

16036 Uppsatser om Problem representation - Sida 26 av 1070

?Om inte vi mammor mår bra mår inte barnen bra heller? : En studie om kvinnor som har barn med frihetsberövade män

The purpose of the essay is to analyze the welfare state from a gender perspective. Further, the paper analyzes and critically examines three different normative solutions provided by Irish Marion Young, Nancy Fraser and Jürgen Habermas for the realization of a welfare state that includes women.Habermas argues that the welfare state has created a situation of dependency and state paternalism which reduces both individual and collective self-determination. Young follows Habermas? argument. She argues for a political climate where justice is reduced to the distribution of material goods rather than the elimination of underlying relations of domination and gender specific patterns.

En illustrativ tolkning av Carl-Einar Häckner i form av en webbmiljö

This project is a study in how to represent the Swedish magician and variety artist Carl-Einar Häckner in a web-based environment. With a starting point focusing on illustration I wanted to produce a web environment that would function as a prototype for a webpage. My personal aim was to explore and gain new experiences from working in a digital interactive environment. I wanted to use animation and illustration to create an atmosphere and communicate emotions, and in the end find out a way of how to integrate that with a more text based content. The project is a personal project based on my interpretation of the work of Carl-Einar Häckner and an effort to translate Häckners expression and the emotions he evokes in his variety shows into image..

Graffiti och Nolltolerans : En kvalitativ studie om graffitikulturens utveckling till följd av Stockholm stads nolltolerans

This study is about howStockholm?s policy for zero tolerance of graffiti from 2007 affected the graffiti culture inStockholm. We have researched what consequences there were for the practice of graffiti, and what consequences there were for the stylistic performance of graffiti. In doing so, we have had two focus group interviews and one deep interview including eight graffiti writers from Stockholm. The individuals in the groups have been practising graffiti for a varied amount of time, but we have representation from both before, and after/during the policy of zero tolerance from 2007. Our study shows that the result ofStockholm?s policy for zero tolerance of graffiti for the graffiti culture inStockholmwas a ?subcultureification?, a ?stylistic generalization? and the ?subculture?s ambivalent identity?.

Layoutgenerator för serie/parallell-omvandlare

I digitala kretsar kan både bit-parallella och bit-seriella interface förekomma.T ex kan en integrerad digital krets (IC-krets) internt använda sig av bit-parallella aritmetiska kretsar medan dess kommunikation med andra integrerade kretsar sker bit-seriellt. Genom att använda seriell kommunikation mellan IC-kretsar kan antalet ben på kapslarna effektivt begränsas.Detta examensarbete gick ut på att göra en layoutgenerator för generering av en parametriserbar serie/parallellomvandlare och en parallell/serieomvandlare. När en krets använder sig av både bit-seriell och bit-parallell representation av data behövs dessa för att omvandla mellan formaten..

Invandrarnas Sverige : Fyra bilder av integration i Sverige

Vi lever idag i ett mångkulturellt samhälle där integration har blivit en allt viktigare fråga. Då en stor del av Sveriges befolkning har annan etnisk bakgrund än svensk blir det viktigare att mötas och respektera varandra. Detta är i stort vad integration går ut på och något som det arbetas med dagligen. I denna antologi behandlas integration ur fyra olika perspektiv. Gemensamt för dessa bidrag är att de behandlar integrationsprocesser och identitetsskapande.

En givande undervisning i problemlösning för andraspråkselever : En studie i årskurs 3 vid en mångkulturell skola i södra Stockholm

Thanks to I have got to explore different teaching ways around the problem solving in a year 3, in a multicultural school which is located south of Stockholm, I have been able to answer my question at issue in my degree work. My question at issue on this investigation and the purpose with my degree work was to explore different teaching ways that promotes pupils with another mother tongue than Swedish, to develop reading comprehension and to get a better understanding of mathematical concepts in problem solving tasks. On this investigation have I chosen to teach these pupils to explore, reach and gain a deeper understanding of what teaching about problem solving promotes these pupils. I have when it concerns choice of method and material collections assumed from a qualitative investigation and gathered the material with help from participation notices and interviews. I have in my investigation reached the conclusion that those pupils with another mother tongue than Swedish developed reading comprehension and got a better understanding of mathematical concepts in problem solving tasks by being taught in a creative and varied teaching. A creative and varied teaching as I taught those pupils in contained:the pupils had to work with living-related problem tasksthe pupils had to work in pairs to resolve problem solvingthe pupils had to work in larger groups to resolve problem solvingthe pupils had to work in a creative way, by writing and drawing pictures and do their own mathematical fairy tale in problem solvingthe pupils had to work with manipulatives to resolve problem solving in half classes..

Synen på det svenska samhället utifrån skribenter i Röda röster mellan åren 1919-1921

Detta är en uppsats som har fått sin utgångspunkt från rapporten ?Om sociala problem i nya bostadsområden? från Centralförbundet för socialt arbete. Rapporten från 1976 konstaterade att det i hög grad förekom sociala problem i de nya bostadsområden som byggts enligt Miljonprogramsmodellen. I Halmstad byggdes bostadsområdet Andersberg för att bota den bostadsbrist som under 1960-talet rådde i Halmstad. Då området byggdes enligt normer från just Miljonprogrammet, blev uppsatsens syfte att se hur väl detta bostadsområde stämde överrens med de definitioner av sociala problem som preciserades i rapporten, samt att ge en lokal och levande bild av det tidiga Anderberg.

Problemlösningens roll i grundskolans matematikundervisning

Syftet med följande arbete är att ta reda på hur matematiska problem skall konstrueras för att ge eleven träning i att kommunicera matematik, stimulera elevens tänkande och få eleven att lära sig baskunskaper. Med hjälp av observationer av elever som löser olika typer av matematiska problem och intervjuer undersöks vilken effekt olika problemtyper har på elevens lärande. Undersökningen visar att öppna problem som upplevs som utmanande och har inslag av praktiska moment bäst svarar mot undersökningens frågor..

Kristen ortodoxi i svenska läroböcker : En analys av framställningen av ortodoxi i fyra läroböcker innan den nya läroplanen. LGR11 och GY11 och fyra efter

The purpose of this study was to gain understanding of orthodox Christianity in Swedish educational material. The aim was to compare the presentation of orthodox Christianity towards pupils before the new curriculum and after. With the help of an analytical approach by Bergström and Boreu ?s and the interpretation strategy by Quentin Skinner, I have studied material used in school for the subject religion. I have limited my educational material in one way.

Självskada (NSSI) och externaliserade problem

Med utgångspunkt att självskadebeteende är ett internaliserat problem är syftet med studien att i en ungdomspopulation undersöka om självskadebeteende även är länkat till externaliserade problem. Vi undersöker även om självskadebeteende hänger samman med att i olika miljöer utsättas och utsätta andra för negativa beteenden. Studien använder redan insamlade data i forskningsprojekt kallat - ?Sju Skolor?: Center for Developmental Research (CDR). Data samlades in från 1478 högstadieelever.

Normer, presentation och självrepresentation : En kvalitativ studie om unga kvinnor som bloggar

In this paper we examine how young women present themselves on their weblogs. The main purpose of this study is to get their own opinions and thoughts about their own blogging, to see if we can find norms for how they present themselves and how the presentation online matches themselves offline. We put this in relation to information technologies, social software and Computer mediated communication, CMC. It´s also in our interest to see how the phenomenon of blogs, its role and methods of communication have changed and developed in the last few years, and whether there are differences in the way people use it according to age. The major finding is that, unlike previous research, the women in our study tend to be themselves in their weblogs and they do not manipulate their identities.

Skolgård : Ett pedagogiskt verktyg för fritidspedagoger

The present study aimed to replicate Tversky & Kahneman's' survey of 1981 The Asian Disease Problem. A survey was conducted on the Internet (N = 200). An identical problem was added, yet with The Swine Flu as the disease. This was done to be able to investigate if there are any order effects, and also if it matters whether the mentioned disease is fictional or real. The results show the same results as Tversky & Kahneman already noted; positively and negatively framed problems generate different responses from the participants.

Den mjuka rebellen. Konsumtion och representation av pocketböcker

(Tiden, minnet, kriget och dess följder. Studier i Eyvind Johnsons verk, särskilt noveller. Fredrik Smeds, D-uppsats i Litteraturvetenskap, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för kultur och kommunikation, vt 2004.) Författaren undersöker berättartekniken i fyra av Eyvind Johnsons noveller om nutida krig och deras följder. Det indirekta skrivsättet om kriget studeras särskilt. Minnet och tiden uppmärksammas.

Konstruktionen av ett socialt problem : en diskursanalytisk fallstudie av hur hedersrelaterat våld återges i dagspress och fackpress mellan åren 1997 ? 2007

The purpose of this paper was to describe how a phenomenon is constructed into being a social problem, by studying articles on honour killing in the Swedish daily press and in the technical journal Socionomen. The main questions were: can different discourses on honour killing be identified, and if so, have they changed over time, and are there differences between the discourses identified in the daily press and in Socionomen? The method used was a qualitative analysis of discourse influenced by Faircloughs Critical Discourse Analysis. The main conclusion was that honour killing has been textually constructed as a social problem in the studied media. There was one main discourse which clearly pointed out groups as bearers and victims of the social problem.


This thesis discusses the representation of bodies in todays non-fiction television in Sweden. I have chosen to focus on deviant bodies (sexual, deformed or unhealthy) on display in reality-shows and documentaries on SVT, TV4 but especially on the commercial channels TV3 and Kanal5. Also discussed are the viewers emotional and bodily reactions. Altough these shows are different from one another in many respects, I argue that there is also a common thread between them. From a sociological and cultural perspective, and with help of some historical examples, I try to illustrate how we view these shows and what their function is.

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