2456 Uppsatser om Position - Sida 14 av 164
Sverige och Humanitära Interventioner - en kritisk granskning av den svenska regeringens ställningstagande till humanitära interventioner
The increasing importance of human rights within the international community over the past fifteen years has raised the issue of humanitarian intervention. This concept is a complex one, and in the debate surrounding this issue can be heard arguments from and within legal, political and ethical standpoints. There is not yet a unified definition or agreement as to the nature of humanitarian intervention but it is clear that it is an important issue internationally and it is therefore interesting to see how this has affected the debate within individual countries. This study will thus examine the international development surrounding humanitarian intervention in relation to the official Position taken by the Swedish government. The developments and discussion surrounding humanitarian intervention internationally and two central difficulties within this concept, legality vs.
Prehospital sjukvårdsledning - sammanställning av erfarenheter från KAMEDO-rapporter
Background: An effective management of the healthcare's organization on one disaster site is considered as a condition in order to decrease damages and suffering at them as been hit of an accident. In KAMEDO-reports is described true accidents, how among other thing organizational parts been implemented and evaluations of which importance different decisions had. Aim: The aim of the study was to examine KAMEDO-reports concerning prehospital medical management on disaster sites. Method: Eight KAMEDO-reports was examined with focus on organization and management. Results: Four areas in which all could be influenced by the healthcare personnel in leading Position was described: Management and Co-operation, Load and Go - Stay and Play, Priority and Triage.
Kartering och positionering i komplex stadsmiljö
I en stadsmiljö som innehåller stora mängder geografisk information på en begränsad yta finns det flera faktorer som ställer till problem vid kartläggning och Positionering. Målet med detta arbete var att skapa en dynamisk stadskarta för webben med visualisering av byggnader i flera plan, att skapa ett användarvänligt gränssnitt med möjlighet till relevanta dataurval samt att undersöka vilka metoder som är användbara för Positionering där en GPS-mottagare inte har täckning. Den metod som främst var av intresse att undersöka är en teknik benämnd WiFi Positionering, vilken med hjälp av trådlösa accesspunkter beräknar användarens Position.Ett system för datalagring och tillhandahållande av data via ett webbaserat användargränssnitt dimensionerades och implementerades. De programvaror som användes till detta var PostGIS (databashanterare), GeoServer (kartserver) och OpenLayers (kartapplikation). Systemet installerades i en testmiljö som tillhandahölls av Compare Testlab.Användargränssnittet är ett webbaserat program vilket utvecklades med en teknik som stöds av webbläsare i smartphones samt till datorers dito.
Medarbetarsamtalet : Em studie av medarbetarsamtalets funktion och betydelse inom äldreomsorgen i Kalmar kommun.
Author: Nilsson LindaTitle: Appraisal talk- new ideals and new formsThe purpose of this study was to examine the concept of the appraisal talk. More specifically its aim was to find out more about the function and the meaning of the appraisal talk, for the organization, managers and co-workers point of view, and if there was any specific method applied. Two of the central questions were: How did the managers and co-workers describe the function and the meaning of appraisal talks? Were there any differences or similarities of the respondent?s point of view, depended of their Position in the organization? The method of analysis was qualitative with a critical reflective approach. The study was based on interviews with three managers and four co-workers, in the public service of elderly care in Kalmar municipality.
Medarbetarsamtalet : Nya ideal och nya former : Em studie av medarbetarsamtalets funktion och betydelse inom äldreomsorgen i Kalmar kommun.
Author: Nilsson LindaTitle: Appraisal talk- new ideals and new formsThe purpose of this study was to examine the concept of the appraisal talk. More specifically its aim was to find out more about the function and the meaning of the appraisal talk, for the organization, managers and co-workers point of view, and if there was any specific method applied. Two of the central questions were: How did the managers and co-workers describe the function and the meaning of appraisal talks? Were there any differences or similarities of the respondent?s point of view, depended of their Position in the organization? The method of analysis was qualitative with a critical reflective approach. The study was based on interviews with three managers and four co-workers, in the public service of elderly care in Kalmar municipality.
Attraktivare förortskommun : Är interkulturella kompetenser givande varumärkesattribut när mångkulturella förortskommuner vill dra till sig fler företag?
The competition between the Swedish municipalities has increased as the world has become more globalized, which means that they need to become more attractive for sustaining sound finances and not to find themselves to have a downward trend. One possibility to show the attractiveness of a place is by using place marketing and therewith attaining a stronger brand Position. There are 20 suburban municipalities in the county of Stockholm, of which six are multicultural or are having a minimum of 20 percent immigrants among the residents. These immigrant areas are segregated based on class, income and culture. Problems associated with these areas have historical aspects that dates further back than modern immigration does.
Sverige ut ur EU : ett dilemma för vänster- och miljöpartiet?
This paper addresses how political parties make decisions. Parties often have to choose between conflicting objectives such as influence on policy, control of the government, and support among the voters. This paper examines the behavior of the two Swedish parties on one of their particular policy Positions: Swedish withdrawal from the EU. The aim is to describe why the Left Party (Vänsterpartiet) and the Green Party (Miljöpartiet) retain thisspecific policy Position when it on one hand seems damaging to their chances of getting into government, and on the other seems to be an unrealistic policy to realize. I undertake a twocase study of the two Swedish parties, which I assume to represent a population of Nordic parties critical to the EU.
"matt i lacken kan man säga att man blir" : -en studie om hur enhetschefer i social omsorgsverksamhet upplever emotioner i arbete
Middle managers in social care find themselves in a middle Position. The middle management Position involves demands from several interested parties. The demands affect and generate feelings both within themselves and within others and the middle managers have to deal with them all.The aim of this study was to investigate the social care middle manager?s personal experiences of emotions in work.We have completed interviews with four middle managers who are assigned to carry out social care. When doing the interviews we used an interview guide divided into different interview areas.
Lärares förhållningssätt till demokratisk undervisning och sin egen maktposition i undervisningsarbetet
The aim of this paper is to examine how teachers experience their possibilities to develop democratic teaching in high school and how they reflect upon their Position of power within the teaching situation. Four professional high school teachers have been interviewed for the study. The theoretical perspective of the study is an intersectional view on power and a view on democratic teaching which is partly built on the high school curriculum, but mainly defined by deliberative conversations, anti-oppressive education and norm-critical education. The result of the study is focused on three themes, which were shown in the analysis of the interviews. These themes are: choices of teaching content, authority of the teacher and democratic teaching.
Varumärkeskommunikation för marknadsledare : En studie av Red Bull's varumärkeskommunikationoch image
The purpose of this thesis is to through brand communication and Red Bull?simage examine how they Position themselves as leaders on the Swedish energydrink market. We chose relevant theories within buzz marketing, word ofmouth, sampling and events. Our method of preference was quantitativequestionnaires which we spred through email to students at the LinneausUniversity and other social networks such as Facebook and blogs. Our empiricalstudy is based on our questionnaires and information about Red Bull.
Vill EU vända på steken? : En kritisk analys av EU-kommissionens ställningstagande i frågan om animalieproduktionens klimatpåverkan
This thesis examines the ongoing European political debate on the links between livestock production and climate change. In the end of 2006 the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) released their report Livestock?s long shadow, showing that livestock production represents some 18 % of the total global greenhouse gas emissions. The purpose of this paper is to explore the European Commission?s Position and response to this question since the release of the report.Using Arne Naess? argumentation analysis, statements made by the Commission will be systematically organized and broken apart.
Sociala medier : Arbetsgivares möjligheter skydda sig mot vad arbetstagare skriver i sociala medier
The main purpose of this essay is to investigate the legal Position for employers concerning protection against what employees can express about one?s employer in social media.It may regard dissatisfaction concerning employment, tort or so-called whistleblowing. The spread through social media may be comprehensive and thus cause more damage to the employer.Employees within the public sector as well as in the private are protected by the liberty of speech, which is constitutional, even the protection of sources or the right to criticize can offer some protection. This gives the employees the possibility to widely express themselves in private social media as long as it can?t be classified as a violation, which per se is very rare.However, certain differences between the both sectors will be pointed out.There are still no constitutional rights regarding social media, but a grey area has emerged concerning the legal Position.
Bildanalys för navigering i autonoma sensor-platformar
Det bör vara möjligt att skapa verktyg för att beskriva scenarion och med hjälp av tillgänglig mjukvara för visualisering kunna spela upp både verkliga och simulerad bilddata. Detta examensarbete beskriver hur några sådana verktyg tagits fram. Till förfogande fanns en stor mängd bilddata, insamlad på ett militärt övningsområde som dessutom finns representerad som en syntetisk omvärldsmodell. Insamlingen gjordes med en UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)- prototyp, som var utrustad med videokamera, IR-kamera och tröghetsnavigeringssystem. För att simulerad bilddata skulle få ett verklighetstroget intryck placerades markfordon ut i den syntetiska modellen på exakt samma Position som under fältförsöken.
Socialdemokraterna och EG ? en studie av socialdemokraternas omsvängning i frågan om svenskt medlemskap i den Europeiska Gemenskapen
The Swedish Social Democratic Party was for a long time skeptical of Sweden?s opportunitiesto apply for membership in the European Community. Sweden?s longstanding policy ofneutrality was until the dramatic changes in Eastern Europe 1989 seen as an obstacle tomembership. These changes were an important factor to why the social democratic partychanged their Position on the EC and in October 1990 applied for membership.
Strategisk planering i ett litet tjänsteföretag - en fallstudie av IGS
Problemformulering: Hur ser IGS strategiska process ut och vilken strategisk Position har de idag?Hur påverkas företaget av en föränderlig omvärld?Syfte: Utredningens syfte är att studera och analysera IGS strategiska process samt undersöka hur applicerbara de tre strategiska synsätten är på fallföretaget ifråga. Vi har även för avsikt att se hur stor effekt den föränderliga omvärlden har på företaget. Med detta som utgångspunkt ämnar vi komma fram till förslag på en modell som visar IGS strategiska Position.Metod: Vi använder oss utav en kvalitativ fallstudie. Det metodiska angreppssätt vi valt är den abduktiva ansatsen.