

3198 Uppsatser om Political reform - Sida 4 av 214

Utvärdering av Politiskt Bistånd : En fallstudie av ett politiskt biståndsprojekt i Laos

The findings in this case study are mainly based on material collected during a field trip with a fellow student to Laos in February-March 2005, which was sponsored by Sida through a Minor Field Study scholarship. The original interest was to study a political aid project (Governance and Administrative Reform Project Luang Prabang, GPAR LP) in a country like Laos with very complex preconditions such as one-party polity. In Laos my interest in evaluation of political aid grew mainly because I found out that the two donors in the project, Sida and the UNDP, had reached different conclusions in their respective evaluations of the project.The main interest in this thesis has been to study how donors have evaluated a political aid project. The study shows that Sida and UNDP used, what in the literature usually is referred to as, Conventional evaluation as methodology when they conducted their evaluations of GPAR LP. The study also shows that the main reason for the different points of view that are expressed in the evaluations depend on a lack of dialogue and consensus, regarding for the project crucial concepts, rather than choice of evaluation methodology.

En symbol går i graven - en studie av förslaget om Utlänningsnämndens nedläggning och införandet av en ny instans- och processordning i utlänningsärenden

Motives and reasons behind a decision to change the asylum process in Sweden are the central concern for this thesis. A symbolic political perspective will be applied in order to elucidate the symbolic factors that have influenced the decision process.The Aliens Appeal Board in Sweden will close down at the end of March 2006 and all pending and future cases will henceforth be decided by three administrative courts. This will be done in order to enhance the principles of legal certainty by making the process more transparent and oral. It is an extensive reform, but since very few amendments are made to the applicable substantive law it raises questions about the actual motives behind the change.One reason that seems to have had a major impact on the decision to close down the Aliens Appeal Board is the fact that the board is perceived as a symbol for an inhuman asylum policy. Transferring the process to the courts might ease the attempt to increase the legitimacy of the asylum process.

Alternativet till ett misslyckande? Stadsdelsorganisationen i Malmö. Idag och imorgon.

From a democratic point of view the existing organisation with municipality sections in the city of Malmö, Sweden will be examined. The matter of how an alternative organisation should be structured will also be discussed. Two incompatible models of democracy theories will be arranged: libertarian democracy and participation democracy. The intentions with the reform were primary to increase the civic participation. By applying those values that are used to characterize participation democracy it will be shown whether the local participation has actually increased.

Rektorer och grundskolereformer : Rektorers erfarenheter av reformarbete

Many Political reforms are currently implemented in the Swedish schools. The trend indicate that education in Sweden follows neo-liberal restructuring policy, that highlights assessment, marketization and surveillance in different aspects. According to the new curriculum LGR 11 the school head is the school's educational leader with responsibility for the school's results and development. The reforms put new demands on the school heads tasks, their responsibility and leadership. The aim of my research study is to investigate how the school heads experience andhandle this situation.

Den moderna verksamhetschefen

Verksamhetschefsreformen har inneburit en förändring inom svensk sjukvård. Uppgifter som tidigare låg högre upp i organisationen har nu flyttats ner och lagts på verksamhetschefen. Med utgångspunkt i Universitetssjukhuset i Lund beskrivs dels mer utförligt de strikt formella förväntningar, mål och regler som finns kring utformningen av verksamhetschefspositionen, dels de mer informella förväntningar och mål som finns på olika nivåer i hierarkin. En slutsats är att sjukhusledningens idéer i vissa avseenden står i kontrast till de normer och idéer som fortfarande lever kvar på lägre nivåer i organisationen.Två organisationsteoretiska perspektiv har använts för att tolka det förändringsarbete som reformen har inneburit. Som resultat av denna tolkning har slutsatsen att båda perspektiven inte för sig är kapabla att ge en fullständig bild av reformen nåtts, men att de tillsammans förmår ge en mer komplett beskrivning..

Varför Klass? Att studera ojämlikhet ur ett statsvetenskapligt perspektiv

This thesis contains a wider discussion on the analytical framework of classstudies in political science. The purpose is to put class into the light of a usefulmethodological and theoretical tool when it comes to studies on inequality and political,as well as scientific approaches and explanations to why people have awide range of differences in how they pursue their lives. It is my ambition to discusshow class relations can be theorized and explained within a given context, aswell as in society as a whole. I see the complexity of this field as a resource to enhancethe epistemological as well as the empirical discussions within the politicalscience scholars..

KONUNGAVÄLDE ELLER FOLKVÄLDE? Kristen press om rösträttsreformen 1907-11 och borggårdskrisen 1914

This paper seeks to clarify the attitudes and positions of five Swedish Christiannewspapers in relation to the Suffrage reform (1907-11) and the Courtyardcrisis (1914). Furthermore I try to investigate the reasons behind their attitudesand positions. The five newspapers examined are: Göteborgs Stifts-Tidning,Församlingsbladet, Vår Lösen, Svenska Morgonbladet and Wecko-Posten.The results of my research show both convergence and divergence. Commonfor the newspapers is their criticism of the political agitation on the basisof ethics and that they all, except for Göteborgs Stifts-Tidning, recognizedemocratic principles. Divergence is evident, for example, in the reactions tothe consequences of the Courtyard crisis.I have distinguished three main factors that may help to explain the attitudesand positions of the newspapers?: nationalism versus internationalism,confessionalism and polarized political positions, and have found that the conceptof a ?Christian press? can be defended as well as put into question.

Infrias brukarstyrelsernas demokratilöften? - en komparativ fallstudie om brukarstyrelser i grundskolor

This thesis examines and evaluates user boards in Swedish public schools from a democratic perspective. In order to evaluate whether the democratic values are fulfilled five different democratic ideals are selected to serve as a theoretical fundament. These ideals derive from the Swedish Government Official Reports that preceded the reform of user boards in schools, and are identified as the following: participation, dialogue, trust, democratic schooling and influence. The study is based on cases and involves two schools with user boards and two comparative schools with informal parental influence, so called school advisory boards. The study concludes that the main difference between the two types of parental influence is the level of formality.

Starkare i samhället - Om invandrarföreningar som en social resurs för politisk integration

This paper examines the consequences of membership and participation in immigrant associations on individual immigrants? political integration and indirect political participation with reference to Swedish society. The theoretical underpinnings consist of a social structural outlook on social capital, combined with the Civic Voluntarism Model, both of which focus on the potential role of social networks for moving people into political action. After a presentation of parallel qualitative data over the experiences of individual members in a Finnish and Bosnian-Hercegovinian organisation, it is suggested that immigrant associations support the political integration of their members into the host society. Firstly, the case studies indicate that members of immigrant associations gain the opportunity to augment their civic skills, which is a significant prerequisite for political participation.

Två vägar att bli professor, eller vägen till två sorters professorer? Om befordringsreformen och dess implementering

Förutsättningarna för karriäravancemang inom högskolan ändrades radikalt den 1 januari 1999 då regeringen införde en bestämmelse om att man nu även skulle kunna befordras till professor.Vi ställde oss frågan om det bildats ett A- och B-lag bland professorerna som konsekvens av denna reform. Vi sökte ett svar på frågan genom att göra en jämförande fallstudie mellan Lunds universitet (LU) och Malmö högskola (MAH), och där se på generella löneskillnader mellan befordrade och rekryterade professorer. Därefter valdes en fakultet ut med höga löneskillnader och en med låga, från respektive lärosäte. På fakulteterna intervjuades en lektor, en befordrad professor och en rekryterad professor, vilka tillfrågades om arbetsvillkor och uppfattning om reformen.Materialet bearbetades sedan med implementeringsteori för att kunna ge oss svaret att det finns tendenser till bildandet av ett A- och B-lag på tre av de fyra undersökta fakulteterna..

Lammproduktionens ekonomiska påverkan av MTR :

The Swedish consumption of lamb a increasing, and today we yearly eat a kilo of lamb per person each year. As a consequence the Swedish degree of self production according to lamb is steadily decreasing, and is today about 39 %.Today Swedish Meats is now cooperating with the Swedish lamb breeders organisation to raise that percentage. At the same time the European Union presents a new agricultural reform, the MTR (Mid Term Review). The shape of this new reform is not yet fully known, but the general policy has been more or less outlined. The new reform is split into three propositions: the farm model, the regional model and the mixed model.

Bostadsbidrag och arbetsutbud : En studie av ytbegränsningen som infördes i 1997 års reform av bostadsbidraget

I 1997 års reform av bostadbidraget infördes en begränsning av den bidragsgrundande boytan. Denna studie undersöker effekterna på inkomst från arbete av denna ändring, med syfte att svara på frågan om en minskning i bostadsbidrag leder till att man väljer att öka sitt arbetsutbud. Analysen görs med hjälp av en difference-in-differences-skattning och slutsaten är att det inte fanns några signifikanta effekter på inkomsten från arbete, vilket innebär att det inte går att påvisa att ytbegränsningen påverkade arbetsutbudet..

Förtroendeklyftan : politiskt deltagande och förtroende i Europa och Sverige

The purpose of this essay is to study causes for the lack of political trust in Europe and especially in Sweden. The essay starts with a presentation of two theories about the reasons for low political trust. Robert D. Putnam among others presents a theory that gives social capital an important role when viewing the low political trust. As Putnam sees it a person that participates in any kind of organization, political or not, develop trust for other human beings that in the long run affects political trust.

Införandet av nätjournal - En analys av Vårdförbundets medlemmars inställning

Denna uppsats presenterar en underso?kning av Va?rdfo?rbundets medlemmars insta?llning till na?tjournal. Syftet med denna uppsats a?r att underso?ka relationen mellan medlemmarnas insta?llning till na?tjournal som reform och hur medlemmarna tror att na?tjournal kommer pa?verka patienten samt deras eget arbete.En modell, som tagits fram genom explorativ och konfirmativ faktoranalys, presenterar relationen mellan medlemmarnas insta?llning till na?tjournal som reform och hur medlemmarna tror att na?tjournal kommer pa?verka patienten samt deras eget arbete i en strukturell ekvationsmodell. Underso?kningen presenterar relationen utifra?n medlemmarnas la?nstillho?righet.

Sockerproduktionens skilda utveckling i u-länder : En jämförande fallstudie av Moçambique och Tanzania

How affected are the sugar production in Mozambique and Tanzania by EU sugar regime? What does the EU sugar reform constitute in these countries?Using theories regarding free trade and anti-free trade, I am able to answer these questions. The aim of this paper is to study how the various sugar agreements with EU affect the sugar production in Mozambique and Tanzania. Therefore I am using a method called a most similar system design in this comparative case study. The conclusion is that the EU sugar regime is the main reason to how the sugar productions in developing countries are.

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