

3227 Uppsatser om Priority scoring systems - Sida 31 av 216

Sociala medier - Ett framgångsrikt verktyg för offentliga verksamheter? : En kvalitativ studie av hur verksamheter som riktar sig till ungdomar och unga vuxna använder sig av sociala medier.

Social media is used widely around the world by millions of people every day. In this report an analysis has been made of how organisations that are directed towards marginalized adolescents and young adults, are using social media in their working processes. The data has been gathered through qualitative interviews and case studies of three organisations, which are in different stages in their use of social media. The results from the study indicates that every chosen organisation wants to use social media applications for the same purpose, which is to be available where their target audience is situated, but their progress is reduced by elements such as priority, lack of knowledge and time..

Räkna med läsning : En undersökning bland elever i årskurs nio om samband mellan läsförståelse och matematisk problemlösningsförmåga

Swedish students' knowledge of both mathematics and reading comprehension has deteriorated in recent years. Scientists are discussing whether there is a connection between these areas and that the pupils deteriorating math skills may have something to do with their increasingly lower results in terms of reading comprehension. To investigate this possible connection, I conducted a survey among students in ninth grade and have come to the conclusion that the scientists are right: this connection absolutely exist. Students who received a high score on tasks designed to test students' mathematical problem-solving skills, also received high results on the reading comprehension test. And students who received a poor performance on the problem-solving tasks, were also low performers in the reading comprehension test.

Georg Stubendorff, organist i S:t Jakob : En musiker i stormaktstidens Stockholm och hans concerto "O Jesu dulcissime"

AbstractJan Johansson: Georg Stubendorff, organist i S:t Jakob ? En musiker i stormaktstidens Stockholm och hans concerto "O Jesu dulcissime", [Georg Stubendorff, Organ Player in S:t Jacob's Church ? A Musician in Seventeenth Century Stockholm and his Concerto O Jesu dulcissime], Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för musikvetenskap, uppsats för 60 p, 2006.Georg Stubendorff, organ player in S:t Jakob's church in Stockholm 1663-1672, was one of the very competent foreign musicians that came to work in Sweden in the 17th century. The purpose of this essay is to contribute to the knowledge about him and about the conditions in general for church musicians in Stockholm during that era, and to present an edition of his Concerto a 3. It is shown that Stubendorff may have come to Stockholm from Livland, rather than Germany as earlier accepted. The Concerto a 3 is the only composition by Stubendorff that has survived (now in the Düben collection at Uppsala university library).

Aktiv bullerdämpning i ventilationssystem

Active headsets have been on the market for years and now it is time for something else to enter the stage. The technology of active noise reduction can for exmple also be used in ventilation systems for reducing ventilation noise. An active control system principally consists of four important components, namely the downstream error microphone, the upstream detection or reference microphone, the digital signal processor (DSP) and a loudspeaker. The upstream reference microphone listen to the primary ventilation noise and sends it to the DSP which makes a phase shift to the signal and sends it to the loudspeaker. The loudspeaker sends out the opposite waveform of the incoming one and reduce the primary ventilation noise.

Bonusregn över svenska storbanker : En studie om belöningssystemens utformande för legitimitet

The current financial crisis has left its mark. It has even hit the major Swedish banks who have shown large losses. The media has not been slow to take note of this, and the constant political debate about the bonus culture has been reinvigorated. Our aim is to find out how the major Swedish banks relate to the publicity and describe how and why senior executives are rewarded, and what strategies banks are using in the design of their reward system to maintain a legitimate behavior, and thus the confidence of its stakeholders.As a starting point to answer our purpose we have used the agency theory that describes our view of how various problems occurs and how incentives can be established in order to get senior executives to act for their owners' interests. Modern theories of reward systems are taken from a variety of authors, these theories give us an insight into how reward systems can be designed in banks.

Diagnostiksystem i gaffeltruckar

This is a final thesis done at BT, considering one of their forklift truck models called Reflex. The first part of this report is about a preliminary investigation investigating what kind of diagnostic systems BTwants to use, and also which demands there are to meet all expectations on such system. Secondly a diagnostic system, which will show if the drive wheel is worn out, will be presented. In the preliminary investigation, two kinds of diagnostic systems were mentioned. These were Model based diagnosis and Predictive analysis.

A targeted evaluation of OpenEye?s methods for virtual ligand screens and docking

The process of drug discovery is very slow and expensive. There is a need for reliable in silico methods; however the performance of these methods differs.This work presents a targeted study on how the drug discovery methods used in OpenEye?s tools ROCS, EON and FRED perform on targets with small ligands. It was examined if 12 compounds (markers) somewhat similar to AMP could be detected by ROCS in a random data set comprised of 1000 compounds. It was also examined if EON could find any electrostatic similarities between the queries and the markers.

För en kreativ arbetsplats: Kvinnor + Män = Sant - En fallstudie av Enea Systems AB

Syftet med vår undersökning är att ge förslag på vad ansvariga på mansdominerade företag bör tänka på vid utformningen av sin interna- och externa kommunikation samt hur dessa kan samverka då mansdominerade företag önskar attrahera fler kvinnliga medarbetare.Vi har valt att använda oss av relevanta teorier som kopplar samman marknadskommunikation (intern- och extern kommunikation), rekrytering (att attrahera) och mångfald (genus). Relevanta delar av dessa teorier har använts vid analys av vårt empiriska material.Vår empiri utgörs av intervjuer med sju medarbetare på Enea Systems AB samt observation av Enea Systems AB under arbetsmarknadsdagar på Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Slutsats: Det är viktigt att ha en förståelse för hur intern- och extern kommunikation hänger samman i ett system. Det som kommuniceras internt speglas även utåt. Det är därför viktigt att förstå hela flödet av kommunikation, som finns både internt och externt för att mansdominerade företag skall lyckas attrahera fler kvinnliga medarbetare.

CE-märkning av lyftredskap. Processen, användningsområden och dokumentation.

Rapporten är ett examensarbete som utförts på BAE-systems Bofors AB i Karlskoga. Denna rapport handlar om att undersöka och ge förbättringsförslag för processen framtagning och CE-märkning av lyftredskap. Rapporten tar även upp dokumentationshantering, dokumentationskrav vid CE-märkning, vad som gäller vid CE-märkning av lyftredskap som är konstruerade för militära ändamål. Rapporten gergrundläggande kunskaper om vad CE-märkning innebär och varför det görs.  Genom undersökningar och intervjuer som utförts på företaget skapades en karta över processen för framtagning och CE-märkning av lyftredskap. Sedan sammanfattades den dokumentationen som bör finnas tillgänglig på BAE-systems.

Corporate Social Responsibility : Varför ska banker ta ett ansvar?

The purpose of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding about why Swedish banks choose to work and report CSR and also analyze differences and similarities between two banks.Research question: Why do Swedish companies within the financial sector choose to report and work with Corporate Social Responsibility?The major incentives to work and report CSR are because it benefits bank´s businesses, which is driven by stakeholders. Stakeholder pressure is also an important incentive, especially pressure from customers and employees. The incentives that differed between the two banks were morality of the business leader, society and the priority of stakeholders. The incentives that we could not support were guidelines and competitors-.

????Att lösa reglertekniska problem med Modelica

Modelica is a multi-domain and equation-based modeling language. Modelica is based on object-oriented principles and non-causal modeling. The language is constructed to facilitate reuse and decompose models. The models and the modellibrary can modified to design a new nonlinear components.Object-oriented modeling is an excellent way to analyze and study large complex heterogeneous physical systems. The object-oriented modeling approach build on reusing and decomposition of models and non-causal modeling.Modeling physical systems often leads to a DAE system with index 2 or 3.

When companies grow up - A case study of a family-owned company?s management control system

Problem: What are the characteristics of Polykemi?s management control system and how is it affected by growth? Purpose: To describe and analyse the management control system of a medium-sized family-owned company from the perspective of Simons? Levers of control. Research design: An abductive, interview-based case study of Polykemi AB. Conclusion: Polykemi?s management control system is primarily a traditional one which is rather strong in terms of Levers of control.

Business intelligence : Framgångsfaktorer vid användningen av ett BI system

The management of information is a significant competitiveness in companies. Companies stored and save information every day, and it is very common to save de information in different sources. This makes de management of information complex. To mange, monitor and analyze the information, companies can use a system called Business Intelligence. BI system is an analytical system that extracts and converts data into useful information that helps employees to make informed decisions.

Rekommendationssystem för interaktiva musiktjänster : en utredning av aktuella trender och attityder gentemot framtidens rekommendationssystem diskuterat ur forskar-, industri- & användarperspektiv

Parallel to new technological advancements, including the development of interactive recommender systems, digital music services on the Internet, such as Spotify, have in a short time span gradually replaced former physical media such as CDs and MP3-players and become pioneers on a market with an otherwise uncertain future. By subscribing to the service, users have access to a vast library of music and from any device with Internet access. In order to provide a satisfactory and useful musical experience, different ways of coping with the vastness is required - which is precisely what recommender systems are for. Improved filtering techniques and use of devices built in sensors, make way for new opportunities of more precise and contextually tailored suggestions for track selection, which in turn leads to potential privacy issues when using interactive music services. But where do we stand today? By compiling, exemplifying and discussing three different perspectives with relating to the development of interactive music recommender systems, the objective for this paper is to provide a for science, industry and user, objectively nuanced account of current potentials and expectations.

Premiepensionens Marknadsrisk : En Monte Carlo-simulering av den allmänna pensionen

A reforming trend is captured showing that countries are shifting from defined benefit pension systems towards defined contribution systems. The reforms have been justified through predictions that the defined benefit systems will not manage to provide good enough pensions to members in the future. The newer defined contribution pension plans often include individual financial accounts where individuals have the possibility to choose how a part of their pension savings should be invested. Sweden was early to introduce such a system, which at the moment provides more than 800 funds to choose from. The aim of this thesis is to capture the market risk associated with these individual investments and does so by using Monte Carlo simulations for six selected pension funds.

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