

10922 Uppsatser om Process of change - Sida 35 av 729

Business Process Outsourcing : Vilka faktorer är avgörande vid ett beslut?

Outsourcing, förflyttning av funktioner till extern part som tidigare funnits i företaget, är ett fenomen som under de två senaste årtiondena har vuxit starkt i världen. Outsourcing har möjliggjort för företag att fokusera på sin kärnverksamhet och därmed erhålla konkurrensfördelar. Business Process Outsourcing är en kategori inom detta område, som innebär att företaget outsourcar hela eller delar av sin ekonomifunktion. Användandet av Business Process Outsourcing har ökat bland de svenska företagen under de senaste åren. Det finns mångtydiga förklaringar till denna framväxt, där en förklaring är att det är en trend.

Bildens godkännandeprocessi katalogproduktion : The image approval processin a catalog production

The objective of this thesis has been to investigate the approval process for an image. This investigation has been carriedout at four catalog-producing companies and three companies working with repro or printing. The information wasgathered through interviews and surveys and later used for evaluation. The result of the evaluation has shown that allbusinesses are very good at technical aspects but also that the biggest problem they have is with the communication. Theconclusion is that businesses need a clear construction for the image process.

Skiljer sig riskuppfattning och riskhantering mellan kvinnliga och manliga privata skogsägare? : en enkätundersökning bland privata skogsägare i Sverige

As a forest owner you always have to consider hazards and uncertainty when planning your forestry actions. The aim with this report is to test my hypothesis that there is an overall difference between men and women when it comes to perception, estimation and management of hazards/risks in forestry. I will look into if there are differences in how men and women estimate risks in production forestry from an economical point of view. The aim is also to look into if there are differences between male and female private forest owners, in how they perceive and manage hazards in connection with a possible climate change. To fulfil this aim, an inquiry survey was undertaken in three different areas of Sweden, two areas in the south and one in the north. But in this report I have evaluated the three areas as a whole.

Styrningen av den svenska förskolan

In this study we have focused on the operational management of the public pre-school in Sweden. We have studied how the governance system is designed, why it is designed this way and what impact it has on the operational management. This has been analyzed from a theory stating that there are two types of organizations: pay-driven and function-driven. Through a case and document study we came to the conclusion that the pre-school is a function-driven organization but is nowadays acting on a market and have adopted characteristics of a pay-driven organization. We connect this change to the phenomenon New Public Management.

Lojalitetsplikt och Omsorgsförpliktelse för styrelse och VD

Sports associations play a very important role in the Swedish civil society, and since the 1st of July 1987 they have been exempted from the duty to pay VAT. By introducing an sufficiently closely related. When the conflict of law exists, the directive will be accorded priority, which leads to the Swedish Sports Federation must examine and considerexemption for sports associations the income tax field and VAT field correlate and the legislative change resulted in more favorable pre-close solutions for all of Sweden's non- profit organizations.  In June 2008 the European Commission launched a process concerning Swedish infringement against EU-law, and with it the Swedish civil society, where all Swedish sports associations are included, is threatened. The European Commission wants to, among other things, force sports associations into the VAT system for the purpose of the VAT Directive to be achieved.

Komma ut. en kvalitativ undersökning av lesbiska och bisexuella kvinnors komma-ut-process

Syftet med denna kvalitativa undersökning är att jag vill beskriva och analysera homosexuellas komma-ut-processer. Datainsamlingsmetoden som använts är intervjucitat med kvinnor från den skrivna litteraturen, Lesbisk identitet, Dubbelliv och Komma ut, samt livsvärldsbaserade temaintervjuer med tre av mina vänner. I intervjuerna har jag utgått från dessa olika teman; upptäckt, resans gång och dagsläge. Jag har även med ett par citat från egna erfarenheter.Mina teorier jag har använt mig av är, Fuchs Ebaughs Exitprocess, Pennebakers begrepp Disclosure och Inhibtion, jag har även använt mig av interaktion, roll- och stigma inom socialpsykologi. Jag kommer att göra ett försök till att beskriva och analysera dessa områden inom mitt ämne; komma-ut-process i sin helhet, Vad är det som påverkar kvinnornas agerande i en komma-ut-process och hur personer i det sociala nätverket involveras i en komma-ut-process.

Tysk regionalpolitik i förändring : -likvärdighet och rättvisa

German regional policy has changed from a strategy of redistribution to a regional growth focused policy- strategies, which are often seen as opposites. Both policies, however, still have to relate to the constitutional objective ?to achieve equal living conditions for the country?s citizens.?This paper examines what effects a political change may have had on the interpretation of the German constitutional objective. Its aim is to examine German regional policy and its relationship to justice, using John Rawls? A Theory of Justice.

Programvaruutveckling för en elektromagnetisk skanner med fokus på användaren, användarstudier och inlärning

The project was based on a request to improve an already existing program and hardware at the electrical engineering department at the royal institute of technology. For maximum ease of use, tests have been done on students to properly design the program for what it is meant to be used for. These tests have been transcribed and analysed, then brought back to the group in a discussion and then transcribed and analysed again, I call this process the ?four step process? (this process is presented and explained in chapter 6.4.). A part of this master thesis was also to analyse the four step process to enhance validity of this research.The project resulted in a new program with a new graphical view and features to help students and researchers to work with the technical tool for electromagnetic readings of planar objects.

Alkoholpåverkan - att påverka eller påverkas. En studie om att påverka politiska beslutsprocesser.

Making decisions have always been part of human life. Political decisions consist of many participants with both formal and informal ways to highlight problems and reach the political agenda. Processes difficult for an individual to distinguish and understand surround political decision-making. The purpose of this study is to investigate the decision process for a specific political issue, Swedish wine producers' desire to be able to sell their own wine at their vineyard; gårdsförsäljning. This is currently prohibited in the Swedish model due to an alcohol monopoly.

Påverkan av ackulturation på invandrares upplevelse av arbetets mening: en fenomenologisk studie

The purpose of this phenomenological study was to facilitate increased understanding of immigrant's experience of the meaning of work with focus on how that meaning can change as a part of the acculturation process. Participants (n=13) from eight countries answered an open question. The responses were analysed using Meaning Construction Analysis (MCA)-Minerva and the individual's life-worlds were made visible and discussed. The themes meaning of work, work, unemployment, education, adjustment, immigration, Sweden/country of origin, dreams, possibilities and self appeared as jointly shared important aspects. The results indicate that work is of central importance, and although the individuals share certain experiences, the meaning associated with the themes is of a complex and individual nature..

Processkartläggning : - Att kartlägga ett snabbväxande mindre företag

Bactiguard is a Swedish company within the field of medichal technology. The company has been very prosperous since it was founded in 2005 and was electedÅrets MedTechföretag 2008 ?MedTech Company of the year 2008. According to a definition by NUTEK, Bactiguard is still considered a minor company ? despite high market value and international expansion.

Produktionschefens arbetssituation : Hur deras arbete kan förändras och utvecklas

This report is written in cooperation with Skanska Sverige Hus Väst and it is discussing the role of site managers within the company. The report will bring up the demands that is put upon site managers and will also discuss stress related problems and how to change and develop the role as a site manager.We came up with three conclusions in this report. We believe that Skanska could develop VSAA to make it easier to use for site managers. We also believe that a further development of the project engineer is of great value, to give him or her greater responsibilities. The last conclusion is to change the responsibilities between the site manager and the production manager, to give the production manager a greater responsibility in the production..

Motiverad? : en reviewstudie på motiverande samtal med fysisk aktivitet

AimThe aim of this study was to find out whether Motivational Interviewing can affect people to change their behaviour in form of increasing physical activity. What results do studies conducted at healthy adults using Motivational Interviewing with physical activity as an outcome present?MethodTo fulfil the aim of the study we chose a review process. During the research two data-bases were used, PUBMED and CSA. Studies including participants under the age of 18 or studies where the participants suffered from diseases were excluded.

Vem finns med på framtidståget? -En studie av Karlskronas kollektiva identitet, såsom den upplevs av stadens befolkning, jämfört med hur den framställs av stadens makthavare

The first purpose of this thesis is to investigate if, how, and why the perceived collective identity in the town of Karlskrona has changed. Collective identities can due to their socially constructed nature change rapidly in light of new collective experiences. The reason for suspecting such a change in Karlskrona is the immense impact that the change in the global economy, according to Saskia Sassen, has on cities. By interviewing politicians and media representatives from Karlskrona the perceived identity is drawn. The second purpose of this thesis will then be to test if the identity as it is perceived by Karlskronas habitants differ from the one that town officials present through city marketing.

Ändring av förmånsrättslagen : Hjälpa eller stjälpa en oprioriterad borgenär?

The law of preferential rights has, since the 70?s, given företagshypotek a high priority after a company has claimed bankruptcy. After the costs concerning the insolvent estate and the liens, företagshypotek has received full refund. The effect has been that the unprioritized creditors often have not recieved any of their claims after the bank have re-cieved theirs. Many countries have during the last decades deviated from this law and in 2003, Sweden decided to take the same path.

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