

3227 Uppsatser om Priority scoring systems - Sida 64 av 216

Äldre motionärers upplevelser av motionsträning: en beskrivande intervjuundersökning

Title: Older people's experiences of exercise training: a survey based on a descriptive design.Course: Public Health: Theory and method of application and degree, 30 credits. University of Gävle, health education program.Author: Helena AnderssonPurpose: According to earlier research the western population is aging. This may affect, the older peoples`s physical disability in one form or another. The consequences may be that the need off care can increase. However elderly can prevent a variety of age-related diseases by being physically active.

En utvärdering av tillförlitligheten av den information som ambulansen får vid ett larm.

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att utvärdera tillförlitligheten av informationen som ambulanspersonalen får från sjukvårdens larmcentral. Frågeställningen är i vilken utsträckning utalarmeringsinformationen stämmer överens med vad ambulans personalen gör för bedömningar väl framme på plats hos patienten.Metod: I denna studie användes en deskriptiv och korrelativ design och sambandet mellan de två variablerna utalarmeringsorsak och bedömt tillstånd. Studien inkluderade alla de larm som utalarmerats som prioritet 1A/B under insamlingsperioden, vecka 10 till vecka 18 2012, vilket resulterade i 62 larm.Resultat: Analysen av utalarmeringsorsak och bedömt tillstånd på plats visar en hög grad av överensstämmelse, kappa koefficienten 0.78. Det är enbart fem fall av sextiotvå, cirka 8 % som avviker utan någon rimlig förklaring, det kan därav antas att det medicinska beslutsstödet fungerar bra. Resultatet visar dock att det sker avvikanden när den intervjuande sjuksköterskan får ett larm med en medvetandepåverkad patient vid utalarmeringen.Slutsats: Studien visar att den utalarmeringsinformation som ambulansen får från sjukvårdens larmcentral anses fungera bra vid utalarmeringen av prioritering 1.

Kliniskt handledarskap med hjälp av Informations- och kommunikationsteknik (IKT) : -         En intervjustudie

The purpose of this study was to describe senior nurses? expectations concerning how a digital information and communication technology systems (ICT) can contribute to the improvement of care leadership and how it can strengthen ties between the school's theoretical world and the practical clinical work-based training (WP) in nursing. The study has a descriptive design with a qualitative approach. The study involved seven leading care nurses. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews.

Finansiärer ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv : En aktörsstudie av Europeiska Investeringsbanken, Nordiska Investeringsbanken och Svensk Exportkredit

 Today a major part of the energy produced steams from fossil fuels, finite resources, and a change towards an energy sector based on renewable energy is necessary. Sweden is one of the leading countries with regards to investments in renewable energy but most other countries have a long way to go. This makes it interesting in developing renewable energy projects in new markets in countries like Poland where still a lot of fossil fuel is used. Large infrastructure development projects are very costly and therefore external investors needs to be involved. The investors play an important role in changing the usage of fossil fuels towards renewable energy sources.

Uppföljning av informationssystemen i en socialförvaltning : Utveckling av ett uppföljningsinstrument

I denna studie har vi utvecklat, testat och utvärderat ett uppföljnings-instrument som följer upp personalens användning av och uppfattning om informationssystemen i en socialförvaltning. Uppföljningsinstrumentet är utformat utifrån en redan etablerad modell (Information Systems Success Model). Inhämtningsdelen har vi utformat i form av en enkät. Analys och redovisningsdelen har vi utformat utifrån modellen. Uppföljningsinstrumentet kan användas som en del i en socialförvaltnings kontinuerliga förbättringsarbete och kräver inga förkunskaper i informatik eller informationslogistik för att användas..

Enhetstestning: Kostnad mot kvalitet

Unit testing is a type of testing technique which is becoming quite fashionable to the developers and companies that are in the business of creating and managing software. Alas there are seldom any concrete data to support the positive claims of the authors in unit testing methodology books. These claims are instead based on empirical studies and the experience of the authors. The problem that arises from this situation is that it becomes problematic for managers and also the developers themselves to convince both customers and their own management to use this type of testing as there is no exact return of investment model. This essay examines this problem from two points, the first point is from the literature itself and interviews conducted with a number of developers at a software company located in Umea, Sweden.

Kan grönt bli till guld? : En studie av miljöcertifieringars värde och utveckling i den svenska bygg- och fastighetssektorn

Certification systems, that assess companies? work with social and environmental issues, have emerged in an increasing number of industries. Today, there are environmental certifications for the food industry, the forestry, the fisheries sector and several more. In apparel industry, certification for sustainable working conditions has been of major impact. The property sector is no exception from other industries.

Calf health before and after change in housing system ? isolated barn vs. hutches

Calf health is of importance both from a financial perspective and from an animal welfare point of view. Housing system and environment are factors affecting the calves? health. The objective of this project was to make a review of literature on calf health and housing and to perform an observational study on calf health at Nötcenter Viken, Research Dairy Farm, Lantmännen Sweden that changed calf housing system; from a traditional indoor system (Group IN) to outdoor hutches (Group OUT). It was only the housing system that was changed; the routines and feed were the same in both systems.

Ekonomistyrning i små tillväxtföretag : En studie över sambanden mellan tillväxt och ekonomistyrning

Tillväxt och ekonomistyrning förstärker varandra simultant då en växande företagsstorlek har en positiv inverkan på utvecklingen av ekonomistyrning. Samtidigt möjliggör en välanpassad ekonomistyrning en fortsatt hög tillväxttakt via dess förmåga att hantera tillväxthämmande faktorer. Utvecklingen av ekonomistyrning påverkas av en kombination av interna och externa drivare..

Sjuksköterskans roll och behov av utökad utbildning i palliativ vård : en litteraturstudie

Palliative care is a care that focuses on providing end of life care but not to delay or hasten death. Despite training, nurses often show a lack of knowledge in attitude, ethics and healthcare issues of palliative care. The nurse in palliative care has a central role in caring of the dying patient and therefore a big responsibility. However, palliative care is a low priority in basic training. The aim of this study is to investigate the roles of nurses in palliative care and if there is a need for increased education in the subject.

Policies affecting the competitiveness of dairy production in Sweden, Denmark and Germany

Denmark, Germany and Sweden are along with 24 other countries members of the European Union. Being part of the European Union also means being part of a European market. Within the union barriers for trade has been abolished in order to create more open market. This open market has also contributed towards a more globalized market for dairy products. What used to be a domestic market has become globalised with increasing trade among the members.

Bärande eller bristande? : - en studie av Bällstabergsskolans kommunikationssystem -

AbstractPurpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to map out how the communication is organized at the Bällstabergs School in Vallentuna. The purpose with the essay is to illuminate the pros and cons with their system so that a communicationstrategy could be worked out from the basis of the results. The aim is devided into three different questions at issue: What does the organizational structure look like and how does it concide with the communication? What does the present communicative work look like? Which communicative needs can be identified?Method: The methodology contains two parts. The first part is an analysis of the present organization.

Strömmar av vatten och politik - en studie om policyprocesser och anpassning.

One of the distinguishing features of successful societies is the ability to adapt to change, bothsocial but also natural changes like climate change. Climate change is a complex, dynamic,non-linear process with a great deal of uncertainty concerning the time perspective, risks andconsequences. A combination of factors like climate change, geographical vulnerability, adensely populated and highly built up coast line along with factors like deficient handling ofsurface runoff and a large usage of ground water leads to an increasingly vulnerable society. Italso puts a greater pressure on the society to have preventive measures in place.The number of actors working with preparing society to the expected impacts of climatechange and variability is increasing. However more than half of Sweden?s municipalities donot consider changing climatic conditions when planning, and many times even allow theconstruction of new living areas in known climatically vulnerable areas.

Det ska böjas i tid det som krokigt skall bli ? Om reproduktion av kön på bibliotek

This Master's Thesis studies the attitude that library employees have regarding a sex and gender-neutral treatmentof their clients. The analysis is based upon replies to a questionnaire which was submitted though channels directedat library employees, like BIBLIST and BiblFeed. The respondent?s replies contained a number of welldevelopedcomments making the resultant analysis both quantitative and qualitative in nature.In performing the analysis a theoretical framework combining Hirdman?s gender system with symbolic interactionismhas been used together with literature about gender roles.The questionnaire showed that gender neutrality is a complex concept that can be interpreted in many differentways and is therefore easily misunderstood. It is obvious that sex is an important category when respondents aredealing with their clients, but also that sex and gender are problematic concepts which respondents find difficultto know exactly how to relate to.

Vem skapar nyheterna? : En kvantitativ studie av nyheters ursprung och prioritering i svenska riksmedier

Syftet med undersökningen är att analysera varifrån nyheterna har sitt ursprung och hur återanvändandet av nyheter ser ut i fyra av de största riksmedierna under en arbetsvecka.De fyra medier som ingår i undersökningen är Svenska Dagbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Sveriges Televisions Rapport och Sveriges Radios Ekot. I undersökningen ingår 356 analysenheter och det är en kvantitativ undersökning. För att förstå och analysera resultatet har teorierna gatekeeping, mediernas kommersialisering och nyhetsvärdering använts.Undersökningens resultat visade bland annat att 27 procent av analysenheterna består av köpt eller kopierat material från nyhetsbyråer eller material som är omskrivet från andra medier. Undersökningen visar också att det är stora skillnader mellan olika medietyper. Den största andelen material från nyhetsbyråer kom från tidningarna Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet (såväl procentuellt som i absoluta tal).

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