

927 Uppsatser om Produce (fruits and vegetables) - Sida 20 av 62

The wine production in FYROM : does the wine sector have a comparative advantage?

FYROM has a long tradition of producing wine. Wine production in FYROM is one of the greatest contributors of the agricultural share of their GDP. The aim of the thesis is to see if the wine production in FYROM has a comparative advantage compared to other countries that produce wine and if FYROM is able to sustain the advantage in the future. The countries chosen for comparison are Bulgaria, Croatia, France and Italy. The methods used in the thesis are the Balassa Index and Porter?s Diamond of National Advantage.

Simulerad interaktiv arbetsmiljö : Från teori till design och implementering

This is a thesis on D-level. In a previous course, at our program Computer Science, we came up with an idea of how to improve/complement training for new employees who are situated in a stressful workplace at companies who are in a constant need of rehiring. We developed this concept and came up with an idea for a simulator that could train staff as well as relieve stress and tension for new employees. The idea matured and became a Serious Game simulator based on a dual-wield Wii-controlled PC-based simulator with Bluetooth support.The purpose of this paper is to produce a design concept for a simulator as well as conducting research on the topics: mental and physical learning abilities, psychomotor abilities, visual perception, hand-eye coordination, confidence, simulators and Serious Games. The conducted research will be the foundation for the design concept which will be implemented in our co-workers', Henrik Djerf & Daniel Gomez-Ortega, prototype.

Grafisk formgivning : Östersjöfestivalen

I denna slutreflektion beskriver vi tillvägagångssättet för att skapa en grafisk profil och webbplats för Östersjöfestivalen i Karlshamn. Målet var att skapa en profil som passade en bred målgrupp och förmedlade den känslan Östersjöfestivalen ger till besökarna. Vi presenterar hur det har varit att arbeta med en kommun som klient, hur det har varit att skapa en interaktiv webbapplikation med funktioner som sammanfogar en karta med en gästbok, samt hur det har varit att producera något som kommer synas av en stor publik. Utöver detta reflekterar vi över denna process och ger våra tankar och åsikter om projektets gång. In this final project essay we will describe the procedure for making a graphic profile and website to Östersjöfestivalen in Karlshamn.

"Trumman magert altar är Kyrkonyckeln jag begär" : En kollektivbiografisk studie av Frihetstidens fältpräster

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to investigate the views Swedish elementary school teachers produce on the subject of ethics. The teachers? thoughts on selection among ethical notions is described and also how these notions are assessed. The essay proceeds from the central content and the knowledge requirement in the syllabus of religious knowledge.The empirical survey is based on qualitative scientific interviews with four teachers employed in grades 4-6 at different schools.The teachers find ethics in its current state of the syllabus hard to define and they find encounters with parents and pupils difficult in their tasks. The selection of ethics is decided by previously planned basic values education or from conflicts erupting during schools hours.

Stress : En gransking av studenters stressnivå - Praktik och icke praktik

Practical and theoretical learning are methods that are used in schools as a way to prepare students for the working life. Within the practical learning knowledge is not only acquired to learn in practice, but the students must also be able to apply their theoretical knowledge to what he/she does. Against this background, the aim of the study was to investigate the importance of practical learning for students in college / university level and how they are experiencing the stress that may arise out of the loss of practical learning during their education, as well as their vision for working life after completing their education. The population of the study consisted of N = 36, which 18 of these had used both practical and theoretical learning and the remainder had only used theoretical learning. The method was a questionnaire survey with a high proportion of fixed alternative answers according to likert scales.

BIM på Trafikverket : Förslag till en utvidgad investeringsprocess

2013 a decision was made that all projects at the Swedish Transport Administration shoulduse BIM (Building Information Modeling) to some extent from 2015. BIM is an approachthat allows for streamlining of projects by the use of a 3D-model created in an early stage ofthe project. The 3D-model can carry information about the facility throughout its life cyclefrom planning to management. The use of a 3D-model can help the project to detect errors inearly stages of the project when it is easy and cheap to fix the error instead of finding theerror in the construction phase when it is costly and time consuming to fix it. 3D-models alsolead to improved communication both within the project groups and with the public.

Det lågas pånyttfödelse : om renässansens uttryck i det nederländska genremåleriet

The aim of this thesis is to expand the understanding of 16th century Flemish art by approaching paintings by artists Pieter Aertsen (1508-1575), Joachim Beuckelaer (1533-1574) and Pieter Bruegel (c. 1525-1569) from a different perspective. This is done by extending the discourse of art history, into a discourse of literary history and primarily 16th century novels by authors such as François Rabelais and Miguel de Cervantes. The paintings are studied in relation to these 16th century novels, by comparison and as a testament of this specific time period. A widening contextualization is also constructed in which a connection to the expression of the carnivals ambivalent form, as well as the notion of lower classes is explored.

Konstruktionen av kön : En studie om socialtjänstens yttranden i 3 § LVU (lagen om vård av unga)

The aim with this study was to examine how social service statement in 3 § social-judgements LVU (Swedish care of young persons act) produce ideas about gender. We have taken an interest in the production of both boys and girls and their mothers and fathers because there are clear differences in the description of these. From a historical perspective, the differences between gender in social assessments occurred despite the fact that discrimination is prohibited by law and despite the fact that social service shall work on the basis of an gender equality perspective. In the analysis and interpretation of the rulings we have been inspired by a critical discourse analysis. 30 social-judgements have been analyzed where of 15 concerns girls and 15 involve boys.

Världens mest jämställda sport? : En studie av hur kvinnliga och manliga dressyrryttare omtalas av expertkommentatorer i tävlingssammanhang

In all equestrian sports except for individual voltige, men and women compete on equal terms, which otherwise is very rare in sports. This study examines from a gender perspective how female and male riders are reffered to by expert commentators in competitions. The aim is to see if there are differences in how the riders are depicted and mentioned based on gender. The material consists of comments about eight rides, four performed by female riders and four by male riders, from two large international world cup competitions in dressage, broadcasted on SVT in 2012 and 2013. The material has been transcribed and then analyzed using content analytic method with a quantitative and a qualitative part.

Babesios : en fallbeskrivning samt diskussion av fästingburna sjukdomar hos nöt i Sverige

Many farms in the counties in the south of Sweden have difficulties with diseases spread by ticks; mainly babesiosis and tick-borne fever (TBF) but there are indications that borreliosis ought to be included. All of the tick-borne diseases radically decrease farm profit if the herd is affected. The production of the vaccine used against babesiosis since the 1920´s, will be discontinued in the near future and in addition to economical reasons it is therefore important to learn more about the diseases above. During the summer and fall of 2002 and 2003, a farm in the island of Gotland was burdened with unusually many cases of bovine babesiosis. In total 43 animals fell ill and one died.

"Ja, det här blev ju snyggt!"

Most major companies today have a visual identity. It answers questions like: which font do I use? and when can I use the logo or not? Westinghouse Nuclear Fuel in Västerås have a visual identity but no guidelines for the employees to follow. Further-more, rollups and rollup handouts produced by Westinghouse are not mentioned in the visual identity. ?erefore the external information from Westinghouse is someti-mes, both by employees and customers, perceived as not uniform.

Prins/essa? : En text- och bildanalys om vilka egenskaper en prinsessa tillskrivs i bilderböcker

The aim of this thesis is to expand the understanding of 16th century Flemish art by approaching paintings by artists Pieter Aertsen (1508-1575), Joachim Beuckelaer (1533-1574) and Pieter Bruegel (c. 1525-1569) from a different perspective. This is done by extending the discourse of art history, into a discourse of literary history and primarily 16th century novels by authors such as François Rabelais and Miguel de Cervantes. The paintings are studied in relation to these 16th century novels, by comparison and as a testament of this specific time period. A widening contextualization is also constructed in which a connection to the expression of the carnivals ambivalent form, as well as the notion of lower classes is explored.

Mer än ett spel : ? en kvalitativ studie om MMORPG-spelens påverkan på spelarnas liv

The phenomenona MMORPG-games ? a qualitative study on MMORPG-games effects on the players lifeThe aim of this study was to shed lights on what it is that makes some people play MMORPG-games, get a insight in how a gamers social network can look like and how the game can change the players everyday life. To acchieve this aim the authors carried out four individual interwievs with MMORPG-players. These interwieves was hermeneutic interpreted with the socialantropology networkstheory, roletheory, social identitytheory and the entirety was interpreted with the concept: ?the late modern society?.The conclusions that was found were that the games helps the players to handle their everyday life and has a condition for the players to produce relationships with other players.

Omständigheter och motiv : Om hur öppna lärresurser blir till, används och återanvänds

With the purpose of finding the motives behind use, production and reuse of Open Educational Resources (OER), the writer has conducted a qualitative survey. The three main questions in this two years master?s thesis are:? Why do people use others? unmodified OER?? Why do people produce OER?? Why do people alter and reuse OER?The theoretic framework is built around Manuel Castells? network society, with its social and efficiency seeking dimension, along with the Knowledge commons. Some pedagogy is included as well.A web survey was distributed to 796 users of the Connexions OER repository. 95 responses were received.

Arbetslöshetens (o)kända ansikten : Ett arbetsmarknadsprojekt i Rågsved i en tid av avancerad marginalitet och territoriell stigmatisering

This essay intervenes in the politics of urban segregation in Stockholm. The main aim of the essay is to analyze and describe how advanced marginality and territorial stigmatization are expressed in the lived experiences of four unemployed youths, that have participated in a labor market training program located in the ?social vulnerable? area Rågsved. With a theoretical framework based in Henri Lefebvre?s production of social space the empirical findings are interpreted in regard to how the youths produce social space in dialectical interplay with urban politics, advanced marginality, territorial stigmatization, and their local neighborhood.

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