

2360 Uppsatser om Planning lessons - Sida 48 av 158

På vandring mot handling : Utbyte av perspektiv i landskapet

Sustainable Development is often described as a balance between ecological, economical and social aspects. Between these exists a complicated interaction that creates conflicts in the planning of the landscape. We see a growing need for a functional interaction between values and interest and an understanding for different perspectives. Cooperation and dialogue are key ideas with the focus on cooperation rather than the goal. There is a lack of forum for dialogue and cooperation within municipalities where a great knowledge and competence are gathered.

Digitala verktyg - Hjälp eller stjälp: Fyra lärares tankar om digitala verktyg i musikundervisningen i åk 6-9

This study shows the thoughts, hopes and wishes of two male and two female music teachers, in grades 6 ? 9 from four different cities of Sweden. The emphasis lays on usage of digital tools. As the schools now stand before lots of changes in its curriculums; the use of digital tools was the main thing that caught my interest. How has the schools interpreted what this means? What does this mean in terms of purchases for the schools? We already know that many schools are lacking proper facilities to conduct music lessons so this ads on even larger needs.

Observationer av PPU i praktiken och teorin: Konsten att inte planera med luft

The construction industry is often criticized to be an industry of narrowness and slow of change. The traditional construction process is considered to create gasps of inferior quality, delays and increase of disputes. Meanwhile, productivity is lower compared to other industries and the prices are increasing. In this debate, it has been assumed that the reported figures are monitoring a reflection of reality, but there might be an error in the statistics which suggests that the focus is at the wrong place. A study of the monitoring and the measurements of the results are to consider, instead of spending time and resources on issues and actions The Last Planner System is an executive planning tool which creates a predictable workflow and creating value throughout all the different stages.

Fysisk planering vid Östra sjukhuset

I takt med att besökare och patienter ökar måste kontinuerligt Östra sjukhuset verksamhet utvecklas. Detta medför omläggningar i trafiken och förflyttningar av verksamheter. Idag finns flertalet brister kring Östra sjukhusets fysiska planering som behöver ses över, dessa är bland annat trafikflöden, säkerhetsaspekter och parkeringsmöjligheter.Rapporten redogör för förändringar i den fysiska planeringen som förbättrar dess utformning. Genom studier av relevant litteratur och diskussioner med expertis har förslag av problemområden tagits fram. Dessa har sedan bedömts efter listor av deras respektive för- och nackdelar som kunnat urskiljas.Arbetet visar framtagandet av ett väl fungerande förslag som kan verka som en bas för idéer till nutida och framtida förändringar kring den fysiska planeringen.

Det är dit man går om man ska söka information. Skolbibliotekets roll i gymnasieelevers informationssökning

The aim of this thesis is to examine how high school students use their school library for their information-seeking. The theoretical framework is based on Louise Limbergs three categories of students views on information-seeking and Andrew Large and Jamshid Beheshtis three categories of students choice of information systems. Qualitative interviews were used and seven high school students were interviewed. The empirical material was compared and divided into 9 categories. The results show that the students see the school library as a place where they can search for information, but its also considered to be a good place to hang out between lessons to study or to meet friends.

A Green Belt of synergies : a study on the implementation of a contemporary Green Belt

The prevailing urban migration is a worldwide process. This results in growing cities and a diminishing proportion of people living in the countryside. As the urbanization continues a large amount of the world?s population is expected to live in urban settlements of informal character by 2050. Green Belt has for many years been used to control urban growth and to secure the sustention of larger green areas around towns and cities.

Det ideala läromedlet i musik - digitalt? : En studie om läromedel i musik för högstadiet

Studiens syfte är att studera musiklärares syn på högstadiets läromedel i musikämnet; läromedlens fördelar och nackdelar samt vad som anses vara ett ?idealt? läromedel. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter utgörs av ett didaktiskt perspektiv. Resultatet baseras på en enkätundersökning av 27 musiklärare från hela landet med olika bakgrunder och yrkeserfarenheter. Studiens resultat visar att de tillfrågade musiklärarna anser att de färdiga eller tryckta läromedel de känner till är otillräckliga och blir snabbt föråldrade.

Kommunikation och samarbete. En studie av bibliotekariers och lärares förhållningssätt gentemot varandra gällande samarbete

The purpose of this paper has been to study the relationships and attitudes of a few teachers and librarians as to their co-operation in a combined public and upper secondary school library and to find out what circumstances there may be to exert an influence on their work. The paper has been based upon qualitative interviews with upper secondary school teachers and librarians as well as on studies of literature relating to our issue. We believe there may be different approaches to the learning process, as these are the relations and attitudes of two professions from different trades. That is why our point of departure has been Roger Säljö's theory about learning and, in our analysis, a few of Jean Donham van Deusen's ideas of joint planning and flexible timetabling. All respondents agreed that co-operation could be better, but the teachers were of the opinion that it must not interfere with their time.

AB Bofors betydelse för skolväsendet i Karlskoga

The aim with this study is to explore if and how linguistic learning takes places when four pairs ofstudents in grade one writes on the computer. Observations of eight students took place duringtwelve lessons to investigate what happened during their writing processes. This study isimportant because students? computer writing is a relatively new phenomenon in the Swedishprimary school.It is clear that the peer collaboration creates a complex interaction that becomes the platform, andalso the prerequisite, for successful language training. The method can clearly give students profitsin their linguistic development.

Sortimentsinriktad avverkning

Forest enterprises have always searched for ways to improve efficiency. For the past few years there has been an emphasis on stock-keeping levels. Increased demand for fresh round timber and the need to decrease the amount of tied-up capital has made the forest industry reduce its inventory levels. This has brought on a higher demand on the timber supply from the forest management districts concerning both delivery in time and assortment output. As a result, the flow of timber has fluctuated a lot with serious consequence for the timber supply during 1994.

Lärares initiativ till kommunikation med elever i klassrummet- Genusperspektiv på gymnasiet- Vem frågar vem?

This report presents the initaitvies made by teachers in form of questions during four lessons in a highschool class. A class in senior highschool was filmed during six hours with four different teachers. The number of questions and other initiatives were counted. The dialogue was transcribed with CA regarding examples from questioning and dialogue. The study examined how many closed(open and rhetorical questions the teacher initiate.

A Capital Idea - Developing an IC-based model for Market value plans

We waned to present a possible solution or new template for business plan called Market value plan..

Att låta medborgaren komma in : en diskussion om medborgarinflytande i planeringsprocessen

Urban planning in Sweden has played an important role for the welfare state we have created. It has served as a way to achieve improvements. But too often decisions, about the changes, were made by those who were not directly affected by them. Democratically speaking, it is important that the group most affected by a decision also comes to make the decision. This thesis examines the motives for working with citizen participation and user participation in planning contexts.

Krigsspel i beslutsprocessen

I den svenska försvarsmakten har på senare år, bland annat i samband med attSverige börjat nyttja NATO:s ?Guidelines for Operational Planning?, intresset för spel ökat bådepå Försvarshögskolan och inom Försvarsmakten. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka hurkrigsspel kan bedrivas för att stödja framtagandet av en stridsplan samt sedan att pröva planeninnan den sätts i verket. Uppsatsen har också som målsättning att ta fram några grundläggandeprinciper för krigsspelens genomförande.Inledningsvis genomfördes övergripande litteraturstudie som ledde fram till tre hypoteser. Dessaprövades sedan mot två olika fallstudier.De sammanfattande slutsatserna är att två olika typer av spel behövs, en kreativ modell somhjälper till i själva planeringsprocessen och ett prövande modell som hjälper till med beslutsstödetinför verkställandet av planen.

Religion i historieböckerna, utmaningar och möjligheter : En didaktisk analys av läromedel i historia

Swedish students in the upper secondary school will recieve informaition regarding religion from multiple sources. If we look past the students surroundings like the family, friends or multimedia school is still the primary arena for religous education. Discussions about religion will take place in other lessons than just the subject religion. History is in my opinion the subject closest related to religion and the two makes up for a lot of the values work in swedish schools. Textbooks is still one of the most important tools for education and that makes them important as objects to study.

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