

5520 Uppsatser om Primary education - Sida 32 av 368

Preventiva åtgärder mot övervikt hos barn och ungdomar. Litteraturstudie.

Statistics regarding children, who are overweight, shows alarming results in many parts of the world. Overweight may cause serious consequences, as for instance heart- and vascular diseases. Research is pointing out that hereditary, social, behavioural and cultural facts may promote developing overweight and it is of great importance to find out how to prevent overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. The purpose of the literature study was to compile primary and secondary preventions against overweight/obesity in children and adolescents. The result showed that prevention through education, recommendations, healthy eating and exercise may be usable in the work to prevent overweight among children and adolescents.

Inte bara analgetika : En litteraturöversikt om smärtlindrande omvårdnadsåtgärder för patienter med cancersjukdom i palliativ vård

In this study, emphasis was situated around pupils? expectations regarding body shape and physical proficiency among teachers within the subject of physical education. Additionally, possible outcomes of failure to uphold such demands were put in relation to aspects of legitimacy. To enable such study a qualitative study including semi-structured interviews was conducted and carried through, involving six pupils in the third grade of upper secondary education. The pupils were mainly selected through a convenience sample with.

Vägledningsmetoder? Ja, tack! Nej, tack! : Om användninga av vägledningsmetoder av yrkesverksamma studie- och yrkesvägledare

The overall aim of this study is to achieve the increased knowledge of the use of the counselling methods in the student counsellors' work and to find the possibilities for development. Two questions are used as guidelines:Which counselling methods do student counsellors use in their work in schools?How can the current education for the student counsellors be supplemented?The analysis of the interviews with six counsellors in Stockholm's administrative province showed that even uneducated counsellors use the same counselling methods as the educated ones. All these methods which are used remind of the known counselling methods that are the part of the current education for the student counsellors.In general counsellors experienced that the education for the counsellors should be supplemented within the field children with special needs and that conversation's methodology is the essence of the counselling work..

Lokalhistoria i undervisningen : En analys av 6 gymnasielärarnas historiebruk och 4 gymnasieelevers historiemedvetande på några svenska gymnasieskolor.

The purpose of this study is to examine if, how and why history teachers work with local history projects in education. The results will be analyzed based on a theory of the uses of history. I also investigate, through group interwiews with students, if and how students? historical consciousness may develop through teaching about local history. The result is a variation map of teachers? different uses of history and how students historical consciousness can manifest itself.The results of the study shows that all the teachers interviewed uses local history projects in education.

Uppfattningar om IT i undervisningen med utgångspunkt i Ostindieprojektet : Ett samarbete mellan Datatorget och Stadsmuséet i Göteborg

This thesis deals with options about information technology in education, the starting pointbeing a project in progress, namely Ostindieprojektet. This is the first collaboration betweenDatatorget and Stadsmuséet in Göteborg. The research is built on a phenomenological approach.The "backbone" information is collected from qualitative interviews, conducted mainlyduring March-April 1995.The questions for the interviews deal with the opinions about the reasons with Ostindieprojektetand IT in education, what conditions required to complete Ostindieprojektet and the ITdevelopment, the availability of the material, how IT-use can affect education, possible qualitiesfor the student with IT-use and how IT-use can affect the role of the school-1ibrary as ateaching tool.Some key subjects examined in the thesis deals with governmental investigations, viewsabout pedagogic and knowledge, problem-based leaming, computer-based education and therole of the school-library. The research shows that the interviewers have the same opinionsas the above mentioned key subjects. In completing the thesis we hope we have created aforum for critical discussion..

Myt eller verklighet : Mytens roll i historieundervisningen

The purpose with this essay is to find out the role of mythology in history in Swedish elementary schools to day. The questions I used to fulfill the purpose in my essay are these: How is the relationship between the school subject history and northern mythology, (what is myth, what is history) how does history and myth being linked together? And How is the practical use of northern mythology shaped in to days school, How does the teacher form the education in northern mythology and what controls it? The method I used was an interview, a case study and a literature study, based on the didactical questions how, why and what.The mythology is motivated by the guidelines and goals, set up by the Swedish government, and is supposed to give the student history knowledge and thereby help the student to build up their identity. It is also supposed to give knowledge about the Swedish and Nordic cultural heritage. The role the mythology has is to support the history education.According to the interview in this essay the northern mythology is given a central place in the education in the Swedish elementary school today.

Vidareutbildning under arbetslivet : små och medelstora revisions- och redovisningsbyråers syn

In our study the purpose was to examine the influence of Continuing Professional Education on small and medium sized auditing- and accounting practices. The study also aims to analyze possible similarities and differences in how small and medium sized auditing and accounting practices are affected of the requirements regarding Continuing Professional Education. In order to fulfill our purpose in the study we conducted interviews with auditors and accounting consultants on small and medium sized auditing- and accounting practices. Totally did we conduct seven interviews with four auditors and three accounting consultants. The majority of auditors and accounting consultants we interviewed are satisfied with the current requirements on Continuing Professional Education and think they contribute to the increase of quality and status of the work tasks performed by auditors and accounting consultants.

Det frånvarande i det reella inflytandets närvaro : En studie om möjlighetsvillkoren för barns inflytande i förskolans pedagogiska praktik

The purpose of this graduate work is to seek knowledge about how children?s right to participation and influence is interpreted and understood in a specific context and also to examine how this right can be conditioned and shaped by the pedagogical practice of early childhood education.The focus of this study has been to examine the arguments and attitudes towards the right to participation and influence as a pedagogical practice as it is understood in early childhood education. Additionally, I have been interested in studying the affordances and restrictions that early childhood educators experience when dealing with children´s right to participation and influence.The platform used for data collection is Facebook and the informants recruited were active participants in forums regarding democracy in preschool education. In the second phase of the study I conducted online focus groups with these participants.For the analysis of the material I have adopted a poststructuralist perspective, starting from Jaques Derridas philosophical texts and use of deconstruction.The results show the complexity in early childhood education´s democratic mission. What becomes clear is the importance for the teachers to adopting an open, ethical and democratic approach in order to make children´s right to participation and genuine influence possible in the everyday reality of early childhood education. .

"Special education" på Nya Zeeland : En beskrivande studie om Special education på en nyzeeländsk grundskola

Vårt syfte med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur sex elever på högstadiet förhåller sig till slöjan.Hur skiljer sig deras åsikter åt beroende på vilken religiös, kulturell eller etnisk bakgrund detillhör? Resultatet har vi fått fram genom att utföra två kvalitativa gruppintervjuer av lågstandardiserad karaktär. Vi kommer i uppsatsen fram till att de sex elever som vi intervjuathar en sekulariserad syn på slöjan. Vi kommer även fram till att åsikterna och kunskapernahos de sex eleverna inte skiljer sig avsevärt åt beroende på vilken religiös, kulturell elleretnisk bakgrund de tillhör..

Boktryckaren på Visingsö: en granskning av Sven Almqvists forskning om Johann Kankel

The aim of this thesis is to examine Sven Almqvist?s research on the 17th century book printer Johann Kankel who was employed by count Per Brahe the younger on the island of Visingsö. A model to describe the communications circuit, constructed by book historians Thomas R. Adams and Nicolas Barker are used as well as the historical source criticism method. This model consists of the five phases: publication, manufacture, distribution, reception and survival.

Hallandspostens skildring av fotbollshuliganismen : En redogörelse mellan årtiondena 1970 till 2010

The purpose of this study is to examine if, how and why history teachers work with local history projects in education. The results will be analyzed based on a theory of the uses of history. I also investigate, through group interwiews with students, if and how students? historical consciousness may develop through teaching about local history. The result is a variation map of teachers? different uses of history and how students historical consciousness can manifest itself.The results of the study shows that all the teachers interviewed uses local history projects in education.

Diskurser om breddad rekrytering : Analys av några offentliga texter

The aim of this study is to investigate the discourses of widening recruitment to higher education in some political documents from the 21st century. The scientific method applied is critical discourse analysis as developed by Norman Fairclough. This implies the analyses of the actual texts, the social practice as well as the discursive practice, i.e. the conditions under which the texts are produced, distributed and consumed.The major results include four discourses: a post-modern discourse, a neoliberal economic discourse, a political discourse of multi-culturalism and a modern discourse with its roots in the 20th century?s discussions about social imbalance in recruitment to higher education.

"Inne" är att vara ute? : Användandet av utomhuspedagogik i tio mellansvenska skolor

Gotland is famous around the world for its unique nature. The agriculture here has always been an important source of income and part of the identity of the island. But today the profession has low status and hard to survive. How can the interest for farming be increased?Gotlandsgården is an investigation about how the agriculture could develop.

Traditioners roll i grundskoleundervisningen : En studie om hur religiösa traditioner framställs i grundskolans klassrum

This study is about which opinion active teachers are having when it comes to integrate religious traditions and ceremonies in their teaching. The aim is to study the religious traditional ceremonies part and how they are being defined in the Swedish classrooms in primary school. Together with literature, research and the discussion in this study, I came up to a few conclusions of how religious ceremonies will be integrated and how it looks like in Swedish classrooms. In this study of literature and research overview, the literatures are intended to provide an insight about how the Swedish school system went from a Christian education to a school that was separate from the church. In the chapter called Literature and research overview the literatures are written by scientists and therefore this chapter is based on research.

Påverkad av skolans värdegrund? : Elevers uppfattning av skolans värdegrund

This paper examines pupils? conception of the Swedish schools constitutive values expressed in the Swedish curriculum. The main question was, at to what extent the schools constitutive values have influenced the pupils conception of their own values. That question problematizes the relation between values, constructed and carried by central administration, and their interpretation at local level by pupils. The study was conducted with qualitative analysis which included qualitative interviews with seven pupils in the last year of the Swedish school system.

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