

7847 Uppsatser om Prescription of time immemorial - Sida 59 av 524

Vävtapeter i ny dräkt

Pattern design is a territory which has been widely explored by many during a long period of time. With this project I hope to shine a new light on wallpaper design, the area on which I?ve applied my patterns to.The inspiration for this wallpaper collection originated in a past project in which I experimented with weaving strips of paper together in different ways. During this time I found myself curious to investigate how this kind of weaving could be applied to textiles, wallpapers, etc.My main focus in this project has been about creating interesting patterns in which unexpected motifs are woven together. I?ve also touched on the subject of creating a kind of conceptual wallpaper constructed by weaving strips of wallpaper together.I based my patterns on a series of drawings that I created during the course leading up to this project.

Kostnadsbesparingar på EM7 : Omkonstruktioner för billigare tillverkning

This thesis describes how a cost reduction project was done on the Packsize ondemand packing machine EM7. The cost reduction was achieved by making minorredesigns of the EM7.The project began by studying the EM7´s structure and function by working on itsassembly line. A short literature study on the subject Design for Manufacturing wasalso done.By working on the assembly line and by speaking with staff from production anddevelopment departments, a number of ideas for reducing manufacturing costs arose.Estimations of the potential cost reduction size for each proposal were done incollaboration with vendors and the purchasing department. Based on the size of the cost reduction, technical risk, impact on the assembly lineand the development time the various proposals were ranked. The two highestranked proposals were selected for further development towards finished solutions.One of the ideas that were selected to develop in to a finished solution meant thatsome of the pneumatic valves were replaced with others.

Den uppkopplade enkätundersökningen : En studie av informationsvisualiseringen i Mentimeter

A new phenomenon on the Internet is the online audience response. Mentimeter is a web-based tool where you can create online polls. The users can then cast a vote and the result is shown in real time. We want to test the information visualization in Mentimeter and we base our hypothesis, that a better graph design is possible, on the work of Edward Tufte and Stephen Few. Edward Tufte is an emeritus at Yale University, where he held courses in statistical evidence and information design and has created theories about how visual information should be designed.

Revisionsplikten : en undersökning om bilbranschens syns på revision hos deras mikroföretagskunder

It is mandatory for the countries in the European Union with company audit, still the countries can separately choose to exclude smaller companies from this rule. Most companies in the EU use this exception, Sweden is one of the few countries that does not. The Swedish government has recently announced that an inquiry will be made to examine the effect of an abolishment of the statutory audit for smaller companies.This study examines in what extent car selling companies use revised material when they give costumers credit and the consequences of an abolishment of the statutory audit for these companies. The conclusion of the study is that car selling companies feel secure knowing that their costumers have been audited. Most companies interviewed, buy credit information from external sources.The persons interviewed have a hard time knowing the outcome of the abolishment of the statutory auditing.

Relationship between moose (Alces alces) home range size and crossing wildlife fences

Wildlife fences are today commonly used along highways to reduce the risk of vehicle collisions with wildlife. Since traffic and roads have expanded over the years, wildlife behaviour has become more interesting not only for the prevention of vehicle collisions but also to understand how human activities impact their natural habitats. Moose is one of those animals that have increased in interest in such studies. In this study, I tested if the probability to cross wildlife fences of moose would increase with increasing home range sizes, and also at what time of the year they cross. The study area is situated in Nordmaling municipality, located in Northern Sweden in the County of Västerbotten.

"Det finns ju ingen annan som skulle vilja anställa mig liksom..." : Om sex personers erfarenheter av arbetsintegrerande sociala företag

The aim of this study was to understand how social workers deal with honour-related violence, with special focus on the processing from sheltered housing. Our qualitative interviews with social workers that work with this kind of problems show that there are both obstacles and opportunities in the processing from sheltered housing. On the negative side are the loneliness, the shame and the guilt that the girls may experience when they need to leave their families. The social services can both be an obstacles and an opportunity. When the girls need to create a new life in a new city they have a lot of opportunities and in the same time it is hard to get to know new friends when you don´t know the city or have much money.

Försvaret i skolan : En studie om total- och civilförsvarundervisning i skolan under 70-talets kallakrigsår.

The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the preparation of total and civil defense education in schools in the 1970s to gain insight into how the school looked and pondered the complicated world that existed outside the school's doors. By using the concepts of welfare state, welfare and civil defense culture, I have studied relevant materials to get answers to questions treating the total and civil education in schools after Lgr69, the way the state sees the subject and if it is possible to detect a civil defense culture in schools and if so, how it will be expressed.     The results show that the state emphasized education as incredibly important because knowledge of how to act in a crisis or war could be extremely crucial for the individuals and their survival. The education was so important that it got a role as a main factor in Lgr69. But even if the education was important the teachers had huge problems with the schedule and many teachers couldn´t educate all facts because they didn´t have enough time.

E-tjänster i kommunala verksamheter : Risker och hot för e-tjänster i Ljungby kommun

The existence for companies today consists of constant challenges with customers that want more individual products with high quality as quickly as possible. For a company to be able to have a short delivery time, it must also have a short production time. This makes streamlining and improvement of processes a big part of a company?s workThis thesis has been carried out together with the company Lasermax Roll Systems AB, a world-leading manufacturer of feeding, finishing and monitoring systems for high-speed digital printers. They manufacture their products according to the assembling for costumer order principle.The purpose with this thesis is to map and analyze, the assembling process and the test process at Lasermax Roll Systems AB.

Tid för kreativitet : En tvärsnittsstudie om individuell kreativitet och relationen till time management

Bakgrund:Kreativitet har fått en viktig roll i hur företag väljer att styra sina verksamheter. Under de senaste decennierna har insikten av tidens betydelse fått en central roll då arbetsbördan ökat och det ställts ökade krav på tempo och punktlighet. I tidigare studier har forskare funnit att tidsplanering kan ha positiv inverkan på individuell kreativitet. Insikten om att kreativitet och tidsplanering visat sig kunna relateras till varandra bidrog till vårt intresse att vidare studera relationen mellan dessa två koncept bland individer som är verksamma inom en kreativ branch. Studien ämnar att undersöka relationen mellan kreativitet och time management hos kreatörer på svenska reklambyråer.Syfte:Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka samband som finns mellan koncepten kreativitet och time management.

Rörelshinder och ämnet idrott och hälsa : en kvalitativ studie om hur elever med rörelsehinder upplever ämnet idrott och hälsa

The aim of this study was to investigate how disabled pupils feel about school lessons in physical education. Previous studies in the area show that many disabled pupils think that this is a problem. Drawing on data from one-to-one semi-structured interviews with six students in the age of 11-14 years, this study focused on how students with disability cope with their impairments and physical activity in school. The interviewees? background displays a wide range of sport related activities and besides school the interviewees seem to be engaged in different sports associations on their leisure time.

Genus framför kameran : En studie om jämställdhet under prime-time

Denna studie undersöker hur jämställdheten ser ut under SVTs prime-time-sändningar utifrån könsfördelning, ålder och form av deltagande hos de medverkande personerna framför kameran, samt hur fördelningen ser ut i förhållande till de programkategorier SVT har satt. Med prime-time-sändningar menas den tid på dagen då tv-publiken är som allra störst. Syftet med uppsatsen är att med en kvantitativ innehållsanalys få reda på hur könsrepresentationen ser ut utifrån nämnda faktorer och diskutera sambandet mellan resultaten och värden kopplade till de sociala könsrollerna samt huruvida prime-time har en påverkan på innehållet i programmen.De teoretiska ramarna utgörs främst av Yvonne Hirdmans tankar kring genussystemet som dels innefattar två logiker; mannen som norm samt isärhållandets logik och dels genuskontraktet som beskriver överenskommelsen om sociala beteenden och logikernas fortsatta spridning från en generation till nästa. Detta tillsammans med Halls teorier om representation och stereotyper samt medielogiken appliceras i diskussionen kring analysens resultat.Resultaten visar att alla program utom ett representeras av en majoritet män, i de flesta fall stark majoritet. Män har också en starkare representation inom alla åldersgrupper till skillnad från kvinnor där både de yngre och äldre generationerna är väldigt svagt representerade.

Statusbedömning och förbättringsförslag för startkedjemaskineri, startkedja och linspel för stränggjutningsmaskin

The main goal with the master thesis has been to do a status evaluation of the chain machinery with its start chain and wire to secure the production on a short basis due to that a reconstruction is not planned at this time. An evaluation of the condition of the start chain and the rollers in the chain depository has been done. An offer has been requested for a new start chain and the evaluation of the start chains may be a basis for the decision taking. The production has been able to go on, although it has arisen some problems which have been difficult to find the causes for. There is no gathered ?picture? of the machinery status and a mapping of each machinery has been compiled of comprehensive logs.

Viktigt att lyfta fram vad man klarar av : Inkludering av personer med ADHD i samhället genom att informera om diagnosen, styrkor och hjälpmedel med avgränsning mot arbetslivet.

ADHD has for a long time been perceived as something that affects children and grows away with time. American psychiatric association state that ADHD may appear differently with adolescences and adults than with children. That could lead to misunderstandings and exclusion by adults and adolescences with ADHD at work life amongst other situations. This report investigates that exclusion and tries to find what information that needs to reach certain target groups to prevent it from happen.The works focus is text design, a part of information design, and looks firstly at the factors that make good information material. Then I investigate if there is a need for more information about ADHD within working life and if so what it would contain.

Det värsta har hänt- mitt barn har drabbats av cancer : En litteraturbaserad studie om föräldrars upplevelser under sjukdomstiden

Background:About 250 000 children develops cancer every year. Most of them has a parent and a family who also is getting affected. During this time the parents go through a crisis and the nurse had a central role to help them through the hard time. Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate parent´s experiences of living with a child with a cancer diagnose during the illness. Method: A literature -based study, qualitative content analysis of 14 qualitative articles.

Uppvärmning av mjölkgård med ved, flis eller havre :

The background for my thesis is the fact that with rising electricity and oil prices it becomes interesting to calculate on alternative heating systems. I have chosen to calculate upon my parents? farm, which today heats the dwelling house with wood. This is very time-consuming work, time which could be spent on other work. The main objective for this study is to compare three different heating systems to decide how they differ considering effort and cost. The result from the calculations was that grain-heating system demanded the least amount of work, but the total cost was a little higher compared to chips heating. Chips heating required half as much work as today?s wood heating and had a little lower total costs compared with the corn heating. Which system to choose largely depends on how the own work is valued.

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