

134 Uppsatser om Prehistoric village - Sida 3 av 9

Fornföreningen Fibulas museum : Svårigheter med att rekonstruera en plats

Fornföreningen Fibula on the Aland Islands contacts the author because its members want to create a museum.The purpose of this two years master?s thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies is to shed light on what a museum really is. The research question I have answered is ?what is a museum and is this what Fibula really wants in their reconstructed Viking village??. Based on interview material, ethnographic field studies, relevant research in the subject and documents from Fibula, I have answered the research question.

Medborgardialog i ortsanalys : ett arbete om värdet av kommunikation tidigt i planeringsskedet

Citizen participation is fundamental in place analysis, where the aim is to define the sites specific character and identity. The local citizens know the village better than anyone else since they lead their daily life in the environment. I have in cooperation with Sala municipality suggested guidelines on how to involve the local people in dialogue during place analysis. The target was to involve and enthuse as many people as possible with relatively small resources in time and money. The suggested methodology was tried out in a place analysis of Västerfärnebo, a community with about 3 000 inhabitants of which 500 live in the main village.

Mosslikens vara eller inte vara : Om mosslikens relevans som en egen fyndkategori och forskares sätt att skapa en sådan.

Is it relevant to treat bog bodies as its own category within the archaeological research? This paper examines how scholars and researchers, through their publications and depictions of the preserved prehistoric individuals, are helping to create such a category. What has changed in the way scholars look at and describe these astounding finds? Also examines the various theories researchers provide regarding bog bodies and how they are deposited..

Att planera för social hållbarhet i ekobyar :

This essay gives the reader an overview of the different problems and issues a landscape architect might meet, in the process of planning and realizing an eco-village. Its aim is to stimulate new ideas, based on the traditional, present and future working field of landscape architects. The essay does not claim to cover all imaginable aspects of social sustainability within an eco- village, but refers to the presented sources for further in-depth reading. Although the original focus has been on physical planning, the interviewees? words have been of big importance, and to a certain extent changed the constitution of this essay.

Röster, blickar och möten : Om berättande och etik i Sara Lidmans Tjärdalen

Sara Lidman?s first novel, Tjärdalen (The Tar Pit, 1953), addresses ethical issues in a remote village in the north of Sweden. This essay discusses the novel?s narrative technique and the ethical aspects implied by the narration and aesthetic design. The approach is based on Adam Zachary Newton?s narrative ethics, which links narrative theory and method with an ethical perspective.

Bonden i Graven Bredvid - En osteologisk studie av den medeltida befolkningen i Norra Nöbbelöv och deras skador på skeletten

This paper is the result of an osteological study of the skeletal remains uncovered during an archaeological excavation of the medieval cemetery in Norra Nöbbelöv. The purpose of the study is to compare the material from the rural site (Norra Nöbbelöv) with materials excavated from the old medieval graveyards in the city of Lund. The aim is to try and shedsome light on the question of whether there is any difference in the occurrence and frequency of fractures and osteoarthritis in the materials compared. The first section of the paper consists of a short historical background of Norra Nöbbelöv and Lund, a chapter on ethics, general results of the analysis and the methods used. Thissection was co-authored by Ulla Zagal-Mach and Åsa Strandh.

Filialsystemet på Kristianstads stadsbibliotek 1967-1977. Filialerna i Färlöv och på Gamlegården

The purpose of the thesis is to describe the developing of the branch libraries of the public library of Kristianstad between the years of 1967 and 1977. The municipality of Kristianstad was grounded by a unification of the city of Kristianstad and ten small municipalities. The fusion takes place in three different stages during the years of 1967, 1971 and 1974. The first stage included the city of Kristianstad and the municipalities of Araslöv, Nosaby, Träne and Vä. The municipality of Araslöv got free small villages and village of Färlöv was the biggest one.

Fördelaktigt utrymme : ett försök till rekonstruktion av ett landskap och de attribut som kan utgöra det vid hällristningarna i Släbro, Nyköping Södermanlands län

In this paper I will attempt to recreate a prehistoric landscape surrounding the rock carving site of Släbro at Nyköping in Södermanlands län by using GIS. The main focus area is the river valley at Släbro and the six panels with rock carvings that have been dated to the Bronze Age. I?ll attempt to shed light on a long lost landscape. The shore line displacement have been extensive in this area a reconstruction will visualize the relationship between the panels, and their relationship to the surrounding landscape.

Toleransens betydelse i socialt stödutbyte En kvalitativ studie bland sju Tamangfamiljer i Kathmandudalen, Nepal

Society is characterized by patterns of behavior and interaction that is created and recreated inthe interplay between individuality/collectivity and freedom/constraint, thus represents avariety of social issues and social phenomena. One of these phenomena is social supportexchanges and social capital. In order to obtain views on how this might appear in a specificsociety and contribute to the knowledge about social support exchanges and social capital, thisstudy was done with seven families in a village in Nepal. The village and the families gave aview and an example of how it might look in a place where social support exchanges plays acrucial role in this way of living. Through observations and interviews I have tried to make thesocial support exchange areas and meanings visibile.

Trygghet och samverkan i en av Sveriges mest trygga städer : En kvalitativ fallstudie om staden där nästan alla känner sig trygga.

We have in this field study been researching how social comfort is affected by the work of social services and their collaboration with police, schools and health care within a small village located countryside in the northern part of Sweden. The attribute which sets this village a part from most other small countryside villages is the fact that the crime rate is amongst the lowest in Sweden as well as the social security feeling within the inhabitants are amongst the highest. We traveled 2298 kilometers back and forth to be able to interview professionals and gather empiric material for this study. The method we have used for data collection has been in the form of semi structured interviews. We have used previous research concerning collaboration, social comfort, social discomfort and fear of crime as our aid to analyze our findings with the help of theories regarding different types of communites (gemeinschaft and gesellschaft) invented by Ferdinand Tönnies (2001) and Human Service Organisation by Hasenfeld (1983).

Dubbeltydig form : Djurliknande avbildningar i metall under järnåldern

This study concerns a selection of prehistoric metal objects of animalistic design, published at the internet site of the Swedish Statens Historiska Museum. It seeks to give an impression of the design elements used, and to find likely models for the motifs among live animals. The method used is a qualitative hermenuetic comparative study of objects, where the distinct significant design elements are being identified and interpretated. Several significant design elements are identified, and some are interpretated as representing certain animals. The amalgamation of differentiating design elements in some objects however, leads to interpretations of compound animal motifs, where some motifs are considered ambiguous and some are rendered uninterpretated.

All invited : waterfront park design for sustainable tourism in Miches, the Dominican Republic

Hidden away in the pristine landscape on the northeast shore of the Dominican Republic, the remote village of Miches is on the verge of shifting its economic resource base from traditional fishing into what could become an international model for sustainable tourism. The aim of this thesis was to produce a vision of a waterfront park near the center of the village; demonstrating concept-based landscape design that reflects the goals of sustainable development originating from the local incentive structure. A composite landscape analysis and design concept both served to inform and guide the design work, which was executed through model building, hand drawings, and production of a visual presentation in the format of an architectural competition entry. The design concept, All invited, signifies the distinction between the development that is about to take place in Miches and the otherwise common all-inclusive resorts, where tourists are set apart from the local community and spend most of their time within the fenced-off premises of the hotel. All invited also captures the typical Dominican hospitality, and mirrors the aspirations of turning Miches into a safe and welcoming place for visitors. The result is a public park design that is equally inviting local residents as it is to tourists, and where the unique qualities of the site are emphasized without being exploited.

Strömsbergs köksträdgård - en historisk inventering

An era ended in 1920 when the Walloon ironworks village of Strömsberg closed. The Wallon people had lived on the spot for 300 years and influenced the region was a lot. The kitchengarden in Stromsberg was a gardencenter 1920-50. The count´s good profits made him reinvest a lot of capital in the Wallon ironworks village to make it better and to construct forges, buildings and gardens. The kitchen garden´s history in Stromsberg started in 1660-70s, when Johan Vervier, built Strömsbergs first manor house.

Ymers benknotor : Kan kala berg och berghällar, där det ser ut att ha förekommit forntida kultaktiviteter, kopplas till skapelsemyten om Ymer

The intention of this essay is to put the light on and to discuss if there is a connection between a pre-Christian creation mythology and naked rocks on prehistoric sacred places in Scandinavia. Archaeological as well as historical materials are studied. The historical material is mostly from Snorre Sturlasons Asasagan with the explanation of the creation of the world. In this story the world was built from the body of a killed and deposited giant named Ymer. Almost the same myth is told in all Indo-European countries.

Turism i filmens värld : En fallstudie rörande tv-serien "Morden i Midsomers" potential som turismprodukt

This essay notice film and TV-series as a resource, which can be utililized by the tourism industry. To be more concrete, the aim of this essay is to examine if and how the Television series ?Midsomer murders? can be utilized as a tourism product. To fulfill the purpose of this essay, two different methods have been used: the study off literature and a content analyses, the later in form of a picture & film analyses. The results of this study showed that ?Midsomer murders? have qualifications enough to be a successful tourism product.

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