

5580 Uppsatser om Power market - Sida 29 av 372

Konkurrenssituationen fo?r den svenska morotsbranschen :

The Swedish carrot market is dominated by a few big companies and three of them stands for 50 % of the market. During the last twenty years the number of growers has decreased, the area and the harvest have increased. The big producers have invested in advanced and expensive postharvest equipment that fulfils the high standards of the food industry. Few carrot producers are members of an organisation and they keep contacts with there buyers one by one. The buyers are mostly wholesalers and these have during a long period of time decreased the number of suppliers.

Energibolagens framtida datainsamling

The Swedish energy companies have several different systems for data collection of the energy consumption of their clients. Often computerized remote meter readers are put in practice in order to register the energy consumption of large companies. The majority of household clients, however, are read off by the assistance of manual methods. Household power consumption is read off once a year. As a result, these clients are not debited for their actual consumption; their invoices during the year are the result of estimations. At times when the electricity supply system is highly loaded, electricity is more expensive.


This essay is using theories about social norms, and wage determination to evaluate why there is a gender wage gap on the Swedish labour market. To identify the essence of the gender wage gap investigations on specific jobs where the genders are over-, under and equally represented has been made. Also a poll has been sent out to alumni business economics from School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg to evaluate their labor market from a gender wage gap perspective..

En bostadsmarknad på svaj med lyxboenden på kaj : En studie av fenomenet bostadsbrist på hyresmarknaden och dess problem ur aktörernas perspektiv

70 percent of Sweden´s municipalities say they do not have vacant rental flats and a shortage is emerging, during the same time are 1.1 million young people ready to enter the housing market. In order to curb the housing shortage, have the Swedish politicians since the postwar period chosen to stimulate the market with subsidies to increase new production and to control that what is built is in the right direction. The construction industry is perceived as conservative, and many argue that the state keeps it under their wings, which has led to that the development not has progressed in the same way as other, non-subsidy regulated industries.The purpose of ours bachelor thesis is to provide an overall picture and describe the underlying problems of the housing shortage at the rental market. In addition, we want to present theories about where possible actions could take place in the market, by illuminate the problem from the differente actors perspective.To fulfill our purpose and provide a deeper understanding of the problem we have chosen a qualitative approach. We interviewed nine different actors on the Swedish housing market, two managers, two to representatives of Halmstad Municipality, a representative for the construction operators and four different interest groups.

3D Anpassning

This report summarize a simple and efficient way to convert 2D into 3D designs. It explains the benefits of a 3D design compared with 2D, and how those benefits may be used.It will also give the reader a presentation of the company Clean Air Technologies, which for the most part constructs cleaning facilities for power plants. How to create 3D-libraries for some of those facilities will be introduced in this composition.The collaboration with Clean Air Technologies has resulted in several 3D animated movies and rendered images. This has increased the quality of the companies offer presentations, which has made it easier for the prospective customer to get an improved overall image of the power plant design..

Sysselsättning för vuxna med utvecklingsstörning

This study aims to explore how employment of people with intellectual disabilities has grown from only a few participants in the 1960 to be a statutory right. The aim is further to describe the progress and how theories about disability, normalization and social integration relate to the activity. Particular attention is given to the conditions of the labour market and how it influences the activity. Does the ambition to get activity closer the labour market changes and if there are changing, in what way? Is it important that employment resemble or can lead to a common work? The method is to study and analysis periodicals and newspapers articles and make interviews.

Aktiv marknad: Nivåer av verklighet: - En fallstudie på svensk storbanks tillämpning av IFRS 7 och IAS 39, med avseende på fördelningen av finansiella tillgångar i level 1 och level 2

This essay examines the process of fair value accounting of financial assets in a Swedish commercial bank, in contrast to the theoretical approach stated by IASB. The theoretical background contains a review of the academic standpoint on fair value accounting and historical cost accounting, a detailed description of fair value accounting according to current and future IASB regulation and on the American FAS 157 regulation. The empirical case study describes the process of valuing and classifying financial assets into level 1 and level 2 of the fair value hierarchy. The analysis describes how the legal requirements for classification are interpreted and applied in practice when valuing bonds and derivatives. The authors provide an explanation as to why the majority of financial assets are valued mark to model rather than mark to market as well as a suggestion on how the share of market valued assets can be increased..

Det nya arbetarpartiet? : En studie om det moderata samlingspartiets arbetsmarknadspolitiska ideér och dess ideologiska förändring

?The new labour party? A study of the labor-market policy ideas of the Moderata samlingspartiet and their ideological change?Thesis in Political Science (C-level) at Karlstad University byJenny Ljung, Fall 2006Tutor: Susan MartonThe labour-market policy of the Swedish Moderaterna may have undergone changes in the liberal ideology. During the election the year 1991 Moderaterna focused upon questions that concerned the economic growth and the free market. In the election at year 2006 Moderaterna appointed themselves as ?the new labour party? and were called social liberals by several critiques.

Svenska livsmedel - varför? : restaurangers, grossisters och offentlig upphandlares inställning till livsmedel från Sverige

The background of this research is that Swedish food products have hard to compete at the home market, depending on imported food products that increase more and more for every year that pass by. The ethic values LRF associate with Swedish food products, many customers have hard to put in relation with condition of foreign agriculture. Most customers today inquire high quality, safety and convenience in the food which they are eating. The source of their food seems to have less meaning. Many restaurants and bigger households appreciate Swedish food products and wants to buy them but price differences against foreign wares are to high. We have done oral interviews with wholesale dealers, restaurants, public purchasers and with different market organisations, there we have discussed buying strategies, the way they see the primary producer, the conscious of guests, choice and attitudes to Swedish and foreign products, distribution of power in the food market chain and to what position and suspension, they want the ranks of suppliers to have. The result shows the share of imported wares within restaurants and bigger households are at a high level and will continuing increasing. Within these sectors the final consumer in many cases put less effort in the origin of the raw source of food.

Strategier för positionering av kontorslokaler

The report aims to examine how property owners position themselves to reach their targetmarket, and which strategies they use when positioning their product. The investigation has beencarried out mainly in the form of a case study in which a number of interviews with Stockholmreal estate companies has been conducted, focusing on commercial property market segment.The interviews have resulted in identification of common and specific strategies among thecompanies. These strategies have been analyzed in the light of the theory by Philip Kotler andKevin Lane Keller, focusing on how an offer should be designed to reach a competitive position.It can be concluded that positioning is a key activity for successfully addressing the targetmarket. Successful positioning mandates three key requirements to be met; determining thecategory to which the offer belongs, identifying similarities and differences compared to thecompetitors and developing a brand mantra. The result of the case study concludes that theproperty companies work similar in many ways.

Om relationer och maktstrukturer inom delat ledarskap : Lustfull relation eller obalanserad soppa?

The aim of this study is to create an increased understanding of shared leadership and how it takes shape in the relationship between first-line managers in human service organizations. Shared leadership is seen as a complement to the traditional one-man leadership and briefly means that two managers share the role that usually is held by a single leader. The study has a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews with managers in human service organizations. The interviews mention the mangers thoughts and experiences about shared leadership and gain approval in the hermeneutic science field. The study is analyzed based on symbolic interactionism where perspectives from the theoreticians Mead and Goffman are used.

Barnkonventionens implementering i Lunds Kommun - en aktörsanalys

In 2002 the local council of Lund, Sweden, decides to implement the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child. A number of actors, such as the state, the civil society, the political society and the bureaucracy, participate in the political process with different authority and points of departure. This thesis studies the actors´ interactions from an inside perspective by applying concepts such as political power, democracy and implementation. The methodological departure is action research from within, a local NGO, the local board of Save the Children Sweden. The results of the study indicate that governance and steering of the implementation process at the communal level is weak.

Visstidsdirektivets implementering i svensk rätt : Har korrekt implementering skett?

The essays main intent is to examine whether there has been a proper implementation of the Council?s directive 1999/70/EG into Swedish law regarding the requirement for measures to prevent the abuse of successive fixed-term employment contracts. To achieve this purpose there is a need for an examination of current law. The essay also has some secondary purposes. One of these secondary purposes is the question of whether the implementation of the Council?s directive 1999/70/EG has lead to a reduction of the workers employment protection, which is closely connected to my main question and the violation case.

Makten på Öland och i Möre : Järnålderns elit i ett lokalt perspektiv

The social elite on Öland and in Möre in the south east of Sweden during the Iron Age is described on the basis of the archaelogical record, such as graves, settlements and traces of pre-Christian central places. The material is discussed to see if traces of an elite are to be found. The power configuration between Öland and Möre is also discussed.

Ingen rök utan eld - Handelseffekter av EU: s tobakspolitik

This thesis examines the impact that the Euoropean Agricultural Policy has had on the tobacco regime during the years from the start of the Common Market Organization for Tobacco in 1970 til the days of today. The Truman method has been employed to estimate the degree of change of trade creation or trade diversion on the domestic market and also on the worldmarket. From these facts an analysis has been made to investigate how and if a new reform of the CMOT will affect the European tobacco market. Through the CMOT, the European Commission has tried to rise the quality level and the prices of raw tobacco growing in Europe. The european market value for tobacco has been rising and a marginal grade of of trade creation within the union and a grade of trade diversion to third countries has been shown since the implementation of the tobacco regime.

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