2456 Uppsatser om Position - Sida 39 av 164
Människan bakom maskinen : En studie av hur subjektet "gruvarbetaren" retoriskt konstitueras i Sara Lidmans Gruva
The aim of this study is to study the construction of literary values. I have been looking at how literature awarded with sponsored literary prizes has been reviewed in four major English and American newspapers. I have been studying the reception of literature by Ian McEwan, Hilary Mantel, Colm Tóibín and Zadie Smith between 2000 and 2012. The prizes in focus are the Man Booker Prize, the Orange prize for fiction and the Costa Awards. There seems to be an increasing number of articles related to each author after they have been awarded a prize, however with little change in the content of the reviews.
"Det internationella kortet": En undersökning av det politiska samtalet kring Ålandsexemplet
Over the past few years the Åland islands have attracted growing internationalattention as an example of how to successfully secure the Position of a minorityregion, and in the current situation the government of Åland has an intention toextend the efforts of spreading the example of Åland. The purpose of this essay isto shed light on the political discussion about the example of Åland, andinvestigate the underlying political reasons for emphasizing the example of Ålandinternationally. Through interviews with leading politicians on Åland I analyzeÅland as a norm entrepreneur. The research shows that besides altruism, selfinterestis a factor behind emphasizing the example of Åland. The essay showsthat the theory of norm entrepreneurship also can be applied on an autonomousarea, but instead of influencing international organizations themselves, theautonomous area use norm entrepreneurship as a tool for influencing domesticpolitics..
?Offer istället för debutanter? Om kvinnoförtryck i den litteraturkritiska institutionen
This essay concerns the fantastic and its Position in narration. The fantastic's defintion is based on Martin Horstkotte's defintion in The Postmodern Fantastic and the essay focuses on the noncontextual aspects such as the clash between two incompatible fictional worlds and the absence created. Instead of the ordinary identification of the established fictional world with realism and our reality it is suggested that both of the colliding fictional worlds are fictive and that the established one not necessarily need to be realistic. Exampels on how the fantastic takes place on the syntagmatic level in a narration is drawn from the short story ?Samvetets fantasi? by Clas Livijn when analysed with Peter Brooks' closurebased narratology theory in Reading for the Plot.
Nürnbergsprocessen i svensk press : en studie över tre tidningars ledarsidors rapportering av rättegången i Nürnberg
One of the most well-known trials in history is the one in Nürnberg, Germany, soon after the end of World War II. It is understandable that this caused a lot of discussions and that it was a world known trial which set the standards for a lot of similar occasions later on. The aim of this research is to focus on the opinions about this trial from a perspective of well-known Swedish newspapers. The method is to analyse three big papers with different political views and to see what separated them and what maybe united them. By studying the master-pages of the newspapers a picture is given of how the contemporary time had an understanding for the trial reports, which we in our time have established as facts.
Kafémarknaden i Uppsala Centrum : - En studie om dess fragmentering och lönsamhet
Med utgångspunkt i rollteorins begrepp Position och roll undersöks i uppsatsen hur individen intar enPosition och på så sätt kan spela den roll som tillhör Positionen. Att människor spelar roller i olikasammanhang är inget nytt, men frågan är hur de går tillväga. I uppsatsen intervjuas tre skådespelare som samtliga är fast anställda på en medelstor institutionsteater i Sverige. Intervjuerna fokuserarfrämst på repetitionsperioden och hur samspelet mellan person och roll fungerar i skådespelarensarbete med en pjäs. Dessa intervjuer analyseras sedan med utgångspunkt i rollteorin och med hjälpav ytterligare teorier, främst socialpsykologiska.
Leverantörer till bilindustrin: vinna eller försvinna
Bakgrund: Som en följd av dålig lönsamhet och överkapacitet sker en kraftig konsolidering bland biltillverkarna. Detta får i sin tur får stora konsekvenser för deras leverantörer som tvingas anpassa sig till en för dem ny situation. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur fusionerna bland billtillverkarna påverkar leverantörerna samt beskriva vilka konsekvenser det får för dessa Avgränsningar: Undersökningen är avgränsad till att enbart omfatta leverantörer i Göteborgsområdet. Detta då vi haft begränsade resurser, både tidsmässigt och ekonomiskt. Genomförande: Undersökningen har utförts med hjälp av artiklar och tidskrifter inom det berörda ämnet samt genom sju intervjuer.
Kvinnliga chefers syn på begreppen makt och karriär
Forskning visar att kvinnliga chefer har andra förhållningssätt än manliga chefer till begrepp som makt och karriär. Det visar sig bland annat genom att kvinnliga cheferna inte använder ord som makt, eller inte har en tydlig karriärstrategi jämfört med män i motsvarande Position. Syftet med denna undersökning var att ta reda på hur kvinnliga chefer tänker kring begreppen makt och karriär. Åtta intervjuer genomfördes för att försöka ta reda på om tidigare forskningsresultat stämmer på dagens kvinnliga chefer, eller om det skett några förändringar. Resultatet visar att det i mångt och mycket stämmer med tidigare forskning, som visar på att det finns ett kvinnligt förhållningssätt till makt och karriär som också uttrycks genom ett kvinnligt språk..
åååååÅÅÅÅÅ TEMPO!! : En studie kring studenter och dryckesvisor
The aim with this essay has been to see how students use drinking-songs and what function they have. I have also wanted to see how the traditions are carried on between the students. In order to do this, I have been observing three parties organised by three different student associations at Växjö University: Västkustens nation, Föreningarnas Festeri and Isterbandet. I have interviewed five people that have been attending the dinners. I have used Alan Merriam?s theory of use/function and made interpretations of his theory.
Att göra pappaledighet - Hur dagstidningar talar om mäns föräldraledighet
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur mäns föräldraledighet konstrueras i dagstidningsartiklar och reportage. Studien undersöker hur mäns föräldraledighet beskrivs och motiveras, vilket innehåll ledigheten ges samt vilka implikationer detta skapar. Uppsatsen bygger på en socialkonstruktionistisk ansats. Som specifik teori och metod används diskursanalys och diskursteori. En diskurs kan ses som ett bestämt sätt att tala om och förstå världen. Diskursanalys är sättet på vilket man analyserar de språkliga böjningsmönster som konstruerar vår sociala värld. Empirin för uppsatsen består av åtta nyhetsartiklar och reportage ur Sveriges två största dagstidningar, Göteborgs-Posten och Dagens Nyheter.
Kvinnor som tar betalt per timme: En uppsats om kvinnliga konsulter
The main purpose for this thesis is to investigate why female academics choose to work as temporary workers. Through profound interviews I look at the reasons the women gives to why the have chosen the role as a consultant but also why they choose to stay on in the Position. I?m relating their answers to widely spread theories about gender and social structures. I also investigate theories about job satisfaction and how these women?s answers can be interpreted from these theories.
Förhandlingsbar identitet - en studie av indianerna i USA
In this thesis I discuss and analyze different factors, and different circumstances, that influence identity negotiation among the north american indians. I do this mainly by using two models.The first one is Druckmans three dimensions of identity; negotiating identity, durability of identity and spread of identity. Depending on how the identity fits in these dimensions one can se if, or how, they influence the negotiability.My second model for analyzing is Reeds ?fasteing and unfastening identity?, using this model I have tried to understand during what circumstances the identity is negotiable. The identity is more or less negotiable depending on where the indians live, who they are living with and also on their inheritance.My results shows that the indian identity is changing and developing over time but the main characteristics still remains the same.
En smak av svensk manlighet : Ideal och värden i sportdrycksreklam
The society of consumption exposes us to a lot of information, where advertisement constitutes an extensive part. Due to its expanding, advertisement receives a natural and obvious space in our everyday life. This study aims to investigate how social and cultural values can be mediated in advertisement. The focus has been put to ideas related to health and fitness in the advertisement of power drinks. The thesis takes social constructionism as a starting point, and combines image- and critical discourse analysis in purpose to analyze the pictures.Sociology of consumption, construction of identity, lifestyle and everyday life all constitute an essential part of my analysis.
Företagande som strategi: -Frihet kostar trygghet, det måste man kunna leva med
Over the last decade the conversation on entrepreneurship has been both worldwide and intense. In Sweden, as in many other countries, this conversation has also concerned women?s entrepreneurship. Parallel with this conversation has been the debate on women in leading Position in large corporations. This thesis aims to find out why and how women use entrepreneurship to handle existing conditions in life (such as the hardship of combining a traditional career with a traditional family life) and to create new conditions that suit them better.
Rättsenlighet och ansvarstagande i de ensamkommande flyktingbarnens asylprocess
Earlier this year the Swedish migration board gave a part of their responsibility for the separated children to those municipalities that have signed an agreement with them, so that the children can get the best handling of their matters and also to lift the heavy pressure of the Swedish migration board. Our aim in this paper is to see how this division is made and which areas of responsibility they have. We want to see how this process is being handled in relation to these children?s rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Swedish law. To get the best information possible we used a qualitative method.
Utveckling av en ljudsimulator med anva?ndarcentrerad design : Tilla?mpad matematik fo?r ba?ttre konsertupplevelse
The company Sound Precision has developed a new Line Array loudspeaker system (VHA-40). When using this system, their customers need computer aid to get the best possible sound-quality and control of sound levels for the whole audience. The aim of this thesis is to develop a truly useful sound quality simulator for the VHA-40. The system will help the sound engineers to Position the loudspeakers for optimal sound by simulating loudspeaker configurations and visualizing the resulting sound quality and quantity. To solve this a human-centered design (HCD) approach is taken to implement a system that is truly useful for the users, meaning that they will use it more and hence deliver better sound for the audience.