

5580 Uppsatser om Power market - Sida 66 av 372

Broar, länkar, gränser. Kultur, makt och marginalisering i diskursen om linkworkers/brobyggare

Abstract:The aim of this study is to critically analyse the discourse of linkworkers, a integration project in a ?multicultural? school in Malmö. In the project, four persons with different ethnic / cultural background where employed to work as a link between the school and the parents, and between the Swedish culture and the children's and the parent's ?original? culture. My material consists of evaluations of the project and interviews with school staff.

Mikroföretags kommunikationshantering, off- och on-line, på
konsumentmarknaden: en fallstudie på två företag

The purpose of this thesis was to highlight how different aspects of market communication are used when micro companies choose to use both Internet and store selling activities towards the consumer market. The thesis dealt with off-line and on-line communication considerations with focus on advertising, interactions, and relations. In order to achieve this purpose a case study was conducted, that revealed that the companies acted according to theories. The conclusions drawn from the thesis were that companies tended to rely on traditional ways of dealing with advertising and interaction. We could also see that relations were created as a result of unconscious behavior and that the Internet activities still were on a basic level..

Reglerade återköpstider : en studie av svenska återköpsprogram

This study addresses mandatory non-trading periods for Swedish stock market participants which have implemented an open-market share repurchase program during the period 2000 until 2010. By locating the date of publication of interim reports, these mandatory non-trading periods called silent periods are examined. The result indicates that repurchase trading activity occurs despite the statutory prohibition. By studying the price support hypothesis assumptions about long- and short-term effect on share price and performance, this study tries to explain these tendencies. An average decline of share price and performance is shown among companies entering silent periods.

Varför har European Civil Peace Corps inte bildats?: En studie om civilt fredsbevarande, maktutövande och kämpande diskurser.

The purpose of this study is to find out why the EU has not yet implemented the EuropeanCivil Peace Corps (ECPC), which the EU Parliament took a resolution about in 1999. Themore specific questions posed are whether the concept of ECPC has been redefined, whetherthe issue of ECPC has been prevented from coming up for discussion and decision-making,and what this has meant for the non-implementation. Steven Lukes' theory about the threedimensions of power is used in combination with a discourse analysis method. The materialused is documents from the EU Parliament's decisions and debate about ECPC, and ECPCfeasibility studies. In the analysis I find one "law and order"-discourse and one "peaceknowledge"-discourse.

E- mobbning : Mobbing between young people with the use of mobile phones

This graduation paper treats e-mobbing via the different communication medias of the mobile phone. The purpose of the research has been to describe student?s experience of e-mobbing via the mobile phone?s different integrated functions as phone calls, sms, mms and e-mail.In this poll investigation asked 100 students of 15-20 years of age.The interviews made have shown that girls are more exposed to e-mobbing, e.g. indirect mobbing. In my research it is possible to see that girls are more exposed than boys to threats of violence via sms, the spreading of rumours and the danger of being called different things.It is also possible to see in the result of the interviews that the mobber wants to experience power, something which is not unusual in all types of mobbing.

Mervärdeskapande på Internet : En undersökning av Internetbaserade resebyråer

The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether Swedish, Internet-based travel agencies, acting on a consumer market are working towards creating added value for their customers. If that is the case, how and why do they use such a mode of operation.The theoretical framework was based on Grönroos´ ?Augmented service offering?, which treats added value as an addition to the core service. The services offered on five of the larger companies´ websites on the market were examined and 3 representatives of the five companies were interviewed.The study shows that 2 of the examined companies did not produce any added value, while 3 of the companies did produce added value for the customer. The added value was generated through packaging of core-, facilitating- and supporting services for the purpose of differentiating the company towards competitors and generating service fees..

Den bristfälliga implementeringen av LSS en studie av maktaspekten i mötet mellan socialtjänsten och människor med psykiska funktionshinder

In this study, the aim is to show how the social services fails to implement a specific rights law (LSS) wich is supposed to have the function of protecting the wellfare and provide specific rights to people with severe mental disabilities. By applying chritical theory on this case the aim is to provide an alternative answer on why it is possible for the social services to ignore these peoples rights.By revealing the power structures in the encounter between the system and a person with mental dissablilities, I conclude that people with mental disabilities does not fit in when it comes the social sevices way of implementing the law and further more that a private person is extreamly exposed to the systems arbitrariness..

Lärande i förändringsprocesser : En fallstudie om individers villkor för lärande vid implementeringen av ett nytt affärssystem

 Problem   Are there any abnormal changes in the parent company's share price at the news of a spin?off.ObjectiveThe main purpose of the study is to investigate how the news of a spin-off affects the parent company's share price. In other words if the news of the Spin-off gives an abnormal return on the Stockholm Stock Exchange during the specific period of 1998?2008. In addressing this, the paper will also investigate the following sub sections: are there any differences in the abnormal returns in various sectors and what the reasons to perform a spin?off in the Swedish market are.MethodAn event study in which market data is used to measure specific events? impact on the value of the company and on the effects on the stock market.

Varmt Sköljvatten

In cooperate with Asko Cylinda we have developed a new heat system too short the processtime and reduce the energy consume in a dishwasher and still have it too be a class AAA.The environment and quality is important for the company too still be the number one onthe market, If they want too keep that position the product developed of new innovations willbe very important. The systems we have developed are more effective and reduce energy uptoo 25 %. The process time is reduced too less than two hours, from the today two andhalf-hour. The solutions are too heat up the rinse water and the dishwater at the same time,with a new heating system and it make are solutions unique and effective. Its good for thedish and the environment.

MAKTASPEKTEN I MÖTET MELLAN KLIENT OCH SOCIALSEKRETERARE ? en forskningsöversikt, utifrån maktens fyra ansikten

Syftet med denna forskningsöversikt är att undersöka hur makt och maktrelationer beskrivsoch teoretiseras i forskningen mellan socialsekreterare och klient med fokus på klientensbeskrivningar. Denna studie är en integrativ och kvalitativ forskningsöversikt med enabduktiv ansats, där 29 tidigare studier har tematiserats och analyserats med hjälp av maktensfyra ansikten. Studien påvisar att maktbegreppet är ett komplext och svårdefinierat begrepp.Studien visar hur makten kan betraktas utifrån maktens fyra ansikten inom det sociala arbeteti mötet mellan klienten och socialsekreteraren. Vidare diskuteras rekommendationer gällandemaktaspekten för det sociala arbetet utifrån olika studier samt rekommendationer för fortsattforskning. Det är viktigt att klienternas perspektiv, såsom upplevelsen av makt och kontroll,tas upp angående deras möte med de professionella.

Jämställdhetsindikatorer : en studie över jämställdhetsindikatorers potential att medföra kvalitativa jämställdhetseffekter

Det verkar råda en stark uppfattning om att indikatorer inverkar positivt på jämställdhetsarbeten. Samtidigt pekar genusvetenskaplig forskning på att kvantitativt jämställdhetsarbete inte är tillräckligt för att uppnå jämställdhet. Syftet med denna uppsats var därför att undersöka i vilken utsträckning jämställdhetsindikatorer kan medföra kvalitativa jämställdhetseffekter. Med fallstudie som metod och begreppet maktförskjutning som analytiskt begrepp har Uppsala universitets jämställdhetsindikatorer analyserats. Analysen visade på att universitetets jämställdhetsindikatorer med stor sannolikhet kommer medföra jämställdhetseffekter, men inga kvalitativa sådana.

Det gemensamma bästa kan inte förutsättas : En berättelse om Grupptalan mot Skandia

The subject for this paper is the Class Action against Skandia Association, a civil organization formed in 2003 with the aim of claiming compensation for some 1.2 million life insurance customers. The background to its formation was one of the largest financial scandals in Sweden in recent times, involving a number of questionable affairs within the insurance corporation Skandia and its subsidiaries, most notably the life insurance company Skandia Liv. The interests of both the stake- and stockholders of the company seem, in certain ways, to have been grossly misrepresented. The scandal, as well as the reaction it spawned, pose a number of questions. In this study, we focus on two: a possible, and in many ways apparent crisis in the representation of interests in Swedish society, and the role of civil society in upholding the balance between these interests.We argue that what is often held to be the ?greed? or ?immorality? of individuals in scandals such as Skandia is, to a great extent, a mere reflection of the ?rational? underpinnings of modern-day capitalism.We find that trust has been a key mechanism of control in the relationships between consumers and agents in pension and life insurance markets, and that ?the Swedish model? that distinguished post-WWII Swedish society was a model heavily based on trust towards existing models of bureaucratic governance.

Konceptutveckling av fyllda balanser

This examination project has been performed in collaboration with Husqvarna AB, one of the world?s leading manufacturers of both commercial and professional garden products such as chainsaws, trimmers and lawnmowers. Husqvarna AB always strive to develop and improve new and existing products and components to ensure an attractive product and a competitive position on today?s market One of these components is filled balances. This is a component unique to the company and is one of the parts in their fuel-powered chainsaws.


District heating covers around 80 % of the heating demand in apartment buildings and 10 % in single-family homes in Sweden. In the year 2010 the total input of energy to the Swedish district heating grids was about 70 TWh, which corresponds to 11 % of the total energy input to the whole energy system in the country. Through the combined production of heat and power the CHP-plants often reaches an efficiency of 90 % from energy in the fuel to produced heat and power. In order to keep the efficiency high it is important for the owners of the plant to have good knowledge about the plants performance at different operation points. Strängnäs Energi AB initiated this diploma work together with FVB Sverige ab in order to come up with a program for short term planning of the production of heat and power at the company´s CHP-plant.The work consists of three main parts.

Sociala företag en av flera aktörer i det sociala välfärdsarbetets tjänst

Social enterprises make up one of the groups of participants that provide welfare services financed by public funding. The object of this study is to describe and analyze from a theoretical point of view which conditions, in what fields, by which division of responsibility and finally through what decisions these social enterprises are allocated a place in the market for social welfare services. The company that has been the object of study offers services in the field of social welfare and in employment. In the study a triangulation of qualitative methods has been used: studies of literature on the subject, recurrent interviews and observations and also reviews of documents. The results have been analyzed from theories on the space available on the market for social services, on social economy and on social capital in the form of strong, weak and bridging bonds.

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