

3698 Uppsatser om Postoperative care - Sida 28 av 247

Att bemöta, lyssna till och delaktiggöra ungdomar på HVB-hem : En  kvalitativ studie ur personalens perspektiv

When young people are placed in residential care, the staff have a responsibility to ensure that the youth have a safe environment where they can thrive and develop. Residential staff also have responsibilities to ensure the rights of youth during the residential care. This study aims to examine how staff consider themselves to treat the youth in residential care. Furthermore the study aims to examine how the staff consider themselves to ensure youth their right to be heard and have an impact on their own lives, in agreement with Article 12 of the UN convention on the rights of the child (CRC). A qualitative method has been used in order to answer the study's purpose and issues.

Att möta vården : en bro till egenmakt eller vägg av modfälldhet? : Patienters upplevelse av mötet med vården då de diagnostiserats med en sexuellt överförbar sjukdom

Background: Contracting asexually transmitted disease is strongly associated with stigmaand shame. Stigma associated with these diseases has a significant impact on self-image andpropensityto seek care. Despitehigh incidencethere is a generallack of awareness about therisks and theeffectsthatthese diseases have on both mental and physical health. Health carepersonnel are experiencing difficulties to meet and care for these patients. Aim: The aim ofthis studyisto describe patients'experiences of health care after they were diagnosed with asexually transmitted disease.

Att leva med diabetes typ 2 - en livslång utmaning : En litteraturöversikt

Background: Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease that vigorously increases worldwide. The disease can affect the entire everyday life which usually results in major lifestyle change. The treatment consists largely of self care which the patient itself has great responsibility for. The nurses have an important role in supporting, guiding and teaching the patients. Since every patient is unique the nurse would benefit from an increased knowledge about the patients experiences of what promotes and prevents self care in type 2 diabetes. Aim: The aim was, from a patient perspective, describe the experience of what promotes and prevents a self care in type 2 diabetes. Methods: A literature review based on nine scientific articles gathered from the databases CINAHL plus with full text, PubMed and Medline.

Tvångsvård på grund av problematiskt datorspelande : En rättsvetenskaplig studie av annat socialt nedbrytande beteende i 3 § LVU

This paper has focused on specific aspects of the law concerning the 3rd paragraph of The Care of Young Persons Act (1990:52), LVU. The purpose of this study was to examine the prerequisite other social destructive behaviour in four cases where youths has been under compulsory institutional care because of their computer gaming. The study was composed on a legal dogmatic method and a legal sociologist perspective. The legal dogmatic method implies to examine the law and its elaboration, the legal sociologist perspective focus on the consequences and causes of the court of law. The study shows that problematic computer gaming is an increasing problem in society and that other social destructive behaviour is a wide prerequisite that need new amendment in order to ensure citizens certainty..

Bröstcancer och sexualitet

Patients with mental illness experience dissatisfaction with their care due to lack of understanding and ignorance from the nurses. The nurses? approach might influence these patients' experience of their care. The purpose of the literature review was to describe nurses' approach in care of patients with mental illness. The literature review is based on an inductive approach and the result is based on 14 scientific papers, of which eight used a qualitative design and sex used a quantitative design.

Sjuksköterskors kommunikation med patienter som vårdas i respirator : Nurses? communication with patients during mechanical ventilation

Aim: The aim of this study was to describe intensive care nurses? experiences communicating with patients during mechanical ventilation.Methods/design: A qualitative interview study. Interviews where analyzed using descriptive content analysisSetting: Nine intensive care nurses from two different intensive care units were interviewed using a semi structured interview guide.Background: Past research has shown that patients during mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit, feel very vulnerable and the helplessness of being unable to speak. These patients feels that they are completely dependent on the nurses and their competence. It has been shown to be very important that the patient feels included, acknowledged and respected.Results: The analyzed data resulted in a theme; through communication strive to preserve patients´ dignity and three main categories; create relationship to the patient, minimize patients´ vulnerability and don´t give up.

Information om kundval, en förutsättning för valfriheten? : en studie av hur tre kommuner arbetar med informationsspridning om kundval inom hemtjänsten

This paper studies, from a client perspective, how three Swedish municipalities work with information about a voucher system in homecare. The paper is a qualitative study using structured informant interviews and analysis of documents. The interviewees are responsible of information about the voucher system in the municipalities. The studied documents describe and clarify the voucher system of the municipality. Neo-institutional organization theory is used to analyse the result.

En jämförelse mellan kommunala och privata bostadsbolag : Studier i investeringskalkyler gällande upprustning av fastigheter byggda under Miljonprogrammet i Stockholm.

The intention of this study was to examine the interaction between authorities. More specifically it had a purpose to look at the ongoing cooperation between social workers and staff of special homes of closed institutional youth care. The sanction system for young offenders? reform of 1999 where young people between the ages of 15-17 who have committed serious crimes, can be sentenced to secure institutional treatment instead of prison, aims to counteract the harm which can result from a stay in prison. The social welfare board in the young person´s local authority and the national board of institutional care shall cooperate during the youth?s placement at the special home of closed institutional youth care.

Se mig, hör mig, säg mig! : En litteraturstudie om barns upplevelse av att vara patient på sjukhus

Background: For most children, being hospitalized is a whole new experience. The care should be safe and meet the children?s needs. In hospital care, children are a large group of patients. It?s important for them to be involved in decisions regarding their care and to get proper information.

Att arbeta i ett tvärprofessionellt team : Hur ett ökat samarbete med olika yrkesgrupper har påverkathemtjänstpersonalens yrkesidentitet

A multi professional team use different professional skills to a specific target. The people in the team complement each other to achieve the best performance possible. Professional identity is a mix between the professional and personal identity. Social identities, like professional identity, is a product of social categorization and social comparison. The purpose of this study was to examine how increased cooperation in cross-disciplinary teams has affected the professional identity of home care staff.

Bemötande av barn vars föräldrar är döende eller har avlidit. En litteraturstudie

Each year over 3000 children in Sweden lose a parent. The loss of a parent may cause some grave changes in a child?s life, leading to both mental and physical consequences. The purpose of this literature study is to examine the different ways in which health care personnel can better receive and relate to children whose parents are dying or have passed away.Data was collected through such sources as Pubmed, Academic Search Elite and Cinahl, which resulted in the inclusion of sixteen subsequent articles, ten of which were quantitative and six of which were qualitative. Thirteen of the said articles illustrate how children act in response to a dying or deceased parent and what measures were needed for them to move on with their lives.

Varför vänder sig individen till 112 vid upplevd ohälsa: En intervjustudie med personer som av ambulanspersonal har bedömts som ?icke akuta?

Vården ska ges på den nivå som bäst är anpassad efter patientens individuella tillstånd. Patient väljer ibland att vända sig till akutsjukvården då vårdbehovet egentligen inte är akut utan bättre kan behandlas inom primärvården. Tidigare forskning påvisar att patienter föredrar att söka sig till akutsjukvården framför primärvården då den är mer lättillgänglig samt att den uppfattas som bättre. Att det är flera personer som är inblandade i beslutet att kontakta larmcentralen samt att det är ett svårt beslut framkommer också i tidigare studier. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att beskriva patientens beslut att ringa larmcentral i stället för att ta kontakt med primärvården.

ATT VARA ÖPPEN FÖR OLIKHETER I TIDER AV FÖRÄNDRING : Barnmorskors och BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av föräldrars behov av tidigt föräldrastöd

Society has an obligation to offer parents support of various types, an example of such a support is ?parent support?. The purpose of this study has been to describe midwives and child health care nurses conceptions of the need for early parent support. The definition of early parent support in this study is the first two weeks after delivery. Since the 1970:ies the Swedish delivery and ?BB? care has changed in that the time in hospital care after delivery has been reduced from in average six days, till an average of two days.

Att bli förälder till ett prematurt barn - Litteraturstudie/Becoming a parent when a child is born premature - Literature review

Background: Almost every 20th child is borne premature in Sweden, before the parents are ready to care for a new family member. The parents need to cope with the stress and anxiety of having their newborn child in the neonatal ward and influenced by nursing care of neonatal staff grow their parental role.Purpose: The aim of this study was to illustrate experiences of parenthood within the care of premature at the neonatal ward.Method: A review where 18 articles between 2000 and 2005 were chosen and examined. The articles were analysed according to VIPS, which facilitates the practical use of the result.Result: The study reveals that parenthood is experienced as a time dependent process with three phases, primary, secondary and tertiary, where the parent?s needs and experiences changed character. The parents experienced that they developed from passive to active in the care of the premature child when the neonatal staff guided their participation, gave information/education and support.

"Barn är speciella" : Ambulanssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda sjuka och skadade barn

 The aim of this study was to explore Swedish ambulance nurses experiences in caring for sick or wounded children.Method: A qualitative interview study with a descriptive/ explorative design. The sample consists of 10 ambulance nurses, both men and women, with varying years within ambulance service. Trough unstructured questions the data was collected. The data was analyzed with qualitative content analysis.Results: Compared to previous published studies the results of this study shows a broader perspective on ambulance nurses experiences in caring for sick or wounded children. The experiences were focused on following five categories:o The character of the alarm o The organization of the work o The specific in the meeting and treating of a child in an ambulance o Children who dies or suffer from a trauma o To work in an ambulance and at the same time being a parent Conclusion: It is always special to take care of a sick or wounded child.

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