

16036 Uppsatser om Problem representation - Sida 14 av 1070

Orderhantering via Android

This degree project deals with creating an Android application for managing representation orders placed in stores as well as evaluating Androids usage as a platform for that line of work. The evaluation will be based on tests of the application on an Android phone together with a survey consisting of written questions and a practical test of the application..

Klimatfrågan i dagspressen : En analys av den bild svenska dagstidningar förmedlar genom sina ledarartiklar när det gäller klimatförändringarna

ABSTRACTClimate Change in the Daily PressAn Analysis of the Representation Swedish Daily Papers Convey Through Their Editorials About the Climate ChangeThe purpose of this essay is partly to present how swedish daily papers describe the climate change through their editorials and partly to examine if their politcal affiliation effect their point of view about the climate change. The search incluedes editorials from 6 daily papers (Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen, Göteborgstidningen, Nerikes Allehanda and Svenska Dagbladet) from the year 1997 to the year 2003. Three discourses and the order between them, found by a former analysis (Adger and others, 2001) of the international politics of climate change, are used as types of ideal in a form of an analysis of idea.The analysis reveals that the swedish daily papers don?t give the problem any major attention. Only a total of 65 editorials about the climate change could be found even though the papers produces several thousands during the period.

Den gode, den onde, den andre : Spelfilm som riskrapportering

Detta är en studie kring hur filmer framställer olika grupper som risker, till exempel muslimer som terrorister. Vi har gjort en kvalitativ studie av tre spelfilmer, nämligen Rambo III, Belägringen och The Kingdom samt en dokumentärfilm; Det svider i hjärtat. I dessa filmer har vi tittat efter hur muslimer framställs. För att strukturera upp studien har vi valt ett tesdrivande tillvägagångssätt utifrån Karl Poppers metod och prövat en rad olika teoretiska begrepp och perspektiv. Dessa är Edward W.

"Ta det som en man?" : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys med fokus på maskulinitetsdrag hos karaktärer i Svenska filminstitutets rekomendationer för Skolbio

This study is a qualitative content analysis which sets out to examine the representation of stereotypic masculine traits amongst the main characters in two films from The Swedish Institute of Film's (Svenska Filminstitutets) selection for ?School Cinema? (Skolbio). The study is operationalised through the use of a scheme, constructed by Lorraine Evans and Kimberly Davies for their study No sissy boys here, which maps stereotypical masculine and feminine traits and originates from Sandra Lipsitz Bems ?Sex Role Inventory?. The masculine traits in the scheme are: aggressive, competitive, argumentative, decisive, assertive, risk-taking, self-reliant and adventurous, and the feminine are: affectionate, emotionally expressive, impetuous, nurturing, panicky, passive, tender, and understanding.

Leva på systemet

Vi vill med denna uppsats förklara hur små aktörer i en starkt reglerad marknad skapar konkurrensfördelar och om dessa är konkurrenskraftiga i en avreglerad marknad. Vi kommer fram till att mindre aktörer i en reglerad alkoholmarknad skapar sina konkurrensfördelar genom att effektivt sammanföra sina starka resurser, i form av know how om produkten och ett kvalitativt nätverk. Denna konkurrensfördel leder till kontinuerlig representation på Systembolaget. Det är genom denna representation företagen uppfyller KSF och därmed blir effektivt organiserade och får den finansiella uppbackningen som möjliggör att tillgodogöra sig de vinster konkurrensfördelen genererar. Möjligheterna att skapa efterfråga ökar i den avreglerade marknaden då aktörerna fritt kan disponera marknadsföringsverktyget 4P.

Landet Kris : - en kvalitativ undersökning om hur Lettland framställs i svenska nyhetsmedier

The purpose of this study was to find out how swedish newspapers writes about Lettland during 2005-2009, who gets to speak in media, which key words being used, and if the news articles content changes over the years. As a basis for my discussion I?ve used Stuart Hall's theories for representation and language. In the same litterature, Hall presents theories for stereotypes and power from different researchers which I have studied for this study. I?ve also used Van Ginnekens theory about who may be heard in media.

Pressen och piraterna : En studie i representationen av fildelning och upphovsrätt i svenska storstadspress

I denna studie undersöks svensk storstadspress representation av fenomenen fildelning och upphovsrätt. Fenomenen är en del av en pågående debatt kring Internets utveckling och reglering, inte sällan ingår begreppen då man talar om integritet och informationsfrihet. Politiska beslut tas som har juridiska påföljder, dessa påverkar människors vardag.Syftet med denna studie är att se hur diskurser, sätt att tala om, förstå och konstituera fenomen, ser ut och formar representationen av fenomenen i pressen. Press och media har stora maktpositioner i samhället, som granskare av makten och som frambringare av information till allmänheten. Utifrån objektivitets- och neutralitetsideal arbetar journalister med dagliga arbetsrutiner.

CCTV och Al Jazeera : Likheter och skillnader i de internationella nyhetsprogrammen

Stockholms Universitet, Instutitionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikationJMK, Karlavägen 104Box 27 861, 115 93 STOCKHOLMTel: 08-16 20 00Titel: CCTV och Al Jazeera ? likheter och skillnader i de internationella nyhetsprogrammen Title: CCTV and Al Jazeera ?similarities and differences in the international news programsFörfattare: Hanna Strid, hanna.strid@gmail.com, Marta Kaszuba, marta.kaszuba@hotmail.com.Handledare: Christian ChristensenC-uppsatsHöstterminen 2013This essay aims to identify what similarities and differences there are between news broadcastings from Chinese CCTV and Al Jazeera English which has its national headquarters in Qatar. When national channels broadcasts internationally, it is interesting to see what they choose to convey as that day's news flow and how to represent their country. It can depend on many different things such as structures of media ownership in the country and cultural context. The research methods used have been empirical studies and comparative analysis of a total of ten broadcasts of the largest daily newscasts on both channels, both news programmes are called the News Hour.

Synen på våldtäkt : Utifrån den synvinkel som fanns hos statens offentliga utredning kring sexualbrott 1976, SOU 1976:9

This study is based on a proposition about the legislation regarding sexual offences prepared by a commission initiated by the Swedish government in 1972 which was presented in 1976. The purpose of this study has been to ascertain the commissions views on rape based on their representation of the problem, their presuppositions and assumptions regarding it and future consequences in behavior for victims and offenders of the crime. The key results of this study is that the commission regarded the ?problem? of the then current legislation to be non-consistently with the time being. In their opinion the legislation needed to be loosened from its moral strings and be adjusted to the ?new? sexually liberal era.

Man eller kvinna - Låt myter om förövaren försvinna : En diskursanalytisk studie av hur personer som begått sexualbrott mot barn framställs i svenska dagstidningar

The aim of this study is to identify the dominating discourse in Swedish newspapers concerning perpetrators who committed sexual offence against children. The study is based on the idea that the media representation play a significant role to the public opinion and awareness of the perpetrators. The study is based upon a selection of 103 articles published between January 2003 and November 2013, taken from four of the biggest daily newspapers in Sweden; Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen and Svenska Dagbladet. The methodological and theoretical approach in the study has been the one of discourse analysis through which one dominating discourse along with two subsidiary discourses could be identified. The discourse considered to be dominating is the one who presents the perpetrators through the discrepancy between the actions committed and the description of the perpetrator.

?Jättebra, fortsätt så!? : Responsens betydelse för motivationen i ämnet idrott och hälsa

This thesis explore women?s needs when reentering society after having served a sentence at the female prison Färingsö, outside Stockholm and whether those needs are being met in the reentry strategies that are being provided. Parallel to this the thesis also examines if there, based on nonconformity and gender theories, is a socially constructed representation of women maintained in the rehabilitation work.The method of this thesis applied semi-structured interviews and used snowball sampling to expand the network of informants to obtain the data necessary. Totally five interviews were carried out. Previous research has shown that women in prison have much more complex problems than men and that there is a need for reentry strategies that take gender in account.The results showed that in terms of being able to reenter back in society, women needed help to structure a previously chaotic life.

Att spela heterosexuell : En studie av konstruktioner av genus och sexualitet i tv-spelen Prince of Persia och Fable II

The purpose of this paper is to investigate how gender and sexuality are made in the videogames Prince of Persia and Fable II, and more specifically to look at possibilities and limitations for the construction of gender and sexuality in these games. I understand videogames as an interactive media form that differs from other types of media like film and literature. It is a media form that depends on a player to be played. At the same time it is constituted by rules of how it can be played. I have analyzed my material by a method called close-playing.

Ett brokigt fo?rflutet : gra?nsdragningen mellan ?Vi? och ?Dom? i Svenska Dagbladet och Dagens Nyheter

This study examines imagined boundaries between Swedes and non-Swedes. Rather than using pre-determined definitions as a starting point, the attempt is to examine the discursive construction of difference. The purpose is not to study the portrayal of immigrants per se but to examine how the ?immigrant-ness? is constructed. The result shows the perception of ?immigrant-ness? is linked more to a person?s origin than to the act of immigration itself. The selected newspapers are Dagens Nyheter (DN) and Svenska Dagbladet (SvD) for the period of 15th November ? 21st November, 1999.

Jämställdhet i kommunfullmäktige i Luleå: en studie utifrån 3R - Representation, Resurser, Realia

Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera kommunfullmäktige i Luleå utifrån analysmodellen 3R ? Representation, Resurser och Realia ? för att se huruvida man kan betrakta det som jämställt eller inte. Representation ser över den kvantitativa fördelningen mellan kvinnor och män, resurser tittar på hur pengar och tid är fördelade mellan könen och realia är resultatet av de två första R:en och visar vilka normer som styr verksamheten. Den feministiska teorin bidrar till att motivera analysen, det kvinnliga deltagandet i politiken motiveras av den norska statsvetaren Helga Hernes med rättviseprincipen, att kvinnor är en resurs och har andra intressen än män som måste komma till tals inom politiken. För att få analysmaterial genomförs observationer och enkätundersökning inom kommunfullmäktige i Luleå.

Det levande biblioteket ? retorik kring fördomar och möten. En argumentationsanalys i relation till folkbibliotekets mångfaldsuppdrag.

The living library started in Denmark at the festival of Roskilde in 2000. It was initiated by the youth organisation ?Stop volden? (?Stop the violence?). Since 2005 the idea of lending a human being who represents a prejudice has also become a practice in a few public libraries in Sweden. I found it interesting to analyse the living library in relation to the mission of diversity in the public library.

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