

1584 Uppsatser om Planned behavior - Sida 4 av 106

Vad påverkar föräldrars sätt att tillgodose barns behov av regelbundet umgänge? : En applikation på Theory of Planned Behaviour

Föreliggande undersökning var en attitydundersökning baserad på Theory of Planned Behaviour där attityd, subjektiv norm, upplevd kontroll samt intention anses kunna predicera beteende. Syftet med undersökningen är försöka ta reda på vilka faktorer som påverkar hur mycket tid man som förälder umgås med sina barn efter en separation eller skilsmässa eftersom många barn i den situationen förlorar kontakten med den ena föräldern. 36 försöksdeltagare besvarade ett frågeformulär bestående av 31 frågor och påståenden gällande umgänge. Resultaten visar att tiden man som förälder umgås med sina barn efter en skilsmässa beror på intention och upplevd kontroll. Intentionen förklaras av upplevd kontroll och dom förväntningar man upplever från omgivningen.

Vägen till icke kriminell.? En livsstilsförändring.

What is it that drives a person with criminal behavior to change their lifestyle? What are the obstacles to a lifestyle change? These issues have been guiding us during this study. In the introduction, we describe the previous research that has been done among crime in men. The themes that will follow us through the course of the study are as follows; cause of crime, Self-efficacy, social network and lifestyle change. The aim of the study was to investigate the factors that a former prison convicted individual believes has been significant, as they break their criminal behavior associated with a lifestyle change.

Sound Fence

To fence in pastures for sheep today is a major cost, especially because of the time required when using current methods. What takes most time is starting to fence off a new area, but to maintain a fence is also a continuous effort. The main function is to keep the sheep at the field.! !By interviewing and observing sheep farmers on how they work with fence today and what their problems was, I got a better understanding of the problem. Also looking at a number of other things like the context, statistics on sheep farming, laws and competition mapping gave a wider image. But the most important part in my research occurred when I talked to experts about sheep behavior.

"Vill du röra på dig får du gå ut" : En studie om pedagogers syn på barns stillasittande i skolans tidigare år

This study aims to discover pedagogues perceptions of children?s sedentary behavior linked to the school and its activities. Questions that the study sought to answer was: What do pedagogues think of when they hear ?sedentary children?. How do the pedagogues look at their own and the schools responsibility? Advantages and disadvantages with sedentary behavior? Relationship between physical activity and sedentary behavior and the impact of environment connected to sedentary behavior? The study is qualitative and implemented through seven interviews with pedagogues in the schools earlier years.

Uppföljning av planerat skotningsavstånd med hjälp av geografisk informationsteknologi (GIT)

The cost of forwarding corresponds to about one tenth of the forestry industries raw material cost. This gives a motive to do good follow-ups to get a good overview of the forwarding distance and, thus, enable improvements. Follow-ups are also justified by the possibility to make more accurate calculations of the harvesting costs, if better estimations of forwarding distance are achieved. Today (2009) Stora Enso has GPS and vehicle-computers in most of their forwarders. These are used mainly for the forwarder to follow the tracks of the harvester and for the planning leader to see how the forwarder has been driving within the stand.

Generell arbetsrelaterad identitet: En orsak till det frivilliga arbetsrelaterade beteendet?

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om hög respektive låg Generell Arbetsrelaterad Identitet (AI) hade effekter på Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). Totalt 147 personer inom offentlig sektor, fördelade över två organisationer, deltog i en enkätundersökning om identitet och frivilligt organisationsbeteende.Resultatet visade på signifikanta effekter för hög och låg AI på OCB, associerat med fyra av de fem deldimensionerna av OCB (altruism, samvetsgrannhet, hövlighet, och delaktighet). Försöksdeltagare med hög jämfört med låg AI skattade OCB högre (p < .01, ?2= .16). Generellt indikerar resultatet att organisationer potentiellt kan öka anställdas OCB genom att främja AI. .

Individens upplevelse av att leva med självskadande beteende : En retrospektiv litteraturstudie

Self-harm is common among young people in Sweden. Therefore people who work with these young people need to have knowledge about self-harm to be able to provide the right help. The aim of this study was to investigate how the individual experience self-harm, and how this could be understood. The empirical material has been based on consisted of 28 life stories. 24 of them were written by women and 4 by men.

En pilotstudie av hästens beteende vid olika boxgrannar och boxdesign

SUMMARYThe Swedish laws of animal welfare emphasize the social needs of the horse but nothing is said about how to fulfill this. Though there are few studies done in this subject it can be difficult to understand if the needs are fulfilled. The purpose of this study was to learn more about the horse?s social needs in box stable and to increase other people?s knowledge and understanding of the horse behavior to increase the welfare of the stabled horse. The questions where: How does the horse choose to place itself depending on what horse is next to it? How many attempts does the horse do to take contact and nose contact with the horse next to it? How does the box design affect the horse behavior?22Eight horses were videotaped during 24 nights.

Upplevda oönskade beteenden hos katt : förekomst och orsaker till dessa

The objective was to examine the frequency of unwanted behaviors in the Swedish feline population and what factors in the environment, inheritance and past life that have an influence on the frequency. SLU?s web poll generator was used to create a web poll which insinuated that it was a poll with objective to make an inventory of the Swedish feline population. I wanted to avoid that only owners to cats with unwanted behaviors answered the poll. The web link to the poll was sent to SLUs students and posted on Internet forums for people interested in cats.

Effect of low light intensities on dairy cows? behavior

The animal welfare act in Sweden states that dairy cows need to have at least a dim light present at night, but there are no recommendations for what intensity the light should have. It is unknown how cows perceive and react to low light intensities and earlier studies on this topic are limited. Red light as night light has also been suggested, based on the cows? inability to perceive red light. This have however been questioned. The aim with this study was to investigate how four different light intensities affect dairy cows behavior.

Att färdas i symbios : ett gång -och cykelstråk anpassat efter trafikanternas rörelsemönster och behov

The aim of this paper is to examine the layout of public spaces and its effect on human behavior with focus on the relation between pedestrians and cyclists movement patterns in a specific path. The study emanates from the security aspect of pedestrians and cyclists, and builds upon previous theories and empirical studies about perception, security, information design, environmental psychology and behavior. The result shows that individual behavior and movement pattern differs with age, purpose, physical- and other conditions, and layout of the surroundings. A design proposal for improved layout of a path and a node between different oncoming paths has been developed to aid the users? needs, where a separation of walkways and bike lanes forms zones of security for the purpose of better orientation and a better flow between the users..

Alla ser såren, men det är inte där det gör ont: en studie om varför flickor skär sig och adekvat behandling

The aim with this study was to examine professional peoples' view on the reason why females, under the age of 18 years old, self-harm and the professionals view on their treatment. The study is qualitative and based on eight interviews with professional personnel who work with young females with self-harm behavior in the region of Skåne. To be able to analyze our qualitative interviews we used two theories; the attachment theory and trauma theory. The results of this study show that there are many different functions with the self-harm behavior and that the cause of the behavior can be different among the females. Most of the young females seem to self-harm to reduce anxiety but some also do it to punish themselves, to feel alive or to belong to a group of friends.

Vägen till icke kriminell.? En livsstilsförändring.

What is it that drives a person with criminal behavior to change their lifestyle? What are the obstacles to a lifestyle change? These issues have been guiding us during this study. In the introduction, we describe the previous research that has been done among crime in men. The themes that will follow us through the course of the study are as follows; cause of crime, Self-efficacy, social network and lifestyle change. The aim of the study was to investigate the factors that a former prison convicted individual believes has been significant, as they break their criminal behavior associated with a lifestyle change.

Säkerhetsansvarigas syn på supportrars beteende och dess inverkan på ishockeyevenemang : En kvalitativ studie om hur säkerhetsansvariga ser på supportrars beteende och dess inverkan på ishockeyevenemang

Are icehockey supporters a big problem in todays society? Is security required during icehockey events, and how is it implemented? This study was aimed to investigate the people at security positions and their view on fan behavior and it?s impact on icehockey events. It was a qualitative study were six interviews were made with people in charge of the security at different hockey clubs. The results showed that security managers overall saw a good fan culture, and that it created a wonderful atmosphere. Security managers worked a lot with dialogue with the supporters and they thought it had a good effect.

Ungdomar och Riskbeteende - Youth and hazardous behavior

The purpose of our essay is to investigate the social services work for youth with hazardous behavior. To aquire relevant information we decided to us the qualitative method. We made five interviews with social workers from different sections to get a full view of the situation. The main conclutions we came up with is the importance of the family structure, and a safe home environment with good values. Another important part is a daily meaningful occupation, for the main part in this age it is school attendance.

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