1646 Uppsatser om Prey handling - Sida 11 av 110
Brevhantering av anmälningsärenden - vad blir effekten för djurskyddet?
In Sweden everyone has the possibility to report deficiencies in animal welfare they encounter. They report this to the county administration in their county and such a report is called a complaint case. Complaint cases are normally handled with animal welfare inspections, carried out by animal welfare inspectors from the county administration in the county where the animal keeper with reported deficiencies lives. The county administrations in Sweden receive a lot of complaint cases that differ in grade of how severe the deficiency is. The complaint cases are given priority by how severe the deficiency seems to be.
Den interplanetära rasismen : Star Trek Enterprise möte med världsrymden
Denna studie vill undersöka om koloniala strukturer genomsyrar den senaste i raden av Star Trek-serierna, Enterprise. Med utgångspunkt i äldre forskning om just koloniala strukturer i Star Trek kommer en jämförelse göras om Enterprise först och främst har dessa strukturer och om så är fallet, göra en jämförelse med de andra serierna.Det postkoloniala forskningsfältet tillsammans med ett strukturalistiskt och post-strukturalistiskt tillvägagångssätt som innefattar semiotik och diskursanalys används för att kunna peka på hur de koloniala strukturerna genomsyrar serien.Analysen, som bland annat innefattar besättningens inbördes hierarki, hur andra främmande raser ser ut och vilka egenskaper de har och hur mötet går till med andra kulturer, visar att de koloniala strukturerna fortfarande genomsyrar Star Trek. Enterprise skiljer sig dock från de äldre serierna på ett sådant sätt att det koloniala tar mindre plats, bland annat seriens handling och även hur alla besättningsmedlemmar är med och skapar seriens handling..
Bättre utnyttjande av nya och befintliga förrådslokaler på SSAB Tunnplåt
The purpose of this assignment at SSAB Tunnplåt in Borlänge was mainly to investigate and describe the circumstances for the spare parts stored in storage facilities within the area of operation. Even new facilities which could serve as storage rooms and their opportunities for storing spare parts were an important part of the investigation. This because of the need for improved storing of spare parts. Furthermore, market offers where reviewed for storage of spare parts in more tailored designs. The work will culminate in proposals for improvement which is of importance for the development surrounding the storage and handling of spare parts.
Fukthalt i GROT - påverkande faktorer :
This study was carried out at the request of the bio energy company Naturbränsle. The company handles annually 750 000 m3 of chips from logging residues from a large area, from Östergötland in the south to Härjedalen in the north. In that area, about 50 bio fuel plants are customers. When Naturbränsle deliver chips from logging residues to their customers, the moisture content varies from 30 % to 60 %. The aim of the study was to sort out the affecting factors on the moisture content in the chips during handling and storage processes.
En studie om hanteringen av Rasbiologiska institutets samling och känsligt material vid Uppsala universitet
The Swedish institute of racial biology was the first of its kind in the world. The purpose of their activity was to gather information about the different kind of racial characters of the Swedish population. They did this by traveling around the country gathering pictures and statistic information. In 1958 it was decided that the institute was going to get integrated with the University of Uppsala and change its research focus to a more medical genetic. Most of the research material also got integrated into the university?s library.The purpose of this paper is to find out how the institutes collection has been handled through the ages and if there have been any controversy or debate about it.
Lagerhantering på Voice AB
This examination paper is a lead in the educational program Industrial Management at Jönköping University. The paper itself contains an analysis of the warehouse organisation and its efficiency at the furniture company Voice AB in Torsvik, just south of Jönköping, Sweden. The report also contains propositions to raise the level of efficiency in the company warehouse and warehouse management.In the investigation of the warehouse a number of possible improvements were found. Examples are lack of a system for labelling shelves and racks, lack of an efficient location system and development possibilities in work routines. For the empirical investigation both qualitative and quantitative methods ware used.
Styvhetsförhållande mellan bottenplatta och pålar : -En jämföresle mellan traditionellt pålberäkningsprogram och FEM-program
Målet med examensarbetet är att svara på frågan: "Är det resurssparande att öka detaljeringsgraden i BIM-modellen genom virtuellt uppreglade gipsväggar?" Rapporten behandlar en BIM-laboration som genomförts i samarbete med NCC i projektet Signalfabriken i Sundbyberg. Med programmet Lindab Revit Tools (LRT) reglades gipsväggar upp virtuellt och adderades till projektets byggnadsinformationsmodell (BIM). Materialet kvalitetssäkrades vid samgranskningsmöten och användes för att generera A3-handlingar för test i produktion. Testet och handlingen diskuterades med representanter från olika delar av byggprocessen och en reviderad handling utvecklades samt godkändes. Laborationen upprepades med syftet att effektivisera processen och erfarenheterna från detta ledde till att frågeställningen fick följande svar: Ja, om endast komplicerade områden modelleras.
Kalkyl för logistikkostnader; från leverantör till förbrukningsplats
The globalization that has occurred during the last few years has made it more important for companies to have a well-functioning logistics system. Customers demand more options, which lead to an increased flow that creates greater demand regarding packaging and transports. Diverse logistics costs are nowadays a substantial cost for many companies. Therefore, more effort is aimed at optimizing transportation to lower these costs.The purpose of this project is to create a user-friendly calculation of logistics costs that illustrates how the costs vary, depending on how the flow is structured. This is done by examining which aspects that affect the total logistics costs and by mapping which aspects that should be included in a calculation of the logistics costs.Literature studies have been carried out parallel with empirical studies at Scania's production unit, MC, in Oskarshamn.
Bilden som kommunikationsverktyg
Transportation of pigs might be a welfare problem. Stress during and after transportation can negatively affect the meat quality or cause carcass damages, which leads to major economic losses every year. The transportation chain can be divided into several stages; loading, transport and unloading. This literature review focuses on unloading of pigs from a transport. When arriving at an abattoir pigs can be fatigued and need to be as smoothly unloaded as possible.
Sexuellt ofredande. En studie i brott
I denna uppsats undersöks sexualbrottet sexuellt ofredande som det stadgas ansvar för i 6 kap 10 § BrB. Lagrummet jämförs med de närliggande brotten ofredande enligt 4 kap 7 § BrB och förolämpning enligt 5 kap 3 § BrB, som kan komma att aktualiseras vid fastställande om brott för sexuellt ofredande föreligger. I denna uppsats konstateras att med sexuellt ofredande menas en handling där gärningsmannen har ett uppsåt till gärningsbeskrivningen men också att gärningsmannens handlande varit till för att reta eller tillfredställa sin sexualdrift. Det sistnämnda kravet saknas vid blottande, där det räcker att handlingen varit ämnat att väcka obehag. Vid en jämförelse med de närliggande brotten ofredande och förolämpning kan konstateras att om syftet tillika uppsåtet inte faller inom tillämpningsområdet för sexuellt ofredande, kan ansvar för gärningsmannens handlande sökas enligt rekvisiten för ofredande men även i vissa fall enligt rekvisiten för förolämpning Det kan här uppstå svåra gränsdragningar där samma handling eller ordval kan bedömas enligt olika lagrum, eller anses helt falla utanför brottsbalkens tillämpningsområde.I denna uppsats argumenteras att gällande rätt inte är tillfredställande och att ett tillägg till gällande rätt kan anses vara motiverat..
Beteenden hos geparder i två stora svenska djurparker
Cheetahs in the wild are declining due to hunting, lack of prey, exploitation of habitats and loss of cubs to predators. Those are the main reasons to why cheetahs are kept in captivity today for conservation. Many cheetahs kept in captivity are seen pacing ? a behaviour that arise when the animal is prohibited from performing natural behaviours. It is believed to being attributed to a lack of stimulation in the environment where they are being held.
Factors influencing pig behaviour during unloading from a transport
Transportation of pigs might be a welfare problem. Stress during and after transportation can negatively affect the meat quality or cause carcass damages, which leads to major economic losses every year. The transportation chain can be divided into several stages; loading, transport and unloading. This literature review focuses on unloading of pigs from a transport. When arriving at an abattoir pigs can be fatigued and need to be as smoothly unloaded as possible.
Processkartläggning : Det nödvändiga förarbetet inför implementering av ett affärssystem
During the last decades the local business as well as the multinational organization hasexperienced prominent changes in the technical field. The requirements for reaching newmarkets and achieving higher efficiency in daily work have risen to a whole new level. Totake advantage of the possibilities of IT the user has to be aware of the company?s businessactivities, what shortcomings and chances of development exist today. This is what makes itinteresting to depict the current situation of the company?s business.
Svenska Multinationella verkstadsföretags valutasäkringsmetoder
The purpose of this essay is to investigate how large Swedish corporations within the same industry protect themselves against foreign exchange risks and to determine if there is a general practice for how the protection is done. What is the responsibility structure at these corporations regarding the handling of exposure to foreign exchange?.
Socialarbetares förståelse av våld i nära relation : En vinjettstudie med barnavårdsutredare
Social workers ideas about what domestic violence is influence their ability to recognize vio-lence in cases where this occurs. Social workers awareness and understanding of domestic violence can also influence the handling of these cases. Education on the subject domestic violence can increase social workers knowledge about, awareness and handling of violence. The present study aims to investigate how social workers in child protection investigations understand, recognize and interpret domestic violence and which interventions the social workers suggest. This is a qualitative vignette study in which semi-structured interviews was carried out with social workers working with child protection investigations.