy organic food. At the same time scholars at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences claim that organic farming does not provide any environmental benefits. The main criticism is that organic farming has lower yields than conventional, which means that more land is needed to produce the same amount of food as in conventional farming, leading to deforestation and loss of biodiversity. As for climate change, the critics claim that the significantly higher productivity in conventional crop production compared to organic, releases surplus land, which could be used for bio-fuel production and thereby replace the fossil fuels. The critics also claim that organic farming causes higher nutrient leaching than conventional.

Utveckling av en beräkningsmodell för biogasproduktion

A growing interest for the climate and the environment has led to an increased interest forenvironmentally friendly and renewable energy sources, such as biogas. Planning new biogasplants requires a decision basis including facts about approximate amounts of biogas possibleto produce at the plant. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a model that calculates theapproximate biogas and digestate production from a planned or existing biogas plant.Developing the model required a literature review and studies of calculations concerningbiogas and digestate production performed by WSP Sweden AB. As a complement to themodel development, facts about substrates for biogas production were compiled through aliterature review. In addition the methane potential from selected materials was determined bybatch experiments.

Odla i Staden för välbefinnande : om Sevedsbornas upplevelser av Barn i Stans odlingsprojekt

Uppsatsen är en fallstudie av det odlingsprojekt Barn i Stan bedriver i stadsdelen Seved i Malmö. Studien hade två syften. Det första var att undersöka Sevedsbornas upplevelser och hur Seved påverkats av Barn i Stans odlingsprojekt. Det andra vara att undersöka hur man kan arbeta med urban odling i miljöförbättringsprojekt i befintlig urban miljö. Intervjuer, observation och deltagande observation har använts som metoder för att inhämta empiriskt material.

Rimligt tvivel? : En studie om historievetenskaplig stringens i en juridisk kontext

What happens when historical theories are used as evidence in a trial? Is it possible for historians to use their own scientific tools when acting as participants in a juridical process? And how do judges deal with historical evidence? The aim of this study is to answer these questions by analyzing a specific trial, known as ?Härjedalsmålet?. Härjedalsmålet was a court case about the Sami people?s right to let their reindeer graze on private property grounds in Härjedalen during the winter season. Their claim to this right was based on prescription of time immemorial.

Gårdsbutiken : att välja marknadsföringsstrategi

The agriculture of today is getting larger and larger and it demands more efficient machines to handle these larger units. But all farmers don?t have the opportunities or don?t want to expand. What should they do if they want to remain on the farm? An alternative is to start a farm shop.

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