

2456 Uppsatser om Position - Sida 18 av 164

Arbetsmotivationens betydelse ur ett mellanchefsperspektiv : En fallstudie på Länsstyrelsen i Kalmar län

Problem: Teorin beskriver att mellanchefers situation kan vara problematisk i och med att de styrs både upp- och nerifrån vilket kan leda till en viss osäkerhet i deras ledarskap. Då deras roll går ut på att de ska vara lojala mot både ledningen och medarbetarna befinner sig mellancheferna i en klämd Position Deras Position har förändrats från att tidigare ha besuttit rollen som den högre ledningens andra hand till att idag vara själva kärnan i verksamheten. De anställda ser sin närmaste chef som ett arbetsgivarombud samtidigt som ledningen ser sin underordnade chef som sin närmaste länk till personalen. Mellanchefers Position kan uppfattas som utsatt då de ska förmedla ledningens budskap neråt till medarbetarna. Detta kan leda till att det existerar en osäkerhet i och med att det ställs flera krav på mellanchefer.

Kartbaserad inomhuspositionering med virtuella accesspunkter

Det har gjorts mycket forskning kring Positioneringssystem för inomhusbruk då många applikationer och tjänster ärberoende eller kan förbättras av det. Trots detta finns idag ingen standard för hur Positionering inomhus ska fungera.För de flesta utomhusmiljöer kan en modern mobiltelefons Position erhållas med ett par meters precision via GPS. I eninomhusmiljö sjunker signalen drastiskt och en precis Position är svår att uppskatta. En väl etablerad teknik är Wi-Fioch kan med fördel användas då de flesta inomhusmiljöer idag redan har Wi-Fi accesspunkter installerade. Då enmottagare erhåller en signal från en accesspunkt kan distansen dem emellan uppskattas för att sedan uppskattaPositionen med den matematiska tillämpningen trilateration.

Från skilda världar till "Valet är ditt! Inte maktens!" : En analys av Aftonbladets debatt- och insändarsidor 1999 till 2005

AbstractPurpose/Aim: To investigate how the Positions between the paper, the public and the elite in society have changed on Aftonbladets Op-Eds and Letter to the editor-pages between 1999 to 2005. In a wider context this means Aftonbladets potential to contribute to the role of the press as a forum of public debate.Material/Method: The study focuses on one week during 1999, 2002 and 2005. Here a quantitative contents analyse with inspiration from conversation (dialogue) analyse has been used.Main results: The study shows that the paper has strengthened its Position over this period of time. Mainly by taking a more active role in forming and encouraging the debate. The public was given more space in 2002, then in 1999 and 2005.

Vidareutveckling av PV/T-receiver för koncentrerat solljus

The rising demand for electricity and heat raises a big challange for the society and engineers. Many products have been introduced to the market to supply more energy to the energy systems. Absolicon AB is a Swedish company that develops and markets a combined heat and power generating product. The product, Absolicon X10, uses a parabolic trough to concentrate the radiation of the sun onto a receiver. The receiveris equipped with mono crystalline solar cells and is cooled by a circulating liquid media.

Den katolska kyrkans föredöme : En ikonografisk analys av Maria Magdalena

The study aims to describe and analyze the image of Mary Magdalene as expressed in the French artwork from 1400 and 1600s that this study deals with. The study also examines the historical context in order to find explanations for why the images of Mary Magdalene have changed. In the study Erwin Panofsky?s iconographic method is used to analyze the artworks and finding their underlying meaning. Delimitations are made that only works of art made by French artists from the 1400 and 1600s are analyzed and delimitations are also made that Mary Magdalene will act on her own in the works of art.

GPS: Förr, nu och i framtiden

1957 sände sovjetunionen upp den första satelliten av dom 27 i nulägets existerande satelliter som an-vänds för inom GPS. Senare under kalla kriget så påskyndades finansieringen av GPS och fler satelliter tillverkades för att kunna ge bättre och mer exakt Position.I dagsläge används GPSen för allt inom tjänstearbete och fritid, från flygplan för att hålla koll på kursen till hobby sport som Geocaching..

Att producera en detaljists egna märkesvaror : Fyra svenska leverantörers motiv, risker och förhoppningar

Tillväxten av detaljisternas egna märkesvaror, EMV, i detaljhandeln har fått vissa leverantörerna att möta konkurrensen med EMV genom att börja tillverka EMV åt detaljisterna. I uppsatsen studeras fyra leverantörer till ICA och varför de väljer att producera EMV åt detaljisten. Leverantörernas storlek och Position på marknaden, deras eventuella inverkan vid beslutet samt risker med beslutet diskuteras. Slutligen undersöks om företagen påverkas på olika sätt av EMV beroende av deras Position på marknaden. Tidigare studier visar att de finns tre övergripande motiv till varför företag väljer att producera detaljistens EMV; ekonomiska, relationsmässiga och konkurrensmässiga.

Förändring av verkstadslayout på Munters AB

The Energy Performance Certification in Sweden was developed as a tool to achieve the Government's target to reduce Sweden's energy consumption by 20 percent by 2020. The Energy Performance Certificate has previously received some criticism for not fulfilling its purpose. Questions that formed the basis for this report is how the energy performance certification provides support to buyers of single-family houses and if the energy performance improved in terms of reliability. The report begins with a background description that describes how the energy declaration works and some of the findings of previous evaluations and surveys. A survey to investigate the broker's Position to energy performance have been conducted as well as interviews with buyers and sellers of houses. An investigation whether the energy performance can vary between different calculation programs, depending on various assumptions made by the energy declarant, has been made.Brokers and sellers have proved negative attitudes towards energy performance, particularly brokers.

Reklam i kostym : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning av de köpta debatterna på Newsmill.se

The aim of this thesis was to explore and analyze the sponsored debates on Newsmill, so called seminars. How does the sponsor use Newsmills seminars for marketing purposes? Who is allowed to write in Newsmills seminars?To answer these questions we used both a quantitative survey and a qualitative survey.To examine how the sponsors use Newsmills seminars for marketing purposes we conducted a qualitative analysis which included three of the eleven seminars - a total of 26 articles. We examined how the sponsors conveyed the picture of themselves and if the written content in Newsmills seminars contained any hidden marketing. We could see that the sponsor has a great deal of influence on the seminars and also used them to market their brand with hybrid messages.

Samband mellan identitet och positionering vid matematiskt samarbetslärande i grupp

The aim of this study is to fill the gap in mathematics education research concerning the relationship between identity and Positioning in mathematical collaboration in groups. This study elaborates on the relationship between how pupils see themselves as math students in sixth grade, how they show their identities as math students, in contrast to how they Position themselves reflexively in group collaboration while engaging in mathematical problem solving. The theoretical concepts linked to this study are discourse, identity and Positioning. Discourse is used to describe and form the setting and context of the study. Identity is seen as a transient and elusive concept formed by the students own perceptions of self through narratives.

Beteende hos lekvandrande lax i Klarälven ? utvärdering av en fiskfälla

During the migration season in 2013 a study on spawning migrating salmon and the effect of water flow on the behavior was conducted of the salmon at the Forshaga hydropower station in the River Klarälven. The River Klarälven with its nine hydropower plants on the Swedish side, constituting migration obstacles for the migrating salmon. Fortum Generation AB has together with the County Administrative Board restored a salmon trap at the lowermost hydropower station in Forshaga, aiming at making it possible for the salmon to swim into the trap, and thereafter be transported by truck past the power plants and then continue their journey to the spawning grounds on their own. Unfortunately, it is believed that the trap does not work as well as it should. In this study, I focused on salmon Position in relation to water flow and if the number of salmon that swam into the fish trap differed between salmon with previous experience of the trap (experienced) and salmon without experience (unexperienced).

Att få tillträde till trädgården: Om konstruktionen av chefskap i coaching

During the last decade executive coaching has become an increasingly popular method of management development. Few studies have been conducted within this area, especially in Sweden, and little has been said about the construction of management in executive coaching. The purpose of this master?s thesis is to study executive coaching from a social constructionist perspective, focusing on the construction of management. The two research questions are: How is management constructed in executive coaching? How can we understand the construction of management in executive coaching? Additionally, we identify gender as a social construction of importance and thus include a gender perspective in our analysis.

Kvinnors erfarenheter av framfödandet vid planerad hemförlossning

Background: The prevalence of sphincter rupture during childbirth has increased in Sweden from half percent to three percent from 1973 to 1993. Women who undergo planned home birth have sphincter injuries to a smaller extent than women who undergo planned hospital births. Objective: The purpose of this study was to describe women?s experience of the last stages of delivery during planned home birth. Design: Inductive content analysis of 150 randomly selected delivery reports.

Informationspraktik hos ensamföräldrar som genomgått assisterad befruktning

The aim of this paper is to examine the actualities of Information Practicefor single women whose parentage has been made possible through assistedreproduction, which places these parents in a norm-breaking Position.Study issues related to parents? perceptions of information needs areinvestigated, as is the process of information retrieval and library usageas well as the obstacles and opportunities facing parents in search ofinformation related to their own family constellation. To this end, theoriesby Tom Wilson, Reijo Savolainen and Elfreda A. Chatman have been usedas a model of selection. Empirical data have been gathered from interviewswith eight single women, whose parentage has been made possible throughartificial insemination or IVF with sperm from an open or anonymousdonor.

En ?vergiven torpmilj?. Materiella och immateriella l?mningar fr?n torpen kring Brunnslid i Kinneveds socken, V?sterg?tland.

This essay presents an investigation of the ruins of an assembly of crofts in a rural area in the south of Sweden, outside the town Falk?ping. Using literary sources and intangible sources, and then combine them with the information found by investigation of the physical remains of the crofts, the essay attempts to capture the life and the living conditions of the crofters. The investigation is focusing on the period between the nighteenth century and the first decades of the twentieth century, and looks into the the living conditions according to, for example, the buildings, the orientation in the landscape, demografical changes, the transformation of the area over years and how the crofters were affected by powerty. The investigation shows that the crofters in many ways were in vulnerable and exposed Positions, powerty summarized as a lack of freedom ? concerning economical, political and social dimensions.

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