966 Uppsatser om Popular fiction. - Sida 42 av 65
Män, kvinnor och levande döda. : En kvalitativ analys av tv-serien The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead is a popular American tv-series set in the near future, or an alternative present. Society has fallen and colapsed into a more post-apocalyptic state. Till this date the seires has reached its third season, and each episode has several million viewers around the world. In this essay the author tries to see how the tv-series reprensatation of men and women looks like. Media, such as tv-series, acts as great source of inspiration when people tries to understand the world around them.
Bilden av Mörk och Ljus turism : En semiotisk analys av destinationsmarknadföring
In this essay we have been trying to get an understanding of what Swedish charter tourists cares for when they are going on vacation. The Tourism industry is a major field with a lot of winners, but it also comes with consequences. The purpose with this essay is to get an understanding of how aware the Swedish charter tourists is of these consequences. We would also like to get a perception of how the tourists themselves believe that their presence effects the locals at the destinations they are visiting (if they assume that they are). There are several different types of consequences that can appear in the context of tourism, but we have decided to focus on one kind.
Överskridanden : En tematisk studie av verklighetsproblematiken i Karl Ove Knausgårds Min kamp 1-6
The award-winning Norwegian novelist Karl Ove Knausgård achieved great success with his latest book, Min kamp. Both commercially and critically, the novel was praised for its seemingly successful attempt to transcend the boundary between fiction and real life. Focusing on the auto-fictional narrator?s struggle to balance his daily life with his ever so demanding aesthetic ambitions, the novel gives high-detail descriptions of the most basic day-to-day chores, intimately mixed with philosophical reflections on topics such as painting, literature and postmodern civilisation.This essay proposes an alternative perspective on the realism of the novel. Instead of relying on a correspondence theoretical view, which highlights the level of correspondence of a particular representation with reality, I seek, inspired by Martin Heidegger?s thoughts on works of art, to trace a poetics which sees the verity in a work of art as the ?unconcealment? of the world, or the coming-to-being of objects.
Vad lockar barn till aktivitet och rörelse på förskolegården?
The purpose of this study was to investigate what attracts children to activity and movement on the playground in a central and municipal preschool in a town located in middle of Sweden. The method was to use a qualitative group interview with five children, two girls and three boys, at the age of five. The interview consisted of a general question about what kids think is fun to do on the playground and was complemented with follow-up questions depending on what the children said. A qualitative interview with a preschool teacher and observations were carried out in the hope that they would confirm what children claimed about play and movement. This study showed a gender difference when girls like to swing together while the boys are making the swinging for a contest.
Matchning i den andra maskinåldern: En studie om matchning, missmatchning och arbetslöshet på en arbetsmarknad i snabb förändring
Vårt syfte med det här examensarbetet har varit att studera matchning som fenomen och olika matchningsinsatsers effekter på en arbetsmarknad i snabb förändring. Studien tar som utgångspunkt att det som kallas den andra maskinåldern leder till att arbetsmarknaden förändras allt snabbare då allt fler jobb automatiseras, robotiseras och digitaliseras på ett sätt som tidigare förknippades med science-fiction. Vi har intervjuat sex personer som arbetar med vägledande arbetsuppgifter på lite olika sätt inom tre olika verksamhetstyper, arbetsförmedling, jobbcoachning och studie- och yrkesvägledning, om deras syn på matchning och matchningens roll. Studiens resultat visar att behovet av matchning förväntas öka i takt med att arbetsmarknaden förändras allt snabbare och gamla jobb försvinner. Ett av de tydligaste resultaten i studien är att respondenterna ser ett ökat behov av dimensionering, alltså en anpassning av verksamheten utifrån samhällsbehoven, inom skolsektorn för att minska den missmatchning mellan arbetskraft och arbetsmarknad som uppstått genom den allt större valfriheten som individualiseringsprocesser i västvärlden inneburit.
En skola för alla : Pedagogers syn på integrering och inkludering av särskoleelever i grundskolan
This study examines the cultural place and status of video and computer games in the Swedish public library. Using works on popular culture and the theories of Pierre Bourdieu, this study employs quantitative methods, as well as textual analysis, to analyze the results of an online questionnaire with 19 questions focusing on selection criteria, shelf placement, perceived competence, as well as reasoning for having or not having these games in the library. 286 out of the 440 libraries contacted is participating in the study, and the libraries consist exclusively of public libraries in Sweden that are found in the database of the Royal Library.The results of this study show that a larger number of libraries than previously indicated have started to provide electronic games to their patrons. At the same time, patterns in the data and comments suggests that these games in many cases still do not enjoy the same level of cultural recognition as other media. Indicative of this is the way most libraries seem to focus on the medium being exclusively for their young patrons, with seem-ingly very little in the way of investment for adults.
Fuktomlagringar i välisolerade ytterväggar : En undersökning för att fastställa en rimlig inbyggnadsfuktkvoti träreglar med fuktsimuleringsprogrammet Wufi 2D
To save energy it?s popular to build houses with low energy loss. In these houses the walls are keeping a lower temperature in the external side which leads to a higher relative humidity. In addition more material, such as wood studs, are used which means that there is more moisture to dry. More moisture in combination with higher relative humidity may pose a higher risk of microbial growth.
Fotboll för alla? En diskursanalys av det engelska och det svenska fotbollsförbundets offentliga publikationer.
Women?s football has, throughout history, been subject to the resistance of man?s world. The English football association forbid women?s teams to play on the association?s grounds. This ban lasted for 50 years and wasn?t dissolved until 1971.
Barns läsning av facktexter. En studie av skolbibliotekariers och pedagogers syn på barns läsning och förståelse av facktexter.
The aim of this Masters thesis is to analyse school librarians and teachers perspective of childrens reading and reading progress, the impact of informational texts on childrens reading and how school librarians and teachers work/teach to improve their students understanding of informational texts. We also intend to study what consequences school librarians and teachers believe that childrens reduced understanding of informational texts can have in the long run and how this could be improved. The theories applied encompass different literature-pedagogical strategies, theories about reading purpose and direction of the reading process together with a theory that shows the school librarys function in the education. The empirical material has been collected through interviews with one school librarian and one teacher at three different schools. The material has then been analysed and interpreted from theories and earlier research.
?De ska lära sig att leva?: En studie av några barnbibliotekariers litteratursyn och deras samarbete med förskolan
The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate four children?s librarians? literature view and their collaboration with pre-schools. My main question at issue is ?What literature view do children?s librarians in this thesis have and how does this reflect their collaboration with pre-schools??. Another purpose is to study the canon process in relation to children?s libraries and pre-schools.
Krukväxter med mervärde till dagligvaruhandeln :
The supermarkets are taking more and more market shares for potted plants the last years, and a greater part is bought without prior planning. Signals from several European countries, for example Denmark and UK, indicate that potted plants with added value have become more and more popular and the added value is based on present trends. The meaning of added value in this thesis is fancy pots, packaging, pins or arrangements. Potted plants with added value sold in supermarkets offer the consumer the advantage of getting a ?ready product? quick and easy.
Visual User Interface for PDAs
This report is a part of a diploma work, conducted as a part of a Master of Science degree. The diploma work consists of a preliminary study, two case studies, a user study, a paper and this report. It was created at the Linköping University for the department of Science and Technology, in cooperation with Unilever Research in the UK, and partly with the EC founded project, Smartdoc IST-2000-28137. Hand-held, mobile devices like Personal Digital Assistances (PDAs) are becoming increasingly popular in today?s wireless world.
?Facebook har blivit lika självklart som att ha telefon? : Tre bibliotek i Umeåregionens arbete med sociala medier ? en utvärdering
?Facebook has become as natural as having a phone? The use of social media in three libraries in the Umeå region ? an evaluationSocial media has come to be an integral part of people?s everyday life, as well as the business world in terms of communication and marketing. More and more libraries also embark in the use of social media, and the purpose of this study is to evaluate the use of social media in three libraries in the Umeå region. The libraries all use Facebook as their current, primary social media. Thus this study focuses partly on the analysis of the content on each library?s Facebook page, and partly on the experiences of the responsible librarians. The evaluation is based on a mix of existing tools in evaluating social media that are relevant in a library context.
Postapokalypser, robotar och zombies : En studie om dystopiska temaarbeten i årskurs 9
Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att analysera 73 dystopiska temaarbeten, skrivna av elever i årskurs 9 vårterminen 2012, och undersöka om man finner någon skillnad kvalitetsmässigt mellan kvinnliga och manliga elever och ta reda på vari dessa skillnader i så fall ligger, i hopp om att det ska ge en tydligare inblick i problematiken kring svenska elevers dalande studieresultat. Med hjälp av textanalys som kvalitativ bedömning anonymiserades uppsatserna, de fem delarna som arbetena bestod av bedömdes och sedan summerades slutligen bedömningen i tre kategorier: svaga, neutrala och starka uppsatser. Därefter delades de in dem efter åtta återkommande teman/genrer: Science Fiction, Natur-/miljökatastrofer, Zombies, Politiska, Corporate, Gudomliga, Postapokalypser och Epidemier/Pandemier. Uppsatserna delades sedan in efter kön och analyserades för att se vilka samband som kunde hittas mellan insatser/resultat och temaval och populärkultur/finkultur. Det jag fann var att pojkarna inte bara presterat bättre än i tidigare forskning, utan även bättre än flickorna i undersökningen ? vad gäller toppskiktet.
Komplementära produktegenskaper i merförsäljningsförsök
The modern beauty market is concentrated with intense competition where cosmetic brands fight to stay on top. A popular method in order to gain sales and increase margins is to influence existing customers to buy more with the use of suggestive selling. The purpose of this paper, was to further examine the different effects of suggestive selling with the use of complementary versus non- complementary goods in the form of customer satisfaction, customer view of the service encounter, as well as success in sales. In addition, the influence of the customer's purchase amount on the tendency to buy an extra product in a suggestive selling situation was examined. The study was conducted through the use of a field experiment with the support of surveys in 'The Body Shop'.