

10922 Uppsatser om Process of change - Sida 30 av 729

Val och valregler inom kooperativa företag : en studie om hur människor gör val och hur val påverkar människor

This work summarises some of the new choice theories and compares them with the neo-classical theories. It will deal with choice behaviour in situations with complex choice, such as may be encountered by board members or members of a co-operative company. The thesis discusses how choice may change if the rules of choice change. The hypothesis that people will vote differently depending on whether they choose a desired alternative or remove the undesired alternatives will be tested. .

Att skriva musik : magi eller teori?

The aim of this project was for me to write two complete songs and to get to know my creative process better. I wrote two songs, made musical arrangements for them, transcribed the music in Sibelius, rehearsed the material with two musicians and at last recorded it in a studio. Throughout this I kept track of my own creative process. The project resulted in two complete songs with arrangement. I learned that I have some difficulty handling adversities in my songwriting, and that it was not so easy to get to know my own creative process as I thought.

Digitaliseringens förändring av bokbranschen

This is a bachelor thesis, written at the business studies institute, Uppsala Unviersity, exploring how digitalization has affected the Swedish book industry. This is done by studying how the introduction of the e-book has changed the way the publishers work and what problems and opportunities arise with the new way to publish and consume books. The technology optimists, that existed around the turn of the millennium, when the e-book came, made predictions along the lines of the physical book having ceased to exist within five to ten years. But the physical paper books do very much still exist, so haven?t the change happened as predicted? The purpose of this thesis is as follows: How has introduction of the e-book affected the relationship between the Swedish publishers and the book as a whole? This means that we consider the book as a concept, as a resource or product, and study how a change in this product affect publishers.The theoretical framework used is basically classical network theory.

"Vägen till ett eget hem" : En socialpsykologisk studie om mötens betydelse för män under den process då de fick ett hem

Den här studien avser att med en kvalitativ metod nå en ökad förståelse för vilken betydelse möten mellan hemlösa män och icke hemlösa personer har haft för männen under den tid då de fick ett hem. I vår teoretiska referensram har vi använt oss av Sterns beskrivning av ansikte mot ansikte-interaktion med särskilt fokus på intersubjektiva möten, och Scheffs teori om skam och stolthet. Vi har också Använt Collins teori om interationsrituella kedjor som betonar interpersonella- och grupprocesser samt Mays teori om tillhörighet. Genom tio semistrukturerade livsvärldsintervjuer med före detta hemlösa män har vi insamlat vårt empiriska material från tre olika länder. I resultatet framgick att möten hade en betydande roll under den tid då männen fick ett hem, och att de där fick möjlighet att omdefiniera bilden av sig själva, vilket underlättade för dem i att aktivt vilja arbeta mot en förändring av sina livssituationer.

Time efficiency in a product development process

Purpose: We wish to gain a deep knowledge about product development processes in relation to the aspect of time in companies in highly technological and rapidly changing markets. The purpose is to establish how organizations better can employ time as a resource to make the product development process more efficient. Conclusions: Information we gathered from theory and primary data show that information flow, synchronization and time profit when seeing time in three dimensions are factors which should be reflected in the architecture of a product development process. To illustrate our findings, we decided to create a model..

E-förvaltning - ett nytt sätt att hantera information

Syfte: Vi vill bidra med ökad förståelse för faktorer som kan underlätta utveck-lingen av e-förvaltning. Metod: Magisterarbetet är en kvalitativ studie av Sölvesborgs kommun. Vi har genom framför allt intervjuer samlat in vårt empiriska material. Vi har utgått från empirin, men samtidigt har vi haft vår teoretiska referensram i åtanke, med fokus på social struktur, informationsteknologi och tanke-modeller. Slutsatser: I vår studie visar vi att ett förändrat ledarskap, IPC (Information Process Change) och tillämpning av dialog är faktorer som kan underlätta ut-vecklingen av e-förvaltning.

Gotiska verbalprefix som markörer av särdraget State or Change of State : En förberedande undersökning

Uppsatsen har undersökt de gotiska verbalprefixen med utgångspunkt i att de ingår i ett system, i vilket prefixen hör hemma på olika positioner före verbets stam. Syftet har varit att fastställa, om någon av dessa positioner har varit avsedd för prefix bärande särdraget State or Change of State, som inom det teoretiska ramverket Lexical Template Morphology antas bära tre variabler. Materialet har bestått av belagda kombinationer av preverbala element, samtliga påträffade förekomster av verb på miþ- och dis-, samt stickprov av verb på ana- och us-. Genom en i huvudsak morfologisk analys har fem preverbala positioner i en ordbildningsmall föreslagits, här från det yttersta till det innersta kallade P5?P1.

"Att jag blev jag" : - en sociologisk analys av homosexuellas "komma ut" process

Denna uppsats handlar om homosexuellas ?komma ut? process och hur samhällets normer påverkar denna. Vi ville ta reda på om och hur en ny identitet skapas när någon kommer ut som homosexuell och hur samhällets syn på normbrytare är samt hur normbrytarna upplever det.Denna studie är gjord med hjälp av kvalitativ metod, vi har intervjuat elva öppet homosexuella män och kvinnor för att få reda på deras upplevelser och känslor kring sin ?komma ut? process.I analysen kommer vi bland annat fram till, med hjälp av tre teorier: identitet, heteronormativitet och biografiska vändpunkter att ?komma ut? processen inte behöver vara en vändpunkt i alla homosexuellas liv..

"Låt den rätte komma in..." : - En studie om Kroatiens och Turkiets resa mot EU-medlemskap

EU is an organization that has expanded really fast during the last years. When you read about different EU membership processes you notice that some processes have been much faster than others. Spontaneously you think that this depends om that some countries have not been fulfilling the Copenhagen criteria. However, during the last decennium some scientists have written articles about motives that have affected the membership processes. The basic problem in my essay is how we are supposed to understand a membership process? Since I was interested in if I could see the same inconsistent behavior pattern in other membership processes I chose to study Turkey and Croatia.


Our purposes with this essay was from the perspective of young people that has completed a stay at HVB-home, their parents and the social welfare secretaries get an apprehension on their way of looking at the purpose of placement in a HVB-home agrees with the comprehensive view of the placement. We also wish to get a picture of what is of important to change in this matter. How do they experience the reasons for the placement, goals and purpose? What positive and negative experience do they have from their placement? What is relevant to change when you look at the different parties' ways of looking at change/progress in this matter? In what different ways do the parties look upon collaboration and how does that effect the treatment? Our qualitative study is built upon interviews with the persons mentioned, upon educational visits to HVB-homes and upon interviews of staff at HVB-homes. The staffs opinion has also been compared with the other perspectives.

Den sista vilan : vad kännetecknar en rofylld begravningsplats?

This essay examines the criteria for a peaceful cemetery. First there is a short history of the Swedish funeral place. After that follows the definitions of a peaceful place according to environmental psychology. From these definitions an analysis method is constructed for identifying a peaceful cemetery. The analysis method contains six criteria, shape of the entrances, existence of sound, vegetation character, the cemetery?s demarcation, the cemetery?s management and what feeling the cemetery mediates.The analysis method is put into practice on three cemeteries, Överklinten cemetery, Stockholm forest cemetery and the old cemetery in Malmö.

EkoReko : Hur en digital tjänst får användarna att leva mer miljövänligt

The purpose of this study was to follow a research-oriented design process and to develop a design draft for a digital service that supports users to make more environmentally conscious choises in their everyday life. By following an interaction design process from start to final delivery, the study aims at creating a broad understanding of the process. Therefore, many userrelated activities were implemented in the study: eg. personas, scenarios, sketching and user testing. The project resulted in digital wireframes for an iPhone application using embedded GPS to identify and locate environmentally friendly businesses.

Vitpunktsförskjutningens påverkan på ICC-profiler vid användande av optiska vitmedel

The connection between fluorescence and color management still is a relatively unexplored area. Thefollowing composition analyses the theory that when printing on fluorescent ink jet paper using ICCprofilesa more yellow print will appear. In theory the ICC-profile compensate for blue light that fluorescefrom the paper with the complementary color, yellow. The human eye apprehands this fluorescentlight as white.When categorizing a number of ink jet qualities some tests to indicate change of color in the final printwere made. Five qualities were chosen for further analyses, each with different white point.

Politisk aktivism och Internet : En studie i hur Internet förändrar aktivism

The integration of the Internet in our society has shaped alot of the things we do in our lives. The Web allows us to achieve certain things directly through our computers, such as reading the paper and paying our bills. But this integration has also lead to another interesting change. Activists have begun to unload their operations onto the Net instead of holding on to the more traditional demonstrations performed in squares. This study aims to look into the world of cyberactivism and examine how cyberactivists experience the way activism has changed as a result of using the Internet.

Organisationsförändring : hur agil projektledning kan bidra till att motståndet minskas

Metod/Method: Semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med kommunchefen, personalchefen, fyra medarbetare och en facklig representant i Sala kommun. Materialet från intervjuerna analyserades sedan bland annat med hjälp av två av Morgans organisationsmetaforer, Kotters 8 steg, agil projektledning och Derbys tidigare forskning inom området./ Semi-structured interviews have been conducted with the local head of government, the human resource manager, four employees and a union member in Sala kommun. The material from the interviews was then analyzed with help from Morgans organizational metaphors, Kotters 8 step, agile project management and Derbys earlier research on the area. Slutsatser/Results: En organisationsförändring enligt agil projektledning innebar att de teoretiska rekommendationerna för hur en organisationsförändring ska genomföras följdes. Att personalen gjordes delaktig i förändringen gjorde att motståndet mot organisationsförändringen kunde minimeras vilket var den största fördelen.

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