

10922 Uppsatser om Process of change - Sida 52 av 729

Kreditbedömningsprocessen : Jämförelse mellan de fyra storbankerna i Sverige

The financial crisis in the beginning of the 1990´s the financial crisis had a strong impact on the Swedish economy. Some of the main actors in the crisis were the largest banks of Sweden which brought a huge amount of losses on themselves. One of the main reasons for this was that the banks focused on volume increases rather than on credit losses. The credit analysis process is performed differently these days and it is the development of this process that is the focus for the authors.This thesis is about the credit analysis process in the four largest banks of Sweden. The purpose of the thesis is to highlight which factors the banks include in the credit analysis process and in how small and medium size companies are treated in this process.

Adaptive Capacity through Complex Adaptive System

Problem: The corrugated board industry is highly affected by customer uncertainty, various demands and short delivery times. In combination with a complex multi-step production process managers have to be able to identify bottle-necks and gain knowledge and understanding of how different changes in process will affect the production output. <br/><br/>Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is twofold, (1) to examine applicability of complexity theory through agent-based modelling on a production process (2) to identify improvement areas in order to increase the production output at SKS production site in Eslöv, by modelling and simulating the production process through an agent-based model. <br/><br/>Method: The chosen method of this study is a combination of a case study and a complex system approach. The empirical data was collected through interviews, observation and document studies which were analysed through an agent-based simulation model.

Idéer i förändring: : En idéanalys över den förändrade synen på välfärdens organisering i riksdagsdebatten mellan 1990-2010

This thesis aimed to describe how the ideological dividing line concerning the welfare state has changed between the two largest governmental parties in Sweden, the Social Democrats and the Moderaterna, during 1990 to 2010. The scientist Mark Blyth points out that ideas are important instruments for structural and institutional change by identifying ideas as weapons, blueprints and cognitive locks, which were being used in the theoretical framework. The empirical data was made by a qualitative analysis of the parliamentary speeches and debates from both parties held every year. The results shows that the budgetary law passed in 1997 became a new institutional blueprint, which changed the political conditions for the Social Democrats. Furthermore, the results point to a change in the Moderaterna?s rhetoric concerning the welfare state to a more pragmatic view. .

Införandet av en ny redovisningsstandard : Tillämpning av komponentavskrivning i kommunala fastighetsbolag

År 2014 blev komponentavskrivning ett krav för alla bolag som följer K3-regelverket och har materiella anläggningstillgångar med komponenter av betydande värde. K3 är ett principbaserat regelverk vilket innebär att företagen behöver göra sin egen tolkning för hur det ska tillämpas. Den nya redovisningsförändringen innebär att organisationerna måste anpassa deras nuvarande regler och rutiner efter det nya regelverket.Syftet med denna uppsats är att skapa ökad förståelse för förändringsprocessen vid införande av en ny redovisningsstandard och att bidra med större medvetenhet kring dess komplexitet. För att uppnå syftet så användes i studien en kvalitativ metod där det genomfördes sex semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna genomfördes med kommunala fastighetsbolag i Västra Götalands län som alla nyligen infört komponentavskrivning.

Klimat & Patriarkat : Genusgeografi i Huddinge

The essay deals with gender aspects on climate change adaption. The aspects consist of the fact that women in Sweden drive cars less than men, and that women in the developing world are more affected by natural disasters arising from global warming. This study was carried out in the municipality of Huddinge, a suburb to Stockholm, by interviewing one Agenda 21 coordinator, one planner and one student in genderstudies. I also attended a meeting in the Committee for built environment in the Huddinge Municipality, to ask the politicians questions and observe gender structures during the meeting. The results also consist of a search for gender-related words in the documents used in the essay.The results are analysed using ecofeminsim, a theory that connects woman subordination and environmental destruction.

Återhämtning från psykossjukdom

The objective of this study is to understand how people with psychiatric diseases who are enrolled at a psychiatric clinic experience the recovery process and which internal motivations and external factors influence the process. The study is based on interviews with five people who have been enrolled at a psychiatric clinic. Another aim of the study is to understand how the importance of the outpatient care for the personal recovery and the improvement opportunities of the support from the rehabilitation unit that the interviewees see. The study is qualitative and abductive approach was chosen. This means that the study is based on empirical data supported by established theories.

Vem bestämmer musiken? : En undersökning av en symfoniorkesters säsongsprogramsarbete

  ABSTRACTThere is a limited possibility for many of the concert-goers to go behind the stage and follow the work process with putting together a program for the concert season in a concert institution. The purpose of this study is to describe a concert institution's work with developing a concert program for each season. This is done through a presentation of the factors affecting the work. This is a descriptive essay and a case study of the Malmö Symphony Orchestra. Interviews have been made with people directly involved in the work or affected by the outcome of the work process.

Patienters upplevelser av att leva med stroke - en litteraturstudie

Background: Living with stroke not only means coping with physical limitations, but a stroke also leads to other losses, which in various ways may change an individual?s life. A nurse can play a significant role in regards to consequences in the ordinary day of life for patients with stroke. Aim: The aim of this literature study was to describe patients? experiences living with stroke.

Bostadsutvecklingen i Uppsala kommun : En undersökning av unga vuxnas och studenters framtida boendesituation

This thesis presents the residential development in the city of Uppsala, targeting theliving conditions of young adults and students. In cooperation with Sweco Architect inUppsala. The purpose of this survey is to reveal difficulties and possibilities for theearly development of the construction process for studio apartments. Theinformation has been obtained through both a literature review and interviews. Theliterature review is based on Swedish regulations and previous studies in the field, andthe interviews were conducted with organisations and people in leading positionswithin Uppsala.

Förändringsprocessen : -uppbrott från drogmissbruk

Studiens syfte är att undersöka vägen in och ut ur drogmissbruk, beskriva hur man ser på upplevelsen av uppbrott och förändringsprocess i efterhand och de reflektioner man gör. Vidare undersöks vilken betydelse egna resurser och faktorer i omgivningen har för att underlätta förändringsprocessen. Studien utgår från hermeneutisk forskningstradition och har en kvalitativ ansats. Frågeställningarna besvaras genom fyra halvstrukturerade intervjuer i form av personers livsberättelser om sina uppbrott från drogmissbruk. Exitprocessen och Stages of Change bildar grund till den teoretiska analysen. Resultatet visar att drogmissbruket var ett sätt att hantera personliga problem.

LSD - Hallucination eller flödeseffektiv innovation

Increased competition in the IT industry has sparked a need for developing faster innovation processes with more predictable output. One of the biggest issues when it comes to achieving a faster flow through the innovation process lies in managing its high degree of variation. Proposing a solution to this problem, Lean Software Development (LSD), was developed to provide a framework for how IT companies should organize its software development process to achieve increased speed and quality. This study examines to which extent LSD, as a set of values, principles, methods and tools, can be used to improve flow efficiency in the innovation process. A case study of a multinational IT company was made by conducting ten semi-structured interviews with current employees.

Callenging Strategic Change in a Multinational Company

Sammanfattning Titel: Challenging Strategic Change in a Multinational Company- A Master Thesis Evaluating the Implementation Process of aNew Corporate Strategy Författare: Malin Kruse, Technology Management och Ekonomprogrammet, LundsUniversitetAnnika Nilsson, Technology Management och Kemiingenjör,Lunds Universitet Handledare: Christer Kedström, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Ekonomihögskolan i LundJan-Erik Rendahl, Institutionen för Designvetenskaper,Lunds Tekniska HögskolaFredrik Groth, Chef på ABS Group Problem: ABS Group har historiskt sett varit ett produktorienterat industriföretag meddecentraliserade dotterbolag, med varierande strukturer, system och rutiner. Föratt uppnå bättre konkurrensfördelar på den mogna marknaden inom ?wastewatertechnology solutions? har man arbetet fram en mer kundfokuserad strategi. Denkomplexa situationen inom företaget med decentraliserade dotterbolag världenöver komplicerar implementeringen av den nya strategin. Syfte: Det huvudsakliga syftet med examensarbetet är att identifiera faktorer sompåverkar en strategisk förändring i huvudsak men med betoning påomständigheterna inom ABS Group.

Estetiska lärprocesser i förskolan : för kunskap och berikande upplevelser

 The purpose of my study is to illumine the aesthetic learning process significant in the preschool. Focus has been on allowing educators in different preschools to answer questions valid the use of aesthetic learning processes. I chose to do my study using an opinion poll and a literature review. The result shows that the preschools use aesthetic learning processes and according to the educator?s aesthetic learning process is a very important tool for education in the preschool.  The notable in this study is that the educators have different views of what aesthetic means. The first view is that you only work with aesthetic subjects.

?Det var en tyst kamp? : En ekokritisk analys om utvandring och fo?ra?nderliga system i Vilhelm Mobergs Utvandrarna

The purpose of this essay is to do an ecocritical reading of Vilhelm Moberg?s The Emi-grants from 1949. By asking and answering the three following questions; How does a system present itself, What are the different reasons for emigration; Why does differentsystem fit some well and some not.By using two articles from Green Planets - Ecology and Science Fiction to illus-trate two different views; Different parts value in an ekosystem and The Ship as an ecosystem. I have also created, based on the literary text four different terms concern-ing the dynamic system; Stable, Static, Unstable and Collapsing systems. I have found that all system goes through changes, some drastic, that changes the way the parts of the systems fit with in it.

Några folkbibliotekariers roll i en ombyggnadsprocess och i en tillfällig nischverksamhet.

The purpose of this thesis is to get knowledge about how it is to work as a librarian at Gothenburg city library during a rebuilding process and during the time when they have worked in a temporary library so called niche library. Which part did they have in the renovation project and in the niche library? The aim is also to find out how the librarians have experienced their time in the niche library and if it has affected their profession and identity.The method that is used to answer questions of the study is semi-structured interviews with four public librarians. Through comparing previous research in building and rebuilding process I have analyzed the four public librarian?s part in the renovating process and the temporary library.

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