

387 Uppsatser om Postmodernity in philosophy - Sida 15 av 26

Fittja Open 2011 : Platsspecifik konst och (re)presentation

This essay explores how artwork in the public space can be analysed, conceptualized and described by bringing attention to site. Through an analysis of artworks in the yearly art exhibition of Fittja Open 2011, the essay draws attention to site-specific art and structures of power. The principal aim is to present not only the exhibition of Fittja Open 2011 but also other artwork in the public sphere in Fittja, a suburb to Stockholm. From this point of departure other interests evolve that concerns the "image" of Fittja. The analysis, based on research in art history, architecture, ethnology and philosophy as well as qualitative interviews, also focuses on understanding the role of site and the relations between art practice, institutions and site.The result shows that there are problems with a ruptured interface between the artwork and site.

Våra sociala medvetanden: En diskussion om ett socialt perpektiv angående medvetandet

In this essay a social perspective on the mind is explored and argued for. The essay moves from a discussion of a social collective foundation for the individual mind to a discussion ofthe main alternative ways of describing the shared social world, namely an action-centred perspective and a power-centred perspective. It is shown that these two perspectives are combinable. A combination of the two perspectives is therefore recommended for a more balanced way of describing the shared social world. In this essay it is argued for that the individuals? mind and her identity is dependent on the surrounding community.

Rätten att skrika : den omöjliga representationen i Clarice Lispectors Stjärnans ögonblick

This essay aims to show how Clarice Lispector uses a double narrative to wright beyond the rules of representation that are given for all literature. All writing is determined by the social hierarchies that exist in a society, and thus the essay shows how Lispector uses a specific literary strategy in order to give voice to a character that would otherwise be invisible. Using the philosophy of Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze as a means of contextualization, the essay further discusses the social and political impact of Lispectors novel.Through a thematic close reading of the novel The Hour of the Star the essay aims to deepen the understanding of the unique characterization in the novel and its implications. The first chapter is devoted to an analysis of the first person narrative in the novel and its development into a extra diegetic narrative. The second chapter aims to go further into the narrative with an analysis of the dichotomy between body and thought and its interplay with the two main characters in the novel.

Halmstads Tivoli : en av södra Sveriges vackraste förlustelseplatser

During the late 19: th century the park Tivoli in Halmstad, today called Norre Katts park, was known as one of the most beautiful amusementparks of southern Sweden. This is a description that hardly anyone would use to portray the park today. The aim of this study is therefore to investigate what the park once looked like and how it has changed until today?s neglected state. The history of the place and by who and for whom the park with; 4 ½ acers with meandering paths, caves, an avenue, leaf halls and bowers, was created. Who designed the park in the year of 1843 is an unrequited question.

"Kring könet råder tystnad" : Makt och sexualitet mellan män i muslimska traditioner

Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka samtalet om sexuella handlingar mellan män i muslimska traditioner och försöka se vad dessa handlingar betyder, socialt, religiöst och kulturellt, samt var de står i relation till allmänna normativa värderingar som grundar sig i familjeliv och andra sociala konstruktioner.Ambitionen är att jämföra kristen borgerlig kultur som ligger till grund för Foucault's resonemang om makt och sexualitet med muslimsk religiö's kultur. Kan man hitta kopplingar mellan kulturella yttringar, religiositet och dessa sexuella handlingar? Är dessa sexuella beteenden bundna till en vis's kultur? Och vad är det då i kulturen som bidrar till dessa uppfattningar om sexuella uttryck och handlingar. Finn's det sociala mönster i form av patriarkala strukturer som påverkar dessa handlingar's uttryck och påverkar i såfall de patriarkala mönstren till att sexualitet mellan män blir till ett maktuttryck?(utdrag ur uppsatsen's "Syfte och frågeställning").

Karaktärer och cases : skönlitteratur inom ledarskapsutbildning

The aim for my thesis has been to investigate how literature, or fiction, is used in management education. What books are used ? is there a literary leadership canon? What do the educators and the writers on this subject suggest that these books can teach the leaders? What are the philosophical foundations of this education? And ? last but not least ? does what the educators and writers offer respond to the needs of the businesses? My investigation shows that there is a canon in the area of management and fiction, where realistic 19th century novels, alongside with Shakespeare?s plays are dominant. Female writers and non-western writers are very underrepresented. The positive outcomes of reading and discussing these literary works that the educators and writers suggest do substantially correspond with the needs of the businesses, as presented by my sources.

Indoor Energy Academy : Implemetering- och kompetensutvecklingsprogramför nyanställda hos Indoor Energy

Indoor Energy is a company that works in the energy sector. It works through itsthree subsidiaries Indoor Energy Services, Indoor Energy Control and Indoor EnergyConsultants. Because of their comprehensive experience and offering of broad rangeof services they can contribute to integrated extensive solutions for their customers.Indoor Energy Control works with building management through control andregulation. This work is realigned by programmers and project managers. Working inthis area is complex and places a great demand on both technical innovation andprofessional project management.Due to the complexity of the work Indoor Energy Control has a hard time to get thenew employees to be independent in their work as a programmer.

Deltagande i förändring : en förklaringsmodell av motivationsfaktorer till deltagande i förändringsarbete.

Hospital Mergers have been proved to be troublesome, the most crucial ingredient is believed tobe the participation of members of the organization on all levels. When the hospital mergerbetween the hospital of Malmö and the hospital of Lund is a fact, it seems clear that knowledgeabout managing motivation is important. The knowledge could also lead to increased possibilitiesto improve support for motivation where needed at the hospital.I have through a literature review created a descriptive model of the theoretical view onmotivational factors for participation in change and their relationships. The theoretical modelwhere then tested in a empirical study in which additional data created a more true model of themotivation on participation at the hospital.The findings of the study show how the descriptive model illustrates how the twodifferent departments both work with a empowering philosophy that have built in properties thatenable the employees to gain more motivation. The model also underline the importance of thecommunication role to enlighten the employee in what, where, when and why the change takesplace.

?Allt verkligt liv är möte?. Personcentrerad vårdfilosofi för personer med demenssjukdom

En vårdfilosofi kan fungera som en grund för hur man ska handla och en förklaring till varför man har handlat som man har. Studien syftar till att beskriva en personcentrerad vårdfilosofi och hur den kommer till uttryck i demensvård. I denna studie har kvalitativa studier av demensvård med ett personcentrerat perspektiv analyserats för att öka förståelsen för hur denna vård upplevs av patienterna och hur den uttrycks i vården.På grund av att patienter med demenssjukdom är extremt sårbara och beroende av andra för sitt välbefinnande är det speciellt viktigt att formulera en vårdfilosofi inom demensvård.Det som är återkommande i resultatet av studien är synen på patienten som en person. Att bli sedd som en person och inte som en sak eller diagnos ger mening åt livet och möjlighet till att uppleva välbefinnande.Personcentrerad vård inom demensvård innebär att bekräfta patienten, vara närvarande i mötet, lyssna till och försöka tolka patientens berättelse, ge patienten frihet och möjlighet att välja och bestämma över sin situation, hjälpa patienten att bevara sina relationer och underlätta eller kompensera för personens förlorade förmågor..

Risk och osäkerhet vid inträde på den svenska apoteksmarknaden: En studie om nya aktörer på en marknad under omreglering

The Swedish pharmacy market will be re-regulated in July 2009 which will present private actors with an opportunity to enter the market. Several risks and uncertainties are associated with such an entry. The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding of identification and management of risks and uncertainties associated with entering the Swedish pharmacy market. We also intend to investigate similarities and differences in risk identification and risk management as well as create an understanding of the underlying reasons for these similarities and differences. Three companies interested in entering the market have been interviewed and the interviews were conducted with an open approach to avoid influencing the companies? answers.

Kvinnor i kommunala nämnder : En kvantitativ studie i kvinnopolitisk representation

Over the last decades there has been a steady increase in the representation of women on the political arena. Despite of this there are still fewer women in comparison to men in political organs particularly at the municipal level. It is therefore of great importance to examine which different factors that tend to effect the female representation at this level. Doctor of philosophy at Umeå University Jessika Wide presented in a study from 2000 that the share of women in the municipal councils tended to depend upon cultural, socio-economical and political factors. Other scholars also mean that women have specific interests and therefore are more represented in some areas.

Kinesisk klassifikation: daoistiska, konfucianska och maoistiska influenser i fem kinesiska klassifikationssystem

The aim of this thesis is to mediate to the reader an image of Chinese classification systems and in what way the methods of classification have progressed during time. The tradition of classification in China is very old and dates back more than two thousand years, but it wasnt until the downfall of the dynastic era in the beginning of the 20th century, that Chinese libraries and methods of classification were modernized. This thesis also identifies the development of Chinese librarianship which is of old age since Chinese literature stretches three thousand years back. The main question is in what way the values of three different philosophies are reflected in five classification systems compiled between 1953-1975. The three philosophies are Daoism, Confucianism and Maoism/Mao Zedong Thought.

Främlingsfientlighet i tidigmoderntid : en studie i Olaus Petris "En Swensk Cröneka"

Syftet med denna uppsats blir att ta reda på hur reformatorn Olaus Petri uttryckte sin främlingsfientlighet och mot vem eller vilka den riktades. Med främlingsfientlighet menas i denna uppsats inte bara rädsla för utlänningar utan också rädsla för det som var annorlunda trots att det betecknades som svenskt. Reformationen var inte bara en religiös och andlig företeelse. Den gjorde också anspråk på att vilja styra hur människor skulle tänka och agera i det dagliga livet. Ändamålet med denna uppsats blir förutom det ovan nämnda att ta reda på vad som föranledde Olaus Petris främlingsfientlighet.

Mål i skolans praktik. Lärares uppfattningar av och arbete med läroplanens mål om elevers ansvar och inflytande

I rapporten redovisas en undersökning av hur den svenska nationella läroplanen i grundskolan blir till den genomförda läroplanen i en skolas undervisning/praktik. Frågeställningarna gäller lärares uppfattningar av och skolans arbetssätt för att genomföra målen om elevers ansvar och inflytande. Undersökningen är en fallstudie. Dataunderlaget kommer från intervjuer med lärare och skolans dokumentation. Detta har analyserats med tillämpning av kvalitativ metod.

Stakeholderperspektivet och utestängandet av det politiska: Om stakeholderperspektivets begränsade möjligheter att förändra miljöpolitiken

In contemporary global environmental governance stakeholding, as a means for defining legitimate participants in democratic decision-making, has become of great importance. In this essay I deploy the concept of ?the stakeholder perspective? to denote arguments that all stakeholders ? defined as carriers of particular interests ? should be able to participate in political decision-making affecting their interests. The purpose of the essay is to analyze the stakeholder perspective's potential to change environmental politics. Departing from the philosophy of Heidegger, I develop a theoretical approach that separate the concept of the political from that of politics.

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