

3559 Uppsatser om Political actors. - Sida 27 av 238

KLIMATKONFERENSEN I KÖPENHAMN : En jämförande analys av Kinas och EU:s agerande för ett bindande klimatavtal

Abstract  This paper examines the Copenhagen Climate Conference held in the Bella Center in Copenhagen, December 2009. The aim of this paper was to analyse the highly anticipated conference, and why it did not result in a binding protocol between the world?s states. The focus of this paper was to examine two key actors in the Copenhagen negotiations: the people?s republic of China and the European Union.

Traditionalism mot Modernism : Svenska Vänsterpartiets ideologidebatt idag

AbstractC-level in Political Science by Christoffer Odén, vt-08?Traditionalism versus Modernism. The Ideology Debate in Left-Socialist Party Today?Instructor: Mats LindbergThe purpose with this essay is to describe the ideology debate in Left-Socialist Party between traditionalists and modernists. This essay have the following questions: 1 ) What are the differences between traditional and modern politics in the Left-Socialist Party? 2 ) What is similar between traditional and modern politics in the Left-Socialist Party? My method is to analyse the Left-Socialist Party programme from 2004 and analyse a programme from the modernist organisation Vagval Vanster.

Finska immigranter i Katrineholm : Politiska hegemoniers och sociala relationers betydelse för immigranters politiska integration och aktörskap i ett svenskt lokalsamhälle 1944-1991

The present memorandum outlines the structure, theoretical starting points and disposition of a thesis about the activities of Finnish immigrants in a Swedish local community, more specifically their political integration. The intention is to study the municipality of Katrineholm in the years 1944 to 1991.Previous research about the actorship of immigrants in spheres such as politics, labour unions, immigrant associations, educational associations and mass-education, as well as churches and religion, is presented to give an overview of possible areas connected to political integration that can be studied. The overview of previous research also covers local immigrant politics.The intended theoretical starting points for the proposed thesis are political economy and hegemony. The latter is intended to be investigated through its expression in the social relations class, gender, ethnicity, nationality and generation. It is suggested in this memorandum that hegemonies and social relations within a local political economy can be operationalised fruitfully in a study of political integration.

Tjänst eller björntjänst? En studie av europaparlamentarikernas röstningsbeteende gällande EU: s tjänstedirektiv

When studying the voting behaviour of the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) concerning the Services Directive within the EU, what patterns can be observed? With a starting point in previous findings about voting behaviour, this study analyses the results of the given Roll-call votes in the European Parliament in regards to the Services Directive. Here I focus on the division of votes within and between the member states and the parliamentary political groups; with the aim to identify patterns that might show clash of opinion concerning this issue. I found that ideology seems to play a role in the MEPs voting behaviour. Parties on the far left reach the highest level of cohesion and together with the party on the far right, they voted against the Directive, but due to different reasons.

Obehörig vinst -- en möjlighet eller onödighet?

SummaryUnjustified enrichment is an obvious part of the jurisprudence in the majority of countries in Europe. But not in the Nordic countries, and certainly not in Sweden. This depiction of the Swedish posture is based mostly on Hellner?s thesis from 1950. A lot has happened since then, not to mention Sweden?s entry in to the EU.

Offentlig konst och offentlig makt

The main purpose of the culture is to serve people and represent the people's social will and freedom. Culture does not exist in a vacuum but shaped and framed by political and artistic structures that are not neutral, and this is why the artwork itself cannot be an independent business. The public function of art can be understood as a defense of the ideals of democracy. But today, when political power is often replaced by hegemony, the role of art and functions are changing. How these changes reflect to the identity, reality and truth of society? What political functions are fulfilled when art becomes ?public?? The issue of democracy is linked question of people?s power in a democratic society where power is legitimized in social space.

Dags att förändra den svenska utnämningspolitiken! En idéanalys

This paper discuss the possibilities to improve the Swedish political nomination system. It brings up some of the values and norms that can be used to change the existing system. Values as openness, the demand of responsibility and also if there is values from the American spoils system that can be used in the Swedish system. A minor purpose is to discuss the part of the parliament within the nomination process. To investigate this I have some theoretical starting points and a self constructed analysis tool.

How streaming media can be used in commercial mass

Mass distribution with techniques as multicast and peer-to-peer are becoming increasingly important in the Internet. Today the distribution of sound and video over Internet, so called streaming media, is static due to the unicast method. This results in a linear increase of distribution costs and therefore no conditions for commercial scalability. This thesis describes why multicast may be the only scalable alternative for commercial mass distribution of streaming media over Internet. Mass distribution through peer-to-peer technology promises a lot but is fronting a couple of great challenges, for example asymmetric bandwidth, locality and legalization.

Drogpreventivt arbete bland ungdomar 15-18 år i Landskrona kommun

Our main aim has been to examine and analyse how Landskrona Commune is working with preventive measures against narcotics among youth in the agespan 15-18 years old. The central issues have been to examine how you work preventively, which measures are taken when someone has tested/used narcotics and how the cooperation works between the different actors. To get answers to our questions, we chose to interview and observe specialists coming I contact with the youth. We have also used previous researches by using existing literature on the subject.Our work has been based on an historical review of Swedish politics and the lawful aspects on the use of narcotics.The concepts used to answer our questions are preventive-, secondary- and tertiary prevention. We have found that the preventive work is of importance to the youth, the parents and society.

Delaktighet, Dialog & Demokrati

The concept of democracy is of importance to the Swedish educational system. The best proof of that is the central position democracy has had in the education program we attended at the Örebro university. This study analyses the concept of democracy and its leading foundation, namely the so-called ?deliberative dialog?. The last is belived to be an ideal of democracy which schools in Sweden should follow.

Vision och verklighet - En analys av jämställdhetsimplementering

This thesis treats the question of how a political vision is given a concrete form. The Swedish government has defined a view of gender inequality. To change the subordination of women national goals have been established. These give guidelines to the different parts of the administration. The primary scope of this thesis is to analyse the conditions for the implementation of these goals in two parts of the administration, the county administrative board and the local municipal authority.

Från väpnad oppositionsgrupp till politiskt parti- En komparativ studie om transformeringen och institutionaliseringen av RENAMO, FRELIMO och SWAPO i Moçambique och Namibia

This thesis explores and compares the former armed opposition groups; Mozambique National Resistance (RENAMO), Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (FRELIMO) and South West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO) transformation processes into political parties. The first question addressed is; What factors determines the ability of these armed opposition groups to transform into political parties after armed conflict? The question is addressed through four structural and organizational factors; international involvement, the organizations ideology and identity, their ability to change inter-elite relationships and their ability to change collective incentive strategies. The second question addressed is if the transformations process can affect the parties? degree of institutionalization? The degree of institutionalization is examined through the party's adaptility, complexity, autonomy and coherence.

Försvarsministern som försvarade sin ståndpunkt - en analys av försvarsminister Mikael Odenbergs avgång

Political exit from governments is an unusual phenomenon within Swedish politics. The purpose of this essay is, from an ethical perspective, to particularize, understand and analyze the actions of the Swedish minister of defence, Mikael Odenberg, in his decision to exit the government in September 2007. We will put light on the ethical conflict Odenberg apprehended, the courses of actions and finally his ability to solve the ethical dilemma. The conclusion is that the case of Odenberg involves several dimensions of the conflict, associated with a succession of different loyalties. Odenberg were in two minds whether to act up to his own conviction or be in sympathy with the government.

Demokratisering utifrån- En fallstudie om demokratiseringsprocessen i etniskt splittrade Bosnien Hercegovina

After the fall of communism in Yugoslavia the ethnic resentment grew stronger and escalated in to interethnic civil conflict in 1992. After international intervention the General Framework Agreement for Peace (GFAP) installed peace in 1995. The treaty's aim was not only to establish peace but also to institute democracy in Bosnia. The OSCE were given the task to implement democracy within political institutions and civil society. This in a country with a lack of democratic experience and where great problems with ethnic antagonism still exists.By using democratization and transition theory this single case-study examines how democracy is implemented in Bosnia by the OSCE and clarifies difficulties that this democratization process is facing.

OS i Kina, oberoende idrott eller politisk propaganda? : A Study of the Chinese Regime?s Political involvement, in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

The aim of this paper is to describe which view the Chinese government in connection with the Olympics wants to display for the natural world and analyze if this view coincide with China?s foreign-policy goals. A qualitative content analysis is used. By using the theory of rational choice and a model with three different political approaches I want to examine whether or not the foreign-policy goals of the Chinese regime comport with the view that displays in two major newspapers in China. Since the runoff voting in Moscow in 2001 for the 2008 Olympics the Chinese government has been able to act rational and to compose different strategies to use the Games in Beijing for political propaganda.

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