

1872 Uppsatser om Primary regulation - Sida 2 av 125

Utredning av primärluftförvärmning till två avfallseldade pannor

The purpose of this degree-project was to investigate the possibilities for primary air preheating into the two smallest waste incineration boilers of Halmstad Energy and Environment. The investigation is a pre-study which has the primary goal to evaluate technical and financial offers from companies that manufacture primary air preheater, and investigate if it is technically and financially profitable to do a purchase on primary air preheaters in the future.In the pre-study it is proposed that it is most efficient to have individual primary air preheater, one for each incineration boiler and the primary air are also proposed to be preheated by hot water in the pre-study. Further in the pre-study it is proposed that the heat-exchanger should have plain tubes instead of finned tubes, to avoid getting dirty fast. The space in the boiler-room is limited, and therefore the major problem was to fit in the primary air preheaters into the boiler-room. By comparing the different offers from the companies, the result in the pre-study shows that the offer from the company C.A.

En studie av begreppet uppfyllelseort i artikel 5 (1) b i Bryssel I-förordningen

The courts international juristiction within the European union is regulated by the Brussels I Regulation. Article 2.1 of the Brussels I Regulation contains the fundamental provision. According to this Article the plaintiff shall submit an action where the defandent is domiciled. The Regulation provides exemptions to the this provision in Article 2.1.The court of the international case can also be determined according to Article 5 (1) of the Brussels I Regulation. This Article contains an alternative to the general provision within Article 2.1.

Energieffektivisering av stenstadshusen - genom byggnadstekniska energisparåtgärder

The purpose of this degree-project was to investigate the possibilities for primary air preheating into the two smallest waste incineration boilers of Halmstad Energy and Environment. The investigation is a pre-study which has the primary goal to evaluate technical and financial offers from companies that manufacture primary air preheater, and investigate if it is technically and financially profitable to do a purchase on primary air preheaters in the future.In the pre-study it is proposed that it is most efficient to have individual primary air preheater, one for each incineration boiler and the primary air are also proposed to be preheated by hot water in the pre-study. Further in the pre-study it is proposed that the heat-exchanger should have plain tubes instead of finned tubes, to avoid getting dirty fast. The space in the boiler-room is limited, and therefore the major problem was to fit in the primary air preheaters into the boiler-room. By comparing the different offers from the companies, the result in the pre-study shows that the offer from the company C.A.

Förändring av nitratläckage och växtproduktion från låglänt jordbruksmark vid en ny reglering av vattennivån i Mälaren

The water level of Lake Mälaren has been regulated since the 1940?s. A recentinvestigation suggests that the current regulation needs to be adjusted in order toprevent a decline in water level, salt water from infiltrating from Lake Saltsjön,and risk of floodings. In addition to these preventions, the new regulation couldpotentially effect the natural environment and agriculture practices in the lowlands that surround the lake. The new regulation proposal calls for an increase invariations in Mälaren?s water level during seasons, while the annual mean waterlevel will remain the same.

Anpassning av passivhus för ett kallare klimat - teknisk och ekonomisk analys

The purpose of this degree-project was to investigate the possibilities for primary air preheating into the two smallest waste incineration boilers of Halmstad Energy and Environment. The investigation is a pre-study which has the primary goal to evaluate technical and financial offers from companies that manufacture primary air preheater, and investigate if it is technically and financially profitable to do a purchase on primary air preheaters in the future.In the pre-study it is proposed that it is most efficient to have individual primary air preheater, one for each incineration boiler and the primary air are also proposed to be preheated by hot water in the pre-study. Further in the pre-study it is proposed that the heat-exchanger should have plain tubes instead of finned tubes, to avoid getting dirty fast. The space in the boiler-room is limited, and therefore the major problem was to fit in the primary air preheaters into the boiler-room. By comparing the different offers from the companies, the result in the pre-study shows that the offer from the company C.A.

Byggnadsfysikaliska riskbedömningar : Metod för tidig hantering av fuktsäkerhetsfrågor

The purpose of this degree-project was to investigate the possibilities for primary air preheating into the two smallest waste incineration boilers of Halmstad Energy and Environment. The investigation is a pre-study which has the primary goal to evaluate technical and financial offers from companies that manufacture primary air preheater, and investigate if it is technically and financially profitable to do a purchase on primary air preheaters in the future.In the pre-study it is proposed that it is most efficient to have individual primary air preheater, one for each incineration boiler and the primary air are also proposed to be preheated by hot water in the pre-study. Further in the pre-study it is proposed that the heat-exchanger should have plain tubes instead of finned tubes, to avoid getting dirty fast. The space in the boiler-room is limited, and therefore the major problem was to fit in the primary air preheaters into the boiler-room. By comparing the different offers from the companies, the result in the pre-study shows that the offer from the company C.A.

Rationell produktion av platsgjutna stommar för flerbostadshus

The purpose of this degree-project was to investigate the possibilities for primary air preheating into the two smallest waste incineration boilers of Halmstad Energy and Environment. The investigation is a pre-study which has the primary goal to evaluate technical and financial offers from companies that manufacture primary air preheater, and investigate if it is technically and financially profitable to do a purchase on primary air preheaters in the future.In the pre-study it is proposed that it is most efficient to have individual primary air preheater, one for each incineration boiler and the primary air are also proposed to be preheated by hot water in the pre-study. Further in the pre-study it is proposed that the heat-exchanger should have plain tubes instead of finned tubes, to avoid getting dirty fast. The space in the boiler-room is limited, and therefore the major problem was to fit in the primary air preheaters into the boiler-room. By comparing the different offers from the companies, the result in the pre-study shows that the offer from the company C.A.

För vem redovisar i första hand hjälporganisationer?

The purpose of this essay was to identify the primary stakeholder in aid organisations, by which we mean whom they make their annual report for, and to analyse if there were any differences considering the design of their annual reports depending on which their primary stakeholder is. The method we used to explain the choice of primary stakeholder and the differences in the annual reports was a multiple case study. The collected data came from telephone interviews with 23 representatives from aid organisations and a review of annual reports. The results were analysed through pattern matching. We found that aid organisations do not have a primary stakeholder as in incorporated organisations.

Hästars behov av socialt umgänge- En studie om hur hästhållare i Laholms kommun uppfyller hästars behov av social kontakt

The problem with keeping horses with to little social contact has come to attention in a new regulation that comes into effect august 1st 2009. It states that horses? need of social contact has to be accommodated. That?s why it feels important to try to survey the horse owners? awareness about the regulation and its present fulfillment.

En utredning av Rom I-förordningens artikel 4.1(h)

Article 4.1(h) in the Rome I regulation establishes which law that will be applicable on contracts concerning financial instruments concluded in multilateral systems. The main problem is that most contracts concluded within these systems have standard clauses which contain a clause on the applicable law. If this is the case, Article 3.1 in the Rome I Regulation is applicable instead. This problem makes it difficult to find a need for article 4.1(h) if it will only be applicable in exceptional cases. However, the legal position on this matter is still unclear since the Rome I Regulation has just been put into force.

Elevers litterära föreställningsvärldar

Article 4.1(h) in the Rome I regulation establishes which law that will be applicable on contracts concerning financial instruments concluded in multilateral systems. The main problem is that most contracts concluded within these systems have standard clauses which contain a clause on the applicable law. If this is the case, Article 3.1 in the Rome I Regulation is applicable instead. This problem makes it difficult to find a need for article 4.1(h) if it will only be applicable in exceptional cases. However, the legal position on this matter is still unclear since the Rome I Regulation has just been put into force.

Nätnyttomodellens fall och framtidens reglering av eltransmissionstariffer : Tidigare meningsskiljaktigheter samt undersökning av förutsättningar för framtida reglering

The main ambition of this degree project is to illustrate the fundamental problems of today?s electric tariff regulation and the usage of the analyzing tool; The Network Tariff Model. There is a further discussion of potential problems and clear improvements of the 2012 years proposed network tariff regulation. Interviews have been conducted with specific network companies and Energimarknadsinspektionen. The proposed regulation of 2012 is discussed from the government?s proposition.This paper clearly shows that the authority´s work has been conducted in a very unprofessional manner during the period of The Network Tariff Model.

Internal Market Harmonisation and Trade Implications for Non-EU Companies

After the formation of the European Union internal market in 1992, member state specific obstacles and barriers were largely removed. This was especially the case in harmonised industries where standardisation and technical regulation have led to legal certainty. Despite this, a large range of trade regulation continues to remain distortional to trade, in addition to the ongoing tariffs and subsidies. The key trade regulations relate to a number of areas involving technical regulations such as production labelling and the protection of intellectual property rights. Whilst policy makers claim justification based around the need to correct market failure in delivering desired outcomes, the question is whether these regulations are appropriate responses to market failures or if they have simply been imposed in an attempt to protect domestic markets.

Tillämplig lag för arv och testamente

AbstractSweden applies two different private international statutes to establish which country´s domestic law that is applicable in a certain situation regarding succession and will with connection to two or more states. The first private international law is the one used in relations between Sweden and the other Nordic states. The other private international law is the one used between Sweden and all other states than the Nordic ones. A proposal for a Regulation that regulate jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and authentic instruments in matters of succession and the creation of a European Certificate of Succession has been prepared by the Commission and was published in October 2009. This regulation will, if it enters into force, modify the situation in Sweden for applicable law on a situation regarding succession and will.

K2 - en studie om användarnas syn på regelverket

Aim: The aim of this thesis is to do a research about the users? conceptions to the K-project. The K-project is a simplifying work of today?s accounting regulations performed by the Swedish Accounting Standards Board. The K-project is divided into four categories and the companies are divided into each category depending on its size.

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