

142 Uppsatser om Plumbing replacement - Sida 2 av 10

ART (Aggression Replacement Training) - en resurs i grundskolan?

Vi har i vårt arbete studerat hur ART (Aggressive Replacement Training) som metod kan användas ute i skolans värld. Frågan vi ställde oss var: Kan ART användas som resurs i grundskolan och i så fall hur? Arbetet syftar till att belysa och konkretisera ART både som behandlingsmetod för elever med aggressivt beteende samt i förlängningen, integrerat i skolverksamheten som skolämne. I teoridelen beskriver vi ART utifrån litteratur i ämnet, tillvägagångssätt och metodik. I empiridelen har vi intervjuat både elever och pedagoger/tränare ute i verksamheten.

Att växa som individ i ett könsfokuserat samhälle : Perspektiv på moralutveckling och ART

Moral och moralutveckling är ett komplext område som kan vara viktigt att belysa i socialt arbete, då det visat sig att ungdomar med ett normbrytande beteende ofta har en lägre moralnivå än andra ungdomar. Det kan därför hävdas att det finns ett behov av moralfrämjande insatser inom ramen för behandling. Studiens syfte är att undersöka moralutveckling och ställa detta mot behandlingsprogrammet Aggression Replacement Training för att se hur de moralbildande komponenterna är tänkta att främja normbrytande ungdomars moralutveckling. Ett vidare syfte är att undersöka hur moralteorier och ART kan förstås ur ett genusperspektiv. I Studien används scoping samt en riktad innehållsanalys för att tematisera manual, forskning och litteratur.

Den svenska arbetslöshetsförsäkringens effekter på långtidsarbetslösheten

This is an examination of the Swedish unemployment insurance system and the effects it has on the Swedish long-term unemployment. A search model is explained to give an understanding to the incentives of the unemployed. Different mechanisms that create unemployment and that could create long-term unemployment are investigated, but primarily the unemployment insurance is in focus.The Swedish unemployment insurance has undergone several changes the last fifteen years that have improved its efficiency. The introduction of a finite duration of unemployment insurance entitlement was an important step and so was the decrease in the replacement ratio. Even so, I assess that there is still room for improvements of the incentives to search for work among the unemployed.

Energieffektivisering av arbetsbodar på byggarbetsplatser

Everyone has to take a greater responsibility in energy issues, both individuals and companies. There have been some major developments in the construction industry but there is still a lot to be done. This diploma work thesis presents different methods of making existing construction shed establishments to use less energy. What is possible to do and how much energy is there to be saved? A shed establishment consisting of 8 shed units were studied in this project and the building simulation tool VIP-Energy was used to simulate different types of material in the sheds. An infrared camera was used to locate thermal bridges. There are several factors that can be improved to make a construction shed establishment to use less energy.

Klassificering och värdering av finansiella instrument : Ett tillförlitlighetsperspektiv

During the financial crisis voices were raised towards the regulatory framework IAS 39 recognition and measurement of financial instruments and pointed out that it was inadequate. The complexity of the framework contributed to the fact that it was difficult to apply. IASB accelerated the modeling of the new to be regulatory framework IFRS 9. In this study we will focus on the reliability of accounting information, which is an important aspect from the stakeholder?s point of view, for example, to be able to make the best decisions the accounting information should be proper.

Jämställdhet, barnarbete eller miljöarbete

ABSTRACTIn this study, five people were interviewed who are involved in a drug-assisted program for opiate addiction, also called substitution program. The meaning of substitution is that these clients' drug addiction is replaced with substitute preparations, either methadone or Subutex in an orderly manner. The clients of the researcher decided to study the substitution program have all been a heavy opiate addiction for years. Their participation in the replacement program is more than two years, and those who have been around the longest have been in the program for six years, so long as the substitution program has existed in Visby.This is a qualitative study in which interviews are conducted face to face with each individual client, and the interview was unstructured in the sense that no specific issues made in advance. The interviews have been themed, and the researcher has gone through various areas of life around the respondent.

Legionella i tappvattensystem. Förekomst och förebyggnade-en redogörelse.

Legionella can be prevented, the question is how. This report is a degree in construction engineering education at Chalmers University in Gothenburg. A comprehensive written publication for Legionella-safe plumbing installations is not available and therefore requested. The purpose of this report is to present preventative measures against Legionella bacteria growth in tap water and in other systems where Legionella bacteria are a potential problem. Technical solutions are presented including how different systems function and what their advantages and disadvantages are.

En studie i SiS-placerade ungdomars upplevelser av och attityder till ART

I dagens samhälle ökar våldsbrotten bland ungdomar och våld, hot, mobbning och vandalism är vanligt förekommande. Vi har valt att titta på aggressioner hos ungdomar ur olika perspektiv, främst inlärningsteori och kognitiv teori. Samhället behöver ge ungdomar verktyg för att kunna agera annorlunda än med aggression i olika situationer, ett sätt är behandlingsmetoden ART. ART (Aggression Replacement Training) är en behandlingsmodell som syftar till att ge personer sociala alternativ till ilska och aggressioner. Genom ett antal kvalitativa intervjuer på två SIS-institutioner, där ungdomar med tung social problematik är placerade genom LVU och LSU, har vi försökt komma underfund med vad ungdomarna som genomgått behandlingen har för åsikter om den och om de själva tror sig kunna ha nytta av behandlingen även i framtiden.

?Jag vill bara ha ett vanligt Svensson liv?. : ? En kvalitativ studie om sociala faktorers inverkan på missbruksfrihet.

ABSTRACTIn this study, five people were interviewed who are involved in a drug-assisted program for opiate addiction, also called substitution program. The meaning of substitution is that these clients' drug addiction is replaced with substitute preparations, either methadone or Subutex in an orderly manner. The clients of the researcher decided to study the substitution program have all been a heavy opiate addiction for years. Their participation in the replacement program is more than two years, and those who have been around the longest have been in the program for six years, so long as the substitution program has existed in Visby.This is a qualitative study in which interviews are conducted face to face with each individual client, and the interview was unstructured in the sense that no specific issues made in advance. The interviews have been themed, and the researcher has gone through various areas of life around the respondent.

Planering av robotstall på Gästgivaregården Blacksta

This work has been done to develop a plan for a future dairy barn at theGästgivaregården and to show the space needed for cows and replacement heifers. Itwould also show the storage that will be needed. The design was largely based on resultsfrom studies on six different farms, but also the facts that are taken from research papersand articles in order to compare theory with practice. Because some farms only whereinterviewed by phone I have used a query form to obtain comparable resultes.The aim is to build a new barn with Automatic milking. I've drawn a milking stable for120 milking cow and replacement heifers with the capability to house up to 140 milkingcows if the farm would expand in the future.Calculations of feed amounts and space requirements have been made to see how manyhectares are needed to supply the cows and replacement heifers with feed and to knowabout what size of storage space is required.The investigations made in this writing are to answer questions about the AMS-unit`sposition and how to best maintain a good health status in the herd.

Effekter av Aggression Replacement Training Program inom Kriminalvården

Huvudsyftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka effekterna av aggressionsersättningsträning (ART) program på tre kriminalvårdsanstalter och två frivårdskontor. Huvudfrågeställningen som belyses i studien är: förändras deltagarna i ART-program med avseende på empati och attityder till kriminalitet? För att besvara dessa frågor har vi utfört för- och eftertester på tre kriminalvårdsanstalter och två frivårdskontor. Instrumenten som användes i testerna är Davis Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) och Mill's Measures of Criminal Attitudes and Associates (MCAA).Slutsatserna som kan dras utifrån denna studie är att den emotionella empati-komponenten "personal distress" visar en minskning som kan förklaras av interaktionen med ART.The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of Aggression Replacement Training (ART) program in some of the prisons and probation authorities of the Swedish correctional system. The specific questions we are trying to answer are: (1) does ART-program change the clients' empathic concern and (2) does ART-program help in changing participants' attitudes towards criminality? This investigation is based on a quantitative inquiry consisting of Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) and Measures of Criminal Attitudes and Associates (MCAA) tests.The overall results of this study indicate that the emotional empathy-component "personal distress" shows a statistically significant reduction, which can be explained by the interaction with ART..

Urea som kvävekälla till växande ungnöt

The purpose of this study was to examine whether urea could be an option as a nitrogen source for young cattle, the study was limited to risks related to feeding, growth and feed efficiency. Microbes in ruminants have the ability to convert nitrogen to protein, this has been highlighted by beef producers as they are in search of cheap protein feed resources. Urea can be a worthy source of nitrogen for growing young animals, because of its high nitrogen content and the low price. Studies have shown that the replacement of a portion of the total protein content by urea in diets with low content of crude protein, like corn silage, may improve animal growth and feed efficiency. Replacement of all the true protein with urea can result in reduced feed intake and microbial growth.

Private equity - styrning av tre portföljbolag; En komparativ fallstudie av ett buyout-bolags styrning av tre portföljbolag

By identifying effects that a buyout-firm has on management control systems in its portfolio companies, the aim of this thesis is to explain how such effects differs between the companies and finally to explain why the effects differs even though the companies are owned by the same buyout-firm. The study is conducted as a qualitative case study based on interviews with representatives from the studied buyout-firm and three of its portfolio companies.By analyzing the empirical findings with frameworks and theories within management control systems and value creation, we cannot only identify effects that are common for all portfolio companies but we can also observe differences between the portfolio companies.The identified effects that are common for all portfolio companies are: increased internal reporting burden, increased perceived risk of getting laid off among managers and co-workers and replacement of the board immediately after acquisition.The effects that are observed only for two portfolio companies are: increased focus on short-term planning, higher financial targets, replacement of company management upon acquisition and moving of decision authorities to higher organizational levels. Differences are observed although the portfolio companies are owned by the same buyout-firm due to: differences in management and co-workers equity stake in the portfolio companies, differences in business complexity and differences in planned exit-horizon..

Omstruktureringar vid VD-byte

Objective: The aim of this paper is to see if there are higher restructuring expenses under the item provision for the first year when a new president takes office.Method: The study was done by a quantitative study. Financial statements have been examined for companies listed on the OMX Stockholm Stock Exchange, Large Cap. We have examined all the companies? annual reports between the years 2002-2008. We have looked at the experience of restructuring and other expenses that occur in the context of CEO change.

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