

22 Uppsatser om Please-insert - Sida 2 av 2

Två sidor av samma mynt : att marknadsföra översatt litteratur

Denna studie har syftat till att underso?ka hur ett antal grafiska formgivare upplever pitchenur ett yrkesrollsperspektiv; na?got som inom forskningen a?r ett relativt a?sidosatt omra?de.Studien baseras pa? tio respondentintervjuer samt en informantintervju. Samtligarespondenter arbetar pa? byra?er med en tydlig inriktning pa? grafisk form i Stockholm.Ansatsen i studien a?r kvalitativ med fallstudiekarakta?r och datainsamling och analys skeddemed inspiration fra?n Grounded Theory och abduktion. Efter empirisk insamling togstudien avstamp i tre teoretiska utga?ngspunkter; yrkesrollen, designprocessen ochkundrelationen.Underso?kningen visar att pitchen a?r ett komplext och sva?rdefinieratfenomen som framkallar ma?nga a?sikter bland de grafiska formgivarna.en o?vergripande kartla?ggning av fenomenet bland annat pa? en komplex process ?Studien visar efterpitchprocessen ? som delas upp i fyra steg: briefen, problemformulering, ide?- ochkonceptutveckling samt presentation.

Generalklausulens fjärde punkt i Lag (1995:575) mot skatteflykt : I ljuset av Peru-upplägget

The taxation of various kinds of income which Sweden requires taxpayers to pay results in people undertaking sophisticated tax schemes to avoid paying tax . As a result of this Sweden had to develop its tax laws and insert a general clause in the legislation because the legislator wanted a more preventive effect. This preventive effect results in that the clause is applicable to more various types of tax situations. The clause, found in § 2 law (1995:575) against tax treaty override, states four requisites that must be met for a procedure to be considered tax treaty override. The relevant point for this paper is the fourth item which created interpretation problems among courts.

Att se världen i svart och vitt : En kritisk granskning av SOS Barnbyars reklamkampanjer

The purpose of this thesis is to do a critical review of the aid organization SOS Children?s Villages text- and video campaigns, from a postcolonial perspective. Our purpose is divided into two questions: Are there colonial values in the advertising campaigns? Which language- and image strategies are used by SOS Children?s Villages to put across their messages? Our material consists of 10 selected video clips, and four printed ads that are made up of an image and a short text, which are part of a campaign named: Inte ett enda barn ska behöva vara ensamt (translation: Not a single child should have to be alone). We have chosen to use text- and image analysis as a method in our review of the material.

Digital ljudkvalitetsoptimering för hörlurar.

Detta examensarbete har utförts hos Dirac Research AB i Uppsala. Dirac Research är en världsledande programvaruspecialist inom ljudoptimering, rumskorrigering och ljudfältssyntes.Dirac har nu velat utreda hur man på bästa sätt kan använda deras programvara Dirac Live för att förbättra ljudet hos hörlurar. I examensarbetet ingick en teoretisk del om örat, hörlurar, mätmetoder och hur en frekvenskurva bör se ut. Det ingick också att mäta impulssvaret för några olika hörlurar. Impulssvaret användes sedan till att förbättra ljudet hos hörlurarna genom att designa digitala filter som användes genom programvaran Dirac Live.

Vertikal förtätning : En del av ett hållbart stadsbyggande?

This is an essay concerning the density of the city. An increasing amount of today?s cities have a shortage of space available for the erection of new buildings and settlements, especially in areas close to the city-centre. New buildings and settlements are therefore often found in the outskirts of the city, resulting in long distances between work and living for many people. These long distances are a waste of limited resources and are inconsistent with the vision of the sustainable city.The challenge for the future is to insert new buildings and settlements in the existing city-structure and in this way reduce the distances between different city-functions.The density of the city can be increased in two different ways; by inserting new buildings between existing ones or by extension existing buildings, for example by an additional floor.

Informationsanpassning på kapitalmarknaden : En studie inom Investor Relations

Investor Relations is a function used by companies to compete for capital by creating relations with investors. It is a young function, earlier practiced by the same people who had responsible for exercising the Public Relations.Investor Relations has evolved a great deal lately but there are still no concrete theories behind the function. The aim though is clear and there are literature explaining how to practice the different parts. The most research within Investor Relations uses the theory of Relationship Marketing. Lately the two authors Hägg and Preiholt have started to examine what they call Financial Marketing since Investor Relations is about relations between actors on financial markets primarily.In this paper, we examine the aspect of information in Investor Relations.

Om att skapa en databas över Enaforsholms fjällträdgårds 60-åriga växtförsök

Enaforsholms mountain garden is situated in the western parts of the Swedish province Jämtland. This means a maritime climate. After a donation made by wholesaler A. W. Bergsten the country estate became KSLA property in 1937.

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