

3227 Uppsatser om Priority scoring systems - Sida 26 av 216

Demonstrationsrigg för mätning av vätskors egenskaper

Scania CV is one of the world's largest truck manufacturer. It is not only the directproduction of vehicles and methods that are important for Scania but also the servicemarket handling spare parts, repairs and workshops. The department Vehicle ServiceInformation construct standard times through work measurement for particularworks in the workshops. The software application STAM is used in the servicemarket to create and store standard times which then are exported to theworkshops' own systems.The purpose of this master thesis is to analyse and evaluate the internal workmeasurement system that includes standard times and the software STAM. Also,based on external analysis and benchmarking of other systems suggest appropriatefuture development within the area for Scania Vehicle Service Information.In order to perform the investigation, interviews and studies have been doneinternally at the departments that are involved in work measurement as well asexternally at Scania workshops.

E-tjänster i kommunala verksamheter : Risker och hot för e-tjänster i Ljungby kommun

The existence for companies today consists of constant challenges with customers that want more individual products with high quality as quickly as possible. For a company to be able to have a short delivery time, it must also have a short production time. This makes streamlining and improvement of processes a big part of a company?s workThis thesis has been carried out together with the company Lasermax Roll Systems AB, a world-leading manufacturer of feeding, finishing and monitoring systems for high-speed digital printers. They manufacture their products according to the assembling for costumer order principle.The purpose with this thesis is to map and analyze, the assembling process and the test process at Lasermax Roll Systems AB.

Skillnader vid kopiering av Rey-Osterrieth komplexa figur vid Alzheimers sjukdom och lindrig kognitiv störning

Tidigare forskning har visat att Alzheimers sjukdom tidigt kan påverka visuospatial och exekutiv funktion. Ökad kunskap om hur dessa funktioner påverkas kan bidra till tidig upptäckt. Kopieringsuppgiften av Rey-Osterrieth komplexa figur bedömdes explorativt och kvalitativt i syfte att utforska skillnader i organisation hos tre grupper: Alzheimers, Lindrig kognitiv störning (MCI) och kontroller. Resultaten indikerade att antal felplacerade delfigurer baserat på kriterier i Rey Complex Figure Test skulle kunna vara en tidig markör för nedsatt visuospatial konstruktionsförmåga. Resultat från bedömning med Boston Qualitative Scoring System var i linje med tidigare forskning.

Utredning och implementering av en prototyp för integration av Prevas FOCS och ABB 800xA

ABB and Prevas have initiated a collaboration to sell a system to optimize steel industry furnaces, called FOCS. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate possibilities for integrating Prevas FOCS and ABB 800xA.The result of the investigation is used for an implementation of a prototype of the integrated system. The study shows a general method that can be used when implementing two software systems. The prototype of the integrated systems is made with usability principles in mind. This is a very important aspect in order to create a good working environment for the operators of a steel plant.

Den flerspråkiga bibliotekskatalogen: Hantering av icke-latinsk skrift på bibliotek

The main purpose of this thesis has been to investigate librarians opinions about the need for and possibility to use non-roman script in library catalogues. We have also investigated the routines of handling materials in non-roman scripts in two Swedish libraries. The investigation was made in the light of the recent shift in character set in the Swedish National Library Catalogue Libris. This change will enable use of multiple writing systems in the future.Our findings are that a multicultural society requires special consideration to the needs of citizens who speak other languages than the majority of the population. This becomes difficult when the languages spoken have a different writing system than the one used by the majority.

Varbergs goda jord : en fallstudie om värdering och förvaltning av åkermark i Varbergs kommun

This is a bachelor thesis about arable land in Varberg, from sustainability and it?s relation to local government and management. Arable land has become more important as a natural resource from a global point of view and in concerns of higher demands of food supply, as a result of population growth, higher consumption worldwide and climate change. But the arable land in Sweden is being exploited an increasingly rapid pace and the arable land in Varberg is not an exception of this development. The issue is most topical and the discussion holds questions about a declining agricultural sector, the formal and administrative protection of arable land and because other interests of land use often is given higher priority in community development and planning.

Sensorer och system i mjölkkobesättningar : en litteraturstudie

The trend in milk production is similar in Sweden and across the world; the farms are getting fewer but increasingly bigger. The costs for hiring workers are increasing, which results in more cows per animal keeper. Sensors can then be a great tool for keeping track of animals which need special attention. With a reported decreasing fertility, sensors that can detect oestrus even at low levels can be especially helpful in bigger herds to pinpoint the cows that may be in oestrus. The number of farms with dairy cows that install AMS, Automatic Milking Systems, are increasing, and that also increases the need for sensors to control milk quality and composition when there is no visual control of the milk by a milker before milking starts.For the sensor data to be useful you have to have software designed to analyze and interpret the data to get relevant information that the farmer can use.

Ny hemsida till Lindt & Sprüngli Sverige : Genom informationshantering i Magento och TYPO3

This report describes the working process and creation of a new website for Lindt & Sprüngli Sweden with the help of the content management systems Magento and TYPO3. The report shows how different elements are created and published on the website, how the education in these systems was acquired and how contact with third party companies has been initiated and maintained. It also accounts for what is shown on the website as well as why it is shown. The goal with this project is to deliver a complete website to Lindt & Sprüngli Sweden where customers can find information about products as well as the company. The results of this project was a website that was launched on www.lindt.se on the 17th of June 2015..

1553-Simulator. In-/uppspelning av databusstrafik med hjälp av FPGA

At Saab Aerospace in Linköping, components for measurement systems to the fighter aircraft JAS 39 Gripen are developed. In this activity you sometimes want to record the traffic transmitted on the data busses that connects different sys-tems. This traffic on the data busses is using the military standard MIL-STD-1553. This project has aimed to create a system for recording and sending 1553-data. The system is used on an ordinary personal computer, equipped with a recon- figurable I/O card that among others has a programmable logic circuit (FPGA).

Energieffektivisering - Laholms kyrkliga samfällighets kulturhistoriska byggnader

Energy efficiency is today more important than ever, mainly due to the high energy prices and the approaching climate changes. Heating of buildings is an essential area within energy efficiency. Many buildings are old and were built at a time when the energy prices were low and the term ?energy efficiency? was unheard of. By applying today?s broad range of energy saving actions on these old, and thereby often, heating ineffective buildings, this area has a large potential in reducing energy consumption and costs.Churches and chapels are generally old buildings with, in many cases, ineffective heating systems and therefore consume much more energy than needed.

Datorstödd implementering med hjälp av Xilinx System Generator

The development in electronics increases the demand for good design methods and design tools in the field of electrical engeneering. To improve their design methods Ericsson Microwave Systems AB is interested in using computer tools to create a link between the specification and the implementation of a digital system in a FPGA. Xilinx System Generator for DSP is a tool for implementing a model of a digital signalprocessing algorithm in a Xilinx FPGA. To evaluate Xilinx System Generator two testcases has been designed. The testcases are selected to represent the FPGA designs made at Ericsson Microwave Systems.

Systemutveckling och användbarhet -Att utnyttja användbarhetstester i systemutvecklingsprocessen

Den här rapporten behandlar frågeställningen om hur man kan anpassa systemutvecklingav ett informationssystem enligt livscykelmodellen till att inkludera användbarhetstester. Frågeställningen grundar sig i att god användbarhet inte är ett explicit uttryckt mål i Andersens beskrivning av livscykelmodellen. För att besvara frågeställningen har vi utvecklat och testat ett bokningssystem åt en mindre verksamhet. Utvecklingsarbetet har bedrivits enligt en egen anpassning av livscykelmodellen. Testerna har utförts enligt metoden cooperativ evaluation.

GIS-baserad habitatmodell för mindre hackspett, ett verktyg för att bevara skyddsvärda lövskogar inom Umeälvlandskapet :

Deciduous forests are, according to the National Environmental Quality Objectives, a priority area. Deciduous forests are rich in species and the occurrence of dead wood is an important factor for biodiversity. In order to identify valuable deciduous forests for bio-diversity, conservation needs good analyses and planning tools. Habitat models combined with geographic information systems can be used to study the spatial structure of suitable habitat. The Lesser spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos minor) has been proposed as an indicator species for deciduous forests, since this species is highly specialized on insect larvae in dead wood and requires large areas of deciduous-rich environments. Many riparian forest with high species richness and high nature conservation values are found along the Ume river in Umeå municipality.

Underlag till klimatledningssystem för skolor

The climate issue is a significant question, and the problem is mainly caused by human activities. Everyone can help to counteract the enhanced Greenhouse effect by reducing the amounts of energy they use and by not consuming more products then they need.Schools are some of societies many consumers and therefore contribute to the Greenhouse effect. The School also has an important task; to teach and disseminate knowledge and information about the climate and the environment. According to the Swedish National Agency for Education, Skolverket, must all schools regularly consider the environment and sustainable development throughout the entire education process. Unfortunately, this is not the case for many schools in Sweden today.One of many tools that can be used to coordinate environmental work and initiatives, and also to make it more efficient, is environmental management systems.

Värmeförluster vid utvändigt placerade ventilationssystem

To be able to handle tomorrows need for limited energy consumption we need to reduce our use of energy. The building sector stands for around 40 % of all energy consumption in the society. The government has put up a goal to reduce the energy consumption in our buildings with 20 % by year 2020 and 50 % by year 2050 compared with year 1995. To be able to do reach that goal we need a more energy efficient building stock.The main part of the energy used in our buildings is used for space heating. By installing ventilation systems with heat recovery on the exhaust air it is possible to use the heat-energy in the exhaust air to warm up the incoming air.

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