3268 Uppsatser om Political relevance - Sida 36 av 218
Statliga strategier för minoritetshantering: Israel
According to old european tradition the ideal national state has a unified people, but in reality practically all states has one of several minorities that to a smaller or greater degree differs from the majority. One such minority that have been present in many countries and managed to avoid becoming completly assimilated are the jewish people. Their dream of a state of their own eventually lead to the founding of the state of Israel where they themselves are now in majority. The purpose of this report is to study how the jews historic experiances has affected the political parties in Israel, how they choose to meet the ?challenge? of their own minorities och whatever they treat different minorites differently.
Hör du dåligt : En litteraturstudie om hörselskadade, stigma och socialpolitik
The purpose of this paper was to discuss stigma and stigmatisation in relation to social policy and social work. By discussing welfare systems in social policy I wanted to see if there could be any connection between social policy and stigma. I used case studies of hearing impaired adults to give examples of how the stigma processes work. By connecting the stigma and the social policy theories with the case studies I wanted to see how the social policy could affect the stigma processes or vice versa.In the paper the concept of stigma has been described and discussed, foremost using the theories of Erving Goffman. I have also discussed the welfare system and the connection between residual systems and stigma.
Hur mycket inflytande har Polen i EU? -En fallstudie
Denna B-uppsats behandlar huruvida Polen som medlem av europeiska unionen har stort eller litet inflytande. Vi har genomfört en fallstudie på Polen som är uppdelad i två sektioner. Den första sektionen behandlar Polens potentiella inflytande i EU, där vi har mätt olika indikatorer för att få fram variabler som påvisar inflytande. Indikatorerna baserar vi på en teoretisk diskussion om makt, där vi utgår från olika tänkare inom samhällsvetenskapen. I den andra sektionen har vi studerat Polens reella inflytande genom att se vilka krav Polen ställt inom den gemensamma jordbrukspolicyn (CAP) samt i vilken utsträckning man fått igenom dessa krav.Nyckelord: Polen, EU, makt, inflytande, CAP.
Medialisering i det politiska systemet: en kvalitativ studie om en politiskt styrd organisations medialiseringsprocess
AbstractPurpose: The purpose of this thesis was to examine to which extant the politically governed organization, Swedish association of local authorities and local regions (SALAR), has been mediatized. Furthermore the purpose was to examine how SALAR being a Meta-organization affected the mediatization process. To accomplish this the thesis studied how SALAR organized themselves internally in order to form opinion through the media in one of their prioritized issues. A further purpose was to equalize SALAR?s mediatization process with the mediatization process for the whole political system. Method: This is a qualitative study which the gathered material has been collected through two types of methods, semi structured interviews and field observations.Material: A total of eight interviews were made distributed over three departments inside SALAR.
Spanjorer är vi allihopa? : En kvalitativ studie av hur spanska och katalanska tidningar identifierar Kataloniens självständighetsprocess.
The Catalan movement of Independence is a well debated subject in Spanish news for the last decade. This thesis aims to examine what kind of identityarguments that spanish versus catalan newspapers make about the independence movement, in relation to nationalism and national identity. This is to deeper the understanding about the current complex situation in the Iberian Peninsula. The research shows that identityarguments about the independence movement presented by catalonian newspapers clearly put focus on identifying the ethnic and cultural reasons for the growing nationalism in the region, as well as discussing the political possibilities and obstacles of a sovereign Catalonia. In comparison, the identityarguments presented by spanish newspapers has another view of the situation, where the political aspect of the nationalistic catalan movement, identify the process as defying the Spanish Constitution and challenging the traditional historic unity of Spain.
Pyramidens gåta
Detta arbete rör sig inom det organisationsteoretiska området. Ämnet som behandlas är kontrollspann och vad som påverkar och påverkas av detta. Vi har funnit att det finns en stor mängd olika faktorer som kan sägas påverka hur en organisation väljer eller bör välja att strukturera sig. I uppsatsens första del har vi försökt identifiera vilka effekter olika breda kontrollspann kan tänkas ha för en verksamhet samt vilka rekommendationer som finns i den existerande forskningen kring kontrollspann.I andra delen av uppsatsen undersöker vi Lunds universitetssjukhus akutmottagning, där man nyligen (2006) genomfört en omorganisation som bla innebar avsmalnande av första linjens chefers kontrollspann. Vi har funnit att många av de effekter som man kunnat förvänta sig inte har inträffat i vårt exempelfall..
Kalkylens Roll i Lean Production : en studie inom svensk fordonsindustri
Bakgrund: Lean Production uppkom som ett verktyg för att sänka kostnader och därmed öka konkurrenskraften på en allt mer hårdnad marknad. Synen på processtänkande och dess möjligheter har under senare årtionden ökat markant i intresse, däremot har ekonomisystemen inte förändrats i samma takt. Granlund (2001) menar att trots det starka trycket att förändra kalkyleringen använder många företag sig fortfarande av traditionella påläggskalkyler med direkt lön som fördelningsbas. Kaplan & Johnsson belyste redan 1987 problemet och argumenterade för hur traditionella kalkylsystem ger en allt för aggregerad och snedvrängd bild av verkligheten. Den debatt som uppstod är känd under namnet Relevance Lost.
Att surfa på den demokratiska vågen En studie av e-demokrati och e-förvaltning ur ett demokratiperspektiv på regional nivå
Lately information- and communication technology (ICT) has been seen as an important tool to vitalize democracy. What kind of democracy it generates is however debateable. The objective with this thesis is therefore to examine what democratic ideal that dominates the use of ICT in Region Skåne and Västra Götalandsregionen and what kind of citizenship it brings. The two case studies were chosen because the Swedish regional level is facing a reorganization with democratic ambitions which in relation to ICT is fairly unexplored. To fulfil the objective there are two perspectives; e-democracy and e-administration, which are defined and integrated with democratic theory including Premfors´ "Fast, Strong and Thin" democratic ideals and Marshall´s three citizenship rights.
Föreningsengagemang och politiskt deltagande ? en tvetydig historia : En studie av Högsby och Växjö kommunfullmäktige
AbstractThe political parties in Sweden are losing members. This is seen as a problem because the political parties are the base and the recruiting ground for members to decision-making bodies. Social movements are seen as a place where people with a modest background could express their opinions and also learn the political process. These movements have also lost members during the last decades and this could seriously affect the representation of lower social groups among the decision-makers. This essay emanates from Robert D.
Taiwanesisk identitet under konstruktion? : - En kvalitativ textanalys av den taiwanesiska identitetens uppkomst med utgångspunkt i konstruktivismen
Taiwan has over the past thirty years experienced a substantial political transformation. Being ruled by Chinese nationalists since World War II, Taiwan started its democratic transition in the late eighties. The new democratic system did not only provide people with freedom to vote, it also marked the beginning of a search for a new national identity. Based on the international theory of constructivism, this paper defines and studies the Taiwanese people?s progression away from a dominant Chinese national identity towards a uniquely defined Taiwanese identity.
Non-Identity. Att undkomma ett moralfilosofiskt moment 22
Can we harm future people? According to our commonly used contractarian theories, it seems we cannot. This is because our actions of today not only influence what they are supposed to influence, but also who mates with whom and when, and thus which particular persons will ever live in the future. Had we not performed a particular action, the future people born as a result of that same action, would not have been born. It therefore seems they cannot reasonably reject our actions.
Korruption i Estland och Lettland, en jämförande studie
Since the breakdown of the Soviet Union, more than fifteen revolutionary yearshave passed. Estonia and Latvia have undergone a change from communist statesto members of the European Union. As in so many other post-communist statescorruption has been a problem. However, Estonia has since the independence hada lower degree of corruption than the neighbour country Latvia. The main purposeof this thesis is to explain why so.
Just war teorin och de nya krigen -en möjlig kombination?
In the political world of today the discussion of Just wars are very present, since the international law and the UN Charter provides certain rules about when it is justified to go to war (jus ad bellum) and how a justified war should be conducted (jus im bello). The discussion about jus ad bellum and jus im bello derives from the theory of Just war. Both in international law and the Just war theory, focus is on interstate wars were the actors are two sovereign states. Since the end of the Cold War there has however been a change in the way wars are conducted. From interstate to intrastate warfare, where the government in most cases no longer has the monopoly over the warfare.According to these facts, my conclusion is that the Just war theory has to expand and incorporate a focus on the human rights in order to be able to meet the new standards of the new wars.
Valresultat och börskurser : En eventstudie om riksdagsvalens effekter på Stockholmsbörsen
Background:It is always fascinating to observe the events that affect the stock market, especially as the numbers of influencing factors are so many and various. Political elections are important events in society and affect the corporate environment in different ways depending on which political party that is in power. This brings up the question of whether political elections are important enough to affect the stock market; and it is this question we intend to analyse in this paper.Purpose:The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether political elections affect the stock market and to discuss the reasons for any possible affect that might be found.Procedure:An appropriate and thoroughly tested method to investigate if an event affects the stock market or not, is to do an event study. Subsequently we chose to do an event study on whether the Swedish general elections in 2002 and 2006 affected the Stockholm Stock Exchange. In order to give the analysis more depth we have also chosen to interview people with knowledge of the stock market.
Demokrati : En studie om demokratiindex och dess eventuella begränsningar
This essay is about democracy and how a democracy index can be used as a tool to illustratethe gap between reality and ideal. The purpose of this study can be expressed by two researchquestions: Does the Economist Intelligence Unit's (EIU) democracy index illustrate thedistance between reality and the ideal of democracy presented by Dahl? and Can the EIU'sdemocracy index be modified by a) internal adjustments and b) using the variables includedin World Economic Forum?s (WEF) equality index?By using a combination of theories (Dahl?s theory of democracy, Rawls theory of justice andchosen theories critical to liberal democracy) as an analytical framework the following twoquestions have been answered:1) Which of the variables included in the EIU's democracy index have the potential to capturethe level of political equality?2) Which of the variables included in the WEF?s equality index have the potential to capturethe degree of political equality?By using a quantitative method the study?s third and last question has been answered:3) How strong is the rank correlation between the EIU?s democracy index and the WEF?sequality index, that is; how strong is the rank correlation coefficient (rho)?The data presented by the WEF?s equality index indicate that women are systematicallydiscriminated against as a group. From a democratic perspective the EIU may need tomeasure inequalities at a group level in order to capture the lack of political equality betweenindividuals. By reformulating some of the EIU?s variables, by revising the EIU?s point systemand by using the variables included in the WEF's equality index to extend EIU?s democracyindex, the chances of capturing the gap between reality and the ideal of democracy presentedby Dahl would likely increase..