

3698 Uppsatser om Postoperative care - Sida 25 av 247

Sätter jag mig i ett hörn, blir jag äldre än vad jag är : En kvalitativ studie om insatsen aktivering inom hemtjänsten

From the day we are born, we slowly grow old and sooner or later most people will have to use geriatric care provided by the community. In the Swedish model, society is responsible for the geriatric care, so the elderly can live a dignified, meaningful and active life. Home help insert activity is designed to help elderly get their social needs satisfied in the form of, for example, being outdoors, walk and visit a friend or some other form of social interaction. The study's purpose is to study how older people use and perceive bet activation in the municipal home care. To find out how this was conducted five interviews with older people who have help from home care to insert activation was made.

?Han ska inte bli likadan som jag har varit? : En narrativ studie av moderskapets betydelse för några unga, före detta familjehems- eller institutionsplacerade mammor

The purpose of this study was to examine how some young mothers, who previously have been in foster care or residential care, describe the way motherhood has affected their lives and identities. Narrative interviews were conducted with three teenage mothers and one mother aged 23. As tools for analyzing the narratives, theories about narrative psychology and how people present themselves through story-telling and language were used. The results of the study show that becoming a mother was life-changing in a positive way, according to the young mothers. They described how they, since becoming mothers, had become more mature and now lived less risk-full lives.

Att förebygga gör skillnad : Sjuksköterskans åtgärder för att förebygga postoperativ sårinfektion

Postoperativ sårinfektion är en komplikation som var tionde patient drabbas av efter ett kirurgiskt ingrepp. Det medför inte bara lidande och förlängd vårdtid för patienten utan kan även vara direkt livshotande. Den förlängda vårdtiden medför dessutom kostnader för samhället, och resurser skulle kunna användas till annan vård. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva sådana omvårdnadsåtgärder som sjuksköterskan kan vidta för att förebygga postoperativa sårinfektioner. Evidensbaserade omvårdnadsåtgärder som, var för sig minskar risken för att patienten ska drabbas av en postoperativ sårinfektion, och tillsammans utgör grunden för en säker vård.

Hur sjuksköterskor kan bidra till följsamhet av basala hygienrutiner inom kommunal vård och omsorg

Background: Basic hygiene is an important measure to prevent healthcare associated infections, save patients? lives, and reduce economic costs for health care. Healthcare associated infections are a threat to patient safety. In community care persons who are the care takers are a risk group and nurses must make sure that basic hygiene procedures are followed.Method: Literature studies with descriptive design, article search in databases Cinahl and PubMed. The results found are based on twelve chosen articles.Aim: To describe factors related to adherence to basic hygiene and how nurses in community care can help to improve compliance with these procedures.Results: In the nursing staff and leadership in health care interest in and the understanding of basic hygiene is described as being of most importance.

Preoperativ information och postoperativ smärta

Trots likartade operativa ingrepp upplever vi att det kan skilja mycket mellan behovet av smärtlindring postoperativt. Kanske erhåller patienten otillräcklig preoperativ information vilket skulle kunna resultera i onödig oro, som i sin tur kan påverka den postoperativa smärtupplevelsen. Målsättningen med den postoperativa smärtbehandlingen bör vara att förebygga smärtan snarare än att lindra den. Det är viktigt att förhindra att postoperativ smärta uppstår överhuvudtaget vilket medför minskad risk för uppkomst av kroniska smärtsyndrom. En förberedd och välinformerad patient kan hantera den postoperativa situationen bättre.

Dokumentation vid vård av patienter med demenssjukdom i palliativt skede på särskilda boenden : -En retrospektiv journalstudie

Abstract          Background: End of life is difficult to establish in patients with dementia and many patients die due to complications related to the disease. To document that care are palliative in this group of patients is not common among nurses and physicians. This may depend on that the palliative course is extended and not similar to the palliative course common among patients with cancer. Aim: To describe how the registered staff in nursing homes document the care of persons with dementia in a late palliative phase. Method: A retrospective record study with a deductive approach.

Äldres framtidssyn och funderingar med fokus på vård och omsorg

The western societies is characterized by a strong future concern and the members of the society are valued most of all according to their capability to produce. In our time the elder ness is representing a rapidly increasing number of relatively well kept elders. What sight of the future does the aging human have? Are one meditating of what kind of service and care one are going to need? The purpose with this study was to describe how individuals in ages between 60 and 96 sees, both the future and their coming need for care in relation to sex, age, social activities and experienced health. The material was taken from ?SNAC-Blekinge? witch is a part of a bigger national study; SNAC (The Swedish National study on Aging and Care).

Efficient treatment of adolescents with behavioural problems

The purpose of this essay is to investigate which components previous scientific studies suggest that an efficient treatment for adolescents with behavioural problems should contain. For this purpose, an extensive review of scientific research conducted in Scandinavia has been read and will be presented in this essay. This essay also present an introduction to residential care in Sweden as well as to an alternative form of treatment for adolescents with behavioural problems called Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care (MTFC). The result of this essay suggest that treatment of adolescents with behavioural problems should be based on the emphasis of risk/resilience factors of the youth and that the treatment should be adapted to the youth?s individual personality and way of learning.

Omhändertagandet av små barn : En dokumentanalys av åren mellan 1931 - 1940

This is a study about children?s welfare and the Child Care Board way of working in Malmö city. We decided to make this a narrative and document analyses where the main focus have been the interactions between human beings, which means everything from the interaction between parents and child as well as the interaction between families and society.We wanted to investigate any possible alterations within the working system between 1931?1940. Our analysis showed that there hasn?t been a big change with the Swedish legislation.

Avsaknaden av samvetsfrihet inom den svenska hälso- och sjukvården : Hur Sverige valt att frångå Europakonventionen

The proponents for conscience wants to get a clause that will allow the health professionals to due. scruples waive certain duties. Swedens decision makers has despite pressure from the Christian De-mocrats and the Sweden Democrats decided not to implement freedom of conscience in health care. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether Sweden has the obligation to provide for freedom of conscience in health care. Furthermore, it must be examined, whose rights according to the law will go first, health professionals right to freedom of conscience or the patient right to equal treat-ment.

Postoperativ shivering: En kvantitativ studie om dess orsaker

Postoperativ shivering (PAS) definieras som en serie ofrivilliga muskelrörelser som ökar den metabola värmeproduktionen i kroppen. Förekomsten av postoperativ shivering är ett problem inom den perioperativa vården. Det finns flera orsaker till shivering. Termoregulativa och icke termoregulativa. PAS förekommer i ca 5-65% av alla anestesier, men frekvensen har under åren minskat.

Omvårdnad för personer med självskadebeteende ? En studie om utvecklingsbehov

INTRODUCTION: Research from both nurse and patient perspective highlights shortcomings in psychiatric inpatient care for people with Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI). Nursing for people with NSSI, a subject in need for further knowledge, is in this study examined through a theoretical framework based on Person-Centered Nursing and Patientology AIM: Based on people's own experiences of being cared for NSSI in psychiatric inpatient care, the aim is to elucidate development opportunities for the nursing care of this group of patients.METHOD: Seven informants, all women aged 25-31, were interviewed about their experiences of nursing in psychiatric inpatient care. The transcribed text was analyzed and categorized according to an existential hermeneutic research approach.RESULTS: The categorization of the interviews resulted in seven areas of nursing in need of development. Knowledge, Environment, Information, Routines, Involvement, Communication and The nurse?s actions.CONCLUSION: Development of nursing is prevented since NSSI is stigmatized within psychiatric inpatient care.

Motion som egenvård : en studie om personer med erfarenhet av självupplevd psykisk ohälsa och psykiatrisk vård

Backround: Many studies indicate that people with mental illness often suffer from physical illness. Many people with mental illness do not exercise even though they often have knowledge about the benefits of physical activity. Studies suggest that psychiatric patients have the desire to have an everyday life with more content. It is apparent in studies that healthcare professionals believe that it is the patients' own responsibility to keep themselves physically active.Aim: The primary objective with this study is to examine motivation and possible obstacles to exercise for persons with self-perceived mental illness and experience of psychiatric care. The secondary objective is to investigate how psychiatric care may be of importance to people with mental illness when it comes to exercise.Methods: Semi-structured interviews.

Anestesiologisk omvårdnad av patient med obesitas

ABSTRACTBackground: Obesity and overweight are health issues that more than every tenth person around the world suffers from and the number of individuals with BMI >30 is every growing. As a result, more patients that are subjects to anesthesia will have an increased BMI. Changes in respiration, airway anatomy, altered drug metabolism and multiple physiological changes in the body makes general anesthesia, of the patient with obesity, an anesthesiological challenge.Purpose: The aim of this study is to identify the specific anesthesiological nursing care of the patient with a BMI >30, undergoing general anesthesia.Method: A research plan is created and to test its credibility, a pilotstudy of 15 surveys in two surgical departments will be conducted. This study has a qualitative inductive design and the data collected through semistructured questionnaires. The result was analyzed using qualitative content analysis.Result: The result showed a clear focus on three main areas; airway management, pharmaceuticals and positioning of the patient.

?Hon gör sitt bästa efter sin förmåga? : en juridisk studie av LVU-domar med barn tillföräldrar med utvecklingsstörning

The purpose of this paper is to investigate on what basis a child is committed into care according to the law and to see on which grounds the decision about committed child care in law practice are taken when a child is committed to care due to parents who are mentally retarded. To better understand the juridical grounds for these decisions I will also in a short background describe the meaning of the term mentally retarded, how mental retardation and parenthood has changed over time and how different opinions are expressed in the law. Both people with mental retardation and children have in recent years gained their rights and sometimes these rights end up in conflict with one another. In those cases, what is in the best interest of the child, should be decisive. The children who have mentally retarded parents are at risk to not have their physical, psychological, emotional, social and intellectual needs met and are therefore being unfavourable developed.

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