

2347 Uppsatser om Policy programs - Sida 49 av 157

Restinformation i elektroniska textdokument

Some word processing programs save information that not all users of the program are aware of. This information consists of a number of things. Example of that is who the writer of the document is, the time it took to write it and where on the computer the document is saved. Text that has been changed or removedcan also be saved. This information is not shown in the program and the user will therefore not be aware of its existence.

Urval vid digitalisering av affischer på Kungl. biblioteket

This thesis presents a study aiming to identify the selection criteria for the digitization of posters at the National Library of Sweden (Kungl. biblioteket). The theory is that cultural heritage institutions are empowered to decide how our cultural heritage is presented as they select what items (or, as in this study, posters) will be digitized. The poster is studied as it is an interesting media form which historically was an important means of communication. The poster can represent and reflect historical events and opinions in society.

Environmental work in preschools : three case studies in Uppsala

Environmental issues are global problems and they are a major challenge for any successful organizational business worldwide. Many challenges and opportunities emerge during the certification process of an EMS. Therefore it is interesting to contribute in understanding these emerging problems during this process.The aim of this study is to explore how the environmental objectives could be achieved at preschools in Uppsala, investigate the perceived challenges and opportunities and to identify the outcome of implementing the ISO 14001, Green Flag at such set up.A qualitative method is used and three Green Flag certified preschools, affiliated to the Uppsala Municipality and located at different geographical location were selected. A structured interview with the environmental representatives from the preschools and the municipality was completed. The so-called PDCA-cycle as a method of evaluating sustainable development and analysing the imperial data is used.The study showed that environmental certification constitutes a great challenge for the municipality of Uppsala.

?To help them to be wise? Balanserat bestånd i svenska folkbibliotek 2007

The aim of this thesis is to examine the term balanced collection in relation to Swedish laws and the democratic assignment. The Unesco Public Library Manifesto states that libraries are to formulate a policy defining objectives, priorities and services in relation to local community needs. The Swedish Libraries Act, paragraph 7, states that municipalities and counties shall adopt plans for library services. To fulfil our aim we will answer the following questions. By which terms is the democratic assignment visible in Swedish public libraries collection development policies? Is the term balanced collection used in Swedish public libraries collection development policies? If not, are there categories describing balanced collection? Do the terms in Swedish collection development policies differ to the six categories found by Farooq M.

Vem räknar vad och hur? : En studie av gymnasiematematiken i yrkeslivet

This thesis tries to describe the use of mathematics in some workplace tasks. In particular the math corresponding to subjects of high school math courses B, C and D, is identified. Furthermore, the study attempts to analyze the nature of the way in which this math comes to use. This is represented by six different competences. Interviews with five (5) professionals, within different areas, are the main sources of information for this study.

Va' vad det vi sa... : Representationer av sharia i Europaparlamentet och dess möjliga konsekvenser för EU:s mångfaldstänkande, enhetspolitik och muslimsk identitet i Europa

Muslims and islam are unquestionably a part of European social life. In recent times, however, different events, such as the enlargement of the EU and the fact that muslims to a higher extent demand their rights, have brought a number of questions to the fore concerning muslims and islam in Europe. Moreover, we can see an increasing level of islamophobia in contemporary Europe, but also that the EU has launched several programs to increase both the diversity and the unity throughout the Union and to combat islamophobia. However, most of these programs focus on islam as religion and muslims in general, and such a narrow viewpoint runs the risk of missing important issues.In this new context it would be interesting to widen the scope and ask what place not only the muslim community and islam, but also sharia (an important element in islam), may have in future Europe ? especially when it comes to muslim identity?My main objects are to see how the concept of sharia is constructed in the debates in the European Parliament, how that discourse relates to a social practice ? the increasing islamophobic ideas in Europe ? and what effect this may have on muslim identity in a European context.The results shows that the Parliament constructs sharia as, for example, something archaic, threatening, inhuman and misogynistic.

Implementeringen av jämställdhetsintegrering i EU - En studie om problem i implementeringen av strategin och förutsättningar för ett effektivt genomförande med fokus på perspektiven top-down, bottom-up och genus

This essay focuses on the implementation of the strategy gender mainstreaming in the European Union and the member states. It starts to identify problems connected to the implementation process and recognizes significant prerequisites for an efficient implementation of the strategy. The main problems and prerequisites are: political will, governance and structure and knowledge about gender equality. The empirical material consists of reports from the EU that touches upon gender mainstreaming and gender equality. The problems and prerequisites will be analysed in relation to the governance perspectives top-down and bottom-up and expert bureaucratic and participative democratic and gender and feminism.

Avveckling av överkonsolidering i försäkringsverksamhet : fallet SPP

As an assurance company has an overconsolidation which must be settled the question that needs to be solved is how to do it. Which are the legal rules that the assurance company has to look after? What is a settling of overconsolidation in a legal meaning? Does an assurancepolicy have to be decided? Why did not the Swedish competition authority (Konkurrensverket) accept the policy from SPP and what can be the consequenses of that decision? Are there any tax rules that needs to be solved?.

Flexibel ljudinspelning för talkvalitetsanalys

This report describes how wavefiles can be recorded with programs written in the C++ language . The report also describes how the recorded sound is handled before it can be analyzed. The report describes the different parts that make a wave file to a wave file and how Windows handle these files. There is always some silence or noise of unknown length that passes through the system before some interesting sound arrives. That silence or nose must not be recorded and therefore some function must be developed that can detect interesting sound or speech.

Gemensamma åtgärder i harmoni? : En beskrivande fallstudie av regional miljöpolitisk koordination mellan nationell och internationell nivå.

 The aim and scope of this study is to describe the coordination of joint efforts concerning chemicals and hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea region, between the Swedish Chemicals Agency (KemI) and the land-based pollution group of the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM LAND). Based on the description of the coordination, the second aim is to discuss the consequences for the Swedish Chemicals Agency in its policy shaping work towards a nontoxic environment. A qualitative and descriptive case study method is used for this purpose. Theories of coordination and achievement-inducing criteria for environmental goals are applied to the case. Components and related processes of coordination are applied to the descriptive part of the study, whilst the achievement-inducing criteria are applied in the discussion.

Europeisk medborgardialog? : En implementeringsstudie av Plan D som i demokrati,dialog och debatt

In an effort to strengthen democracy in the union, the EU in 2005 took a new approach to communications policy to reach out to the citizens. The strategic document "Plan D for Democracy, Dialogue and Debate" was accompanied by two other documents, and the three of them were the core of this policy. Both democracy and communications work means at EU level a higher complexity than in the nation-state arena. Objective of this study is to examine how the implementation of Plan D has turned out in a democracy renewal perspective. To achieve that answers are sought to questions concerning the goals of Plan D, how they are still present today, what happened in practice regarding the efforts that are highlighted, and how the substance of the activities can be judged from a democratic theory perspective.

Om arbetslaget och lärares lärande : En fallstudie av arbetslagets betydelse för pedagogers lärande om undervisning och lärande

The aim of this essay is to study the importance of team organisation of teachers? learning of teaching and learning and to find out different obstacles and possibilities.I carried out the study at a schooldistrict in a community in the south of Sweden. Data was collected by group interviews and document studies. To get all kinds of teachers, from pre-school to year six, in the groups the sample was made by the headmaster of the schooldistrict. Since it is a case study the findings can not be considered as general, but they can hopefully contribute the pedagogical discussion and future research.The findings show that there exists a difference between the expectations on policy level on the one hand and on the team level on the other hand.

Googles varumärkespolicy : En föränddring av varumärkets värde?

During September 2010, Google decided to change their trade mark policy to allow keywords which is equal to an already own trademark to be offered to all who intend to link the word to their ad. They offered a service for this called Adwords. The update followed since The Court Of Justice (CoJ) stated that Google does not commit trade mark infringement by doing this. The question to answer is whether the proprietors of trademarks can do something to stop them from being used by competitors as keywords in Adwords. CoJ has stated that the advertisers are infringing the exclusive right of a trademark if the used keyword is identical to the trademark, the commercial focuses on products that is identical to the products which are registered on the trademark and if the commercial makes it difficult or impossible to an average internet user to decide whether the products originate from the proprietor, a company which has a financial connection to the proprietor or a third party.

"TILL SYVENDE OCH SIST ÄR DET VI SOM BESTÄMMER" En undersökning av folkbibliotekariers syn på användare på fyra filmavdelningar

The aim of this master´s thesis is to examine how librarian´s views of the users can vary for different types of materials in public libraries. We have seen that literature and reading are the central parts of the libraries in Sweden. All other types of media are traditionally seen as complements and in focus for the study is feature film as an example of these other medias. We examine policy documents to see the official view of the general target group of the libraries and compare it to the view of the users of feature films as expressed by the librarians. The study includes several different types of empirical materials such as interviews, observations and documents and the method used is case studies.

Tjänar amerikansk media utrikespolitiska maktintressen? : En granskning av två amerikanska tidningars rapportering av statskuppen i Honduras sommaren 2009

AbstractEssay in Political Science, D-level, spring 2010. ?Do the American mass media serve foreign policy interests? ? A scrutiny of two American newspapers? coverage of the coup d?état in Honduras in the summer of 2009?, Author: David Scott. Tutor: Anders Broman The bias of the American mass media has been widely discussed among scholars. Not only has this phenomenon caught the attention of political scientists, but also academics from other scientific fields.

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