

3271 Uppsatser om Potential adopters - Sida 2 av 219

Augmented Reality som ett hjälpmedel för produktvisualisering i möbelindustrin: en fallstudie

This paper examines the potential benefits of using augmented reality as a tool for visualizing furniture in a buyer?s own environment before buying it. A simple prototype is developed and tested.  The steps for developing the prototype are described in great detail as well as the tools being used. The prototype is tested both on people working in the furniture business as well as people with experience in buying furniture online. In conclusion the results from the user tests are analyzed and the potential benefits are described.

Solceller pa? Uppsalahems fastigheter : Ekonomisk potential fram till 2030

Uppsalahem is the leading housing corporation in Uppsala with its over 160 real estate properties. Uppsalahem is owned by the municipality of Uppsala, which has a climate and energy goal that aims for 100 MW of solar energy to be installed in Uppsala by 2030. The 100 MW goal, combined with Uppsalahem?s environmental policy, is a strong incentive to investigate the possibility of installing PV modules on the many available roof areas that Uppsalahem possesses. The objective of this thesis is to create a foundation for future decisions regarding PV systems for Uppsalahem.

Att Införa IPv6 i ett IPv4-nätverk

Internet is growing every day and this is leading to an address depletion of the current IPv4 addresses. A new version of IPv4, called IPv6, is the protocol for addressing computers that will deal with this problem. IPv4 and IPv6 are unfortunately not compatible with each other. IPv4 and IPv6 have to co-exist for a long time until IPv6 will be the dominant protocol.The purpose of this thesis is to examine how a transition could be done or more correctly, how to deploy IPv6 in an already existing IPv4 network. After that part of the report a case study at the local Internet service provider Junet AB will be conducted.

Datorspels pedagogiska potential i religionsundervisningen : Undersökning om några elevers och lärares syn på datorspels pedagogiska potential i religionsundervisningen

Denna studie tar del av lärares och elevers erfarenheter och uppfattningar till datorspel i religionsundervisningen. I studien intervjuades fyra elever och lika många gymnasielärare i grupper om två. Elever som intervjuades går sitt sista år på olika program. Lärarna har minst fem års arbetserfarenheter och fokus ligger endast på datorspel som har tillämpats i undervisningen och som har potential att tillämpas inom religionsundervisningen.Resultatet visar på att lärarna i denna studie är skeptiska till att tillämpa datorspel i religionsundervisningen. Endast en av de fyra lärarna hade tillämpat datorspel i religionsundervisningen.

Spridningen av finansiella innovationer : En studie av aktieindexobligationernas popularitet

Titel: Spridningen av finansiella innovationer - En studie av aktieindexobligationernas popularitet Författare: Henrik Hansson och Sverker Nilsson. Handledare: Anders Hederstierna Institution: Managementhögskolan, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola Kurs: Kandidatarbete i Företagsekonomi, 10 poäng Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att förklara varför sparandet i AIO:er har ökat och hur AIO:en har spridit sig. Metod: Vi har genomfört intervjuer av kvalitativ karaktär på de fyra storbankerna. Vi har sedan analyserat resultatet av intervjuerna med hjälp av teori om hur innovationer sprids. Slutsats: AIO:ernas relativa fördel har ökat de senaste åren.

Förbrukningsreduktion : Ett alternativ till gasturbiner som snabb aktiv störningsreserv?

The gas turbines in the Swedish secondary reserve are reaching the end of their technical lifetime, hence alternative solutions need to be considered. One of the solutions thought to have the greatest potential is the use of so called consumptionreduction. By entering contracts with large consumers, agreements are made to reduce consumption in the event of major disturbances in the power system and thus being used as a secondary reserve. This thesis investigates the feasibility of consumption reduction as part of the secondary reserve. This has been achieved by developing a requirement specification for the disturbance reserve and by studying the technical and economic potential for consumption reduction among a range of consumers.The technical potential for consumption reduction that fulfils the requirements for participating in the secondary reserve are on average 750 MW in SE 3 and 98 MW in SE 4.

Finns det potential för Personal Health Records i Sverige?

Sverige går idag mot en mer patientfokuserad vård. Personal Health Records (PHR) är en tjänst som möjliggör för patienten att samla och distribuera sin egen medicinska journal. Trots de patientfokuserade egenskaperna som PHR besitter är vetskapen om PHR liten i Sverige.Med syfte att undersöka PHR har vi utfört en studie som visar om PHR har en potential i Sverige. Nitton intervjuer utfördes varav sjutton stycken med diabetespatienter, en intervju med en representant för läkemedelsindustrin samt en intervju med en representant för sjukvården. Dessutom utfördes en patientenkät med diabetiker.Studien visade att PHR har en potential i Sverige, framförallt bland den viktigaste intressentgruppen patienterna fanns ett visst behov och upplevdes nyttan som stor.

Tala är silver, skriva är guld (?) En studie om bloggars demokratiska potential

The number of blogs, from weblogs, are increasing every day. Blogs are also becoming more visible in the public debate as well as the awareness of their existance is rising among politicians and citizens. The aim of this thesis is to answer the question what democratic potential blogs can have. This question will be answered by initially studying the research that exists today about weblogs and democracy. The second part of the analysis consists of a selection of texts from weblogs that touches this subject.

Spridningen av finansiella innovationer - En studie av aktieindexobligationernas popularitet

Titel: Spridningen av finansiella innovationer - En studie av aktieindexobligationernas popularitet Författare: Henrik Hansson och Sverker Nilsson. Handledare: Anders Hederstierna Institution: Managementhögskolan, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola Kurs: Kandidatarbete i Företagsekonomi, 10 poäng Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att förklara varför sparandet i AIO:er har ökat och hur AIO:en har spridit sig. Metod: Vi har genomfört intervjuer av kvalitativ karaktär på de fyra storbankerna. Vi har sedan analyserat resultatet av intervjuerna med hjälp av teori om hur innovationer sprids. Slutsats: AIO:ernas relativa fördel har ökat de senaste åren. AIO:ernas position stärktes mot aktier och aktiefonder i och med börskraschen. När sedan räntorna började falla sökte placerarna nya alternativ. I AIO:erna har de hittat en gyllene medelväg. Under 1990-talet var AIO:ernas utveckling bromsad av att rådgivarna inte hade kunskap om AIO:erna.

Användandet av mobila enheter med appsystem och appars fackmannamässiga potential inom byggbranshen

Mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones are quite common in this day. The author of this thesis wanted to know how common these mobile devices are in the building industry and how they are used and what potential an app could have. The author thus conducted an investigation on this matter, mainly in the form of interviews.Answers given by the interviews were then used as a basis to survey the usage of mobile devices and the usage of different kinds of apps. An investigation of different apps with the potential to be used by professionals in the building industry has been carried through. Apps which manage such things as scanning documents, measuring distances and handle communication.

Energieffektivisering av fastighet från 1930-talet : Utredning av energianvändningen och energieffektiviseringsåtgärder för Tången 2

Tången 2 is a building situated in Stockholm, Sweden. It´s built in the 1930s and contains both residences and businesses. The property owner, Diligentia AB, wants to lower the energy use in Tången 2. This report consists of an energy audit which clarifies the specific circumstances linked to Tången 2. Collected knowledge is then used, together with the results from the literature study, to decide energy measures to proceed with.

Grus i maskineriet : en fallstudie om förbättringspotential

Grus i maskineriet ? en fallstudie om förbättringspotentialVäxeln AB, a company that provide sales, service and repair of industry gears, has contacted the authors of the essay and asked us to investigate in which areas of the company that has improvement potential. Persistent improvement is a recurring and up-to-date issue that many business leaders not put enough resources on. A big problem in many companies is the issue that there is no comprehensive view and therefore some of the workers tend to not follow the routines that are required for the whole system to work.The goal with the essay is to give Växeln AB advice on to which areas in the company that have improvement potential.We have used a qualitative method with mainly semi-structured interviews which has led to an inductive approach. 13 co-workers that work in different areas of Växeln AB have taken part in the interviews.

Biogaspotentialen av matavfall sorterat ur hushållsavfall.

To achieve the Government's milestones for 2018, which means that 50 % of food waste shall be separated from household waste and undergo biological treatment (composting or anaerobic digestion).   Hultsfred, Högsby and Vimmerby are three adjacent municipalities of Kalmar, county Småland. During 2012 and 2013 analyzes were performed on their household waste to determine its composition. The household waste is currently collected in one fraction. The work, examines how much food waste the household waste contains. From the amount of food waste, the biogas potential is examined - how much food waste biogas generates and how much energy it corresponds to.   Food waste is broken down by microorganisms under anaerobic conditions (anaerobic digestion) in a biogas plant.

Varför vill ingen utmana Teracom och Boxer? : En fallstudie av den svenska marknaden för överföring av marksänd digital-tv

The case study we conducted describes market for transmission of terrestrial digital TV. The purpose of this study is to find out what hinders potential entrants from entering the market as well as to discuss possible competitive strategies for potential entrants. Our conclusion is that even though the market for transmission of terrestrial digital TV can be viewed as attractive due to its fast growth, there are barriers to entry that block companies we identified as potential entrants from entering the market. The industry experience of the current market players (Teracom and Boxer) along with their knowledge of the consumers and the fact that Teracom is a multi-business company are some of the factors to be taken into consideration. Switching costs is the most important barrier to entry for the industry.

Att prognostisera avverkningspotentialen i privatskogsbruket

For the actors in the Swedish forest industry, it is important to have the ability to forecast the state in the privateforests. The information that comes out of the forecasts will be the base for the activities strategic direction.The aim in this exam is to survey what information that is present today as basis for forecast calculation, andeven to examine what other possibilities it might have in the future.From a limited geography and out of different time perspective forecast the felling potential in the privateforestry.With the word felling potential means regeneration felling and thinning. The exam will answer the questions:What information is needed to build a relevant forecast model?Is this information available today?Is there information to buy that would improve the forecast model?The result of this exam will be presented in form of a ”case study” showing the opportunities in the market tocreate a forecast calculation of felling potential in the private forestry within the Forest Owners’ AssociationMellanskogs wood-area Dalarna..

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