

1419 Uppsatser om Post operative muscle str - Sida 25 av 95

Effektivitetsparadoxen - En eventstudie av handelsstopp på Stockholmsbörsen mellan 2003 och 2008

A trading halt is a measure conducted by a securities exchange in order to reduce information imbalances between market participants, thus enabling a higher level of market efficiency. A market is said to be efficient when new information concerning a company is instantly reflected in its stock price, implying that abnormal stock returns cannot be systematically achieved in an efficient market. The purpose of this study is to examine the occurrence of abnormal stock returns following trading halts on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The study is based on a sample of 64 trading halts executed between January 2003 and February 2008. Historical daily prices for stocks subject to trading halts during the period have been gathered from the Datastream Advance database, while information on date and time of trading halts have been collected from the Stockholm Stock Exchange website.

Ingen dör om jag inte svarar på ett mail : Information overload och Interaction overload genom arbetsmailen

I det moderna informationssamhället vi lever i, har tillgången till informations- och kommunikationsteknologin ökat och det har aldrig varit så enkelt att förmedla och ta emot information som det är idag. Detta har till stor del underlättat inom arbetslivet då det globala avståndet minskar och vi har möjlighet att arbeta från ett flertal olika platser. Däremot kan den andra sidan av myntet innebära att vi tar emot mer information än vad vi har förmåga till att hantera och detta kan medföra att vi blir överbelastade. När informationen transformeras till någonting negativt och påfrestande brukar man säga att individen har drabbats av fenomenet Information overload. Ett närbesläktat fenomen till detta är det så kallade Interaction overload där man, till skillnad från Information overload, uppmärksammar interaktionen som individen utsätts för.Arbetsmailen är ett vanligt kommunikationsverktyg inom företag och genom denna finns en risk att drabbas av både Information overload och Interaction overload.

Stora Enso : Vägen till ett lyckat hållbarhetsarbete

 There is an ongoing reorganization within media industries today as they adapt to new and changing demands - the environment is changing fast and the organizations with it. The development of new technology is contributing to new forms of media distribution in the present media industry. The structure of media organizations is getting flatter and the co-workers are getting a new and bigger role. All this is bringing new challenges for the leaders of the organization. Caught in the middle of these new structures is the middle manager who now is facing different demands from all sides.

Myt och vetenskap om kastration av tik

This is a literature study in which I investigate if there are scientific studies that form the basis of the Swedish dog world views concerning the spaying of bitches. The positive impacts are said to be reduced problems with pseudopregnancy, reduced risk of pyometra, reduced risk of mammary and uterine tumors, an earlier cease of bone growth, a more active and happier dog and a bitch who is more tolerant of other dogs. The negative consequences are said to be urinary incontinence, increased aggressiveness, lower metabolism and the increased risk of obesity, a more lethargic individual and altered coat.There are studies indicating that spaying reduces behavioral problems associated with heat and pseudopregnancy. Assuming no ovary tissue persists after the procedure, and there is no progesterone production, the risk of pyometra decreases. Early spaying, before the first heat, reduces the risk of mammary tumors.

Modern, Intim, Beskrivande

The main aim of this study is to determine whether the monastery in Ny Varberg has been used as a hospital during its active years. The second aim has been to investigate weather the buried individuals at the monastery at Ny Varberg exclusively are deceased monks. Only individuals from the monastery's active years has been included in this study. A total of 16 inhumated individuals was analysed. Both men, women and children was shown to be present, as well as wide spread of children and adults.

Ur tid och rum : en analys av Släbro hällristningsområde och traditionella variabler i fenomenologisk och tidsteoretisk anda

This paper will attempt to analyze the rockcarving area in Släbro Nyköping, Södermanlands län within an phenomenological and time theoretical perspectiv with the help of a correspondensanalysis. The focus of the study is the images and their relation to one another and the landscape surrounding them. This and information about the place and the surrounding areas according to the ideas described by Christopher Tilley based on the earlier works within the post processual and phenomenological school. To interpret how variables like these could work I?ve chosen to use the information from more traditional societies such as the Aboriginals and the Sami and discuss their understanding of the world surrounding them in correlation to what kind of information Släbro can give us..

Vem är där ute? : Att skapa en tibetansk identitet på Internet

This thesis in social anthropology is based on a field study on the Internet exploring Tibetan identity. With a post-modern approach the thesis explores the possibility fora non-tibetan to create a Tibetan Internet identity and become a part of the Tibetan community that exist on the Internet..

Kostråd på internet : En tva?rsnittsstudie bland unga vuxna

AimThe study aims were to identify young adults? sources of nutritional advice on the Internet and how they perceive the credibility of these. The study also aimed at exploring young adults' knowledge of national recommendations issued by the National Food Agency.MethodA web-based survey was distributed on the social media platform Facebook. The questionnaire contained a total of 14 questions regarding online nutritional advice and its credibility. Finally, it requested the respondent's knowledge and credibility of the national nutritional recommendations.

Evaluation of animal welfare education in primary schools in Lilongwe, Malawi

Animal welfare issues are not considered as high priority in Malawi, a developing country in south east Africa, due to problems affecting the human population. In Lilongwe, the capital city, education programs are used to increase the awareness of animal welfare issues among primary school children. A study was undertaken to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practice of animal welfare in primary school children as well as two different teaching methods for animal welfare, namely humane lessons (HL) and Animal Kindness Clubs (AKC). The gender perspective, in terms of differences in attitude towards and knowledge in animal welfare, was also evaluated as well as the link between domestic and animal violence. The study was performed in collaboration with Lilongwe Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (LSPCA). A questionnaire of multiple choice character was handed out to 249 children aged between 9 and 15 from six different schools.

Depression efter stroke : Sjuksköterskans roll

Post stroke depression (PSD) är en vanlig komplikation hos patienter som drabbats av stroke och som kan leda till sänkt livskvalitet, lidande, försämrad förmåga att rehabiliteras, komorbiditet samt risk för suicid. PSD har en betydande inverkan på återhämtningen hos strokedrabbade patienter och trots den höga förekomsten av sjukdomen så är den idag otillräckligt uppmärksammad och behandlad. Sjuksköterskan är fokuserad på den kroppsliga rehabiliteringen och anser det ofta vara problematiskt att upptäcka den psykiska ohälsa som ofta följer en stroke. .

Strandskydd och samrådsrutiner med byggnadsnämnden vid fastighetsbildning

Strandskyddslagstiftningen styr till stor del fastighetsbildningen inom strandskyddsområden. Lantmäterimyndigheten ska bland annat bedöma om strandskyddssyftena motverkas vid en fastighetsbildning inom strandskydd. I denna bedömning kan de samråda med kommunen.Denna studies syfte är att beskriva strandskyddslagarna och fastighetsbildning inom strandskyddsområden. Den ska även undersöka lantmäterimyndigheters samrådsrutiner gällande detta område för att komma fram till vilka rutiner som verkar lämpligast.Litteraturstudien inriktade sig först på vetenskapliga artiklar om allemansrätt och därefter på lagtexter, propositioner och andra vägledande texter om strandskydd. För att ta reda på hur olika lantmäterikontor samråder med kommunerna tillfrågades kontor om deras rutiner genom intervjuer per telefon samt via e-post.Litteraturstudien visade att strandskyddslagarna bland annat anger var strandskydd gäller, förbjudna åtgärder inom strandskyddsområden med vissa undantag, att skyddet ibland kan upphävas samt att länsstyrelsen får ge dispens från strandskyddet i vissa fall och kommunen i de övriga.

Axelrehabilitering med fokus på Serratus Anterior : en systematisk litteraturstudie av EMG-studier

AimThe aim of this study was to, through a systematic literature review of evidence based electromyographic (EMG) studies, identify specific exercises for rehabilitation of the Serratus Anterior muscle. The research questions were: ?Which exercises can be recommended to use to activate the Serratus Anterior?? and ?Are the recommended exercises altered between studies on individuals with and without shoulder dysfunction??. MethodThe method was a systematic literature review. First the study aim and research questions were formulated. A research protocol was then formulated with inclusion and exclusion criteria and search terms.

Nordiskt försvarssamarbete : Är det en ny företeelse eller en fortsättning på det som tidigare ägt rum i hemlighet?

There are changes in Sweden's foreign policy, and Sweden is no longer a non-aligned and neutral nation. Sweden has expressed a willingness to actively participate in creating peace and stability in the world by giving and receiving military assistance in case of war, crisis or disaster. This is described as complete turnaround in Swedish policy compared to the neutrality and non-alignment during the Cold war.However new research shows that defence cooperation is not new in the Nordic region. Sweden cooperated secretly with Denmark and Norway, two NATO countries, about co-operative defence of Scandinavia during the Cold War.Is our historical picture wrong and what we perceive as new and revolutionized not particularly new? Is today's open Nordic defence cooperation a continuation of what was done in secret during the Cold War? The essay investigates and compares two different Swedish defence cooperation?s where one was previously secret and the other is open.

Matte Painting : Skapandet av en virtuell kuliss

Det här kandidatarbetet kommer framförallt att beröra filmtekniken, Matte Painting, men vi kommer även röra oss runt omkring ämnet och presentera andra delar från filmproduktionen och framförallt postproduktionen för att lättare kunna sätta Matte Painting i ett relevant sammanhang. Vi jämför Matte Painting med en teaterkuliss, en bakgrund som på nära håll eller ses från fel vinkel kan bryta illusionen av att det är en verklig miljö. Vi undersöker och presenterar hur man kan bygga upp en digitalt skapad Matte Painting som möjliggör att inte behöva åka land och rike runt efter den idealiska filmplatsen, utan kan spela in filmscenen i en studiomiljö. Vi analyserar existerande filmscener som har använt sig av Matte Painting, gör jämförelser mellan olika användningsområden för Matte Painting samt diskuterar fram en slutsats som besvarar vår frågeställning: ?Hur har utvecklingen av filmtekniken, Matte Painting, sett ut och hur kan man tillämpa en digital Matte Paint i postproduktion för att förstärka helhetsupplevelsen av en filmscen?? --- This thesis will primarily concern the film technique, Matte Painting, but we will also roam around the subject and introduce other elements of the film production, and above all post production for ease of putting Matte Painting in a relevant context.

Kulturkompetens ? att möta det (o)lika? En diskursanalys av begreppet kulturkompetens och dess praktik, i en invandrartät stadsdel i Göteborg

We started out the study with a preconception of culture as something that creates difference between groups of people, which had been verified by our prior research. We also had a sense of culture as a polysemous term. Our assumption is also that there is an opinion within social work practice that Swedish social workers are faced with a cultural barrier when encountering immigrant clients.In this study our aim is to examine constructions of the terms cultural competence and culture. Constructions of the terms ethnicity and ethnic diversity are also observed, although the main reason for this is to show what relation these terms have to the terms cultural competence and culture, and how they may give each other meaning, according to the theory of social construction. In addition to constructions, we also aim to bring out discourses around the terms, upon which we will create a discussion about power and dominance informed by post-colonial theory and critical discourse analysis (CDA).

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