6007 Uppsatser om Procedural and conceptual knowledge - Sida 31 av 401
Regional Styrningsproblematik i ett Utvidgat Europa - en komparativ fallstudie av Frankrike och Polen
The aim of this comparative study is to analyse the French and the Polish regional governance in order to see if there are any differences in their regional ruling systems. Further more I will study their different possibilities in taking part in the European Union regional political market. The shape of the regional systems will be explored both organisationally (study of the institutional entities of the regional construction) and functionally (study of the competencies of the regional body etcetera) to focus on its cause on the regional development. My over all focus will be to find out whether regional rule means differently in the countries France and Poland.Several questions are dealt with and the two main ones are as follows; How do the different structures of the form of government in France and Poland influence the governance on the regional level? Do Poland, as a new member state of the European Union, have what it takes to face the challenges of the new membership; or are there a complex of problems arising from the admittance that prevent its regions from fully taking part in the European regional political market?Some of my conclusions are as follows;There are major differences between the two countries when it comes to their regional ruling systems leading to different abilities in taking part in the European regional political market.
Offentlig upphandling av textila produkter ? faktorer som kan inverka på en kommun när det gäller att ställa krav på miljö- och social hänsyn : En fallstudie av Örebro kommun
The public sector is a major purchaser of goods and services. By setting requirements for environmental and social considerations in public procurement, an authority has the possibility to use consumer power to influence the actors in a market. The purpose of this paper is to investigate public procurement of textile products in a municipality, in order to gain knowledge about factors that may be important for the use of environmental and social criteria. Håkan Hydén´s (professor in sociology of law) norm model was used as the basis of the analysis, where the conduct was investigated along three dimensions of the norm ? willingness, knowledge and system conditions ? in order to identify underlying factors that can influence the process.The results ? analyzed by using interviews and documents ? show that the procurer's willingness, motivation and knowledge are important factors in this context, as well as the political priority of the municipality.
Informations- och kunskapsflöde i byggbranschen : En studie av informations- och kunskapsflöde till och från produktionsledare
This report that is written in cooperation with Peab Sverige AB, studies the information and knowledge management from the production support to the production management. The conclusion of this report is that to have a good and functional information and knowledge management it is necessary that the company has a good way of regain and handling experiences from its projects. The way to do this is to develop the managing system on the production management?s terms. It is also critical to find an easy way for the production management to use the system..
Landscape urbanism : from a methodological perspective and a conceptual framework
Landscape urbanism has for the last decade been a topic for debate among practitioners and theorists involved in forming the contemporary city. The advocates for landscape urbanism mean that traditional dichotomies like city and country are invalid to illustrate the contemporary urban realm. Rather, a new urban morphology has evolved, which calls for new methods and models when approaching the city. Landscape urbanism suggests a revaluation of landscape in order to develop these approaches. This paper sets out to map how this is addressed within landscape urbanism.
Bibliotekarier om bibliotekarier - En diskursanalytisk studie om bibliotekariers kunskaper, uppgifter, roller och föreställningar om bibliotekarier
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how public librarians, including school librarians, express themselves about librarians in library journals. Questions asked in the study are: How is the knowledge, tasks and roles of librarians described? How do the librarians describe their own and others perceptions of librarians? Are there any contradictions in how the librarian profession is described and if so, what are they? 56 articles from three Swedish library journals, Biblioteksbladet, bis and DIK-forum in the period from 1990 to 2007, are analysed. The theory and method used is discourse analysis.
Om hörselskadade i BHS-utbildningen: diskursen om hur blivande bibliotekarier förbereds att möta hörselskadades behov av tillgänglighet på biblioteken
The purpose of this thesis is to determine how well a student is prepared as a future librarian at BHS in Borås, when it comes to serving individuals with hearing disabilities at the libraries. The theory and combined methods is that of discourse theory, interviews and Webb searches. The source material for this thesis comprises course material from 2002 and 2003, with the main focus on the spring term 2003 and on what is called the users perspective användarperspektivet. The study is divided into two parts: firstly, to determine the students expected knowledge and his/her future professional identity through this knowledge. The user groups that were mentioned to the students during the education were also linked to the students knowledge.
Aspects of caring for suddenly bereaved relatives
Background: When a person suddenly pass away, the relatives often arrive to the Emergency Department under chaotic circumstances. In this critical situation the nurse has an important role for the care. Many nurses lack of knowledge about how to take care of the bereaved relatives. Aim: The aim of the literature study was to describe aspects of caring for suddenly bereaved relatives. Method: The data for the study were scientific articles found in the databases PubMed and Cinahl and from a manual search.
Tyst yrkeskunnande på Negotium : - En kvalitativ fallstudie av ett konsultföretag
Denna studie syftar till att inom fältet knowledge management, samt ur ett situerat lärandeperspektiv, skapa en ökad förståelse för hur medarbetares tysta yrkeskunnande synliggörs, delas, integreras och reproduceras i organisationen. För att möjliggöra undersökandet av detta syfte har tre frågeställningar definierats;I vilka situationer synliggörs tyst yrkeskunnande?Hur delas tyst yrkeskunnande?Vilken roll spelar organisationskulturen för delande av tyst yrkeskunnande?Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom nio semistrukturerade intervjuer på det undersökta fallföretaget. Resultatet från intervjuerna har analyserats med utgångspunkt i Säljös (2005) situerade lärandeperspektiv, Alvesson & Kärremans (2001) modell Four Knowledge Management Approaches samt Nonaka & Takeuchis (1995) SECI-modell. Studiens resultat visar att det förekommer tyst yrkeskunnande i verksamheten och att detta kunnande i stor utsträckning handlar om organisationskännedom, relationsmässiga kunnanden samt identifiering med förebilder.
Den europeiska exekutionstiteln : En studie av förordning (EG) nr. 805/2004
Increased trade and exchange within the European Community has brought with it the need for less restricted circulation of judgments. The situation has improved greatly due to the enactment of Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (the Brussels I Regulation).Despite recent improvements the proceedings are still time-consuming and difficult. Many creditors refrain from having judgments recognized and enforced as the proceedings cost too much time and are too time-consuming. On January the 21st 2005 a new Regulation entered into force, Regulation (EC) No.
Who's that girl? : Skivbolagskultur och dess påverkan på Robyn
ABSTRACTErik Ageberg: Who's that girl? ? Skivbolagskultur och dess påverkan på Robyn. Uppsala Universitet: Institutionen för Musikvetenskap. C-uppsats, 2006.Robyn has been one of the most successful Swedish pop stars during the last decade. She has during these ten last years gone from being a young star to being the owner of her own record label, Konichiwa Records.
Märstaån ? ett vattenlandskap : Är våtmarker och dammar vägen framåt?
The overall aim is to examine how the European Union Water Framework Directive has affected the local water management in the catchment Märstaån situated in the eastern part of the lake Mälaren river basin, Sweden. The first part of the study gives an historical overview of the area with focus on how the old agricultural landscape was handling the nutrient load from farming activities by means of different kinds of wetlands. By using the concept of the procedural landscape, introduced by Torsten Hägerstrand , together with historical maps with dates starting from the 17th century, the pre-modern landscape is analyzed. The second part is an investigation, based on qualitative data, on how the different actors in the catchment area work together to secure the water quality for the Märstaån river. The analysis shows that the Märstaån catchment river systems are mostly unchanged in the rural areas. The exception is the mainstream section of the Märstaån river running partly underground today and the Halmsjöbäcken river that is heavily affected by the Arlanda airport situated within the catchment area.
Knowledge Management : En Studie Av SAAB Barracuda AB
Flera forskare går så långt att de säger att kunskap kan vara den enda bestående konkurrensfördelen ett företag har i dagens föränderliga omvärld. Knowledge Management som begrepp tog fart i början av 1990-talet och har sedan dess varit föremål för omfattande forskning. Samtidigt sägs det att kunskap kan vara svår att kommunicera och överföra. Vi började fundera på vilka företag som kan tänkas använda strategier för att hantera kunskap, och om Knowledge Management är så utbrett bland företagen som forskarna ger sken av, är det en så betydelsefull komponent i utvecklandet av företags konkurrensfördelar? Vi valde att undersöka Saab Barracuda AB som är världsledande inom signaturanpassning och titta på hur de, som svenskt multinationellt företag, hanterar tillvaratagande och överföring av kunskap.
Dolls 4R: Ett mått på kunskapsutveckling? : En studie om bedömning av studentens kunskapsutveckling
Aim: The aim of this study was to examine a way to measure students? knowledge development by using a self-made measure instrument based on William Doll?s postmodern curriculum.Question: Is it suitable to use an self-made measure instrument based on William Doll?s post-modern curriculum theory to measure development of knowledge?Methods: The study was based on process-hermeneutics and was focused on analysingcollege students? written and oral reflective thoughts. The data was collected over three lessons, where six students? written reflective thoughts were handed in. An observation was carried out each lesson for an extra control of validity.
Flerspråkiga Tesaurer: Att uttrycka ett och samma begrepp utifrån skilda kulturer och olika språk.
The aim of this paper is to investigate the problems in multilingual thesauri, with a focus on the problem of conceptual equivalence between different languages. This study compares the problems and solutions that have been carried out in the Eurovoc multilingual thesaurus with the ISO 5964 ISO 5964 is a guideline for establishment and development of multilingual thesauri. The Swedish descriptors in the subject area "education and communication", from Eurovoc have been observed and compared with the guidelines recommendations. The results show that, the majority of the investigated Swedish descriptors do not present any problem. Most of the terms that are used as descriptors are found in dictionaries and glossaries or appear with high frequency in Swedish websites.
Arbetsterapeuters kliniska resonemang vid bedömning av arbetsförmåga hos personer med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar. : En kvalitativ intervjustudie
Uppsatsens syfte var att beskriva hur arbetsterapeuter resonerar kliniskt vid bedömning av arbetsförmåga hos personer med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar. För denna studie användes en kvalitativ ansats. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fem arbetsterapeuter som jobbar mot arbetsmarknaden. Frågeområdena inspirerades av clinical reasoning ?three track mind? där procedural, interactive och conditional reasoning utgör de tre olika tankemönstren.Resultatet redovisades i fyra kategorier och ett övergripande tema som beskriver arbetsterapeuternas kliniska resonemang: Att forma en frågeställning, Att välja bedömningsmetod, Att utforma en slutrapport och Yrkeskompetens.