

134 Uppsatser om Prehistoric village - Sida 6 av 9

I mötet med människan träder historien fram : om hur ett gestaltande av enskilda människor från förr kan beröra och engagera dagens museibesökare

The purpose of this study is to analyze different aspects of a portraying of individuals from a time past. It is concentrated around questions about why it is important to show the people?s stories in, for example, exhibitions and under which conditions this would serve as a good use of history according to different theories about history and the portraying of it.I have chosen the theories of Freidrich Nietzsche and Georg Simmel as a tool to analyze different aspects of the portraying of people from the past. Nietzsche?s theory about the different ways in which we use the past and Simmels theory about the meeting between a viewer and a cultural experience.

Att skapa Alexander den Stores fotspår : Tre generationers nutida föreställningar om Alexander den Store i Proti Serron i Grekland

The purpose of this essay has been to explore Alexander the Great from two different perspectives in Greece. The village Proti Serron represents the local area and the national area named Macedonia represents the second perspective. Oral history has been used as a method in addition to literature and trips to museums and archaeological places.As a guideline for the essay and its contents a stereotyped schedule has been created. This schedule is presented below, and it is also possible to read it backwards.The villagers who identify themselves with Alexander the Great from their local area Proti Serron which is a part of the national area named Macedonia.This study proves that the villagers who has been interviewed, identify themselves with the place they live in as well as its history and that they feel that it is their duty to pass this knowledge forward. Alexander the Great is described as intelligent, humble, a man of strength and courage as well as a strategist and sovereign.

Tame animals in the wilderness : livestock grazing around summer farms in Jämtland, boreal Sweden 1800-2011

The forest and mire landscape surrounding the north Swedish villages have been of fundamental importance through time for the farmers. In the Scandinavian summer farm system the forest and mire pasture was used to its full potential. The system consisted of smaller summer farms some kilometres from the main farm in the village, and were the livestock grazed in the forest around the summer farm. The livestock affect their environment, and grazed forests generally contain a higher biodiversity than an ungrazed forest. The overall aim of this thesis is to understand the impact of livestock grazing on a northern forest ecosystem over a long time period.

Design och förädling av en liten och kustnära trädgård :

2. SUMMARY A small garden exposed to a harsh coastal climate can be difficult to design. Limitations in space and in plant varieties increase the needs of an in-depth knowledge to achieve wanted goals. In this degree project the challenge has been to create a functional and position adapted garden for a very small beach house lot in Mölle, a little harbour village at the south coast of Kullaberg. ?Villa Malm?, is situated directly on the bedrock in a close settlement where the gardens, in most cases are very small and exposed to strong salty winds.

Den sociala rörligheten bland frälse- respektive skattebönder i Björklinge socken 1786?1848

Between 1750 and 1850 the population of Sweden doubled. The increase was very unequally distributed among the different social groups of the rural population. The number of peasants grew very little, while the numbers of the landless (crofters, bordars etc.) more than quadrupled. This study examines whether Christer Winberg's thesis of the landless growth can be applied to Björklinge parish in Uppland. Winberg believes that it was mainly children of tenant farmers who became landless.

Naturlik förplantering i en urban skala, för ett långsiktigt dynamiskt Science Village Scandinavia : prototyper för skogslika vegetationsridåer som koncept för ett förbättrat mikroklimat, placemaking och ansvarsfull resurshantering enligt Cradle to Cradle

I nordöstra Lund planeras forskningsbyn Science Village Scandinavia (SVS). Stora avstånd mellan viktiga noder i området ses tillsammans med hårda vindar som utmaningar vid arbetet med att göra SVS attraktivt och besöksvärt under den långa exploateringstiden. På uppdrag av SVS AB och Lunds kommun presenterar detta examensarbete ett förslag för en förplantering av naturlik skogsvegetation på platsen. Ett koncept, där smala vegetationsridåer planteras längs de framtida rörelsestråken i SVS, föreslås i examensarbetet som en strategi för att klimatskydda platsen och samtidigt möjliggöra ett bevarande av vegetation som urban grönska i forskningsbyn. I enlighet med projektets stora hållbarhetsambitioner uttrycker konceptet även målet att presentera möjligheter för att använda avlägsnat växtmaterial som en resurs. Hur kan ett långsiktigt dynamiskt vegetationsbyggande, enligt det ekologiska tillvägagångssättet, förena värden såsom vindskydd, rekreationsvärden och ett ekonomiskt resursuttag, både tidigt och på lång sikt? En kunskapssammanställning görs kring vegetation som vindskydd samt hur ett långsiktigt dynamiskt vegetationsbyggande förhåller sig till smalare ridåplanteringar, ett upplevelsemässigt perspektiv, ett tidsperspektiv samt ett växtmateriellt resursuttag.

Trä som fasadmaterial ? behandling och beständighet

Since prehistoric time man has used wood to build their environment. The material?s availabilitycombined with its good mechanical properties has often made it the material of choice. Like allmaterials exposed to natures degradative processes the properties of wood decreases over time.Rot, UV radiation and attacks by insects and pests damage wood if not protected. Since we wantwhat we build to consist, optimizing our building materials durability is of great interest.Techniques and methods for increasing the endurance of wood have been developed in severaldifferent places and for a long time.

Hur mår dagens skolbarn? : En studie av skolbarns hälsa inom Umeå kommun.

The purpose of this survey was to map out the health pf some of the 11 and 12 years old children in the city of Umeå, as well as to find out what factors intend to influense the children´s health. A questionnaire was distributed in four 6th grade classes whitin the municipality of Umeå. Two of the schools were located in the city while two were located in near villages. This selection was decided in order to map out diffrences in health related to the children´s home environment. 80 pupils took part of this study.

Karl-Anders Wollters filmsamling på filmarkivet i Grängesberg

The aim with this archive guide is to give a guide to Karl-Anders Wollter?s film collection at Grängesberg Film archive. Karl-Anders Wollter worked between 1962?1993 for the State Department and mainly outside Sweden. The film collection consists of 67 films regarding his work, holidays and family life.

Mellan makt och myt : om gravritual och brända ben från en småländsk vikingatida gravhög

For this essay, 12 liters of cremated bones from the Viking age grave mound RAÄ Berga 134:1 in Trotteslöv, Berga parish, Småland have been osteologically analysed.  The aim with this paper concerned questions as sex, age, number of individuals and animal species in the grave. Further questions that have been investigated are the relationship between the osteological sexdetermination and artifacts as well as which role animals played in burial rituals and as grave goods.The grave contained a middle-aged woman and a number of sacrificed animals: two horses, two dogs, three birds, a boar and a cat. The bones were fragile and very fragmented. One of the birds was determined as a bird of prey, and that together with findings of horses and dogs indicates hunting with bird of prey, an activity performed only by powerful and wealthy individuals.  The woman was buried in a mound of notable size, and with common grave goods for the time period: combs, beads, bronze and iron items. An unusual finding was textile which indicates high status. The number of sacrificed animal species also suggests that the grave belonged to a powerful individual. During the Viking age animals generally played an important role in grave rituals and as items to be used by their master in the next life.

Att leva enkelt : En studie av livsstilen hos boende i en ekoby

Syftet med denna uppsats är att ge en bild av den livsstil som boende i en ekoby har. Detta har gjorts genom en analys med en teoretisk modell innehållande värden, attityder och handlingar. Två informanter har intervjuats för att ge förståelse för hur värden och handlingar stämmer överens och om det finns genomförda handlingar som inte bottnar i grundläggande värden. Resultatet visar att beslutet att bo i en ekoby är väl genomtänkt och grundas på viktiga värden. Strävan efter att leva ett enkelt liv är det centrala, vilket kopplas ihop med global rättvisa.

Biblioteket i centrum : Ett utvecklingsprojekt för bibliotek och landsbygd

The structure of the Swedish public library field has been evolving during the last decades. The traditional mission of educating the citizens to become responsible, democratic and knowledgeable members of society has in a way led to the integration between public and school libraries. Lately new co-operational models have been under debate and a sense of resistance has arisen because of the economical and market influences. In parallel with closure of library branches new libraries have evolved in malls and wash houses and some with self-service with no use of librarians. This work shows how co-operation in rural areas finds the common goals for the people living there who are concerned about keeping the service needed including the public library and thus using existing means and crossing borders of commercial thinking.

Den gömda kyrkklockan : en studie om en kyrkklockas sägen

There is a legend about a church on the island of Orust in the small village of Tegneby. The legend tells a story about a hidden church bell in the mysterious hole in the creek.?During a war long time ago, people were afraid that the King Gustav Vasa would take their church bell to use as material for cannons. So the people in Tegneby hid their beloved church bell in a hole in the creek below the church and there it remained for seven years?  (main legend)The aim of this paper was to find out if this legend still is alive in the area of Tegneby.

Arkeologi och den senmedeltida ödeläggelsen

This essay discusses the width of the late medieval desertion of farms in Sweden from an archaeological perspective. The object of the essay is to investigate if archaeological investigations and research during the last 10-15 years have changed the view of the late medieval desertion in relation to the Scandinavian research project on deserted farms and villages.The essay also deals with questions on causes to the desertion and when desertion occurred. An ambition of the essay is also to give a general picture of archaeological investigations during the last 10-15 years considering the late medieval desertion. The analyses-material consists mainly of reports from archaeological investigations.Most of the investigations analysed in this essay are investigations of single farms. Because of this it is natural these investigations do not say much about the width of the desertion.

Förskolan Bullerbyn

Barn ska få möjligheten att växa upp med, och uppleva, vuxna sammanhang samt visuell komplexitet i sin omgivning. Utan dessa utbyten och objekt i sin omgivning utvecklas barns delaktighet i samhället som ansvarsfulla medborgare långsammare. Detta är projektets utgångspunkt. Förskolan Bullerbyn är, precis som namnet tyder på, en liten by med olika verksamheter där förskolan ligger i fokus med en central gård. Barnen kommer i kontakt med vuxna som arbetar i byggnaderna intill: bageriet levererar bröd och fika, restaurangen lagar mat till lunchen, ett snickeri delas med ateljéerna, utställningslokalen drar till sig både vuxna och barn i sin verksamhet och kontorsfolket kommer och går genom uteplatsen.

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