3198 Uppsatser om Political reform - Sida 37 av 214
Reform vs. Arbetsmiljö.
Handledning av lärarstudenter syftar till att låta lära, alltså att den handledde själv genom samtal kan dra slutsatser kring samtalets innehåll och sin lärandeprocess. Handledaren får rollen av medtänkare snarare än som hjälplärare eller modell att ta efter. I föreliggande studie undersöks fotoelicitering som metod för att låta den handledde leda handledningssamtalet. Fotoelicitering innebär att berätta med hjälp av bilder. I studien består bilderna av tre lärarstudenters fotografier, tagna under praktikperioden och i ett fall även under den teoretiska delen av lärarutbildningen.
Diskursiv dynamik och diskursiva strategier i miljöpolitiken: En analys av den svenska hållbar utveckling-diskursen i en Malmökontext
Hållbar utveckling har, allt sedan Brundtlandrapporten 1987 och Rio 1992, utgjort den fundamentala idén för långsiktiga miljö- och utvecklingspolitiska strävanden och kommit att dominera miljöpolitiken/policyn i många länder. Med utgångspunkt i Hajers teori om diskursiva strategier för ekologisk modernisering, studeras i denna uppsats (1) hur hållbar utveckling påverkat svensk miljöpolitisk diskurs samt (2) hur den diskursiva dynamiken kring skiftet i svensk miljöpolitik - från kretsloppstänkande och Agenda 21 till ekologisk modernisering - efter socialdemokratins nya vision om 'det gröna folkhemmet', bör förstås.I en fallstudie i Malmö studeras närmare hur förändringen av den miljöpolitiska diskursen återspeglas i en lokal kontext samt huruvida det är nationell styrning, lokal logik eller ömsesidiga samspel inom ramen för de diskursiva förändringarna som gör att den lokala praktiken 'blir vad den blir'..
Mänskliga rättigheter vid en naturkatastrof : En jämförelse mellan Haiti och Thailand
There are three main purposes for this thesis; the first is to distinguish the possible violations that can occur in time of natural disasters. The second is to analyze if there is a correlation between political systems and how the effected country handles the aftermath of a natural disaster. The third purpose is to determine the role of the global community and what responsibility lies with them. The issue is often that the aid becomes the main object for discussion and analysis, but the focus rarely shifts to the effected State. Therefore the focus in this essay is the political system and how they cope with the human rights violations that can occur in a time of natural disaster.
Multinationella företag som demokratifrämjare. Illustrerat av H&M:s CSR-arbete i Bangladesh
The main argument of the thesis is that multinational companies (MNCs) can promote democracy through corporate social responsibility (CSR). MNCs hold some prerequisites giving them the means to create positive changes. But they lack one important prerequisite: knowledge about local conditions. Therefore the best CSR result is reached through partnerships with local NGOs.H&M's CSR-work in Bangladesh, including a partnership with the Bangladeshi women's rights organisation Karmojibi Nari, serves as an illustrating case. It is argued that the CSR-work promotes democracy through strengthening the civil society, through indirectly implementing national laws concerning labour legislation and human rights and through raising awareness about rights and legislation among the workers.The CSR process changes the terms for both NGOs and MNCs.
Föreställningar om etnicitet som orsak till politiskt våld - ett antropologiskt perspektiv. En diskursanalys av artiklar i svensk dagspress om kriget i forna Jugoslavien 1991-1995
The aim of the thesis is to examine discourses about political violence categorised as ?ethnic? in academic literature and the media. Employing the method of discourse analysis, the study analyses news coverage of the wars in former Yugoslavia 1991-1995. The theory applied is based on Michel Foucault?s theory of the relationship between power and discourse in the constitution of knowledge, and the main arguments are supported by the work of the political scientist V.
Turkiet och Europa : En studie i identitetspolitik
The purpose of this Masters-thesis is to examine the impact of identity politics on (a) Turkey's foreign policy towards Europe and the EU, and (b) Europe's/EU's political attitude towards Turkey, and what implications this may have on a possibly future Turkish membership in the EU. It is a more interpreting thesis than it is an explaining one. The examination shows that Turkey has considered Europe as a political model, while Europe has used the muslime Turkey as a threat to determine its own identity. The negotiations between EU and Turkey this autumn will have great impact on the identity of both sites. If the EU accepted Turkey as a member, the union could gain a chance to spread democracy to the islamic world and thereby earn global respect.
Kvinnor i kommunala nämnder : En kvantitativ studie i kvinnopolitisk representation
Over the last decades there has been a steady increase in the representation of women on the political arena. Despite of this there are still fewer women in comparison to men in political organs particularly at the municipal level. It is therefore of great importance to examine which different factors that tend to effect the female representation at this level. Doctor of philosophy at Umeå University Jessika Wide presented in a study from 2000 that the share of women in the municipal councils tended to depend upon cultural, socio-economical and political factors. Other scholars also mean that women have specific interests and therefore are more represented in some areas.
Bakgrunden till Danmarks beslut att delta i Irakkriget - en fallstudie ur Anders Fogh Rasmussens perspektiv
In this essay we try to find explanations as to why Denmark went to war, to-gether with the United States and other nations, against Iraq. We have exam-ined several factors which we believe to be the most important for Denmark`s decision to go to war. In particular, we have looked at Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen and his belief system, Denmark`s recent domestic policies especially the immigrations policies, relevant parts of Denmark`s past foreign policies and Denmark`s role within international organizations like UN, NATO and EU. Throughout the essay our attention is focused on Rasmussen as a main actor in forming and pushing through Denmark`s policies..
Unesco, Malraux och ombildningens museum : Estetik och kosmopolitik i efterkrigstid
An inquiry into the post-war European aesthetic and political landscape should take the international organization Unesco?s colour reproductions and travelling exhibitions of paintings into consideration. In these, the organization implements André Malraux? idea of the ?imaginary museum? as a framework for a future cosmopolitical, aesthetic (and utopian) community. During the late 1940?s, the Swedish government also discusses the need for raising an ?aesthetic awareness? amongst their citizens as a consequence to a poor knowledge in the fine arts.
Ett rättfärdigt felande? Om civil olydnad inom den demokratiska staten
Civil disobedience constitutes an interesting ethical phenomena in the democraticstate since the people performing it consciously brakes laws and norms in societyfor purposes they themselves judge to be morally good and just. This thesisexamines whether the phenomena of civil disobedience is justifiable in ademocratic society.In this study civil disobedience is analyzed on two levels. First the problem isanalyzed on a theoretical level in relative to the three, by us established, values:respect for the law, the will of the majority and equality. Second, civildisobedience is analyzed on a more practical level where we test our theoreticalline of argument with the help of two example groups who engages in civildisobedience. The justification of civil disobedience is also analyzed through twoethical perspectives on acting, deontology and consequentialism.Our conclusion is that civil disobedience is justifiable on a theoretical level inrelative to the values we discuss.
SVIKTANDE ST?D TILL MILJ?POLITIK En kvantitativ studie kring politisk orientering och st?d till milj?politik i Sverige under kristider
Climate change is a major political challenge, and the public opinion can play a big role in
addressing it. It?s therefore relevant to examine which factors influence individuals? support
towards environmental policy. Previous research indicates that this can be understood from
political orientation (Jagers m.fl 2018, s. 86-7).
Sverige och implementering av EU-direktiv : En fallstudie av badvattendirektivet och arbetstidsdirektivet
The aim of this paper is to explain and compare non-compliance of two EU-directives, ?the quality of bathing water? and ?the working time directive?. This study answers the questions: Why didn?t Sweden implement the directive on bathing water quality and the working time directive correctly? Are the reasons for non-compliance the same or different in the two cases? The paper is designed as a case study and with an explanatory attempt we explain why the two directives weren?t implemented correctly in Sweden. The theoretical approach is based on both general- and EU-specific implementation theories.
?Regeringen skyndar p? ?tg?rder mot g?ngkriminaliteten - En kritisk diskursanalys om hur media framst?ller f?rebyggande ?tg?rder mot g?ngkriminalitet
Gang crime has increased significantly in Sweden over the past decade, deadly shootings are
becoming more common. This led to the year 2022 being established as the deadliest year in
Swedish crime statistics since the police began compiling national statistics on shootings. Gang
crime is, therefore, a highly relevant topic in the Swedish mass media. Besides the mass media,
the phenomenon is also of interest to politicians and the general public. Because of the
escalation of violence in Sweden, daily reports discuss the measures that should be implemented
to combat gang crime.
Insatser för arbetslösa ungdomar i Glasgow och Malmö : ur ett socialpolitiskt perspektiv
The purpose of this study was to compare Glasgow/ Scotland and Malmö/ Sweden concerning their efforts towards youth unemployment, in sense of the social policy related to the organization. We have particularly concentrated on; the direct and indirect political strategies for young unemployed; what specific efforts that are provided on a local level; finding explanations to the design of these efforts and describing the development of youth unemployment and labour market- policies in each country. We have based our study on literature studies and six qualitative interviews conducted with representatives from different organizations and the municipality in Glasgow and Malmö. The outcome of our essay showed some differences in the political strategies. Scotland work closer to the employers and labour market compared to Sweden whose policy more promotes education.
Att utforma den perfekta skandalen : En studie av hur Expressen rapporterade om SD-skandalen i november 2012
Title: How to Construct the Perfect Scandal ? a study of the news reported by Expressen concerning the SD-scandalAuthor: Linnea IvarssonThis C-paper presents the incident concerning the political party Sverigedemokraterna in Expressen in November 2012. The newspaper was the main source of the news reporting with the mobile phone camera film from the occurance and led the way of the news reporting in Sweden about three party members.The paper investigates how the story telling of the so called SD-scandal was constructed, using Critical Discourse Analysis as the analysis method combined with selected parts from the analysis method of critical linguistics. The theories that have been used to establish the results of the analysis are Critical Discourse as a theory based on Norman Fairclough and Teun A. van Dijks theoretical keystones combined with Sigurd Allerns and Ester Pollacks theories and schematic point of view on the constructions of political scandals in media.With the theories and analysis methods above mentioned the results turned out to confirm the theory about how political scandals in media are constructed and designed with certain strategies and agenda.