3198 Uppsatser om Political reform - Sida 11 av 214
Kvinnors politiska representation Hur kan den rumsliga variationen i Afrika förklaras?
During the last few years the countries in the African continent have experienced an enormous increase in female politicians on a national level. Rwanda is even the country with the highest number of female politicians in its parliament in the world. Despite this development in Africa, the quantitative research on women's political representation in the world has not yet paid attention to the situation there. Some of the surveys that have been done have even excluded countries that do not fit the homogeneous pattern ? which is precisely the problem with African countries ? for it to be possible to explain the situation with existing theories.The intention of this paper is therefore to, with all of the 53 African countries included in the study, examine whether the already existing explanatory factors regarding women's political representation also can be applied to an African context to explain the situation there.
Management by Tittarsiffror: en kritisk diskursanalys av hur SVT kom att förlora sin identitet och istället fann New Public Management
Den offentliga sektorn i Sverige har under de senaste decennierna påverkats av stora reformvågor. De bakomliggande idéströmningarna har kommit att gå under samlingsnamnet New Public Management där ekonomiska värden starkt betonas. Man menar att det inte bör göras någon skillnad mellan privata företag och offentliga organisationer i valet av organisationsstruktur och förspråkar att den offentliga sektorn närmar sig den privata sektorns organisationsstrukturer. Samtidigt har röster höjts kring att den offentligt-rättsliga public service-televisionen, SVT, kommit under starkt inflytande av dessa ekonomiska värden på bekostnad av de demokratiska och att detta är problematiskt.Studien tar utgångspunkt i dessa fenomen och undersöker med hjälp av diskursteoretiska utgångspunkter huruvida SVTs ledning agerar med utgångspunkt i en New Public Management-diskurs.Våra resultat visar att kritiken är befogad i det avseendet att det finns en tydlig NPM-prägel på den diskurs som ledningen brukar. Även när hänsyn tas till omkringliggande relevanta förändringar ter sig de förändringar som ägt rum inom SVT som utmärkande då man istället för att fokusera på sitt ursprungliga uppdrag och söka problematisera sitt förhållande till demokratin har kommit att prioritera dessa ekonomiska värden..
Historisk fiktion som försvar? : Ideologiskt historiebruk och politiska värderingar itre av Ivar Lo-Johanssons passionsnoveller
The Swedish working-class author Ivar Lo-Johansson (1901-1990) wrote a collection of one hundred short stories between the years 1968-1972. His other productions, generally speaking, have partially different social reform purposes, but, according to himself, these short stories were written with the intention to be totally free of tendencies (even though he himself doubted that he succeeded with this).During the same period that these short stories were published, the Swedish social democrats were under the challenge of radical movements that, mainly on the radical left?s ideological foundation, had a relatively strong influence in Sweden, among other countries, from the mid 1960?s to the late 1970?s. Since Lo-Johansson mainly seemed to have supported the politics of the social democrats, the purpose of the investigation in this thesis has been to see if he ? in the three short stories: Vikingakärlek (1970), Rikslögnaren (1971) and Ansgars resa till Sverige (1972) ? is conveying an ideological use of history and basic political values that were used by the social democratic party during this time period.
Bibliotek, bokomslag och barn : En fenomenografisk undersökning av bibliotekspersonals uppfattningar om bokomslagens betydelse för barn och ungdomar
The Swedish working-class author Ivar Lo-Johansson (1901-1990) wrote a collection of one hundred short stories between the years 1968-1972. His other productions, generally speaking, have partially different social reform purposes, but, according to himself, these short stories were written with the intention to be totally free of tendencies (even though he himself doubted that he succeeded with this).During the same period that these short stories were published, the Swedish social democrats were under the challenge of radical movements that, mainly on the radical left?s ideological foundation, had a relatively strong influence in Sweden, among other countries, from the mid 1960?s to the late 1970?s. Since Lo-Johansson mainly seemed to have supported the politics of the social democrats, the purpose of the investigation in this thesis has been to see if he ? in the three short stories: Vikingakärlek (1970), Rikslögnaren (1971) and Ansgars resa till Sverige (1972) ? is conveying an ideological use of history and basic political values that were used by the social democratic party during this time period.
Biblioteksresurser och måluppfyllelse. En lokal undersökning av skolbibliotekens relation till grundskolans måluppfyllelse i Norrtälje kommun
The Swedish working-class author Ivar Lo-Johansson (1901-1990) wrote a collection of one hundred short stories between the years 1968-1972. His other productions, generally speaking, have partially different social reform purposes, but, according to himself, these short stories were written with the intention to be totally free of tendencies (even though he himself doubted that he succeeded with this).During the same period that these short stories were published, the Swedish social democrats were under the challenge of radical movements that, mainly on the radical left?s ideological foundation, had a relatively strong influence in Sweden, among other countries, from the mid 1960?s to the late 1970?s. Since Lo-Johansson mainly seemed to have supported the politics of the social democrats, the purpose of the investigation in this thesis has been to see if he ? in the three short stories: Vikingakärlek (1970), Rikslögnaren (1971) and Ansgars resa till Sverige (1972) ? is conveying an ideological use of history and basic political values that were used by the social democratic party during this time period.
Kan läslust bygga demokrati? En undersökning av huruvida ett läsfrämjandeprojekt i Tensta hade en positiv effekt på elevernas språkutveckling
The Swedish working-class author Ivar Lo-Johansson (1901-1990) wrote a collection of one hundred short stories between the years 1968-1972. His other productions, generally speaking, have partially different social reform purposes, but, according to himself, these short stories were written with the intention to be totally free of tendencies (even though he himself doubted that he succeeded with this).During the same period that these short stories were published, the Swedish social democrats were under the challenge of radical movements that, mainly on the radical left?s ideological foundation, had a relatively strong influence in Sweden, among other countries, from the mid 1960?s to the late 1970?s. Since Lo-Johansson mainly seemed to have supported the politics of the social democrats, the purpose of the investigation in this thesis has been to see if he ? in the three short stories: Vikingakärlek (1970), Rikslögnaren (1971) and Ansgars resa till Sverige (1972) ? is conveying an ideological use of history and basic political values that were used by the social democratic party during this time period.
Medborgarna och demokratin. En fallstudie om medborgardeltagande och medborgarinflytande i Helsingborg utifrån ett deltagardemokratiskt perspektiv
People are given better opportunities to participate in polity today. Democratic equality entails that all individuals are equal and therefore they should be included in the process of making the decisions. How can participation be defined and does it mean that having the possibility to participate means that people can influence the process of making the decisions in polity process?This paper focuses on participation and influence in polity and examine the relationship between having the possibility to participate and having the possibility to actually influence polity process on more local level. Therefore I have been examining the citizens? participation and influence in Helsingborg which is my case study.
Terrorismens orsaker : Om skapandet av generella kausalteorier när det gäller uppkomsten av terrorism
The first of the dual purposes of this work has been to describe the research that has been done regarding the root causes of terrorism and second, using a general causal theory and examining the political dimensions of it, to discuss whether or not general causal theories (grand-theories) are helpful for researchers and policy-makers when reacting to social developments in the form of terrorism. The essay is a qualitative literature analysis and I have based my studies on mostly new books treating root causes of terrorism. I have concentrated on discussing international terrorism and how political dimensions may impact the occurence of this form of political violence. The conclusions I have made is that there is no widespread consensus among researchers and scholars as to what really causes terrorism. Neither can the general model examined in chapter 5 be used to predict when and where terrorism will occur next.
"Vill man skapa ett bättre samhälle gäller det att inte stanna vid ett område." : En studie om fyra unga lokalpolitikers uppfattningar av politiskt engagemang.
This examination project is an investigation about the opinion and comprehension for political engagement of four young municipal politicians. The purpose with this project is to describe and understand the pronounced comprehension for political engagement. There is also an intention to investigate the educational in discussing political engagement with students in social studies at upper secondary school. The method that has been used is ?map of conceptions? because of its appropriate way to elucidate the comprehension and understanding of a certain subject. Those four young municipal politicians see political engagement as the will to improve the community. There is also an importance to have a large engagement in more areas than just one.
När etnicitet står i fokus - En fallstudie av Kenyas presidentval 2007
This thesis discusses the 2007 elections in Kenya, and its aftermath. The aim is to examine whether or not ethnicity played a major role in the outbreak of violence that followed the referendum. As well as different theories and discussions on ethnicity, I will also try to explain the course of events by using theories of increased civil violence during a democratic transition, and the fact that weak political institutions can cause violence. My conclusion is that ethnicity has played a part in the violence, but is too simple to blame the events following the election on just that. A number of different factors all contributed to the outbreak, but all to a different extent.
Information management inom humanitära frivilligorganisationer. En kartläggning och utvärdering av informationsbevarande inom svenska Röda Korsets huvudkontor
The Swedish working-class author Ivar Lo-Johansson (1901-1990) wrote a collection of one hundred short stories between the years 1968-1972. His other productions, generally speaking, have partially different social reform purposes, but, according to himself, these short stories were written with the intention to be totally free of tendencies (even though he himself doubted that he succeeded with this).During the same period that these short stories were published, the Swedish social democrats were under the challenge of radical movements that, mainly on the radical left?s ideological foundation, had a relatively strong influence in Sweden, among other countries, from the mid 1960?s to the late 1970?s. Since Lo-Johansson mainly seemed to have supported the politics of the social democrats, the purpose of the investigation in this thesis has been to see if he ? in the three short stories: Vikingakärlek (1970), Rikslögnaren (1971) and Ansgars resa till Sverige (1972) ? is conveying an ideological use of history and basic political values that were used by the social democratic party during this time period.
Vårdval - med vilka motiv? En motivanalys
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka regeringens motiv till en föreslagen marknadsorienterad reform av primärvården, vårdval i Sverige. Genom en analys av över tjugo texter från den offentliga diskussionen om vårdval, nationellt och i landstingen Halland, Stockholm och Skåne där vårdvalsmodeller är initierade, ges läsaren inblick i en pågående reformprocess. Centrala aktörer, den politiska majoriteten och oppositionen, läkare och akademiker, finns representerade i analysen eftersom det krävs en bred ansats med inte bara regeringens texter utan även andra aktörers röster för att förstå motiven till reformen.Tre teoretiska perspektiv med kompletterande förslag till varför förändring sker används i analysen. Två från nyinstitutionell teori, ett symbolperspektiv och ett verktygsperspektiv, samt ett maktperspektiv.En rationell diskussion dominerar de analyserade texterna där reformen är ett verktyg för att nå resultat, som att öka besöken i primärvården och att skapa konkurrens mellan vårdgivare. Med symbolperspektivet föreslås ideologiskt förändringstryck eller strävan efter legitimitet vara de drivande motiven.
Spelar skolbiblioteket någon roll? Hur elever från grundskolans år 9 söker, finner och väljer ut information till egna fördjupningsarbeten
The Swedish working-class author Ivar Lo-Johansson (1901-1990) wrote a collection of one hundred short stories between the years 1968-1972. His other productions, generally speaking, have partially different social reform purposes, but, according to himself, these short stories were written with the intention to be totally free of tendencies (even though he himself doubted that he succeeded with this).During the same period that these short stories were published, the Swedish social democrats were under the challenge of radical movements that, mainly on the radical left?s ideological foundation, had a relatively strong influence in Sweden, among other countries, from the mid 1960?s to the late 1970?s. Since Lo-Johansson mainly seemed to have supported the politics of the social democrats, the purpose of the investigation in this thesis has been to see if he ? in the three short stories: Vikingakärlek (1970), Rikslögnaren (1971) and Ansgars resa till Sverige (1972) ? is conveying an ideological use of history and basic political values that were used by the social democratic party during this time period.
Att följa piskan eller hjärtat? : Partisammanhållningens utveckling i riksdagen efterpersonvalsreformens tillkomst
This thesis aims at studying the development of the party cohesion in the Swedish national parliament, riksdagen, after the introduction of preference voting in the election of 1998. The party cohesion has been measured during parliamentary sessions before and after the reform. The result of the cohesion during each of the sessions has then been compared towards each other. The cohesion was measured between the members of parliament viewed as a whole, and within the party groups during the different sessions. The research method being used has been a quantified statistical voting analysis, making the comparisons of party cohesion during the different parliamentary sessions as easy as possible.
Är enfrågepartier politiskt relevanta? : En studie av enfrågepartier i svenska kommunfullmäktige mandatperioden 2007-2010
The main purpose of this essay was to study whether niche parties that were represented in municipal councils in Sweden during the 2007-2010 term of office were politically relevant. Furthermore, factors that might facilitate political relevance for niche parties were studied. Political relevance was studied using two theoretical perspectives. The objective model of political relevance presents four categories of relevance based on the relations between political parties in a political assembly; governing parties, coalition parties, blackmail parties and isolated parties. The subjective model of political relevance relies on the party representatives? own judgments of the relevance of their parties.