3198 Uppsatser om Political reform - Sida 8 av 214
Om man är fri, är man då lycklig? : En studie av begreppen frihet och lycka i Thomas Hobbes politiska filosofi
With a background in the 17th century?s English political events, but also the ideological scene of that time, the purpose of this essay is to analyze two concepts, freedom and happiness, in Thomas Hobbes?s political writings. Hobbes is well known for his political works, mostly for Leviathan, where his thoughts about government and religion are exposed. But what does he say about freedom? And what about happiness? The study shows that Hobbes?s political thought is quite original from this aspect too.
Partipolitisk segmentering: vem är partiets väljare?
The purpose of this thesis was to gain an understanding of how Swedish political parties gain knowledge of their voters. The assumptions taken in the thesis were that political parties are using same methods as businesses do to find interesting segments. To attain insight into the purpose of the thesis, two research questions were formulated: how are Swedish political parties obtaining insights in who their potential voters are? With the second question, an attempt is made to answer how the very same parties are using their knowledge about their voter segments. To find answers to those questions, personal interviews were performed with seven political parties.
En undersökning av politisk marknadsföring i Sverige: Samordning av budskap mellan kommunal och nationell nivå i svenska politiska partier
Political marketing has changed the way political parties internationally behave in relation to the voters. The purpose of this study was to investigate how political marketing is conducted on a local level in Swedish political parties, and how the local and national level of the political parties coordinate the message they send out to the voters. An explorative study was performed by interviewing experts in the field in the form of politicians on both a local and a national level. Initially the local parties' methods were investigated, followed by a second stage where we researched the link between parties on the local and the national level. Marketing of parties on a local level turned out to a large extent to follow traditional methods.
Varför bildas politiska partier? : En studie av Sjukvårdspartiet i Värmland
AbstractWhy do Political Parties emerge? ? A Study of "Sjukvårdspartiet i Värmland"Political Science, Johan UtterThe political parties have important roles to play in contemporary society. They act as bearers of power and presents the voters with finished packages of ideas on how society should grow, develop and change. Political parties are essential to the survival and wellbeing of representative democracy. Many theories have been developed over the years concerning matters related to political parties, but one area of research remains largely unexplored, namely the topic on why political parties do emerge in the first place.
"Boken är kvinnans ljuva hämnd" : Boven i mitt drama kallas kärlek av Unni Drougge och debatten av boken läst som en performance
With a background in the 17th century?s English political events, but also the ideological scene of that time, the purpose of this essay is to analyze two concepts, freedom and happiness, in Thomas Hobbes?s political writings. Hobbes is well known for his political works, mostly for Leviathan, where his thoughts about government and religion are exposed. But what does he say about freedom? And what about happiness? The study shows that Hobbes?s political thought is quite original from this aspect too.
Ursprungsfolk i internationell politik
Var står ursprungsfolk i den internationella politiken?.
Den nödvändiga kreativiteten? : Om den eventuella nödvändigheten av ett gymnasiegemensamt forum för kreativitet, kulturell bildning och eget skapande för att nå samtliga av läroplanens mål.
The swedish education system in general and the swedish gymnasium in particular is at the point of a thorough reform of the guidelines in education. One major difference given in the guidelines is that the former core subject of arts education is abandoned in favour of making history a mandatory class. This despite the curriculum outlined in 1994 remains. Through comparativ text analysis of the documents and reports outlining this reform and defining the curriculum as well as the guidelines for the education system this study aims to point out the reasons for this change. Through in depth interviews with teachers, educators and authorities in addition to readings of contemporary research on arts in education the study will depict a larger picture of the scheme of things.
Den jämställda upphandligen - utopi eller verklighet?
Den 15 december 2008 genomfördes en reform för arbetskraftsinvandring från tredje land i Sverige. Syftet med förändringen är att underlätta rekrytering utanför EU/EES och Schweiz för att minska bristen på arbetskraft. Genom att förenkla och utveckla systemet till ett av de mest öppna i världen, hoppas man locka till sig fler arbetare för att minska underskottet på arbetsmarknaden.Tidigare forskning visar att en reform som minskar restriktioner för inträde till landet, generellt kommer att resultera i ett ökat inflöde av migranter. I denna uppsats undersöks, med hjälp av en ekonometrisk analys, om Sveriges reform av arbetskraftsinvandring gett en positiv effekt på antalet migranter som ansöker om ett arbetstillstånd. I den ekonometriska analysen används panel data, med data från före och efter reformen.
Djurrättsrörelsen Mobilisering och Framgångar i Nederländerna och Storbritannien : En Komparativ Analys av Betydelsen av Politiska Institutioner i skenet av Political Opportunity Structure.
Several previous studies have in different ways tried to explain how new social movements are affected by the different sets of political and social contexts within different states and societies. This essay asks the question how much the institutional aspects within the theory of Political Opportunity Structures (POS) have determined how the rather successful animal rights movements in the Netherlands and Great Britain have mobilized and acted to gain progress. Since the Netherlands and Great Britain contains different kinds of political and institutional contexts, these two states are found to be suitable for a comparative analysis of the theory's durability. A qualitative portrayal of both state's institutional political opportunity structures are presented. Then the mobilization, progress, and actions of the political party ?Party for the Animals? in the Netherlands, and a wide group of animal rights organisations in Great Britain are determined.
Det dygdiga ledarskapet - politiskt ledarskap ur ett etiskt perspektiv
A question that is asked far to seldom is what it means to be a good leader. The answer is not all that simple. It is a comlex and multi-faceted question that varies between the values and what ethical perspective you choose to have. As the title indicates, this essay has one particular ethical-theoretical perspective in focus, virtue ethics. According to the virtue ethics perspective a good political leader is a virtuous leader.
Brutna vallöften - vad är acceptabelt? En studie av moderaterna och kristdemokraterna innan och efter valet år 2006
This paper begins to observe two non-socialist parties in Sweden,Kristdemokraterna and Moderaterna, before and after they won an election. Thetwo parties formed an alliance with other parties and manifested a politicalprogram. The main focus lies on their campaign promises and their premierpolitical area as a single party before the election and what results that has beenproduced a year after. The method is a comparative analysis between the twocampaign programs and the result, parliamentary decision etc. The largest partyModeraterna has completed or started on their main political issue, butKristdemokraternas development has not been that successful.
Alternatives for another world?: En kritisk analys av Occupy Wall Street-rörelsens idéer för strukturell förändring
In the wake of the latest financial crisis, a group of individuals launched the Occupy WallStreet movement. It wanted to change the structures that economic and political life arefounded upon. They believe that the established structures are unfair and exploit the majorityof the population. Researchers critisised the movement saying it was ambiguous because itcould not produce any realistic ideas for change, while others thought that was a success forthe movement.Therefore, the aim of this Bachelor Thesis is to examine the different ideas articulatedby the Occupy movement and present them systematically. Through an inductive qualitativetext analysis six different themes are identified regarding how the movement wants to changethe structures in society to make them fair.
De nya riksdagspartierna och den politiska dagordningen
Engblom, Gustav (2009) De nya riksdagspartierna och den politiska dagordningen ?The new parilament parties and the political agenda.?1988 and 1991 the swedish parties Miljöpartiet, Ny demokrati and Kristdemokratiska samlingspartiet made it over the 4 percent threshold and successfully entered the Swedish parliament. Sweden was once described as one of the most stable political systems in the world, but the parliament elections of 1988 and 1991 showed that Sweden was no exception from the growing instability in west democratic political systems.The stability and instability that followed in the west democratic political systems is believed to be explained by the political parties? efforts to adjust to changes in their political environment. This has lead them to cartelize and the cartel party is believed to prefer stability over triumph for various reasons.The established political parties are believed to be able to manipulate the political agenda in such a way that political topics that would have caused great turbulence in the political system, if debated, are kept away from the political agenda.
Uppslagsverkens diskursordning. En diskursanalytisk studie av Nationalencyklopedin och Wikipedia
The Swedish working-class author Ivar Lo-Johansson (1901-1990) wrote a collection of one hundred short stories between the years 1968-1972. His other productions, generally speaking, have partially different social reform purposes, but, according to himself, these short stories were written with the intention to be totally free of tendencies (even though he himself doubted that he succeeded with this).During the same period that these short stories were published, the Swedish social democrats were under the challenge of radical movements that, mainly on the radical left?s ideological foundation, had a relatively strong influence in Sweden, among other countries, from the mid 1960?s to the late 1970?s. Since Lo-Johansson mainly seemed to have supported the politics of the social democrats, the purpose of the investigation in this thesis has been to see if he ? in the three short stories: Vikingakärlek (1970), Rikslögnaren (1971) and Ansgars resa till Sverige (1972) ? is conveying an ideological use of history and basic political values that were used by the social democratic party during this time period.
Politisk konsumtion som påverkansform : Sex unga vuxnas motiv för och emot politisk konsumtion
Political consumption is a manner of impinging politically that has become more frequent lately. Adolescents seem to be attracted by the idea of expressing oneself politically through ones wallet. The purpose of this analysis is to elucidate this essay?s participants? manner of expressing political consumption and analyze how they discuss motives against and for political consumption with a sociological perspective. To accomplish this, this essay will aim to answer the following questions: In what manner do the participants express their political consumption and what are their motives for and against political consumption? In order to answer the essay?s purpose and questions, two focus group interviews have been made.